
Transmigrating into Avatar

A story about an OP mc transmigrating into Avatar with a couple of wishes. This story has romance but noharem. Uploads are daily (This may stop soon due to exams coming up)

RevenantShade · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
3 Chs

Pre-cannon and start of Cannon

I woke up next to C.C, I opened up storage and found some basic supplies. Food, water and supplies like wood and bricks. Honestly, I didn't expect the supplies but I'm not complaining either. I shook C.C until her eyes opened. "Who... who are you?" questioned C.C. "I'm... Noru, Noru Matsutani. Who are you? Do you know how we got here?" I spoke.

"I am... I don't remember. I don't know how we got here either." C.C responded. After thinking for a moment, I said "Yuki, I'll call you Yuki."

Over the next six months, using the supplies we had we built a home for us to stay. I also grew closer to Yuki and honed my abilities. Outside the house I built a farm for food and used a stream for water. Having high amounts of strength and speed helped me build the farm and house a lot faster. The house had two stories, a living room, a restaurant, a bathroom, a bedroom and a dining room.

Time-Skip 3 months later.

I knocked on the door and said "Yuki, it's me Noru." I waited for a while, but no one opened the door "Yuki are you there? Yuki?" I asked in a concerned voice. When I received no response, I broke into the house and rushed to the living room. I found her surrounded by fire laying on the floor and quickly lifted her from the ground onto the sofa.

When Yuki woke up, she told to me she was a witch and summoned fire in her hand. She told me she was able to manipulate the elements around her via 'spirits'. Yuki felt very guilty for hiding this from me which made me feel guilty as I haven't told her about my powers either. After some deliberation, I decided to reveal my abilities to her as well.

Time-Skip 3 months later, start of canon.

Location: South Pole, Southern Water Tribe

Katara was upset with Sokka blaming her for getting him wet because of her water bending when he was trying to catch a fish.

"Dang it Katara, can't you use water magic on the other side!" he yelled.

"It's called 'waterbending' Sokka, you know that", Katara scolded her brother.

"Yeah, yeah whatever" he waved his hand.

Ever since their mother had passed away and their dad joined the war to stop the Fire Nation, Sokka was left in charge to protect the small village of the Southern Water Tribe and Katara was left to do all the work.

"If I had crazy powers, I would keep my 'weirdness' to myself", Sokka mumbled to himself.

Before Katara could ever retort, the water started to get riled making the canoe shaking. Sokka was in panicking mode, trying to keep it from crashing into any icebergs while Katara was giving directions.

"Turn to the left Sokka! The LEFT!" Katara screamed at his brother.

"I'M TRYING!" he yelled back.

Unfortunately, the boat was crushed between two icebergs, making the Water Tribe kids fall onto the iceberg.

"Oh, great Katara, just great. Now how are we going to get back home?"

"Well, it's not my fault for steering the canoe into the iceberg".

They were silent for a few moments until Sokka broke the silence.

"Way to go, girls ruin everything Sokka", he murmured.

Katara's eye began to twitch when she heard him said that.

"You are the most sexist, immature... I just cannot even believe I'm related to you!?"

Her waterbending, caused by her anger, made a gigantic crack in the iceberg behind them (Sokka was the only one to see the massive crack in the iceberg).

"Ever since mom died, I do all the hard work in the village!" She kept yelling, not knowing the iceberg is falling apart.

"Um, Katara..."

"I even wash your dirty socks!? Do you even smell them", she ignored her older brother.

"Katara..." he said again, only with a more scared tone.

"No, I am tired of being blame by you all the time! From now on, you are now. On. Your. OWN!"

Her rage made the water cut the iceberg in half causing it to collapse on them.

"KATARA", Sokka finally yelled, pointing right behind her.

Katara finally turned around to see what Sokka was pointing at; the iceberg began to fall down towards them. The iceberg began to sink towards the bottom of the ocean, leaving the two kids shocked and scared.

"Congratulations Katara, you have gone from weird to freaky."

"Did I do that?" she asked.

"Yep, way to go", he said with a hint of sarcastically.

Before she can ever retort back, a glow started to emerge from the water and rise towards the surface. The two teens saw a giant sphere-like glacier rising from the ocean. Katara looked closely at the glacier, revealing a boy and a giant bison inside. Katara gasped in shock at what she has been seeing. Before long, the boy's eyes open making her gasp in shock.

"Sokka, he's alive! We have to help him out!" She spoke.

She grabbed Sokka's club to release whoever was inside.

"Katara wait! we don't know what's in there." He hollered at her sister, but she ignored him.

She begins pounding on the iceberg, trying to get the boy out of the iceberg. When she struck it the third time, the ice begins to crack, releasing a huge column of light straight towards the sky.

After Katara finally made a crack in the iceberg, a massive wind was release and blew both teens back a few feet away, just close enough towards the edge near the water. They finally got up and saw the boy getting up, showing no expressions. Sokka raised his spear pointing at the boy, fearing for the worst. The boy's eyes stopped glowing and fell towards them. Katara caught him, holding him like a baby. Sokka however, kept poking him with the blunt side of his spear. Katara got annoyed by that.

"Stop that!"

She pushed his spear away from the unconscious boy. He slowly opens his eyes looking at her.

"I have a question to ask you," he whispered quietly.

"Yes, what is it," she asked.

"Come closer..."

Katara moved closer to hear what he had to say, but what he said was kind of weird.

"Would you like to go penguin sledding with me?" he asked cheerfully.

"Uh, yeah," Katara said, unsure what just happened.

The boy moved away from the girl's grasp. Looking around his surroundings, wondering where he is.

"Um, where am I," he asked.

"You tell us, kid" Sokka demanded, "How come you were in that iceberg?"

"Um, I have no idea" the boy answered bluntly.

That's when they heard a low bellowing grow! coming from behind.


The boy climbs over the mounted snow and looked over to see a giant bison with an arrow just like the boy.

"Appa... are you, ok buddy," the boy asked worryingly.

Luckily, the bison woke up with a low roar.

"I missed you too pal," he said while laughing.

The two Water Tribe kids walked around to see what was going on. They were shocked to see the giant bison.

"What the heck is that that thing?" Sokka asked.

"This is Appa, my flying bison", the boy said.

"Right, and this is Katara, my flying sister", he said sarcastically.

The giant bison began to sneeze a giant snot ball towards Sokka, causing to panic when it hit him. Katara and the boy laughed at Sokka's screaming.

"Don't worry, it'll wash off", he said causing Sokka to frown.

Katara and Aang laughed out loudly until they saw a house in the mist behind the iceberg.

"Whoa, I didn't know anyone else lived in this region." said Katara.

"Katara, we should go back to the tribe. We already have one stranger with us, I think that's enough exploring for today" said Sokka.

"What if they have a shower, don't you want to get that snot off?" asked Katara.

"Fine, let's go." said Sokka.

"What about Appa?" asked Aang.

"Appa will be fine, if Appa could survive in ice so long, I'm sure he can handle the cold" Katara spoke.

Aang and Katara went towards the house until they arrived at the front door. Knock Knock "Hello, is anyone here?" asked Katara. Yuki opened the door and spoke "I didn't think anyone else lived here, come in." Katara, Aang and Sokka walked into the house, they were shocked to see very unique furniture. A coat rack with two coats an umbrella rack with two umbrellas. A warm fireplace next to four silky smooth large chairs. This was a house even the fire lord wouldn't be able to purchase.

"Well, are you going to come in or just stand there with your mouths open?" questioned Yuki in a smug confident way. Sokka, Avatar and Katara walked inside and went to sit down on the chairs. "Stop, you both can sit down as for you..." Yuki spoke pointing at Sokka who was still covered in mucus. "Go wash off in the shower." Yuki said while pointing to the bathroom.

"What's a shower?" asked Sokka. Yuki sighed and then spoke "Go inside, take your clothes off, turn the nob to the right. It would feel like it's raining inside." Sokka went inside to bathe before which Yuki spoke "Oh... yeah, one more thing. Take these clothes with you to change into, no one wants to see your birthdays suit." Embarrassed, Sokka went inside into the shower as Katara laughed at her brother finally getting some karma.

"So, who are you guys?" asked Yuki. "I'm Katara, this is Aang and the guy who just went to shower is Sokka, he's my brother." Katara spoke. "Who are you? and do you own this house?" asked Katara. "I am Yuki, this is mine and Noru's house." responded Yuki. "Who is Noru?" questioned Katara. "Noru is my..." Yuki said while showing some questionable hand signs with her hands.

Yuki new this was a little misleading but she and Noru were dating anyway, and she hadn't lied at all. Katara started blushing with steam coming off her face in contrast to Aang who was confused as he didn't understand what the symbols meant. As Katara began to recompose herself the door swinged open as a man with brown hair, a pair of glasses and a blade in his hands. The man was wearing a white and black robe, he spoke "Yuki, who are these people?"

Yuki, Aang and Katara filled him in on what had occurred so far. "Where do you live?" asked Noru. "We live in the water tribe, its south of this area." responded Katara. Aang however didn't say anything questioning whether he could truly say he was from the air nomads after abandoning his role as avatar.

"Take us there, life in the house is nice however I would like to travel around the world with Yuki." said Noru. "I'll come with you; I would like to travel around the world as well." said Yuki. "Ok, let's go home!" said Katara. "Just one question, who's the stranger in the shower?" asked Noru.


That's the end of chapter 1, 1875 words. Hope you enjoyed the chapter!