
Transmigrating to Showbiz System

DING! [Showbiz system activated] [You are no longer Gian Everest. You are now Lux Osiris. Go through the missions of the system, and you will get a reward to help your family's economy. Are you willing?] Gian is given a difficult decision when he believes he is dead, but comes back to life in another man's body. Gian's life is filled with deceit, making him want to change his fate with his talent. However, his talent is only used by those who seek profit without thinking about his fate. Until a system emerges after he transmigrates into the body of a handsome purple-haired man from the nobility. Does Gian accept his new life by living the Showbiz system for the sake of his family's welfare? What was the grudge that made Lux Osiris commit suicide and made Gian replace his life?

lelevil_lelesan · Thành thị
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47 Chs

Showbiz 19-An Unexpected Surprise

Gian memorized the names of the senior guests who sat with their backs to him as they were in the front row near the stage. In the middle to back rows, filled by people who are more or less the same age as him. Until Gian's eyes were locked on the figure of an old man who seemed to have great influence when standing on the stage. Gian's brow furrowed when he read the old man's last name.

'Oh, don't be that old man....'

"It's been a long time since I heard a speech from King Maximilian Osiris. You must be proud to have a grandfather who is the number one man in the country," Apollo whispered, but that only made Gian freeze.

'No wonder, his face is almost similar to Maximo Osiris. However, if I recall, Lux's face is not like his grandfather or father. Who does he look like?' Gian's mind was confused.

"Good evening everyone. Peace and may the glory always be with us," said Osiris with authority even though there was no smile on his face.

"May the glory be always with us," said everyone except Gian because he didn't know that.

"Why are you silent?" asked Thalia looking at Lux in astonishment.

"I was... mesmerized to the point of speechlessness," Lux replied with a quibble. Thalia and Senia smiled seeing the blue-eyed man's innocent face.

'I'm really like a caveman. Why doesn't Lux's memory show anything about royal things like this? I don't live in England or a country with a royal background. May luck always be on my side,' thought Gian who couldn't hide his panic if he was suspected of disrespecting the King.

"I thank all the guests, especially the young generation of this country. This event, which is held once a year, is the most anticipated event because we will all know how the business, economy, politics, and industry of the younger generation are developing."

Gian's eyes bulged. He really had no idea that there would be this kind of state report presentation.

'It's bad! It's terrible!' he shouted as he looked at the young guests, some of whom were pulling out papers like the contents of a presentation. 'I'm dead.'

[You are already dead, Gian Everest.]

"Shut up!"

"Pardon me?" asked Enzo and the people sitting at the table with Lux. They stared at the purple-haired man intently.

"Mm, sorry. I'm just nervous," Lux replied with a stiff smile. 'I really look like an idiot. How is this?' he asked while thinking hard.

The king's speech really made Gian pale. It was more than an audition or an impromptu test at school. He, who had not yet mastered the conditions of planet Luna with all its diversity, felt like a lost man.

'Z?' Gian called out nervously to himself.

[Sorry, I can't help you. You are still using the Identification Buff with 2 hours left. Using Buffs at the same time can cause physical or mental risks]

Gian closed his eyes because his head suddenly felt heavy. His palms were sweating, as he tried to organize the speech as fast as he could in his head. He then remembered that he had his mobile phone with him and tried to find out anything about the Luna World.

"Hey, don't play with your mobile phone. You'll get reprimanded by the officer," Apollo whispered, but Lux paid no heed.

Sure enough, just as Apollo closed his mouth, an officer who was maintaining order in the hall came up to Lux. Suddenly, all the eyes of the guests sitting in the back row, immediately focused on him.

"Lux, Lux!" called Senia squealing with a tense face as Lux lowered his face.

When Lux raised his gaze, he was surprised to find a fierce-looking man standing beside him. He reached out his hand asking for his mobile phone. Lux gulped and felt embarrassed for being stared at by so many people.

"Don't lose it, okay," pleaded Lux which made the big man frown as he received his mobile phone.

As Lux returned to mingling, even though he was shy, his name was suddenly called out. Like being hit by a wave, all eyes were on him. This time, Gian couldn't avoid the deathly gaze of Lux's grandfather on the stage.

"Lux Osiris. It seems that this boy did not respect my speech. Perhaps he already feels that he is the greatest among us. If so, let us hear his explanation," the King said, causing Lux's table mates to tense up.

Gian could see the faces of the people who were looking at him as if they were blaming him for his actions. Apollo looked at him with pity, as if he was going to be an appetizer for the seniors who were ready to blaspheme him if they found any loopholes in his presentation. Capitalizing on recklessness and Buff, Gian stood up even though his legs felt reluctant to move.

"Good luck," Rocco said even though his face looked sad.

Gian could only smile behind Lux Osiris' handsome face. He closed his eyes for a moment. Both of his hands were clenched, trying to strengthen his heart and mentality because what he did this time was spontaneous. The series of words and sentences that he had composed seemed to vanish into thin air because of the panic attack.

"Okay, I'm ready!" he said firmly as he opened his eyes and let out a long breath.

Lux walked gallantly towards the stage. The eyes of all the guests were fixed on him. Occasionally, Lux turned his head towards the senior guests and smiled. Unfortunately, that charming smile was not reciprocated. That made Gian even more nervous because he thought that the seniors hated him even more.

"Please, Mr. Lux Osiris," said the King as he shifted his steps.

Lux looked closely at the grandfather's face, where it was the first time for Gian to meet the King of that country.

"Nice to meet you, Grandpa. May health and long life always be with you," said Lux as Osiris turned his body around.

The old man was taken aback, turned his head briefly and left the stage with the help of his two bodyguards. Gian could see Heidi smiling sardonically, as if pleased to be in the spotlight, in a bad way. Maximo Osiris kept a straight face, but Gian could tell that the Mayor was furious with him for his behavior, which seemed to have disgraced the family name.

"Good evening, everyone. May happiness be with us all," Lux said, causing the guests to frown.

"Happiness? Is he rambling? Shouldn't it be glory?" a woman sitting on the senior bench asked.

"It seems that Lux's brain is in trouble, considering that he is in a state of urgency," said an old man wearing glasses which made the woman smile wryly.

Gian could hear that because the seats of those two people were right in front of the stage. Lux exhaled slowly.

"I am Lux Osiris. I am here at the request of King Maximilian Osiris. However, I would like to confirm something about the reason I must speak on this stage in front of the guests," Lux said, causing the people to laugh at him.

"Your hearing seems to be a problem, Lux. You have to present the results of your performance this year to all of us!" Heidi shouted in the distance, drawing laughter from the audience.

"Thank you for reminding me, Sister. You are indeed a good woman. Hopefully, you will always be beautiful and healthy," Lux said which made Heidi's laughter disappear instantly.

"He is praying for you, Heidi. Lux is really nice," said Heidi's blonde friend named Nusa.

"Shut up!" she scolded with a restrained voice.

Nusa squinted and looked back at Lux's handsome face which to her was very charming.

"Alright. Honestly, I haven't done much in the past year," Gian replied, making Maximo's eyes widen.

Gian who had only been in Lux's body for a few days, had no idea what the purple-haired man had been doing for the past year. Who would have thought that he would suddenly be invited to come to a banquet event which was more like a work report. However, his words just now gave him an idea to do a real presentation.