
Transmigrating over ten thousand years late, I was forced to become a mighty presence

After transmigrating, Shen Yuan initially thought he would be able to join an immortal sect and live forever in luxury under the aid of the system. However, who could have predicted that the Falling Clouds Sect, mentioned in the novice guide mission, had been destroyed ten thousand years ago? He was late by a full ten thousand years! His path to immortality seemed to have lost all hope, but Shen Yuan has found a completely new approach to the system missions. If the Falling Clouds Sect had been destroyed for ten thousand years, no one should object if I claim myself the Sect Master, right? He wrote his name in the list of Sect Masters. Hidden achievement completed: Sect Master, rewarded with Earthly Destroyer Divine Power: Pot's Heaven. A Demon Path Giant from ten thousand years ago left a remnant soul, preparing to hide in a ring and act like a grandfather? He destroyed the ring in a backhand manner. Hidden achievement completed: Demon Path Nemesis, rewarded with Earthly Destroyer Divine Power: Gods Purging. An ancient forbidden land from ten thousand years ago, left with nothing but desolate hills and graves due to Spirit Energy depletion? He sent a construction team to remodel the scenic area and moved the graves one by one. Hidden achievement completed: Leveling the Ancient Wilderness, rewarded with the Heavenly General Divine Power: Seven Arrowhead. While Shen Yuan was busy collecting hidden achievements, rumors of a powerful return of the Falling Clouds Sect quietly spread throughout the whole Cultivation World.

Not falling fish · Huyền huyễn
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Chapter 85: Layout the World_1


Shen Yuan sat at the stone table, looking at the ancient book's page about the God-appointment Imperial Edict. He summoned the Gods Purging Divine Edict subconsciously, forming a massive 'Edict' character in the void.

All laws of the Incense Offering Divinity Path are inseparable from incense offering and edict. In many ancient classics concerning incense offering deities, Shen Yuan could intuit the true meaning of Gods Purging Divine Power by using the incense fire and the Divine Edict.

Gazing at the illusory golden character in the sky, Shen Yuan narrowed his eyes and said,

"It's risky to have the true meaning of the edict without incense faith. It can lead to great disaster if the foundation is unstable!"

With a sweep of his large sleeve, the massive golden character collapsed with a bang.

Shen Yuan didn't follow the Incense Fire Way, hence he didn't accumulate incense fire's power. This could be considered a minor flaw in the Gods Purging Divine Power.