
Transmigrated into So Pure, So Flirtatious

The protagonist transmigrated as Yang Ming in So Pure, So Flirtatious with a little twist. The protagonist after dying on the Earth got reborn as Yang Ming. Using his charm and wits he conquers the heroines. The skills developed and obtained in his "two lives" helps him to get the top of the world. This is just a wish fulfillment novel don't expect much. But if you have read Fisherman the Second's novels Very Pure and Ambiguous: The Prequel and So Pure, So Flirtatious give it a try. At least read first 10 chapters. The protagonist of out story goes through "both" the novel's world.

DaoistpSwuRt · Thành thị
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4 Chs


"Really? I have transmigrated into the novel which I was reading before and not just that a thousand years after the plot ended!?"

A man named Liu Yan on Earth; while he was getting up from the bed he died from stumbling on a sharp decoration piece due to numb legs and transmigrated into a novel. The novel was "Very Pure; Very Ambiguous" which he was reading before his death. Unexpectedly the body he took over was also named Liu Yan. But he was definitely not feeling happy at all. Not only he had transmigrated into a body of middle-aged man, but a greater problem is that he has transmigrated 1000 years after the ending of the novel.

The world which he transmigrated to is the Bright Flame World. Bright Flame World was the one which the protagonist of the novel Liu Lei established after defeating the hidden antagonist of the novel Xu Qingwei with the help of his alien friends. The protagonist Liu Lei became the Emperor of the world with his 20 odd harem members as Empress.

After 1000 years a lot has happened, Liu Yan came to know that few years after establishment of the empire the King of Underworld Yama had a conflict with other gods due to making the protagonist overpowered and disturbing the balance of the mortal world. The gods were pressuring him to remove the powers given as the protagonist's power was reaching god level and only the one how bestowed powers can revoke them. The hot head protagonist as always after hearing the news of his good brother's dilemma ran to help him after leaving his wives behind in the empire.

However the gods had already kept a trap ready in their domain just as he entered the gods domain he was captured and locked up using a very powerful sealing formation. After the Bright Flame World took a big turn the few aliens who were unsatisfied to live under humans rebelled. A large war was fought but because some precautionary measures left by the protagonist and support of the aliens friends made by the protagonist, the humans side won the war.

Liu Lei's main wife Zhao Yanyan took the lead and reformed the Bright Flame World. Other wives wanted to look for their husband but they were powerless to do anything, so they took upon themselves to manage the Empire left behind by their husband.

Even after thousand years their descendants rule still prevails, there were some rumors that the empress are still alive and using the alien technology their body is preserved.

Liu Yan was born to lowly concubine of the main lineage of Liu Yan's descendants. So the man without any privilege left to adventure on his own in the world. While roaming the world using the wealth of the family he was living lavishly, but due to a viscous plot the main wife of his mother's husband her position was stripped of and was demoted to a handmaid. All the funds of Liu Yan were cut off and he had to work for himself.

Liu Yan got a good paying job at an ancient museum which stored relics of the past war.

Before he transmigrated, last night when was cleaning the store room he saw a map parchment which has some clues on the hidden legacy of the Emperor Liu Lei.

Excited to see what's on it he left for home early. But while driving his rover car he over speed and had a disastrous accident which took his life. But luckily Liu Yan from Earth transmigrated and now he can have a chance to get Liu Lei's legacy.


Two days later,

After getting discharged from the hospital he get to nearest location marked on the map. The location of the legacy was very far away from the current location of Liu Yan, the total journey would take nearly three months. Not only that to reach the legacy location, Liu Yan would have to go through the few of the most dangerous and forbidden regions of Bright Flame World.

The Liu Empire is the most powerful force in the Bright Flame World. The reason behind this is the technology of the alien race plundered during the war and the secret martial arts created by the Emperor Liu Lei from his own powers. As a possible heir to the Empire Liu Yan has also trained these arts and has some hidden technology created using alien technology by the Empire. After training in the secret arts which were practiced and passed down by his ancestors, Liu Yan has power beyond any normal human is capable in the Bright Flame World. However, the dangers and perils which exists in these regions are unknown to most of the world.

Even the Empire doesn't dare to venture far deep into these regions due to fear of the treacherous natural phenomenon which exists in these regions. Unfortunately, some people fall into the temptations for the natural resources and treasures of war which were long buried in these regions.

"It is going to be hell of a journey. The only redeeming factor in this perilous and despairing situation is that there are some hidden routes marked on the map. Let's hope that these are the routes with minimal danger."

There were also some symbols and writings on the map, which were not understandable by Liu Yan.

"These symbols looks like used to be some points for resource procuration and mining of ores. But what are these weird glyphs looking markings? I think there would be unexplored treasures on these locations or might be the mystic natural phenomenon or possibly both. Well using the Empire's technology I might be to get some treasures."

Thus began the journey which would change the world but the world which will be affected is not the Bright Flame World, but the world which Liu Yan will be transmigrated to…again.


Five months later,

A middle-aged man with long beard which appeared to be unshaved for a long time. If compared he looks very similar to the ancient homo-sapiens. While he appeared to be haggard the excitement could not be hidden in his eyes. After five months of relentless travel and fights with nature, Liu Yan finally reached the legacy location...which looks like a cave.

"Tsk! Typical locations where protagonist meets a old dying grandpa or a rusted sword which after dropping blood becomes a legendary artifact. Let's see what this 'protagonist' will get!"

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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