
Transmigrated into Severus Snape with Golden Trio back in Time

Harry, Hermione and Ron are transported back in time after Bill Weasley's wedding by a Cosmic entity. Chaos was not happy with this and decided to add another player. Watch how Harry, Hermione, Ron tread in past while trying to defeat the Dark Lord whereas a college student is transmigrated into the body of a 16 year old Severus Snape. Meanwhile things are changing and the golden trio couldn't wonder if it is for better or not. I own nothing all belongs to JK Rowling. This story will contain lemons so people who uphold highest morals sorry this is for not you.

Jerry153 · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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93 Chs

24) The Interviews

Lucius passed over the stack of papers to Severus who took them with a curious look.

"What are these?" he asked curiously looking at the number of papers.

"The usual agreement papers which was needed for the opening of the shop. It also contains the taxation and a rulebook which the Ministry wants us to follow" Lucius said with a roll of his eyes as he clearly expressed his opinion on that matter.

"The Ministry huh?" Severus wanted to laugh, it was one thing to read about its incompetence but it was another thing to see it live. The Ministry was actual good at handling advanced matters but they failed spectacularly at a basic level.

"Speaking of which the interview will start at 5 in the evening. I hope you are ready for that?" Lucius asked curiously as he looked at the dark haired teen who seemed to be considering something.

"Ofcourse, though I think a little disguise in my appearance would help me in further matters" he replied back calmly as he took a sip of the soup he was drinking.

"Evelyn and Eileen will be there" Lucius spoke slowly looking at him.

"I know that Lucius, besides you even didn't tried to resist her pleadings" he intoned calmly looking at Lucius who simply nodded knowing all well that he didn't infact.

"Would you have if your mother asked you?" Lucius retorted back with a calm knowing look.

"She has got the VETO power" he countered instantly, it was afterall true.

"Whatever you say but she did make her opinion quite clear on this issue. She too will be present to check there on the interview" Lucius spoke up, simply reminding of the demand of Eileen.

Three Hours Later....

We all walked into the room which Tom had prepared. There were four chairs and a table in the room, Severus took the chair beside Lucius. There were still fifteen minutes left for the interview the start. He had already spotted some anxious faces on his way towards the room, perhaps they were the candidates. Eileen was sitting besides him and had decided to not speak in the interviews, the questioning will be done by Lucius and him whereas Eileen will observe them simply.

Lucius called out "Maddy" to which the elf appeared with a pop.

"Start calling the candidates one by ones as the time starts" he told Maddy to which the elf nodded eagerly. Evelyn the enthusiastic person she was had volunteered to make the list of the persons and mingle among them for the pretense of interview. Infact she herself was going for an interview to avoid future suspicions of nepotism on her, granted it was all for show for other people's eyes.

The interview was a walk in interview for the post of shop helpers and clerk, they needed a total of five to six people, three will work in the shop while the remaining will help in the production of the products. They had decided to check the candidates who were skilled in potions, so that they could prepare the products. Everyone would sign a magical contract to protect the secrets of the business which would also protect his identity and the procedures for the preparation of the products. Moreover it was also an interview for which the people who were eligible would be shortlisted for his future major product which he was working on.

For now, he was importing the various flowers and the ingredients but he had finally decided to buy land for growing various flowers and potion ingredients. The labour would be tricky and expensive but he had a plan for cheap labour and gaining power at the same time.

The interview was finally going to start to which Lucius reminded me "suit yourself, the interview is going to start" he said and looked over his robes and composed himself.

He nodded and soon the first candidate arrived inside the room. She looked like a recent seventh year pass out.

Lucius nodded at her to which she took the chair across us.

Lucius asked "so miss ?" he left the statement hanging in the air

"Grace Weitts, Mr Malfoy" she spoke a little nervously.

"So Miss Weitts, tell us more about yourself" Lucius said in a calm tone.

"My name is Grace Weitts Sir, I have recently graduated from Hogwarts this year, I was in Ravenclaw House and I am a pureblood" she spoke the last part as if she deemed it important to say, clearly since Lucius was a Slytherin and from a blood purist family she believed that he will only hire purebloods.

He decided to cut in "You can call me Mr Steve, Miss Weitts. May we see you results for OWLs and NEWTs" he said gently. He had transfigured his hair to sandy blonde and his eyes to blue for hiding his real look.

She nodded and gave us her results of OWLs and NEWTs. Severus took the results and gave them to Lucius who took them and inspected it. He passed the results to him some moments later as people must be shown that Lucius was the face of business.

She had got an O in Charms, Divinations, Runes, Potions and Defence and the rest were E in her NEWTs whereas she had got the same but an extra O at Transfiguration during her OWLs.

severus spoke up carefully ''your results are good Miss Weitts", he gave her a small smile to lighten her mood a little.

She smiled and he continued "is there is a reason you didn't get an O in Transfiguration during your NEWTs, and I want to hear the honest answer" he pressed softly in his smooth voice.

Her face tensed and she spoke after a moment "I became overconfident sir" she stated, shame clouding her voice.

Severus nodded, "and how may we believe that you will not become overconfident again and will not lapse in work if you are selected" Lucius spoke up from besides him.

She confidently replied instantly "I have learnt my lesson Sir, and I will not repeat the same mistakes again if you will have me."

Severus nodded at her "that is good to hear Miss Weitts but one never knows the future unless you are a seer and as far as I know neither me nor Mr Malfoy here are seers" he spoke to which Lucius cracked a smirk.

The girl was embarassed, he decided to change the topic "tell me Miss Weitts, why didn't you decided to work for the Ministry" he asked curiously.

"My mother forbade me Sir, My father and grandfather were aurors, grandfather was killed during the war with Grindelwald, my father has voluntary retired after a curse nearly killed him and his right leg is totally paralysed due to the degradation of nerves, she wanted me to have a peacful job Sir" she spoke sincerely, which Severus confirmed through her surface thoughts.

He nodded at her "I am sorry to hear that Miss Weitts, how many brother and sisters do you have Miss Weitts ?" he asked changing the topic.

The question caught her off guard "I only have a younger sister, she will be in her fifth year this term Sir" she replied instantly.

Lucius nodded at her "give me a reason about why should we hire you Miss Weitts?" Lucius asked.

The girl was little scared but replied back humbly "I am hardworking and good at conversation sir which may be helpful for the post of shop helper."

"Thank you for your answers Miss Weitts, I would request you to wait for the other interviews to end before we may select" Severus spoke calmly, the girl nodded and walked out of the room.

As she left the room he turned to Lucius "your opinions on her " he asked him.

Lucius replied back "she has good scores not to mention that she answered genuinely and didn't boasted about her."

"Mother" Severus asked looking at his mother who watched everything and Severus could see hint of pride in her eyes.

"She holds promise?" she replied instantly as she looked at the chair infront of her which was now empty.

Severus nodded "yes she was humble in her answers, but still we have yet to interview all of them and only then we can choose among them", he reminded them.

Lucius nodded and called out Maddy for the next candidate of the interview.

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