
Transmigrated in honkai imapct 3rd with Generator Rex Powers

This is my first ever writing something. So please forgive me for my mistake. And please do help me with some ideas. English is not my first language. So there going to be some mistakes Please Ignore those mistakes. And do comments

STYX_LEGEND · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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(Time skip 2 months)

(date: December 31, 2014)

(During the past two months time period he learn something about his power that he can memorize everything with great accuracy. He did ask this about Alice and she said nanites evolving his body. Ryu managed to unlock 20% nanites capacity and all his basic builds. And now he works on his battlesuit it looks like Max steel suite. Ryu found out that he can store and use that energy to run machines other than his builds. In the past 2 months Ryu didn't do much other than training.)

Ryu: And this is done. Wow, it looks like Power Rangers 2014 suites. Alice What's the time.

[11:30 PM, December 31, 2014]

Ryu: What, it's already 11:30 pm. It's almost a Happy New Year Alice . and Just 1 month for 3rd eruption.

[Yes Ryu it's almost New Year. why don't you take a break from your training? After all, it's a New year. You should go to a fireworks event, You need some rest Ryu you work hard for this past 1 month. I'm pretty sure you can win against A-rank Valkyrie without problem]

Ryu:Yeah, you're right, if there is an A-rank Valkyrie that has no fighting experience. I only have brutal force for the time being but don't have any fighting experience. Winning against A-rank Valkyrie is very hard.

[Yes that's true Ryu. So what are you gonna do it's almost time for 3rd eruption. Are you gonna help this city]

Ryu: Of course, I'm gonna do that. Maybe this is not my city but I will try my best for saving it. That's why I making this thing]

[Oh, are you talking about that honkai alarm system.]

Ryu: Yes

[But, why do you need this thing for the city already has this]

Ryu: Yeah, I know but if I remember correctly in-game there is no such system trigger for the city or someone stops the system from triggering. And I do have an idea who did it.

[So you gonna play hero ]

Ryu: Nop, I just want to survive this disaster and save as many lives as can. I am no hero.

[Well they are the same. So what's next. And why did you stop your training half a month ago ]

Ryu: Don't tell me you didn't feel strange every time

we go outside,  it's feel like someone spying on me. And I already reached my limit it doesn't matter what I do I can't break that limit yet.

[So that's why you decided to shut in yourself in your little castle. haha]

Ryu: Don't you dare make fun of me. I didn't shut myself. I just did everything for our safety.

[Oh, like buying that video game and playing the whole night]

Ryu: Yes.

[ Ryu, have some shame. Well, whatever you did work hard so you can take some time off for holiday. Because next month going to be hard as hell.]

Ryu: hard, why ?? I think with the strength I have I can beat every honkai beast easily.

[I don't think so Ryu]

Ryu: Huh? Don't tell me. A.L.I.C.E.

[huh?? Yes, Ryu]

Ryu: Do you have something to tell me like why I'm still not strong enough.

[Oh, no no  Ryu, you are very strong it's just this time enemy are going to be a little strong. because your being here has changed the timeline a little bit. So there is a high chance that there going to be a more powerful honkai beast than the original story]

Ryu: And you are telling me now Alice. (Ryu shouted)

Ryu:*Sigh* well whatever It's a new year so maybe I should enjoy it for the last time I guess. Let's go eat something.

Ryu started to roam around Nagazora city. Ryu saw many festival attractions. Eat some street food.

Ryu:( It's is a beautiful city. what a shame this city has only a month left)

[Yes, Ryu it's a shame, at least there going to be fewer casualties this time]

Ryu: Yes.

???Ara, Ara we meet again.

Ryu brought back from his daydream from the voice that he knows very well. Ryu turned around and saw a very beautiful dress women Rita Rossweisse

Ryu:(Why is she here, I thought she already left the Nagazora) Well hello, It looks like we are fated to meet here.

Rita: Yes, I also think with are fated to meet here. And it looks like you also going to a fireworks event. We are also going there why don't you come with us.

Ryu:Oh I love...

[Ding. Mission Received: First Battle

Objective: Prevent the honkai beast from attacking fireworks events.

Reward: 2-Skill Box, 1-build Box

Failure: Many people will die,You won't find your future waifu. Erase one build permanently]

Ryu:(Alice this is)

[Yes, Ryu your second mission]

Ryu:(what is the time again)

[11:50 PM]

Ryu:(10 minutes. I need to hurry but first I need to settle this)

Ryu: Oh I love to but I already promised my friends that I'm going with them. So I'm sorry.

Rita: Oh, you don't have to say sorry for that. You already made a promise to your friends then we can't do anything about that. So do enjoy your time in the fireworks event. And Happy New Year to you.

Ryu: Thank you for understanding and Happy New Year to you to miss...

Rita: Rita... Rita Rossweisse.

Ryu:ok Miss Rossweisse. I'm Ryu Tachibana. It's pleasure to meet you.

Rita: Oh Ryu-sama. It's a nice name.

Ryu:Miss Rossweisse. you don't have to call me with sama. please just call me Ryu. 

Rita:Ok then you may also call me Rita if you want. I don't mind.

Ryu: Yes, miss Rita then. It's almost time for the fireworks event I take my leave. I need to find my friends.

Rita:Oh my, you are free to go.  If you want.

Ryu: Ok thank you, And happy new year to you miss Rita. bye bye

Rita:Bye-bye, Ryu.

Ryu left Rita alone there.

Bianka: So he is the one that you are keeping your eyes on for the past 1 month.

Rita:Yes, Bianka-same.

Bianka: Did you find something about him.

Rita: Nothing special. His information looks, a normal student. Look like he is just a normal student.

Rita: My apologies Bianka-same. Maybe I just wasted your time on this.

Bianka: It's fine Rita. Today is a New Year. I wanted to see the Nagazora city firework festival. But we have to report it back to HQ at 8 O' clock morning. We have to live now.

Rita: Yes, Bianka-sama

(Meanwhile Ryu side.)

Ryu: Alice, Show me the honkai beasts' location in the system map


Ryu looked at his phone to see the system map and saw at least 10000 honkai beasts in his phone moving toward the beach. 

Ryu: Damn it. Why water. Well, whatever. Alice takes out my suit from the item box.


After suiting up Ryu. Build his orange hover motorbike that forms out of his lower legs.

Ryu: Let's go. Full speed.

Ryu drives his hover motorbike towards honkai beasts.

(After some time)

Ryu reached the ocean beach and looked at the many peoples from far and he also looked at the honkai beasts. They are not strong on their own but within a group they a dangerous.

[ City honkai detectors are not giving any warning. It's showing no response  to honkai beasts it like.....]

Ryu: Someone did it on purpose. I have a rough idea who did it but we can do not about it. So let's just focus on this work. So I ca r a fireworks festival. 

[Ryu, You only have 3 minutes]

Ryu: 3 minutes, it's more than sufficient. Let's the party start.

Ryu started to drive towards the ocean then changed his build to jet pack with a pair of wide orange turbine wings. Ryu started to fly towards honkai beasts. Ryu was flying very close to the ocean surface so he don't get someone's radar. He wanted to be low profile for the time being.

Ryu: Is that?

[Yes, Ryu, that's your first honkai beasts. Prepare for battle.]

Ryu: Seraph-Class honkai beasts but why do they look so different it's like they are mutated by something. Don't tell me they mutated by.

[ Yes, Ryu, they are mutated by nanites. You can say they are a hybrid between Honkai beasts and Evo.]

Ryu: And I think this is all my fault isn't it Alice.

[Yes, Ryu, you are getting really smart. I'm proud of you]

Ryu: well whatever let's finish off this new honkai beast. Alice lookout for my back. 

[Ay Ay captain]

Ryu: Alice...(said with serious look)

[Oh, Sorry Ryu]

Ryu: Well, I think it's time for some action.

To be continued...

I want to ask, Do I just time skip to 3rd Eruption, or do I add some chapters with Kiana, Mei, and Bronya.

STYX_LEGENDcreators' thoughts