
Transmigrated Into A Parallel Dimension!?

Aurel Sitz, A German youth, has always been a history buff, especially finding a fascination in World War 1 and World War 2 because his grandfather had participated in WW2 himself. Looking for a history book in his school library, he stumbles across a book with foreign inscriptions. Curious, he grabs the book and turns the first page only to see a brilliant flash of light. Aurel Sitz opens his eyes to find himself in another persons body sharing the same name. Except… it’s 1914 in a Parallel Universe!

Blitzo · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Chapter 1

[Republic of Germany,Berlin,2021]

"Hey Aurel!" Yelled a black haired youth. He was running across a courtyard towards a blond youth who appeared around 18 years old.

"Hmm?, What is it Eduard?" Replied the blond youth in a bored tone, his eyes were half closed and his shoulder slouched as he walked up the stairs to the school library.

"You've got to help me with history homework! My moms going to kill me if my grades drop any further!"Eduard squealed with tears leaking out the corners of his eyes as he caught up to Aurel.

"Tsk, Do it yourself, Im busy this afternoon and don't have time to do your work" After hearing what his good "friend" had to say Aurel turned around and continued walking up the stairs.

If it weren't for their parents being good friends he wouldn't have bothered with Eduard but what could he do? His parents had asked him to take care of the brat and he had agreed in a spur of the moment decision and couldn't back out now.

" Hahh?! Do you mean reading more of those dumb books? Who cares what happened a few hundred years ago!" Eduard loudly complained drawing looks from nearby students.

A tick mark appeared on Aurel's forehead as he slammed the library doors behind him cutting off whatever Eduard had to say next."sigh, finally some peace and quiet" Aurel muttered. He had always enjoyed the quiet atmosphere the library had and it helped him feel at ease.

Walking up to the librarian and asking a few questions on the particular books he was looking for, he walked towards the towering book shelves and entered a particular aisle under the "History" section. His eyes scanned one of the lower shelves which held dozens of books and they all fell under the same category, WW1 and WW2. Everything from strategy's used during warfare to specific treaty's and negotiations held amongst politicians, and he had read a vast majority of them.

Yes, a German going out of his way to read books on his country's darkest period. Eduard had always called him weird for being so interested in his country's past, yet who could blame him? His grandfather had told him stories of the war and though it was probably sugarcoated to the extreme. He still found it extremely fascinating thus when he began middle school he started doing intense research on the subjects and it ended up going out of control.

So here Aurel is, looking for the last book in the library on the Great Wars that he has yet to read.

"Hmm, I can't seem to find it…" Aurel muttered as his eyes gazed the familiar shelf of books until his eyes abruptly stopped an one book that he hadn't noticed.

" Huh? I swear I had looked through this part of the shelf before… is the book new?" Curious, Aurel reached out and grabbed the book. Looking at the book he noticed that their was odd inscriptions on it, looking eerily ancient. Setting the book down on a nearby table he sat down and opened the first page when suddenly…

"AGH!" A bright light had exploded out of the first pages of the book enveloping Aurel in a sheet of blankness and a numbing sensation took over his body.

"Where am I? What am I?" Aurel had these thought as his soul flew at immeasurable speeds through the void and finally appearing over a planet similar to his own. The confused and frightened soul was then sent down at lightning speed to what appeared to be a forested landscaped and going through the roof of a humble one story cabin and flying into the body of a boy with a pale complexion in bed.

Moments later the fingers of the boy moved, and then his eyelashes, and as if he was sucker punched in the gut the boy sprang up!

"Huff! Huff!Huuu" the boy sprang up

" What was that!? Did Eduard slip some herbs in my lunch?! God dammit not again!" However, Aurels vision soon focused and he realized he was somewhere completely unfamiliar.

"Where am I?"