
Ch.7: Fast Paced.

"Wow...so this dude likes legs as well. Bless up.."

He looked at a porn mag while sitting on the edge of his bed. 'But..why the hell do you only got one?! Even I could find about 3 of them in a day. Though, I'm desperate and horny almost 24/7, so of course I'd look harder. But, your 'rich' my guy! You can not be having one porn mag under this big ass bed..'

He got up and threw the book out his open window. 'And you like...skinny legs too?! Nah, I see why God chose you as my vessel. Imma make your life more interesting before I leave..'

I know right? Skinny thighs?! Might as well be stroking your dick off to her X-ray pictures..

'Okay... What now? I've experienced my joy in having things now. I've ate everything in the fridge, the toilet became my enemy, I've jerked off to the pictures of skeletons and I must say that its quite literally my worst fap. I even called your job and got you fired. I guess now..'

He got onto the floor, a grin showing on his face. 'Workout time!' He started off with push ups. He could do 50 in this body without rest while in his other body, he couldn't even do .01 percent of a pushup.

"Fuck, the floor is cOLd.."

He would touch the floor with his 3 leg, sending a tingle throughout his body. 'Damn. This is my daily life now, huh? Wake up, try to steal Sigils, workout, eat, and holy shit... I cannot organize anything to save my life. My head hurts now. I think imma pass out.'

He hit the floor and started drooling. His system reboot then started to kick in. Whenever he should wake up, you should see a big difference. He will be smarter, more handsomer, and even more reliable.


"Cinnamon toast crunch isn't even all that. Worst brand in my opinion."

As you can see, the mans is clearly delusional.

He was sitting on his couch while eating breakfast. 'Its 1 PM. I need to get my lazy ass up..' He groaned out and threw the bowl of cereal at the wall.

'Shit. Reflex..'

He got up while dusting the crumbs off his belly. He was the same guy from last night. He just had a deeper and more quieter voice. That was the only thing that changed about him actually. Well that and the fact that his 43rd president was shaved off.

'Took away my pride..now I'm as bald as a baby. Too bad I ain't not baby though in terms of meat size! Yeah... That's not something I should compare..'

He sniffed while shaking his head. When he did, he saw that his phone vibrated. 'Oh yeah, get this. His Twitter bruh... I've never seen so much lesbian porn in my life. Not like I could watch it anyways, but that's not the point. He follows 700 people, 683 of those being lesbian porn accounts. He follows accounts that were even made a second ago too. Like, how the fuck..'


'Also, his drip is trash. I swear I could find rags that look better than whatever he wears. His shoes game is terrible. His toothpaste is hot ass. His fucking comb is metallic! I never thought that I'd think such words. A metallic comb..? One mistake and your actually finished.'

'Oh, and I've seen your fucking search history too! 'Nugget takes BBC?!' NUGGET?!'

Nugget porn is porn where the female has no limbs. Just a head and torso. 'My dude...me and you both are L's, but I lowkey feel like your...entire life was worse than mine. Okay, that's a lie, but it's close! Very fucking close..'

He was now done with naming his flaws. 'I would mention your saved files on your computer, but I'm afraid that I'll end up in jail for it. Like come on,... l_li takes BBC..?'

"What the fuck? An event?"

He checked his phone and saw that an event was happening for Darwin's Game. 'Ah, these happen randomly. And the players that participate are random too. Wait, this means that even with the afk perk, I still have to participate in this? Fuck. I ain't ready for this. I don't wanna die before me and Tory have the famous spaghetti scene...'

He threw the phone at the wall, regretting it as it hit the floor. 'Shit. Reflex.' He threw the tv remote at the wall too. 'Shit. Reflex.' He even tossed himself at the wall. 'Shit. Reflex.'

"Okay. Your just nervous, right? Yeah, so stop throwing things! Fuck, I'm gonna die... I don't wanna die... Wait, Death doesn't really scare me anymore. I know of the existence of heaven and hell so I know that I'll go somewhere when I die. Ha, imagine if I go into some dark void when I die. That'll be crazy.."

He put his clothes on and put his phone into his pocket. 'I need money actually. Should I challenge someone. Yeah, I might to be fair. A weak person should do..' He had a one tracked mind.

He soon left the house to go looking for a person to fight. He was told that if he initiates a fight then he'll come out of afk mode. He was also told that fights are random so he might actually end up fighting the strongest person in japan.

'I'm too jittery... Or is that just the drugs? Yeah, maybe...'

His arm was twitching while he looked around at times. 'God, I want some weed... Something to calm me down atleast.. Maybe some red light will do. But that shit's harder to find than my tears.'

Don't do drugs.

He pressed a button on his phone to start a fight with a person. 'Luke Tight. Ha, I wonder if hes ti-... What the hell am I thinking?!' From the small profile it gave of people, luke was a kid.

'Damn.. I have to kill a kid..? Someone who has a mom and dad..? Ha, that's tough. Maybe God'll do you a favor...'

The timer started, signifying the battle. Kazemi instanly turned invisible, a dagger appearing in his hands. 'This panda guy was known as a rookie killer. Shi... I might just take that title for myself. Easy points..'

The kid in question was trembling while looking all around. 'I-I want my mommy..' He wore nothing but boxers and sandals, looking like he just came from the beach.

He was indeed a virgin at Darwin's Game. He was just bit by the snake like 3 hours ago and since then, hes been able to see the heart of all things.

"Hey, little guy.."

Kazemi bent down and placed his hand onto his head. 'Act cool..'

"You lost? What happened?"

The little boy was crying a bit as he stared at the heart of the man. It was beating normally and in a calm and soothing tone.

"I-I-I don't know, mister... My eyes hurt and... And I can see your heart... What's happening.."

And that was his cue. He extracted the power from him, a grin forming on his face. The kid's vision started to clear up as the image he once saw of a heart, vanished.

"I-Its gone.."

Kazemi then grabbed at the kids throat and held him up into the sky. 'Eh..' The kid didn't struggle as he was too confused on what's going on.

'I love kids.. Their so sweet and innocent and they have heartwarming voices. Their movement is also fun to watch..'

In his left hand, the kid's throat laid. In his right hand, a dagger. 'But according to my father..' He stabbed the kid in his heart, killing him on the spot.

'The Sound Of Pain Is A Mans Best Lullaby.'
