

This world is vast and looks endless there are so many possibilities one can yet to imagine. Things hidden in the dark begins to surface and who would have thought there was a difference between a system and a caretaker, all these knowledge boils down to one unfortunate being called Asahel Wherever she goes misfortune follows, it falls on both the innocent and the villain and her mood swing only makes matters worse but she's not entirely alone "master... let's have sea food today" a pretty being cheerfully calls out to her ++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ Unfortunately born, sent to live in an orphanage, rejected among the rejects and unfortunately died. With so much misfortune befallen Asahel it's no surprise if she decided to accept such title and become a nightmare for those who seek to find fortune. Author's note: thank you for reading my novel and adding it to your library. Although I would love to receive a comment, review or power stones as a form of encouragement Just to inform all my dear readers that there would be no new chapters uploaded because I'm really losing my motivation...., and so I'll stock pile them while waiting for your support Don't judge me . I really do need that motivation, the ML is telling me to hold his scenes back until I (Author ) get some motivation I'm pitiful I have no choice I'm also suffering a loss

EmpressAje · Kỳ huyễn
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76 Chs

Elder Krimley and the Rolers 61

"How dare you call me a hag..... I'm beautiful more beautiful and young than any woman you'd ever see in your whole miserable life you useless piece of trash"

Grimley fumed with anger, she was indeed very beautiful and young with a seductive vibe and when in front of ordinary people both men and women admired her but in the eyes of these Accursed warriors it was easy to sniff out what was wrong 

"Ohh is that so well then I should have put my words in a better way I hate fake women like you, it's utterly disgusting...now tell me how many souls are inside that hideous body of yours?"

"Ahhhh....you piece of shit I'll make sure my snakes bite and dry you up let's see how much you can talk.....soon you'll be begging for my attention"

"Grimley behave can't you see his trying to provoke you " Drimley spoke feeling irritated

"Hump.....as if he could"

The Accursed warrior smiled but didn't lose focus on his objective

The same fight was going around the camp every elder was engaged in a two versus one battle. 

But a single elder soon stopped his assault and called two rolers which were Dana and a guy called Keith

(Author's note: Rolers are names I came up with for does who you assigned specific positions in the camp)

"Elder Krimley you called for us" they both spoke with their heads bowed 

Even though the camp was in a terrible condition they still obeyed their elders diligently

"We need to assist the saviour come let's go immediately "

"The children...." Keith couldn't help but speak up and ended up receiving a deathly glare from Dana

Dana had been hoping to join in on the fight and receive some sort of recognition but she couldn't leave her role which was to take care of the children and now she was finally called and this idiot wanted to ruin her plans 

"Don't bother about the children....these people aren't after them but if they get caught between crossfires it's their loss, let's go immediately there's no time to waste"

With that they both disappeared from that place without anyone pursing after them since Krimley gave them a sign that he would go help their saviour and by so doing the rest covered up for him till their saviour could return

At this moment Asahel was sweating bullets, even with a gravely injured arm and leg this guy was able to kill all the creatures she sent and now she sent out twenty more .

Worst of all the more creatures she sent out the more below average they were. 

Fairy explained to her that the higher ones would be hard to control and she didn't have enough energy to even send those ones out

It was at this moment Elder Krimley arrived with Dana and Keith 

"What da hell took you so long.....and don't just stand there gawking like a fool heal me up already"

When Rimley called for help Krimley was the one that was less busy and he was told to bring a healer and any other strong and useful rolers as well. 

Keith was the healer he could find and good enough he was better that the others while Dana wasn't as strong as the others but she was closets and free at that moment

Keith quickly rushed to Rimley's side and began to heal him

He had always seen their Father to be strong and unshakable but yet right now he wasn't better off than the other elders, in fact he was worse 

"Just what kind of battle happened here.....was it the leader of the Accursed warriors?"

Soon they were answered as two huge creature with razor sharp teeth came matching at them.

Keith, Dana and Elder Krimley were surprised but Rimley only snorted 

"Their sizes keeps decreasing I believe she's out of energy now kill those two and take her down...I don't need her alive anymore"

It was then that they saw a small figure who was on the ground. 

Dana couldn't believe her eyes and was very happy. This child had been giving her headache since she started following them, with that she got ready to launch her attack even though she believed the child was defenceless due to how she had never seen her do anything but eat 

To her it was just to grab the child and give her a good beating which she believed she could do and even get some praises for doing so, without holding a loving relationship with the child as some of the rolers back at camp do nothing could stop her 

What Dana failed to recognise was that this same child was the one who kept their so called Father and saviour like this but none the less ignorance is very expensive yet the fool gets it for free

Soon Dana released her attack....a wind tornado strong enough to cut trees to halve was sent toward Asahel and right behind the wind a wild fire followed, Elder Krimley released his wild fire and controled it to join with the wind then he somehow separated it and sent it to the two creatures who were about to stamp on them 

As soon as the wind and fire combo element touched those two they instantly caught on fire and a shrilling roar was heard due to the pains the creature received from being burnt alive.

By this time, Asahel had already stood up and fairy came out with a can of water and gave to her to drink 

 "What's this...water....?

 {Yes Master, it's from the space....I believe it will give you some energy}

Asahel nodded and kept drinking.....indeed it felt a little bit refreshing