

This world is vast and looks endless there are so many possibilities one can yet to imagine. Things hidden in the dark begins to surface and who would have thought there was a difference between a system and a caretaker, all these knowledge boils down to one unfortunate being called Asahel Wherever she goes misfortune follows, it falls on both the innocent and the villain and her mood swing only makes matters worse but she's not entirely alone "master... let's have sea food today" a pretty being cheerfully calls out to her ++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ Unfortunately born, sent to live in an orphanage, rejected among the rejects and unfortunately died. With so much misfortune befallen Asahel it's no surprise if she decided to accept such title and become a nightmare for those who seek to find fortune. Author's note: thank you for reading my novel and adding it to your library. Although I would love to receive a comment, review or power stones as a form of encouragement Just to inform all my dear readers that there would be no new chapters uploaded because I'm really losing my motivation...., and so I'll stock pile them while waiting for your support Don't judge me . I really do need that motivation, the ML is telling me to hold his scenes back until I (Author ) get some motivation I'm pitiful I have no choice I'm also suffering a loss

EmpressAje · Kỳ huyễn
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76 Chs

Disturbing Secrets of the camp 55

(And What's that?)

{Apparently they have more elders and these elders take instructions from a certain man they call Father}

(I already heard that when Dana was arguing with that other guy)

{I know but the main thing is that this man conducts the so called ritual personally before someone joins the family or camp but the question is why didn't they make you go through it before training you.....and remember what that girl Ramona said maybe he knows you already have some powers}

{And also it's like the children are happy whenever a new child joins them as if there's some sort of reward....for me it feels suspicious mostly because the adults seem to be interested in children who most likely has no home}

Asahel raised her brow....this was getting complicated and she's not good with stuff like this 

In fact up till now she's no different from a child who sits by the road side wondering how she'll survive...or maybe there's a little difference

The child by the road side would probably be thinking of were to get his or her next meal from while she has riches within her space 

Asahel hadn't even thought much about what country or kingdom she's in, what the owner of this body is like, what would be her fate as she continued in this part or why she was brought here instead of her own world and reunited with her family

With this thoughts in mind she let out a depressing sigh

(Fairy.....as you may have already known I'm an incompetent master and the reason why I didn't refuse the space is because I'm already used to being unfortunate.....I don't know how life will be for me if that part of me was taken away.....and because of this I've cared less about anything.... I'm sorry to ask this from you but maybe you need a new master at least someone who can use their brain)

Fairy was stunned.....'they were talking so well when did the conversation changed to something like this'

{Master I don't need a new master I want you and you alone and you don't have to worry I'll be your head, your heart, legs and arms I'll carry you forward no matter what comes out way}

He can't afford to lose his master and right now he didn't know if he was doing this because he felt a bond with this master of his or if it was because if he lost this master he would be punished but all the same he liked Asahel alot

And what did she mean by "someone who can use their brain" she's amazing and just needs some teachings to improve

(Fairy this is a consideration so think about it just incase it's the last resort... anyway I've thought some things through and I think at least I think....these children are somewhat being used and fooled into living here maybe we can bring them along.....what do you think?)

Fairy didn't know why his master change the conversation again but he was happy she didn't decide to quit just like that 

'if it's an opinion well I won't accept which means all is still well'

{Wait.....master what did you just say?}

Asahel repeated her words thinking that Fairy wasn't paying much attention due to what she said last

(The children in the camp when we're leaving let's take them along)

{Woah...that's a huge step since when did you start being nice and considerate Master.....hehehe}

Fairy said teasingly

Asahel looked at him as though she could strangle him

(What are you talking about.... I'm not mean I just don't like acting nice ok.....and there's no difference)

Fairy's brow twitched and he thought to himself

'there is a difference ok...and alot'

{Master please don't confuse the two of us it's either you're nice or mean, you can't be both and even if you are then there's a term for that}

(Whatever.... anyway let's go out...if I'm not mistaken it's almost day break outside right?)

{Let's see....there's still three more hours before the sun comes up and Master you haven't slept are you going to be alright during the performance when the time comes?} Fairy asked worriedly

(It's fine I don't think they'll give me anything serious to do anyway I'm going out now you can come out later)

Fairy also explained why he didn't communicate with her sometimes when he was outside so she thought it better if he stayed inside the space for a little while longer most especially now that's it's night

{Alright Master.....}

Asahel brought back the sleeping child from the space and carried her to their sleeping tent were she also laid down to sleep for some time as well

Fairy felt it would be better to watch things from the space just incase someone could detect him but when he was inside the room the space book suddenly lit up

Fairy wondered what was written inside it

This occurrence happened alot even with his previous masters...as the book documented the story of his master for future use and right now he believed what was written in it was most likely what had just happened as they were both in the space 

There wasn't any need to check but still he felt like checking it through.

 After flying over the book it stopped glowing since it has already written down what it had to write

"Let's see...Master had a training session, made a friend.... ohhhh she made a friend then it must be that girl Ramona....alright let's see... Master made a suggestion to renounce the space....ohh my goodness I need to make sure she forgets such thought....she can't leave me alone ...nooooooo.....huh what's this I don't remember if we said something like this right"

"Did master think about this....no...I don't think so....the book doesn't record thoughts only spoken words and action and this is recent so it means what exactly...?"

Fairy was confused so he spoke his thoughts since what he read wasn't funny but disturbing and it didn't seem like a thought more like a probability. 

Suddenly the book glowed again but this time it answered Fairy's questions.