

This world is vast and looks endless there are so many possibilities one can yet to imagine. Things hidden in the dark begins to surface and who would have thought there was a difference between a system and a caretaker, all these knowledge boils down to one unfortunate being called Asahel Wherever she goes misfortune follows, it falls on both the innocent and the villain and her mood swing only makes matters worse but she's not entirely alone "master... let's have sea food today" a pretty being cheerfully calls out to her ++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------ Unfortunately born, sent to live in an orphanage, rejected among the rejects and unfortunately died. With so much misfortune befallen Asahel it's no surprise if she decided to accept such title and become a nightmare for those who seek to find fortune. Author's note: thank you for reading my novel and adding it to your library. Although I would love to receive a comment, review or power stones as a form of encouragement Just to inform all my dear readers that there would be no new chapters uploaded because I'm really losing my motivation...., and so I'll stock pile them while waiting for your support Don't judge me . I really do need that motivation, the ML is telling me to hold his scenes back until I (Author ) get some motivation I'm pitiful I have no choice I'm also suffering a loss

EmpressAje · Kỳ huyễn
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76 Chs

Cheating 49

But now she was trapping and defending so well that some who knew that she had been failing since were now focused on her and cheered for her 

Before others could know Asahel now had 220 points and 80 more left to obtain the carved bird 

The boy beside Asahel wasn't looking too happy anymore, he also wanted that bird and he had done his best to reach here but suddenly some one came and surpassed him

if it was possible he would have attacked Asahel's avatar as she was now closer to him compared to before. 

Although he did attack her when she was slowly rising up to 100 points but it was as though he couldn't touch her and of course she wasn't the only one who was within his range to attack and there were still others who were obstacles as well

If this were adults playing then those who became obstacles could attack each other in fact it was compulsory to attack each other and you could also play as a team and also share your points during attacks and defend and the winner gets all 

They were no prizes like this one the children had,

 instead it could help train the minds of soilders which was why it was built for over hundred participants to play 

Asahel was not aware of her victory coming from someone behind her and even if she was she still wouldn't care, to her if it was easy let them try 

Dana was finally showing some genuine smile as she watched the child increase in points 

'only 30 more points to go and we'll be out of here'

Fairy also had the same the thought but to him he wanted to talk to his master and tell her what he observed because if he said a word now his master will definitely be angry with him

While these two waited patiently for Asahel to finish there was someone among the crowd who kept looking at Asahel well to be more precise he kept looking at how her avatar was avoiding the obstacles and also being an obstacle to the others it was too perfect for a child her age to achieve

(Well believing she was ten years of age :)

The man who watched Asahel was none other than the game master 

As much as he loved money he wasn't a simple man

 he did different types of business and made sure to gain alot of profit but in truth that was a character he was told to be and got used to it

It didn't take long for him to finally feel that faint power Fairy felt most especially from any player that was close to Asahel,

it was really faint but when it occurred more than once or twice it was easy to sense for someone like him

'thats a witch's power but were is it coming from' 

unlike this man Fairy was very sensitive to the power even if he wasn't close to Dana he would still feel it and trace it

It took the man a long time to notice it and he only found out when Asahel was almost reaching 300 points 

He wanted to check it but he had to pay attention to others as well, it's not like he couldn't get help for someone to oversee the game in different directions but it was also a part of his training

'i'll leave it for some time instead I'll send someone to follow the child once she heads back'

He had suspected Asahel but the child even with no expression didn't give off the feeling of a witch instead she was trying her very best to win the bird like every other child here

But this alone was enough for him to know that who ever is involved has something to do with the child

As if on cue a bell rang as a winner was announced to have won the 300 point mark prize 

Even though he had several thoughts on his mind he still paid attention to everything so as soon as Asahel reached 300 points he rang the bell which was meant for those who reached 300 points

Asahel was very happy and quickly stretched out her hand to take her prize, she was very very happy but reframed from smiling

"So what prize do you want"

Even though the carved bird was worth 300 points mark it doesn't mean there ain't others that are worth 300 points mark but the carved bird was really eye catching

"The carved bird"

"What a beautiful prize for a beautiful child here you go"

the boy beside Asahel couldn't help but look at Asahel with envy

Asahel quickly took her prize and stroked the head, it really looked lovely, upon closer look it was a Phoenix 

but Asahel had never seen a Phoenix before so she didn't know what it was but still it was very beautiful