
Transmigrating to Showbiz System

DING! [Showbiz system activated] [You are no longer Gian Everest. You are now Lux Osiris. Go through the missions of the system, and you will get a reward to help your family's economy. Are you willing?] Gian is given a difficult decision when he believes he is dead, but comes back to life in another man's body. Gian's life is filled with deceit, making him want to change his fate with his talent. However, his talent is only used by those who seek profit without thinking about his fate. Until a system emerges after he transmigrates into the body of a handsome purple-haired man from the nobility. Does Gian accept his new life by living the Showbiz system for the sake of his family's welfare? What was the grudge that made Lux Osiris commit suicide and made Gian replace his life?

lelevil_lelesan · Thành thị
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47 Chs

Showbiz 17-The Grand Banquet

Tedo and Jon were panicked when their young master threatened to commit arson, and now it was added with expulsion. Gian showed his seriousness with Lux's face which turned out to be able to frighten those two people. When Tedo was about to speak, suddenly someone entered the library. The large room was quiet, making the person's footsteps heard quite clearly.

"Mr. Maximo!" exclaimed Jon immediately bowed respectfully, followed by Tedo.

However, Gian who was still annoyed that the people around Lux kept many secrets, stood tall with a magazine roll in hand.

"I heard from Marbella. She said, you want Tedo to be your personal assistant, is that right?" asked Maximo suddenly who stood proudly in front of the library door.

"I'm undecided. I prefer to work alone. It's enough for Marbella to be my manager," Lux replied rudely who then stepped past Tedo with a flat face. Lux walked up to the mayor and stood next to him. "Did you come just to say that, or was there something else, Father?" asked Lux looking at Maximo closely.

"I know you've already eaten. However, I would like to invite you to the banquet. Change your clothes and meet me in the lobby. In 20 minutes we will leave," Maximo replied which made Gian surprised.

'Banquet? Is it... some kind of grand event for popular people? Or... perhaps, I'm going to be matched with a noble beauty like in the comics? Crazy! I'm not ready to get married!' squealed Gian frantically, but enthusiastically.

Gian excused himself to prepare himself, while Maximo was still in the room. Gian was sure, if Lux's father's arrival was not only inviting him to the banquet, but there was another purpose with Tedo and Jon. Gian who didn't want to be late, immediately hurried. The magazine roll that he thought would give him clues about Planet Luna, kept in a boot. Until he remembered the suit used by his father and Gian, planning to match it to make it look the same.

"Well, this is it! Hohoho, a royal prince-style outfit. It's not a costume, mate. It's real. Lux is really cool!" Gian exclaimed happily and rushed to change his pajamas.

Gian tried his best to make Lux look authoritative with the royal outfit. There was a sword sheathed on his left hip. A pair of gloves and knee-high boots. Lux looked so dashing with that costume.

"Z?" called Gian with his heart pounding.


"If I successfully complete the level 1 mission, will ... there be a next mission?" asked Gian curiously while choosing a watch to use.

[Yes. The reward given will adjust to the needs of your family]

Gian smiled, seemingly satisfied with Z's answer. "Then, about the Buff. Will I be able to get that bonus again? Honestly, it's very helpful even though the benefits are limited," Gian asked as he put on a watch made of gold. He was surprised when the bracelet snapped into place when he placed it on his wrist.

[Buffs will be awarded according to the conditions and needs of the Host. The system will evaluate and determine, what kind of missions the Host will perform to earn the Buff. For now, you don't need it. Without Buffs, the system judges that you can solve problems with your skills]

"You praise me? I'm flattered," Gian said with a smile as he smoothed his hair for the last time before leaving the room.

Gian strode steadily into the lobby. Apparently, Heidi also came to the banquet. He gave Lux's sister a sharp look as he descended the stairs.

"Remember. You two don't act up. Don't embarrass the Osiris family. Understood?" said Maximo when he saw Lux staring at his older sister with a flat face.

"If she doesn't start it, I'll be a good boy," Lux replied calmly, but made Heidi glare sharply.

"Sir, come," said Yoga who turned out to be their driver that night.

"Marbella isn't coming?" asked Lux as he saw that the manager hadn't changed her clothes.

"It will be very inconvenient if she still relies on that wheelchair," Maximo replied as he walked. Marbella lowered her face in silence.

"As mayor, your words are very sharp, Mr. Maximo. If other people heard it, they would think you were a heartless man," Lux said, leaving the servants, Marbella, Heidi, and Maximo himself stunned.

Lux did not seem to mind being in the spotlight. He walked confidently over to the limousine like car. Heidi took her father's arm and joined him in the car. There was nothing to talk about during the ride. Lux seemed lost in thought as he gazed at the nighttime beauty of the Imperium City. It still looked old-fashioned, but he liked it.

"Wow!" Gian was amazed when he saw a white building, supported by large pillars lined up at the front, welcoming guests who would enter the main door.

Like a dream come true, a red carpet was unfurled that would bring his special guests inside. Journalists were busy taking pictures along the left and right of the carpet.

"Heh, it seems like a waste that I dressed up super handsome and cool because my picture turned out to be a cartoon," Lux joked, shaking his head.

Maximo heard what his son said, but chose to remain silent. Maximo's two bodyguards, who were following in another car, opened the door for their mistress. Sure enough, the moment Lux stepped out, there was an immediate commotion.

"Young Master Lux! Young Master Lux!" the reporters shouted as the purple-haired man who had become a social media sensation appeared, smiling.

"Hello, how are you all? Wow, everyone is here," Lux greeted as he stepped onto the red carpet.

"The news is true! Lux is so friendly now! He's greeting the reporters!" shouted one of the reporters, causing all the cameras to immediately focus on him.

"He's stealing the attention of the press who should be focusing on me! How annoying!" grumbled Heidi.

Lux waved with a charming smile. In fact, he posed for the media crew to get a good picture of his performance tonight.

"Hahaha, okay that's enough. I'll see you again," Lux said while doing her signature "OK" style.

The reporters looked happy because Lux Osiris's arrival gave a different color to the important banquet that night at the palace.

But Lux's memory did not tell Gian who the guests were. Gian felt in trouble because he didn't know them.

'Z, can you do me a favor? Give me a Buff or something. This is terrible!' Gian shouted anxiously, though he continued to smile as he followed his father and Heidi.

[Buff Identification. Duration: 3 hours]

Z's voice made Gian focus instantly, despite having to slow his pace.

'I'm listening,' he thought to himself as he continued to smile at the people he passed.

[This buff will help you recognize people who catch your eye. The person's data will be clearly visible, and you will remember the person when talking to them. Activate it by winking to see the person's data]

'A very appropriate buff. What should I do?' asked Gian excitedly.

[You must help a guest who is in trouble. Introduce yourself and then ask his or her name to get a Buff. Duration of time to get a Buff: 30 minutes. Mission starts now]

Immediately, Gian's eyes scanned the area for targets. He saw that the number of invited guests was quite large, around 150 people. The hall he entered was quite spacious, with many tables and chairs neatly arranged. Gian saw that the chairs had names on them. A waiter was doing a sort of re-registration when Maximo arrived, handing out three gold-colored invitations. But Gian's focus was now on finding the target of the mission before he got into trouble.

"Oh!" he gasped, suddenly moving away from Maximo and Heidi.

"Welcome, Mr. Mayor. You are accompanied by Miss Heidi only? However, you have 3 invitations. This one invitation says Lux Osiris. Where is your son?" asked the officer which made Maximo immediately turn his head. He and Heidi were surprised because Lux was not behind them.

"Where is he? What a nuisance!" screeched Heidi annoyed because the event was about to start, and they would be late if they had to look for Lux.