
Transmigrated Into the Body Of The Prince Consort

What happens when two strangers from different world meet and had to separate again without knowing each other? The prince of wei kingdom trespasses into the Zambe sect unknowingly and was being rescued by the Zambe sect princess Ya. But destiny would soon bring these two back together as Ya is being punished by going into the human world to complete the last trial full of betrayal, love and drama to attain immortality. would she be able to accomplish this mission?and what happens if she meets the stranger that led her to all these? let's find out in "transmigrated into the body of the prince consort"

Tee_wave · Kỳ huyễn
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22 Chs

The judgement

"When did you get back aunty!" Ya asked excitedly

"Just as soon as I heard about what you guy's did, I mean what the hell did you do?" Huiying asked

"Ermm...aunty, I can explain, we're sorry, we know what we did was wrong and we know our fault now and would never repeat it again," Juan said

"Will you just cut the crap young lady, I wonder what your work is Juan including you Fu, you're just useless and you failed woefully in your duties," Huiying replied angrily

"We're sorry aunt, it's not their fault actually, it's mine, I insisted on saving the mortal," Ya said

"Sighs..., it's ok, but your father is still angry and your punishment had been decided on," Huiying replied

"What!! please aunt, what's our punishment exactly? " Muyang asked with a worried expression

"Don't disturb me young man, you all should be aware of the consequences of your actions by now," Huiying said scornfully

"Please aunty, just tell us ok," she pleaded

"I honestly don't know because the king and priest are not willing to tell me anything, guess they already know I'm gonna reveal it to you guys," Huiying said

"Oh the gods of our land, please let it not be death sentence, I haven't even get married or have babies yet," Muyang said tearfully

"Ya, I'm thinking you guys should escape, I've found the ancient route and opened it," Huiying said

"No aunty, I can't do that, I'm ready to face whatever punishment papa gives me," Ya said tearfully

"But you know your father is a disciplined man, he wouldn't spare you just because you're his only child, pls child, just listen to me ok?" Huiying said

"I can't aunty, I'm sorry," Ya said leaving Huiying dejected

"It's okay, I know you will get over this, you are a strong child, Ermm....here I bought you some foods," Huiying said as she bought out the key she had bought from the guards she knocked out and opened the cell gate one by one handing over the foods she bought to her niece and her accomplice

"Thank you aunty," Ya said as she took a bite from the delicious foods cooked by her aunt

"Yes, thank you Aunty, we love you," Juan, Muyang and Fu chorused

"You welcome guys, alright time to leave before those guards wake up," Huiying said as she packed the plates, locked the cells gate one by one before heading out of the prison as Ya, Juam, Muyang and Fu bow in respect at her departure

Just at exactly 6:00am, the palace big bell rang indicating the morning, the guards unlocked Ya's and Muyang's prison cell in which they were led to the palace to meet the king and receive their punishment.

"Good morning my princess, it's time to see the king now," said one of the guards as he unlocked both cells as Juan starts to tremble in fear

"It's ok Juan, everything will be fine," Ya said as they all followed the guards

Soon enough, they were in front of the king on their knees as they bow down and said " long live the king "

"Sighs....I hope the four of you know why you are here, Muyang not being able to control his fiancee, Fu not being able to protect the princess and Juan who actually accompanied the princess to where the mortal was being released, although Muyang didn't do much, but since he couldn't control his mouth and decided to implicate himself too rather than keeping cool, the four of them are guilty of the crime," said the king

"But father, my friends know nothing about all these, I'm the one at fault here so please punish me alone father and leave the innocent alone," Ya replied tearfully

"I guess you should have known by now that it's wrong to interrupt an elder when talking, are you that stupid? Although you're my only daughter, I won't spare you because of that, including your so called friends," Said the king angrily

"I'm sorry father," Ya said sadly as Juan, Muyang, and Fu tried to comfort her

"We're in this together princess," they whispered as she gives them a smile

"So, here's my judgment, the princess is to be punished by going to the mortal world to undergo a trial, including her friends, and during the trial, their magical powers would be collected from them and their memories," Said the king

"What!!!! no..no..no.. father, that's unfair," Ya said as her friends couldn't believe their ears too

"You don't have to collect our magical powers, or memories, we can just walk into the mortal world, and tada! we're done with the trial," said Ya

"Do you wanna get your friends killed then, including yourself? I think this is the best I can do for you as the king and your father," replied the king

"But.... papa,"Ya said worried but was interrupted by Muyang

"We gladly accept the punishment your highness," Muyang said as others nodded in affirmation

"Good! then you shall be going in two days time, I guess this is the heavens last trial for you to attain immorality, I wish you good luck," said the king

"Thank you father," Ya said, as she and her friends were been taken by the guards to be led into the prison once more

"This sure is gonna be a long journey princess," Said Juan

"Hey! you can leave them now," Huiying said as she dispatch the guards

"Yes my lady," one of the guards said bowing his head as he left with the other guards now leaving Huiying with Ya and her friends

"Thank you aunty, please help me to take good care of my mother, I promise I'll be back soon and everything would be over and go back to normal," Ya said

"Of course I will, just come back safe honey," Huiying said as she called the guards back to lead Ya and her friends back to the prison cell and await the punishment day

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