
Transmigrated into American Dramas

In the interconnected world of American TV series, we will experience the story through the eyes of the main character. As he will try to save those characters who died unexpectedly, and live through the twists and turns created by the creative minds of the screenwriters. Some popular shows like "The Rookie," "Jack Reacher," "Hunter," and "Person of Interest," as well as potential additions like "Knight Rider" and "Bones," might feature in this world. There might even be some thrilling police versus gangster dramas. However, apart from the protagonist's special ability, there are no supernatural elements involved. All the cases and storylines are crafted to serve the overarching narrative, and there may be some intriguing surprises along the way. Readers, please remember that this is all meant to be taken lightheartedly and not too seriously. /////// https://www.patreon.com/Lazy_Panda / (This is a Translation Work ) 美剧世界:从洛城巡警开始

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Chapter 4: Gun Training

Chapter 4: Gun Training

In the afternoon patrol, Angela Lopez was driving again. After Jack proposed the deal of trading lunch for one hour of gun training after work, she readily agreed. She even allowed Jack to call her Angela directly instead of addressing her as Officer Lopez.

Sitting in the passenger seat, Jack opened the system and checked the new notifications. The successful arrest in the morning rewarded him with 5 experience points.

He had received two comprehensive ability medals from the graduation ceremony and the official police officer reward, totaling 4 system coins. Along with the 2 coins he saved during his time in the police academy, he now had a total of 6 coins. Previously, he impulsively spent 5 coins to upgrade his healing skill to mastery level, leaving him with only 1 coin. Currently, he had 45 experience points.

Thinking about the future, even after the rookie phase, the daily routine of a regular patrol officer mainly involved handling minor incidents. This made him more eager to actively engage in critical situations.

Arresting or neutralizing dangerous criminals should definitely reward more experience than dealing with trivial matters, right?

As for the use of system coins, Jack already had some plans. After graduating from the police academy, his Mental Power and Physical Fitness attributes had both increased to 19 points.

As these attributes improved, he became more aware of their effects. When he focused on studying or training with high concentration and for a longer duration, his Mental Power increased faster. Conversely, the increase in Mental Power greatly improved his learning and training efficiency.

Physical Fitness was easier to understand. Initially, Jack's Physical Fitness was only 8 points. But as he actively exercised and adjusted his diet, he broke through 10 points, causing his mild nearsightedness to disappear, and other minor health issues caused by bad habits also vanished.

After joining the police academy, he learned new combat techniques, secretly healing muscle fatigue while practicing relentlessly, and his Physical Fitness increased rapidly, ultimately matching his Mental Power at 19 points.

Now, it had been a while since both attributes reached 19 points, and Jack estimated that breaking through to 20 points would bring some surprises. However, increasing these attributes was quite expensive; the system prompted that going beyond 20 points would cost 2 system coins per point.

So, this was why Jack proposed the lunch exchange with Angela to help him with firearms training. He needed to save 4 system coins to upgrade both his Mental Power and Physical Fitness to 20 points. Before that, he had to rely solely on his own efforts to improve his skill levels through practice.

As a police officer in Los Angeles, proficient handgun and rifle shooting was not enough.

"Let me see your shooting skills first."

After work, Angela brought Jack to the underground shooting range at the police station.

Jack took out the Glock 22 issued by the police station from its holster, put on protective goggles and ear protection, assumed the correct stance, held his breath, and emptied the magazine into the fixed target 10 meters away.

"So, what do you want me to teach you?" Angela asked with a puzzled expression as she removed the target paper from the automatic closer, looking at the densely packed bullet holes around the bullseye.

"At least half of the people in this police station have worse marksmanship than you."

To prevent misunderstandings, Jack hurriedly explained, "Hannah said my marksmanship is only good for target practice and not enough for real situations. I also want to improve my performance when facing armed criminals."

Angela nodded, "I know what you need. I can provide some training in this area, but you need to understand one thing: you can never imagine what you will face before you fire that first shot in a real situation."

"Now, forget everything your instructors taught you at the police academy, take off the soundproof ear muffs and goggles, and let's start practicing."

At 6:30 PM, when Jack returned to Hannah's home driving his newly bought used Chevrolet, his hearing hadn't fully recovered. Even though the Glock's gunshots were not very loud, after firing five magazines in the echoing underground shooting range, he still felt a little dizzy. After all, a standard Glock magazine had 15 rounds.

But today's training was quite fruitful. He could basically confirm that once he mastered the essence, his handgun shooting skill should be able to advance to the mastery level.


Upon opening the door and stepping onto the porch into the living room, he saw Hannah's exposed legs, as she was wearing only a knee-length T-shirt on top, sitting on the couch watching TV while munching on potato chips.

Seeing Jack enter, Hannah threw away the chips, let out a scream, and jumped onto his back.

"I'm starving! Hurry up and cook. I want sweet and sour spare ribs and Mapo tofu."

It had to be said that Hannah, the human weight training device, played an important role in Jack's rapid increase in Physical Fitness. This country girl from a Texas farm seemed to have discovered a rare treasure in Jack since she got to know him through Zoe. Whenever she had free time, she would hang around him like a lioness finding her lion king.

As they spent more time together, Hannah became more comfortable with Jack and started to behave recklessly. After an accidental physical contact during a time she helped Jack with sit-ups, she gradually became more uninhibited and would initiate closeness.

Initially, Jack thought Hannah was just an open-minded girl and decided to keep his distance. But one day, Zoe curiously asked him how he managed to get so close to Hannah. Zoe knew about Hannah's slight androphobia – she would secretly wash her hands frantically in the restroom after any contact with male suspects or male colleagues.

This surprised Jack, and he cautiously tried to find out more from Hannah. However, she casually mentioned that it had to do with her past experiences, and considering the Americans' unusually sensitive attitude towards personal privacy, he didn't dare to push further.

And so, this strange dynamic among the three continued. Hannah turned a blind eye to the affectionate interactions between Jack and Zoe, eagerly showering Jack with favors whenever she had the chance. On the other hand, before Zoe could confess her feelings openly, she also ignored Hannah's harassment towards Jack. The one caught in the middle was undoubtedly experiencing both pain and pleasure.

It took 40 minutes to prepare dinner, and Hannah ate with a smile. To fulfill Jack's promise of providing three meals a day, she had not only transformed the open-style kitchen into a closed one but also installed a new stove and range hood, and bought a luxurious Ceres-produced refrigerator.

"Want to go to the bar with me tonight? John, Lucy, and I have planned to meet up there," Jack said as he put the dishes into the dishwasher.

"Sure! I'll drive," Hannah said happily, picking up her car keys and dragging Jack out of the door.

Hannah's car was quite distinctive—a yellow and white striped Mustang, a typical American muscle car.

When they arrived at the small bar, they saw John and Lucy were already there.

"John, you don't look so good," Jack expressed concern as he grabbed four bottles of Budweiser from the bar.


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I would like to take a moment to extend my heartfelt appreciation and give a special shout out to an amazing individual who has recently become part of the INFINITY VAULT (ᵒ̤̑ ₀̑ ᵒ̤̑) wow!*✰ in our Patreon community- Devor.

(*ˊᗜˋ*)/ᵗᑋᵃᐢᵏ ᵞᵒᵘ*

Thank you for being an invaluable pillar of support,