

This world is vast and looks endless there are so many possibilities one can yet to imagine. Things hidden in the dark begins to surface and who would have thought there was a difference between a system and a caretaker, all these knowledge boils down to one unfortunate being called Asahel Wherever she goes misfortune follows, it falls on both the innocent and the villain and her mood swing only makes matters worse but she's not entirely alone "master... let's have sea food today" a pretty being cheerfully calls out to her ++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ Unfortunately born, sent to live in an orphanage, rejected among the rejects and unfortunately died. With so much misfortune befallen Asahel it's no surprise if she decided to accept such title and become a nightmare for those who seek to find fortune. Author's note: thank you for reading my novel and adding it to your library. Although I would love to receive a comment, review or power stones as a form of encouragement Just to inform all my dear readers that there would be no new chapters uploaded because I'm really losing my motivation...., and so I'll stock pile them while waiting for your support Don't judge me . I really do need that motivation, the ML is telling me to hold his scenes back until I (Author ) get some motivation I'm pitiful I have no choice I'm also suffering a loss

EmpressAje · Kỳ huyễn
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76 Chs

Destined to die 56

What was written in the book that Fairy felt confused was this: [and the children were nothing more than sacrifice used for the prolonging of life and power and none can be saved even if they're brought into the space]

The book wrote to answer Fairy's question: [Master had spoken of saving the children, the space had gradually developed over the past few weeks due to the effort of the caretaker and could now measure and balance the decision of his host and by so doing the children have been balanced due to Master's action words and it has been shown that they can't be saved no matter what Master does]

Fairy felt like fainting after reading this

"Impossible.....the book can predict the future.....no wait that's not the point the children are going to die...but what can we do to help.....Master wants to save them just because of that her friend....nothing more but now it's saying she can't because they're destined to die...I don't get it since when can the book measure and balance someone's life and why is it something negative"

This time around Fairy had asked the book this question but no responses it's as though the book decides on what to answer and what not to answer

"Dam'it it's not responding....I can't tell Master this, she's gonna throw a rage....what to do..... what to do....."

"Please book tell me I'm begging you is Master gonna get dragged in with the other children"

Still the book didn't answer 

Fairy didn't care if he was being selfish if his master was going to get dragged down with the other children then it's better if they leave this place before that happens 

"I need to tell her....nooo on second thought I shouldn't...if I did she'll definitely want to try saving them..... alright then I won't say anything....I mean what you don't know won't kill you right?"

He asked no one in particular 

The book suddenly light up and wrote: [anything can kill you with or without the knowledge of it]

Fairy felt like tearing this book or giving it a good beating

"Why don't you answer me when it's very serious...you stupid book you're lucky you're not a living being"

Fairy finally calmed down 

"It's fine I'll just watch her back and be very suspicious of everyone and everything until we leave"

With that Fairy came out from the space and watched as his Master was sleeping soundly

Right now the day had already dawned but Asahel was sort of tired 

Ramona had woken up and saw Asahel sleeping she smiled and let her continued while she went to wash up

Besides Asahel's part wasn't a big role and it was at evening they would perform so she let her sleep

and with that she left to wash up and do some exercise and maybe call Asahel when breakfast was ready.

Fairy stayed on top of his Master's head and watched every movement like a hawk

"If the children are to die then it's not my Master's fault.....if we hadn't come they would still die so nothing is more important to me than my Master...hmmmm"

Asahel soon woke up before noon and was going to wash up.

Meanwhile back in town in the early hours of the day were the game had been held a vacant building not far away was occupied and a meeting was been held, filled with mysterious people

"Master the accursed warriors are here"

"I see thats fast.....and I didn't expect them to send the accursed warriors for such a small matter in that case I'll go see them"

The game master had sent words regarding the entertainers, he only reported how they would infiltrate the camp once they were performing and also the little things he had noticed but to his surprise they sent tough dogs

"My job is never easy is it....."

The game master soon arrived in a private room were some strange looking people were waiting

The two guards standing outside the room felt like they could die any moment if their master didn't come on time 

"Hello friends.... seriously there's no need to put on such aura you're scaring my people"

The game master spoke up to ease the place as soon as he walked in 

"Cut the crap Dale and quickly tell us what we need to know"

"Right...I understand but there's no rush the sun isn't even out yet and we plan to infiltrate by night time"

"Hahaha...ohhhh Dale it seems like you're always left behind with information even though you deal on information gathering but it's fine besides you aren't fully like us"

"Olivia stop teasing him we have no time....Dale your team aren't infiltrating the camp instead we're sent to wipe the camp clean"

Dale frowned but still decided to ask

"What do you mean wipe it clean we aren't even entirely sure if they possess what we think they do, isn't that why we're supposed to infiltrate first and then attack later base on the information or did the organisation get another team to get the information?"

"Dale stop wasting time.....you of all people should know if people like us are sent for a task like this then an information must have gotten to us that's worth our presence"

Dale knew what they said was true he thought that as well but he felt they would wait till his team was done 

but if they were attacking that could only mean they had another team keeping watch on this entertainers

He looked at the five people in the room and knew they came for serious business