
The road to a new start 3

Urien sighed before a book materialized in his hand. "This shall serve as a good reading material. Not all things live equally, but some tend to live longer, or take on artificial means to endure the test of time."

The book was written in full English. Ellianor picked up the book and saw its title.

"A guide for how to spend time as a long-lived being - By Urizen." The book was surprisingly small and thin for what its contents were supposed to be.

"Is Urizen you?" Ellianor questioned, The book vanished into the storage of his own inventory. To Ellianor's surprise, Urien shook his head.

"Urizen was a good acquaintance of mine. He died a few centuries ago." Urien sighed. His face was full of fondness, and a mourning sorrow. Ellianor closed his mouth, his chest hurting all of a sudden.

They looked at the book's cover. One with a fondness for a lost friend, while the other sympathized with his pain and hurt.

'Will help me understand, huh?' Ellianor stared at the book, and then at Urien.

He was helpful, and apparently rescued him, and Kissenn.

"Why are you helping us? You don't sound like the guy on the radio." Ellianor was a little suspicious, even if he sympathized with Urien's pain, for someone to be so helpful and open.

For some reason, Urien's smile became even sadder, Kissenn stared at Ellianor with disapproval, not agreeing with how he approached the situation.

"That is because I was like you. Lost, in a place I don't understand. From my own Earth."

It shut Ellianor up. His gaze was heavy on the book. Now it made sense why that man was so helpful, and why… he felt so familiar. "Even if you lived for so long, you are still a human. Aren't you?"

Urien laughed, his lips turning into a thin smile.

"Always, my heart will always be that of a flawed man, no matter how long I live." Ellianor closed his eyes in silent acknowledgment.

It seemed that as long as someone held on to their heart, they would not lose their humanity, but for how long they have to linger on those feelings, the memories? "Doesn't it hurt? To cling for so long until… you get used to it?"

Until your heart steels and solidifies itself with time. "Yes. It hurt. Time passes the same, a second is a second, and a year is a year. It takes time, too much time, longer than you imagine, to adapt."

It must have been hellish to spend so much time that way. "So. How did we end up in, your space station?" Ellianor chose to change the subject, it was getting too heavy for his liking.

Urizen changed his posture, his face brightening, as the sadness was gone in a moment.

"Well, I rescued you after your rundown against Magnamonte. The big demon." Both Ellianor and Kissenn's eyes sparkled at the mention of the creature.

In an instant, she was on the sofa too, her red eyes open wide and full of rage, and spite at the creature that almost caused Ellianor's death. "The entire base was wrecked afterward, so I just bought both of you in our space station."

He smiled, but Ellianor felt a chill in his mind, crawling like a fungal parasite.

'Did he just… casually destroy a space station?' It was too much power, far more than the black-haired man thought was possible.

The universe was big. "You must be strong, then. Mister Urien, can you make us that strong too?" She asked. Urien laughed, and then he shook his head.

"Only if you finish the tea before it goes cold. You still hadn't touched it." Kissenn took the last cup of tea immediately and drank it in one shot before realizing it was already cold.

"Wait! It is already cold! That is not fair!" She screeched, but the blond merely mischievously laughed. 

"Your problem for taking all the cookies I have prepared for us three. Now. As I said before I got derailed." Kissenn stared at Urien with a disappointed face, but he gleefully ignored her.

"Your star is one of the rarest, if not the rarest, of all."

For a moment, the topic of stars was gone from their heads, but it was nailed down again by the blond's words. "I have never seen one like you, in all of my life. And I have met the spokesman of some of those Stars."

"Wait, Spokesman? I have heard it before." For some reason, Ellianor knew of that, he had heard the word uttered by the dark star, the eclipse.

Urien's shoulders tensed as his lips pursed, taken by surprise by the knowledge of the younger man. "That is not… an information readily available to most Earths. A Spokesman is the one that represents, and embodies a Star's principles and characteristics."

"The Eclipse is your star. A star that I have only seen in card readings and future predictions. Not even one person had it, no one walked its path." Golden eyes meet orange. Their gaze locked into each other.

"You may as well be the first to ever have an Eclipse, to have that star over your head. What it fully entails, I don't know, there are no registers for it." Ellianor picked another biscuit, as he too finished his cup of tea.

"So you are on your own, but we will try to help you as much as we can. If you feel like it, I can take you for a stroll around the base, and get you familiar with the station." Urien finished his tea, and the lap table vanished alongside the cups of tea.

The only thing left was the bowl of cookies that he left on his side. 'That Urien is a chill guy.'

Very nice too. Ellianor's happiness was short-lived as Kissenn ate all the cookies at record speed, smiling like a squirrel.

Ellianor frowned and got up.

"Alright, let's see the base, there is no reason not to." The black-haired man spoke with annoyance, as the blond smiled slightly.

"Welcome to the team, Ellianor."