
Transmigrating into Attack on Titan

Attack on Titan fan dies and takes over Eren’s body after he eats his dad. (Manga Spoilers) Pairing - Eren with Mikasa and Annie WARNING!!!!: My grammar sucks but I’ll try my hardest. First novel so expect to read something atrocious hehe If the picture for the story is yours, let me know because I just found it online

Charmings1 · Tranh châm biếm
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30 Chs

Chapter 22

Before Eren took off to the forest, he actually went and found a good knife to work with. He may or may not have stole it from an instructor, but that doesn't matter.

When he arrived in the forest where nobody would disturb him, he sat down on the grass cross legged and began to meditate. He wanted to try and bring his energy outside his body to see what happens. Maybe he could develop abilities of his own?

So Eren sat there for a full 30 minutes without having any success, until he felt some type of pull. While meditating, it was like he was seeing his own energy flowing inside his body. Seeing the golden yellow sparks mixed in with his energy made him wonder if he could ever produce lightning himself, but he erased that thought and left it for later. Realizing the feeling of that pull was actually his energy about to burst out, he started to focus hard.

While Eren had his eyes closed in deep concentration, he didn't notice the unusual phenomenon that was happening outside with wind blowing through the trees and small rocks floating off the ground. As the wind grew harsher and the sound of leaves rustling became louder, you could see faint traces of golden yellow energy leaving Eren's body.

Seconds later, Eren's eyes shot open as golden energy burst out of him, shooting out into the surrounding forest. Luckily Eren was in a secluded part, otherwise he would have been exposed and he definitely didn't need that sort of problem right now.

Breathing a little hard, Eren took sight of the surrounding area and noticed that there were some broken branches and leaves all over the place. Checking his body, he could see faint golden energy on his skin. The only difference he could make was that he felt even stronger than before.

Getting up, he rushed at a boulder with speed faster than he was used to, and punched it. The result was the boulder being smashed to pieces as well as his hand and legs being broken. Shocked at his strength, he could only think this was some kind of advancement with his energy and was ecstatic at the thought. His moment of happiness was short because he immediately fell to the ground feeling extremely exhausted, and grit his teeth in pain.

Eren was taking deep breaths. He realized that doing anything with his energy outside his body would drain his stamina at an incredible rate as well as easily injure him. He was healed seconds later though, but he was still tired.

'Maybe my body right now can't handle using this.' Eren thought to himself. But would it matter though? He could instantly regenerate, but he wasn't a masochist to do that.

Laying there on the grass to rest, he began to think about his energy some more. To be honest, he was getting tired of actually calling it just energy. He needed to think of a name, but didn't know exactly what.

[AN: Shout out to 'AverageWannaBe' for the name. It was also the most liked comment for when I asked for names for Eren's energy.]

Eren did not want to name it anything cringe like Primordial Chaos Energy, or Heavenly God's Spiritual Energy, so he had to think of something simple and unique.

It wasn't like anything in this world from what he knew from the story. His energy was very versatile, being able to use it as a weapon and heal others. It also gave him other abilities such as mind reading, enhanced strength and senses, and many more he was for sure he hasn't discovered yet. It was practically limitless. It was something only he had and something never seen before in this world.

'Original Essence?' He thought. It did sound pretty cool and it was also simple.

So Eren decided to lay there until it was break time for the cadets. He remembered earlier today that Annie wanted to train together with him today so he'd have to go find her later. He could only assume that she finished all the exercises very fast and effectively and worked hard during the training. That's what also let Eren and Mikasa to leave earlier and do what they wanted for the rest of the day. Of course, they used that time to train even more, which put them in a good light with the instructors.

The thought of being alone with her made him think about what Mikasa said that time. She said that she wouldn't mind sharing him with Annie. This also made him feel guilty about not telling her about what Annie actually was and what she did. He'd have to tell her soon and once he did, he could only hope it won't result in a fight.

Back to what Mikasa said, Eren began to think about it more. He by no means has those sort of feelings for Annie, but when someone puts the idea into your head, then you'd naturally start to think about it. It wasn't like he actually planned on having multiple women as lovers.

Fortunately he didn't have to worry about it because there was no way Annie would fall for him, or so he thought.

"What if she did?" Eren questioned to himself.

He himself thinks that Annie has no sort of feelings for him. She even said it herself, but he's watched a lot of romance anime's to know how much girls deny their feelings. Doesn't mean he actually thinks she likes him, but it could be a possibility.

Would he accept her if she ever did? Well of course not since he had Mikasa, but if that ever happened, couldn't he use thus to get her on his side?

No..... he didn't want to think of it like that. Playing with somebody's feelings like that was not something he liked, but no matter how much he disliked it, the idea still lingered in his mind.

So for the next hour and a half, Eren laid there thinking about anything really, until he heard the bell that announced the start of the cadets 30 minute break.

He went to go find Annie to train with him, but before that, he went to the infirmary to see his girlfriend Mikasa.

Still feeling sick.

When Eren released his energy, I imagined it as when Wanda destroyed the Mind Stone in infinity war.

Also thank you ‘AverageWannaBe’ for the name of his energy.

I’ve gotten another person that complained about spoilers.... Last person complained about the whole Armin eating Bert thing but this person argued about my synopsis about Eren eating his dad.

Like honestly I have the warning in the synopsis and the episode when Eren ate his dad has been out for 2 years.

Charmings1creators' thoughts