Mc is transmigrated with Copy and Paste powers. He would then travel across the Multi-Verse to obtain more power. Also, bear with the fact that he calls it copy and paste for like the first 15 or something chapters. I honestly thought I could write it off but you people are too smart for me.
"Hey, Tory. What do you think about fate? Destiny? Do you think it's possible to change what's already set in place?" Kazemi asked her while taking his clothes off. Tory put the book she was reading down on the table next to the bed and turned towards him.
"Do I think it can be changed, huh? Well,..." She though for a second then continued..."Yes...and No." Kazemi got into the bed while being in his boxers. "Yes and No? Please explain.." He said and she continued once more.
"I feel like people..who want to change can potentially alter their destiny but people who don't...can't. Say if you worked everyday, 9 til, and on a 9 dollar salary. That's how life was for you until you were supposed to die.
Now what if you hoped of having a better life? What if you dreamed of having everything. Well in order for that dream to come true and break out of your cycle of life, you need change.
You need to stop saying you'll do it later and do it now! You need to not hold yourself back and aspire to be a new person. Do you...understand what I'm trying to say?"
She asked followed by a nod from Kazemi. "Yeah, I get it. If you want to change the path that destiny put you on, you need confidence, courage and resolve,...right?" Tory nodded with a slight smile. "Thank you...for giving me your opinion..."
He turned the lamp off that he made and turned towards Tory completely. "Just curious but why did you ask me this?" She pulled the sheets up and scooted in closer until their foreheads touched.
"I was just curious, that's all. No need to worry.." He kissed her while holding her face. "O..kay.." She said in a quite voice while kissing him back.
"Hey, Jasmine. Why the hell are you so tall now?" He looked at the 6'3 giant who looked down at him. "Nah, you just short, shorty." She laughed while pointing in his face.
"I'm tall for a guy. You... You can see the weather up there, can't you?"
"Hm? Did you say something? Couldn't hear you down there.."
She put her hand behind her ear and began looking around. They were all outside in front of a gate, a vehicle being made my Kazemi in the background.
"Hurry up and make the car old man. We both have things to do, right?!" She grabbed him by the ear, causing a chain of 'ow' 'ow'. "It takes time, lady! You think its in-stani- instani-... how the hell do you say the word again?"
He ask with genuine confusion. Knowing this, she still laughed at him while wheezing. "Instantaneous? Oh, come, bro. Surely you can say that word.." She then helped him pronounce it out which made the people around him laugh.
'Damn this woman. Its...' He couldn't help but smile. 'Its kinda nice though...' After 5 minutes, Kazemi finally said..."Instantaneous. It's not instantaneous.." They all clapped at his success, causing him to bow and thank them.
"Gramps. It's already done." She pointed behind him to which he looked. The vehicle he chose for this journey was a HMMWV. Uhm, can't really describe it so use your best friend, google, for help.
"You know, we're amazed that you could pull this off..." She then formed a smile. "Why don't you explain to us how you do it?" His classmates listened in, her grin getting wider.
'You know I can't explain this woman! I let the original take over when I make my vehicles and weapons..'
"How about we just go? Times a wastin'.." He laughed awkwardly and began walking towards the vehicle, Jasmine chuckling while Kazemi gave her the finger. "Wow, Kazemi. I never seen someone push you this far.."
Shea said as he stood next to her, focusing more on it than her bouncy breast in the wind. "Yeah, she's something. But she's a big help. She has that 'wisdom' that older people magically get.." He then looked at her.
"Speaking of wisdom, how's your mother? She's good, right?" Last night, he ran her across the continent to see her mom and check up with her. He ran her back this morning and..yeah.
"Just fine, thanks to you, Kazemi!" She said while holding his arm, causing him to sigh. "She feels better and is leading our village in your absence.." A smile couldn't help but form on his face.
'I rarely complement a womans beauty but man...Shea's mom is something else. I can control my hormones and stuff but when I saw her, something couldn't help but rise and it ain't the sheild hero. The f did I just say? Anyways, if Shea looks like a Goddess then her, I can't even describe it..'
That being said though, he still had one thought in mind.
'Tory Still Better Though And It Ain't Even Close.'
Time passed and everyone suited up in there adventurer or whatever costumes. Tory then came out the HMMWV with oil and such on her face. 'Sounds crazy but she can fix cars and not drive them. Weird, huh?' He handed her a towel to clean herself up to which she happily accepted.
"So it can fit how many people now?" He asked while looking inside the window. "One Driver and 5 passengers meaning 6 people can fit in here. Well 7 if you count the mounted gun on the top.." Yes, she explained it like he was kid.
"So 6 is the limit, huh? I'll just bring someone in the other car.." Tory nodded and held onto his arm. After some more time, his classmates got into the car while Shea got on the mounted gun and Tory got in the camaro.
"Hey, don't destroy my car, Jasmine. You can't dri-" She snatched the keys away from him and got in. "Yeah, yeah. I won't crash it. And besides.." She motioned him to lean closer to the window in which he did.
"This isn't my body. I have my other worldy driving skills on lock.." She then pushed him away and started the vehicle up. 'Oh yeah, I forget that she was in the military...' He remembered sparring with her in this world.
'When she's not taken off guard, she can lowkey throw hands. And she's better than me at using guns.' He shrugged while walking over to his camaro and got into the driver seat.
"You ready, Tory?" He asked her while putting his jet black shades on. "Mh-hm. I'm ready.." She said with a smile. Kazemi then nodded and began driving. He burst through the closed gate followed by Jasmine.
After driving for a few hours, Kazemi stopped and got out his car. "Hey! What's the hold up!" Jasmine screamed while pulling up next to him, the steering wheel being on the right side instead of the left.
"Searching for the missing person. The hell we out here for besides that, Jasmine?" He cocked his head back while putting his hand out into the air. She didn't retaliate and they all soon got out. They all then watched as he felt around the air.
"The hell is he doing?" Someone spoke out. "I don't know. It's weird.." Someone else spoke too. By using multiple skills, Kazemi was able to find the lost person. "Yeah, I found him. He's up the mountain behind a waterfall.."
They all were impressed by his skills. 'I can detect someone's mana a half a continent away. Cool, huh?' He nodded at an invisible camera then told everyone to head out.
After climbing up the mountain, he stood on water in front of a waterfall. 'Who ever kidnapped this guy must've been very strong. Nah, who ever did this was no man, but probably a monster..'
"Tory. Can you uh.." She nodded before he could finish his sentence. She then put her hand out at the water fall and it parted, causing his classmates to gasp.
Kazemi then saw a cave behind the water fall and started walking closer to it. It didn't take him long to see a kid lying on the floor.
"Hey. Get up." Kazemi bent down and tapped his face. He didn't wake however which resulted in Kazemi repeating the same action. "He's not dead, right?" Jasmine came up behind him while examining the boy.
"Nah, he's alive. Just sleepy, I guess." He continued starring at the boy until he figured out what to do. He placed his hands on the sides of his face and injected magic into his body.
The body jolted awake and began looking around aggressively. "Calm down, kid. Calm down.." Kazemi locked eyes with the kid and never left. "W-Who are you..?"
The 12 year old kid said to him. "Your names, Will, right? How did you get here? Do you know where here is?"
Will had placed his hands on Kazemi's hands, tears beginning to pour down. "Y-Yes, I am Will~..." Kazemi looked at Jasmine who only shrugged then looked back down at the kid. "What happened here? Where is the group of people that were protecting you?"
His eyes widened in sudden realization. "T-That thing! Is it still here?! Is it gone!" He started freaking out again, causing Kazemi to calm him down once more.
"W-What thing?"
"You need to get out of here! WE need to get of here!"
He put his head into Kazemi's chest which caused Jasmine to snicker. "This thing.... it's a monster, right? Can you try to describe it to me?" He picked him up and patted his head. 'Everyone needs a head pat once in a while..'
"I-It was a-"
Just then, a roar that caused even Kazemi to shake sounded out. 'What the-...!' The boy cried even louder that that while Jasmine looked around to find the voice. Using his X-ray vision, he looked around the cave and saw a beast flying around.
It had two, long black wings and a tail to match. 'Ah, I see now. Surely something like that could cause all of this...' He then held Jasmine's hand and ran out the cave as the monster began charging up a reddish black ball of energy in its mouth.
'A dragon...I've never met one of you before..' He couldn't help but smile at the thought of fighting one.
'This should be interesting..'