

This world is vast and looks endless there are so many possibilities one can yet to imagine. Things hidden in the dark begins to surface and who would have thought there was a difference between a system and a caretaker, all these knowledge boils down to one unfortunate being called Asahel Wherever she goes misfortune follows, it falls on both the innocent and the villain and her mood swing only makes matters worse but she's not entirely alone "master... let's have sea food today" a pretty being cheerfully calls out to her ++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ Unfortunately born, sent to live in an orphanage, rejected among the rejects and unfortunately died. With so much misfortune befallen Asahel it's no surprise if she decided to accept such title and become a nightmare for those who seek to find fortune. Author's note: thank you for reading my novel and adding it to your library. Although I would love to receive a comment, review or power stones as a form of encouragement Just to inform all my dear readers that there would be no new chapters uploaded because I'm really losing my motivation...., and so I'll stock pile them while waiting for your support Don't judge me . I really do need that motivation, the ML is telling me to hold his scenes back until I (Author ) get some motivation I'm pitiful I have no choice I'm also suffering a loss

EmpressAje · Kỳ huyễn
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76 Chs

Nightmares 74

But before then Fairy came out and released some creatures into the sea, for some reason Fairy felt like he could give simple commands to these creatures and so he did.

He told them to eat anyone who was left behind and also partook of the kidnapping of any girls, he didn't say it with words but still they understood and went into the sea to hide in the depts awaiting their prey

Back on board, the voices of celebration was ongoing while below deck the girls were held up in their cells. Some were already feeling sea sick, some were shaking in fear while some were still unconscious.

Asahel was among those that were still asleep, but within an hour or two they all began to wake up.

They were confused but once their heads cleared and other girls told them what was happening they realised they were getting further away from home.

The little ones among them began to cry while the older ones tried calling out to each other

Fairy saw his master was awake but didn't react like the others did.

{ Master are you alright.... we're on a ship and I think they plan to sell these girls, Master we should leave, just get into the space and I'll fly away and then bring you out to some place safer}

Asahel listened to Fairy but she didn't feel like leaving instead she found it very interesting and wanted to experience what it felt like to be kidnapped, besides rich kids were always getting kidnapped, and now she could consider herself one

(Fairy let's stay and enjoy the show, besides it's not everytime someone gets kidnapped...)

And with that Asahel smiled and stayed quiet while she listened to the words coming from the other girls

When Fairy heard this he felt like his Master needed a brain check.

All the girls here were panicking and hoped to find some sort of an escape route in fact they wish they could go back in time and redirect their steps so as to avoid this very situation but here his Master was,

someone who could escape this place with ease but refused and instead felt like this situation was an interesting adventure

Fairy flew around in circles while pulling his hair { what was all that talk about not wanting attention....I feel like I've been tricked}

After some minutes Fairy finally cooled down, he sighed and then sat on his Master head to take in deep breaths

{If that's what you want then so be it, but if they dare touch you I won't hold back}

(Sure.....but for now let's just enjoy this feeling)

Fairy felt like crying enjoy what feeling, this was terrible

An hour or two later the door opened and three men came down with food in their hands. They passed each cell and dropped a big bread and a large bowl of soup each,

The holding cell had about five girls in them and they were all expected to share the bread together while having separate soup

When the girls saw this they refused to eat and does that cared did not allow the little ones to eat as well, but even at that the girls were surprised that two other girls ate the food as though this situation they were in was a pleasant one

The men that brought the food in didn't bother to force the girls to eat and also didn't care if the girls ate or not because they knew the journey would be a long one and the girls would finally eat

As for the two that ate on the first day Asahel was definitely one of them and also a blacked haired girl in the opposite cell.

After the men left most of the girls in the same cell couldn't help but ask why they ate the food and what if it was poisoned, but they didn't get an answer from the two girls so no one asked them again and some choose to ignore them, who knows they might even be working for these men

Instead some of the older girls were very angry with the two of them.

Because if all of them stood their grounds they might have a chance to get out of this place but instead these girls ate the food as though they had not eaten in ages and this was just the first day

And just like that a day passed, and another, followed by another, by now the girls couldn't careless and quickly gobbled the food as it arrived on the third day

Food was given to them three times a day and there was enough water. Once the girls rushed the food on the third day, the men laughed and watched as they gobbled the food and were even asking for more

In fact the men had made a bet to know how long the girls would last before some took the first step.

Majority of them had lost the bet on the first day when two girls ate first since almost everyone believed the girls would hold back till the second or third day

Even at that they didn't care neither did they touch the girls, but they was always some who liked to say disgusting things, but apart from that all the girls did during the journey was eat, sleep and wash up twice a day

It was really strange they let them clean themselves up, gave them thick clothes to sleep in and even fed them three times, and the food was manageable.

If not for the cages they were kept in, it would be no different from staying in an inn or a workers home

The person who runs the ship was a woman and she's been doing this for a very long time, in order to sell merchandise and gain alot while also avoiding trouble you need to keep the merchandise in good shape and that was what she always did

If the girls were fed and clothed well they wouldn't even know if they should cause trouble and probably these things that were given to them would be taken and they might be punished

But of course there were always a few who rebelled even though they were well taken care of.

To them being bound in a holding cell was still the same as being a prisoner and so they tried every possible way to escape...but these were in accordance of the boss lady

She didn't mind if the girls tried to escape,in fact if you can she'll most definitely let you go but if you couldn't you'd regret you ever thought of escaping

And just like that the ship sailed for more than a week before reaching its finally stop

During the time the ship sailed across the sea Asahel wasn't entirely alright, alot of the girls did fall ill or developed some sort of phobia but Asahel had nightmares.