
Transmigrated With Cut and Paste.(Fixed.)

Mc is transmigrated with Copy and Paste powers. He would then travel across the Multi-Verse to obtain more power. Also, bear with the fact that he calls it copy and paste for like the first 15 or something chapters. I honestly thought I could write it off but you people are too smart for me.

qu3n_ · Tranh châm biếm
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69 Chs

Ch.32: Pits Of Despair.

'Oh...I can think. Think. Think. I'm alive. Alive. Alive...' He slouched up a bit, opening his eyes completely. The ground was cold and everything was dark. 'When did I even land? Ah!' He looked down and at his legs.

They were twisted, busted, bruised, bloodied, they were all sorts of messed up. His leg bones were sticking out and his right foot was gone. 'You know...this should hurt, and yet, it doesn't. Maybe it's too much pain for my body to focus on one specific part and so I don't feel it at all? Yeah, let's go that bullshit logic, Aric..'

He sighed out and began looking around. The place was wide like a battle field with rocky structures built around to give protection during fights and whatnot. Aric then began to close his eyes.

'W-Whoa now, don't die just yet. Come on, let's get up..' He sighed while shaking his head. He then realized that moving even an inch causes a great deal of pain to the point where he passes out, only to wake up a few seconds later.

'Whelp. What now? Do I wait for rescue? Do I just die? What do I...do?' He was genuinely lost now. He couldn't move, meaning he'd die out in a few days. He was in a dungeon, meaning a monster could sneak him.

Speaking of monsters, "Luck is something I never had.." there was a pack of white wolves starring at him. They had greyed out eyes and their fur looked soft. They were no bigger than your average wolf except that they had buff legs.

"Let's work this out guys.." They started walking up to him, drooling at the sight of the bone sticking out. "Yeah, human meat doesn't taste good. I'm just sayin'..." Aric slowly put his hand back and touched a rocky wall.

The wolves then ran at him. 'Just push through the pain and...' He used his powers and the wall formed a hole big enough for a human body. He quickly then went through the hole, screaming in pain, and a wolf biting at air.

'You ever ask a girl out online and they screenshot it, only to spread the picture around?Yeah, me neither, never had a phone. Anyways, this..this pain is worse than that..' He kept digging back, the wolves not letting him rest as they tried squeezing into the hole.

This continued for a few minutes, decaying, getting snapped at by a wolf, and screaming in pain. He then placed his left hand on the ceiling of the human shaped tunnel and it decayed down, forming a wall.


After using all his magic power, his stamina and much, much more, he passed out, the wolves already stopped attacking him and yet he kept going. What the unconscious Aric didn't know was that he stumbled upon a puddle of water, that water being the love nectar of a Goddess.


"Yeah, and then I woke up with all 4 of them naked on me. Too bad people are reading me right now, so I can't describe what I really wanted to do-...o-oh hey guys. I didn't know you were here.." Aric looked at an invisible camera then back at the rock with red eyes and a red smile.

Aric woke up a few hours ago and was sitting buck naked in a pool of water. The pool of water was healing him at a slow rate but hell, anything was fine. He was talking to a rock about his adventures. The red on its face was his blood.

"Well anyways, your a good listen, rocky. Tell the rock jr and Ms. rock that I said hey." He picked up rocky and smiled. Rocky was then turned into dust which flew out the palm of Aric's hand.

"In the after life buddy.." He got up and looked at the hole he created. It led into an infinite and rocky darkness. He then looked back at the pool of water. 'It was..thick, like spit but it tasted good. When I come back from hunting, I'll collect some..'

He looked at his hand then placed it on the rocky wall next to him. 'Transmute... ...I can manipulate minerals and such and use them like shields... This was in my synergist class and I never thought to use it like I did..' Everyone had a class. Whether it was being a knight, healer, tank, everyone had one.

Aric had a class that was never heard of and was considered trash. He thought that as well, considering it takes a lot of magic power just to make a small wall. A sword mold appeared in the wall and he took said mold, a rocky sword forming.

'This juice also replenishes my magic a bit..' He bent down and took one last sip before going into the rocky tunnel. 'I unconsciously used transmute here which surprised me. Why is it that when I break through stages in the Realm Of Magic, I lose myself? Speaking of a break through, it seemed that no ones noticed. Maybe they expected me to have this much power since my magic..well decays things...'

He jumped out the hole and put his guard up. He started looking around and noticed that a pack of wolves were being munched on by a single rabbit. 'Smh. Thanks, I guess..' The rabbit stopped chewing on the dead wolves and looked at Aric.

They both stared at each other. 'Wait, if it killed those wolves,...then its strong, right? Wait, I fell down, down. Like, I'm probably on the 90th floor or something..' The rabbit then started walking to him.

'The hell? Why does it walk like a person?' It then started walking into the sky, a skill he instantly recognized. 'I'm getting that..' The rabbit then started running around the room. It wasn't soon until he ran in the air around him.

'Crearing a vacuum, eh? Very smart..' Aric began to stammer from the lack of oxygen. Seeing that, the rabbit chuckled and stopped mid air. It then blitzed at Aric, its foot going straight for his face.

Just then, a wall appeared in front of its foot, stopping it from ever connnecting with Aric's face and getting stuck in the wall at the same time. It made a face of surprisment at that while Aric smirked. 'I can produce it from anywhere on my body..'

In a swift movement, he stabbed at the wall which created a perfectly shaped hole that was just right for the sword. What sounded out next was a shriek of pain. Not only was the rabbit stabbed, but its leg was being pinned by sharp peices of miners in the thigh.

"Your fast, very fast actually. Luckily, I made this wall appear before you even stopped.." It was going that fast and so Aric had to predict where the rabbit would attack and when he himself would counter.

He did it perfectly. 'If I was even a second late, my head would be on the ground..' He sighed as he walked around the wall and behind the rabbit. It tried attacking him in which Aric cut its arms off. 'Weak physique...just fast..'

It was like slicing into butter. The rabbit then scratched out some more, Aric placing his hand on its head. 'Time to regain my power back..' As he took the power of the rabbit, his heart stopped beating.


His heart began beating once again. 'That was weird. Swear I saw God there for a second..' He shrugged and continued extracting the power from the rabbit. He know learned that the more power something had, the longer it'll take. Not long like one minute but long like 10 seconds.

[Air Walk]

[Monster Stomach.]

He looked at the panel of notifications. 'Monster Stomach? What the hell is that?' He then looked back and noticed that the monster was gone. 'Gone...where did it go...' He stared in a daze for a moment then sighed.

'Oh, I consumed it....in my monster stomach..' He put two and two together to get 1. 'I guess..my decay and cut/paste fused together to create this effect. I take a beings skills and they decay. I...need to control that in case...well in case...in case I uh....yeah..'

You understand what's he saying, right? Like what if he accidentally gets brainwashed and someone uses this power on someone he cares for. What happens then? He then went up to the dead wolves and bent down.

[Sonic Wave.]

They all disappeared into nothingness. 'What's this? I get...half the experience on how they used this power?' He would get half the knowledge over any skill now and how to use it. 'Better than before when I had to learn that shit myself. Now I get a mini jump start..'

[Level 4-----> 38.

Stats: 140----> 670.

Magic: 1000---->1,230.

Decay: 1--> 2

Transmute: 1--->2

Skills: Air Walk, Monster Stomach, Sonic Wave.


"I've got a boost to all my stats as well? Magic too?! Wow, it looks like I underestimated how much power I really hold. I knew I could take personalities and stuff but even physical stats and magic power? Man..."

Stats were things like strength, speed, agility. With Cut, he knew it had a lot of possibilities but he's never unlocked them until now. Before, he could only take a beings power. Like air walk, or invisibility. Now, he could basically take a person entirely.


Nah, not like that.

What I'm trying to sum up is that he could essentially take a person, power wise now. For example, he could take supersmans powers and now he could take his base stats as well.

Perfect explanation, author.

"You know, this is a quick and easy way to get power so.." He looked up at the black ceiling. "I think I'll stay down here for a while..." As he said that, he was unaware of the huge, rounded beast behind him.

"Power. I had such a urge from a young age because I wanted to protect my mother and then Haru. In order to protect them both, I needed power.." He sighed as he thought about them.

'Mother. You...committed suicide, meaning your in hell. I...didn't want you or Haru to go to such a place but then again, I'm not God. Haru, I don't know if God himself blessed you, but you being cured from that sickness was a miracle. I can atleast rest easy knowing that you'll go to heaven. Maybe one day, we can all have a dinner together. Me, you, mom, and even dad. You...never met him but he's an okay guy. He shaped me into the person I am today, so I thank him for that..'

When his days of traveling to different worlds was done, he'd hope to just sit down, have a meal with the people he loved and live in peace from then on.

'Because you, mom, and dad deserve a break. We all...deserve a break.'
