
Transmigrated in Tales of Demons and Gods [Completed]

Xiao Yan, high-school boy from Earth, got killed by a truck. Due to him firmly believing that being accidentally killed by a truck would send someone reincarnating in an other World, the God of Trucks decided to grant him his wish and sent him in his favorite World, Tales of Demons and Gods. —————————— I would like to write my own story. But I don’t have the skills for it, so I’m starting with this fan-fiction to train a little. Please, leave some reviews and comments on what you like, what you don’t like or what to do to improve myself, thanks. —————————— I won’t make an empty promise about a fixed number of chapters but it's the first time I write something, so don’t expect too much xD

Wise_Snail · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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146 Chs

027 - Black Gold Portal

Xiao Wu said, "Young master, you're being too kind, it's my duty as the Tribe Chief to help my people"

"Don't worry, rather, why was it that fast and how come there's so much Demon Spirits?", he asked, as he really wanted to know.

The old man instantly replied, "Yesterday after the young master left I immediately spread the word of the possible exchanges and rapidly the entire Tribe went looking for the Purple Smoke Rocks, some even continued the whole night. In the morning every inches of the Heavenly Fate Plateau were already checked and no Purple Smoke Rocks could be found anymore"

"As for the demon spirits, we have no Demon Spiritualist so it was used as trophies by the hunters who wanted to know how many demon beasts they killed during their lives. Since it can be kept for a few hundreds of years, most of the demon spirits exchanged are from the past generations of hunters"

"Oh", {That does make sense}

He took a pen and a paper to write down a cultivation technique for Xiao Wu, gave it to him then said, "Uncle Xiao Wu, this will let you become a Legend Rank Demon Spiritualist. Don't let anyone know that I gave you that, I don't want to have trouble"

After a few seconds, he used the technique and cultivated a few moments before stopping, "Thank you young master!", was his tribe finally going to have some Demon Spiritualists? The thought of this made the Tribe Chief really excited.

{In the future they'll come living in Glory City, but it must be their own decision}

He said, "Uncle Xiao Wu, I come from Glory City, it's a place around ten days straight from here, or two months through the safest route. We have Millions of people and no problem of food. How about I bring some people from your tribe to take a look by themselves?"

His eyes lighted up, "Really? I mean, of course I agree, how many people can you bring and how strong must they be?"

"Your son Xiao Kuang and Xiao Yang, since both of them are young 3-Star Gold Rank Fighters. I'll first take a look at the market before coming back, please find them in the meantime, and ask them if they want to come with me for a few weeks", He said as he left the old man.

Xiao Yan went straight for the market and quickly find what he wanted, a merchant selling a lot of rings, including matching ones.

Using some bags of rice to buy them all, he then went back to his room and once there he made some Legend Rank storage rings.

He also wrote down the formula for the Caltrop Pills and put them together with the Purple Caltrop Rocks in one of the new rings.

Nothing caught his attention in the market so he went back to Xiao Wu's house.

There, Xiao Kuang and Xiao Yang were already waiting with Xiao Wu in the main hall, they greeted each other, then he gave a ring to each of the three of them, "These are one thousand cubic meters storage rings, a gift from me".

When they finished to thank him, he left the Chief's House with the two young men in the direction of the forest on the Plateau.

They were puzzled, since there was only one exit for the Heavenly Fate Plateau and it wasn't in that direction.

However, before they could ask him, Xiao Yan stopped and took out an Inscription Scroll from his storage ring.

Since there wasn't anyone who could notice them, he activated the scroll and a portal appeared in front of him.

He told them to pass through and he went after them.

The other side of the portal was his room in Glory City.

What he used was a Black Gold Rank Inscription Pattern he found in the books, "Black Gold Portal", it formed a portal connected to anywhere within one thousand miles. Only the user or anyone he allowed would be able to use it. It would dissipate after ten seconds or with a thought of him.

At first, he created the Inscription Scroll so that he could to go on a date with Ning'er on the Heavenly Fate Plateau, but since she would spend the day with Ziyun, he used it with these two guys. {I still have five more, and I can also make more as it took me less than a minute to make one}

While the two were still dumbfounded, he used the LoHP on Xiao Yang, since he already used it on Xiao Kuang yesterday he didn't need to do it again, then went to his desk to write down two techniques. He gave them the papers while telling them that it was top graded cultivation techniques suitable for them, Legend Rank Demon Spiritualist being only a matter of time.

Finally being able to talk, they thanked him and Xiao Kuang asked, "Young master Xiao Yan, where are we?"

{Did he get traumatized by the scene of yesterday when I used the "Icy Wind, Hundred Blades"? He is usually much more arrogant}

Xiao Yan replied, "In my room", then he took some cards from his storage ring to give them, "Here are 100 000 DSC for each of you, it's the currency of Glory City. A commoner family income is around 3000 DSC a year, so don't get scammed when you buy something in the city"

He added, "In a few days or in a few weeks, when you decide, I'll bring you back to the Heavenly Fate Plateau with the same kind of Inscription Scroll I used to come here. I'll also give you a map to come here on your own as I won't have any other scrolls. Whether you would convince your tribe to come live in Glory City or not will be up to you"

While leading them to exit his room, he thought of something and said, "Don't tell anyone about the rings, the cultivation techniques or the Inscription Scroll. That would bring me unnecessary trouble"

Once they agreed, he went looking for uncle Tian.