
Ch.25: Fuck You, Tentacle.

Seeing how the teenaged woman was preparing her chains, the man in a grey hoodie knew that he was actually going to fight. 'I wanted to scare them off, but it seems that its inevitable..' The man put his hands up to the thundering clouds and sighed.

'I'll blow them away with one move..'

The criminals knew what the man was doing and so they ran away, Kazemi turning invisible and staying to watch. The teenaged girl was confused by such actions, but didn't care as she sent chains out at him.

'That's....'The Eye Of The Storm'...'

Thought Rukia as the chains came into 2 meters of grey hooded man and bounced away like it came into contact with a wall. 'Theres no point lady...' Air began to circulate around him, getting wider, expanding, becoming tougher.

"W-What is this?!"

Yelled Tory as she covered her face and was slowly being pushed back. What appeared to be a tornado was surrounding the man. "T-This guy can manipulate the air molecules around himself! Right now, he's using his signature move to defeat us in one blow!"

Rukia yelled as she and Hina were being pushed back. 'Air molecules....so he can manipulate air?' Kazemi stared as the surrounding telephone poles, cable poles, and various other things were being sucked into the tornado.

"And now.."

He man sent the tornado at them. "You'll die because of your ignorance.." Tory quickly picked up the unconscious Jasmine and the two kids as well. 'No good..' Tory tried running away, only for her to be dragged back.

'D-Damn it! I'm too...weak..' The thought of her not being able to save her parents came back. She could have atleast felt her mother's touch for one last time instead of cowering in fear.

The tornado made it's way over to her. 'And..I failed Kazumi too..' She thought that him leaving was her fault in some way. Rukia and Hina also thought along the lines of this. Maybe all the pressure got to him and so he left. They should have told him it's fine and that they'll be safe is what they were thinking.

The tornado was close to sucking them in when in an instant, all the sucked up items fell to the ground and the wind ceased to exist. 'Huh..?' Tory floated back down, her thought rivaling Hina's and Rukia.

"I can't let you hurt them."

Kazemi had the hand on the back of the guys hoodie. 'You get tired when using this power and so you let your guard down..' Seeing Kazemi made the girls excited with Rukia and Tory become even more when they saw the position of his hand.

"Who are you.."

The man could barely generate any wind. In fact, he couldn't even use this power anymore. Kazemi...had already taken it. "My name is Kazemi. And those people you were in the process of hurting...are my Family.."

When Kazemi placed his hand upon the back of the guys head, he and him had a fight in the Realm of Sigil in which Kazemi won. This win of his was only possible because of his stronger will.

"Oh, I see. I'm sorry.."

"Sorry? You don't sound the least bit of it. Wait,.." Kazemi sniffed around him, his smirk becoming bigger while the guy in the grey hoodie was becoming even more frightened.

"Is this...fear? Oh, your scared, eh? Well,..you should be.."

Kazemi pushed him away, causing him to fall onto the floor. He then stood over the guy who quickly turned around, fear clearly seen on his face.

"And with your own power, I'll kill you.."

He made a sword of wind and went down on the guy. The guy in mention couldn't even think about what he said as he was met with infinite red. 'Thanks for the Sigil...' He smirked and left the wind sword in his chest.


Rukia jumped over the body and into his embrace. 'And now I fall..' He fell onto the ground while Rukia rested on his chest. "Wait! I'm suppose to be mad at you! Uhm...Uhm.."

She thought about what she could do but couldn't think of anything. "Oh, well. I'll just enjoy this moment.." She hugged him while rubbing her head into his chest. 'Rukia,...' He flashed backed to the past day.

How he and her got to know each other better. How they told all their secrets and even fought together...ish. 'Who will take care of you...when I'm gone..' Kazemi sat up and hugged her small body tightly.

This surprised the 3 girls as Hina and Tory now stood next to him as well. "Rukia, please don't forget me.." He kissed her forehead while giving a long sigh. 'Forget...him? What does he mean...?' Thought Rukia as her face was beet red.

"Kazemi. What's wrong? What happened?" Asked Tory as she used her chains to fling the body away into the distance. "I'll...tell you later. I'll...tell you everything.." Yeah, that's right. Less than 24 hours on this earth so why not?

Why not the tell the person he loves who he truly is before leaving? Keeping such a secret..is not something Kazemi wanted to do. He wanted to tell her things like how he grew up, how he came to this place, his..purpose.

Before He Left, He Just Wanted Her To View Him In A Good Light, No Secrets Between Them.

"O-Okay.." She responded to him with a stutter. She then helped him up and Rukia moved over until she was on his back. She had her arms around his neck for grip.

"I..wanted the leaders, Sigil, but it's too hard to get..." He didn't want to test the theory of whether or not the leader had his Sigil on at all times. 'Huh...?' Hina thought in confusion.

"You...wanted it?"

Kazemi stared blankly at her. 'Shieeit...' He face palmed and sighed. 'Great. I told another one. I was too caught up in the moment that I just said it..' He then bent down and placed his hand upon her head.

"I can..copy powers from touching someone.." That's better than saying he can take them and never give them back. (An: Ah, I really do see where I messed up with Copy/Paste..)

"O-Oh.." It would explain how he mimicked the dead guys power. She still had the question of why the guy didn't attack back though.

"The tentacle could hold them back. It's up to you though...if you want to risk going back.."

Tory's option caused everyone to look at him. Even Jasmine, who just woke up and happened to over hear what she said, listened in.

"Up to me, huh..."

He already made his decision. It was so against his character that it even confused himself.

"I...want to leave. Let's just hide. We got our rings already so we good."


Like Tory knew he was gonna say something along the lines of this, she smiled and nodded. 'Hm? Oh, I'm still sad about leaving this place and I did want to take the dudes Sigil, but...fuck that. My strongest Sigil is the one I just got 6 minutes ago. Me creating that sword was a fluke..'

['Wind Weapon Manifistation' Acquired: By combining Weapon Manifestation and Wind Manipulation, the user has created a new Sigil. How this works is that the user can manifest a weapon and it'll automatically have the durability of the wind. This Sigil causes faster firing rate, quicker movements, and much more.]

He stared at the panel that appeared. 'That's..not enough to sway me. I'm gonna live out my last day on this earth with Tory and them. Fuck going around Japan and taking Sigils. I want to live my last day in joy and surrounded by the people I like..'

He scoffed at his edgy thoughts from earlier. 'I'll take her out on the spaghetti date, and tell her then. Heck, I might even propose to her. I really do like Tory, huh? Have you ever seen a girl and thought that you wanted to see her every morning when you wake up and every night before you go to sleep? That's how I feel about her. I want to sleep knowing I bagged the hottest girl in Japan. I want to wake up knowing that I slept next to her as well...'

His reasons could go on forever. 'I..just want to make her happy, that's all. When she's around me, I want all of her problems to fade away. I just...I just want her to know that she can rely on me too and that I can be dependable..'

"Sigh. You really are something, dude.."

Said Jasmine as she got up and made her way over to them. "K-K-Kazemi, thank you.." Hina hugged his leg which triggered an unwanted flash back. "Let's go Kazemi, I'm getting bored.." Rukia pouted directly into his ear.

'This...this is nice though...' He saw Hina like a little sister, Rukia as a daughter, Jasmine as a older sister and Tory as a wife(You already know). His family. He just met then yesterday and yet, they all bonded well over these last 12 hours.

"Sure. Let's..go.."

He took Tory's hand and held it tightly. She was a bit surprised by this, but nevertheless, she accepted it and held his hand tighter as well. Jasmine sighed and showed a small smile and nodded too.

'I'm glad...I met you all..'


Forgot I could use this.

Anyways, I want the Mc to get stronger but not at an overpowered rate. Yep, definitely lost favorites after that one. Well if your still reading, here me out.

For example, I don't want him to go to tensura then Naruto. Tensura is a way stronger verse than Naruto and so the balance would be broken. That's why, he needs to go to a verse that's slightly more powerful than Darwin's Game.

If you think you know a show, anime or anything like that, let me know.

qu3n_creators' thoughts