
Transmigrated becoming a timelord ghost ninja

Following through the life of the new life of wrathos.Where the mc is a hyper-intelligent semi-invincible angelic-timelord ghost. Where he starts weak and defenseless then grows to be a omnipotent semi-omnipresent supreme being. Vice guild leader of nines own gown (refuses to be omniscient because their cursed with boredom) goes through a journey throughout the multi-imaginaryverses and throughout time itself. Always killable but its highly unlikely and furthermore througout time. I dont own any characters that are in this story along with their respective worlds. They all belong to their respective owners. I do not own Kirby,Harry Potter, Naruto,World of Warcraft,The avatar the last airbender,Legend of korra, Starwars,Overlord, Dead by daylight, My hero academia,konosuba, Cuthulu mythos, and any other stories,characters, and worlds that my MC visits. They all belong to their respective owners, I do not gain any monetary value from making said story. I do this to better my writing, Express my thoughts and opinions on the original works.

Wrathos · Tranh châm biếm
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47 Chs

Bumi Mad or genius

Omashu. It was a beautiful view from the cliff we stood upon to to huge cone shaped city. At the top was a brilliant green palace which housed King Bumi, Aang's old friend. I wondered for a moment how Bumi became the king of Omashu. It was in the earth kingdom, therefore under the rule of the Earth King. Unless it was it's own city-state Bumi shouldn't be calling himself King at all. I glanced at Aang, who was grinning excitedly and at Sokka who was staring at the small city in awe. For him it was beyond impressive. Buildings made out of stone, wood and brick would last a great deal longer then the tents of animal hide and igloos that the southern water tribe used as their homes. They were also more durable then the all wooden houses of Kyoshi island. Katara looked just as impressed as her brother, staring at the city with wide eyes. I too was impressed, it was one thing to see a city like this on TV but it was totally different to see it in real life.

"Come on, I have so much to show you guys." Aang cried, his face alight. He took three a steps before realizing the rest off is weren't following him. As I held them back.

"What's wrong?" He asked, using airbending to spin himself back to face us.

"I having a feeling trouble will keep finding us."

"Yeah," Aang replied, "so?"

"Well Sokka katara and I were thinking… it might be better for you to be disguised so he won't find us. We don't want him to come storming into Omashu." Katara shuffled her feet, looking away from Aang. I could tell she didn't want us to order him about, but she did feel that she was protecting us, and to Katara there was nothing more important. Aang frowned but seemed to understand the reasoning behind it. So just like in the tv show, they show how they clearly cant disguise themselves. while I just fly in invisible.

I stared excitedly at the box we were 'borrowing' and quickly decided I wouldnt want to miss out on this part of this roller coaster ride. Aang bounced in then, Sokka , me and lastly Katara.

The ride was crazy. Although it was more dangerous then a real rollercoaster, it was alot more exciting. One second we were being chased by a rack of spears, the next we were crashing through apartment buildings. It all seemed to happen so quickly then, just as quickly we landed on the cabbage merchant's stall. Destroying his cabbages for a second time that day.

Then, just as quickly we were marched up to Bumi's castle. Aang, Sokka, Katara and I were shoved down onto our knees in front of the badly dressed royal figure. Bumi looked ancient, his skin covered in moles, pockmarks and wrinkles. His back was deformed, but I knew that to be not from an actual hunchback but from the way he hid his muscular body.

"Off with their heads! One for every piece of mutilated cabbage!" I decided to mess with everyone

"I feel like the absolute most logical course of action would be the most improbable one , so you should throw us a feast!" I the felt Shock from everyone here but bumi he was intrigued. The guards collected themself's.

"Silence. Only the king can give them their sentence." I looked at my friends. Katara was giving her best, innocent little girl look, Sokka was pleading mentally and Aang… seemed uninterested. Bumi caught my eye looking at me trying to see through me. Curious I met his gaze, a single eyebrow raised.

Bumi pointed at me "I like this one he knows what it means to be spontaneous"

Bumi started to cackle, causing the entire area to fall quiet. Everyone was completely focused on Bumi.

"Throw them A feast!" I snorted, classic Bumi. I turned when I heard a thud, the cabbage merchant had fainted.

The feast was prepared surprisingly quickly. Knowing Bumi this was probably common. Either way we ended up sitting across from the king, Aang and Katara in the middle of the table and Sokka and I on the edges.

"You must forgive me but my people have become fat from multiple feasts. So I hope you like your chicken without any skin." Sokka wasn't able to answer, his mouth stuffed full. While I agreed it was nice to eat meat again, I had to admit he was overdoing it.

"It's fine, thank you." I replied quickly which Katara and Aang were exchanging looks.

"How about you, bald kid in the middle?" Aang was looking decidedly uncomfortable.

"Ah, no thanks. I don't eat meat."

"Oh? Pity, you're missing out on quite a good fare." Aang shrugged. I was paying more attention to Bumi then my friends, which was the only reason why I saw the elderly earthbender take a leg of chicken out of his sleeve and throw it at Aang. To Aang and the others it seemed that the leg of chicken practically appeared out of nowhere. I caught the chicken with a gust of air bringing it to me, causing it to look like i was using the force.

"We have an Airbender in our midst!" Bumi called to his guards.

"And not just an Airbender but there's the avatar too" Then again, this was Bumi the crazy king, what more did I expect?

The 'Newly Refurbished Chamber that was Once Bad' was actually surprisingly nice. Also there was an extra bed in it so instead of three there were four. I wondered briefly if upon seeing me Bumi had ordered in an extra bed. I decided not to question it to much and instead flopped onto one of the green beds. It was so nice and surprisingly comfortable. I heard the group talking about escaping then asked me to help. As I was going to play along because I cant come up with an excuse not too. I noticed something , although I'm in ghost mode right now I couldn't go intangable or invisible.So I told the group they have spirit stones he which keep me from using my powers. 'This is troublesome , I thought no one could kill me in this world. However I guess that's not the case, at least I won't die as long as I'm not sneak attacked.They think I'm a spirit anyways so they won't try hopefully.' So I told them there is nothing I can do and I'm tired. The bed was soft and comfortable and while the gems in, and the walls did give off light, the glow was soft enough that sleep wouldn't be hard to come by.

I must have fallen asleep sooner then I thought. However when I felt chi fluctuations in the area , I prepared for a fight. As the would be captor tried to get me . He was in shock as I was already waiting for him, I knocked him out.Then I just chuckled rubbing the back of my head and said "Sorry it's a reflex, so I guess the king wants us" They sweatdropped when I said that. They regained thenselfs and brought me there. I noticed Katara and Sokka fighting their own captors. Despite their struggles they were dragged out of the chamber and into a earthen corridor. It was only after we were sealed away from Aang that the guards let go of their mouths. Katara started calling for Aang, Sokka started making threats but I remained quiet. I was thinking, hard. Finally I spoke.

"I demand to see the king." The guard holding my arms chuckled.

"Sorry but no one sees the king unless the king wants to see them." There was the sound of footsteps echoing down the corridor at a breakneck pace. It was a thin man who was looking rather desperate. Panting he stopped upon coming up to us.

"Forgive me for intruding," he gasped, wiping a sheen of sweat off his brow, "but the king has demanded to see the one called Wrathos." I blinked in surprise. Well, that had worked out well.

"That's me."

I was escorted down to see King Bumi in the same chamber that he would be seeing Aang in later. Much to my horror he was wearing the purple garment that he had faced Aang in. I grimaced, if I had thought it looked bad in cartoon that was nothing compared to this. If there's one thing I could say about Bumi though, it was that he never felt shy to state exactly what he was thinking. Which is why as soon as the guards left he came straight up to me then stated at point blank.

"So wrathos how are you enjoying our world?" I gaped at Bumi in utter shock. How on earth had he figured it out that didn't come from this world? Did it mean the spiritworld?

"Was it the two hearts?" I blurted out. Bumi laughed, but didn't answer, instead he asked with a loud cackle.

"What do you think of my outfit?"

"I'm not the one wearing it, you are." Was my quick response. Honestly I thought the outfit was horrific and worthy of being burned but I didn't want to offend Bumi.

"Yes to your question, but not just that I feel two different energies in you. Not only that but i feel the energies of all elements inside you," Bumi replied.

"So what did you want me here for?" I asked, quickly changing the subject.

"Why did you ask for me?" He retorted. I grimaced, well I might as well put my cards down, Bumi wouldn't let me keep them hidden anyways.

"As you know I'm from another world. Well I came for adventures, and to strengthen my body with this worlds spiritual energy known as chi. As for wanting to talk to you, I wanted to ask for your approval to stay with the avatar on his journey , since you are his friend for a very long time."

"hmm you seek power, and approval whatever for?" Bumi chuckled. I stopped, feeling slightly unnerved. Coughing uncomfortably I continued.

"Well to protect my loved ones and my world is very dangerous. As for the approval he's fun to be with, while the rest of this world is a bit depressing." I admitted before continuing on. Bumi leaned back on a chair he must have bended into creation for I was sure it hadn't been there before.

"Well, I know that you were going to use creeping crystal on our fingers so instead… take me prisoner." I was beginning to feel really uncomfortable, Bumi's knowing stare seemed to pierce through my logic and sharp wit to see something soft and venerable inside.

"And why should I do that? For all I know they'll leave you behind."

"They would never do that!" I cried. Aang, Sokka and Katara were my friends even if they were younger then me, they would never leave me behind and I would never leave them behind.

"Even if you could go home?" My heart slipped a beat. I was suddenly aware of everything going on around me.Would they not want me and send me off… I felt a pang in my heart. Sokka, Katara, and even Aang had become real friends to me. They had befriended me but I lied to them well half lied(I am sorta a spirit). I had become so close to them in such a short time.

I couldn't answer. It seemed like I stood there forever. I was stuck.But I knew that they would shun me of they knew what I was(ninja assasin), they would think I used them. Two months ago I would have thought the same thing.

"What do you want?" I jumped from my thoughts to look at Bumi in surprise.

"I can feel your not lying and sincere, so I want you to promise me that you will protect them. However at the same time not stunt their growth. For as long as your with them that is."

"Deal I wrathos will follow all the conditions you have set fourth" I feel time energy leak out floating in front of us, the image of a contract with our names on it; then it disperses and flows into us with the knowledge of what happened. I didnt know timelord could make magical contracts with time energy.It seems like if I break this, I'll lose all my time energy so no regeneration.

Bumi eyes gleamed with satisfication then ordered his guards to take me to that chamber again. I hadn't noticed them coming in, still shell shocked from what happened. (I'll need to be more careful with my promises from now on. But it seems it only works on sincere promises)The guards were firm with their hold on me. I barely paid any attention, my mind focused on other things of which there belonged no right answers.

I was awoken from the slumber I had fallen into out of boredom by one of the guards. I blinked and flipped over.

"The avatar has passed all of the king's tests, you are free to go." I jumped up, beaming in excitement. Aang had passed, like I had known he would. I all but sprinted out of the doorway the guard had been kind enough to bend open for me and down the hallway. I slowed as I approached the throne room, entering just in time to see Aang hug Bumi.

"Aang, you haven't changed a bit. Literally!" Bumi exclaimed.

"Thanks, um, Bumi can you let wrathos go now?"

"Already done," I called, grinning at the dramatic entrance. There was a yell and suddenly I was being squished by three sets of bodies all coming in for hugs. I yelped and faked suffocation.

"Guys… can't … breathe." I was feeling so much better then I had started this morning. Maybe it was the good sleep or maybe it was the fact that my friends would never leave me, no merger what I did. I felt a stab in my heart. I shoved the feeling inside, I had no good reason to suddenly lose my good mood.

"So what happened?" I asked my friends. Katara was the one who replied.

"Bumi said that he was going to hold you prisoner and let us go, we couldn't allow that so Aang did his three tests." I smiled and hugged them again.

"I was testing your companions Aang, to see how loyal they were," Bumi explained, "you've got good friends Aang, and you'll need them if you want to succeed in your quest." Momo chattered and flew to Bumi's shoulder.

"And don't forget Momo, he'll be very useful." I looked around. Where on earth had Momo come from anyway?

"Bumi," Aang said, catching everyone's attention, "I have a challenge for you." The young avatar grinned and whispered in his old friend's ear. Bumi beamed and nodded. I stared in shock as the two raced each other out of the door like, they were both still kids.

I turned and shared an exasperated expression with Katara and Sokka. Aang was such a child but I was willing to let him have his childish moments, all to soon he would be expected to grow up. A guard walked in and noticing something missing asked, "where is the king?"

"Out using the mail delivery system as a super slide." The guard groaned from under his huge metal hat before turning and walking away, shaking his head muttering.

"I always knew there was a reason they called him mad king Bumi." I chuckled, the title fit so well. It seemed like I was not the only one to find it funny either a few seconds later Sokka and Katara joined me in laughter.

Bumi saw us off with that giant smile of his and a money pouch to help us along our way. Aang and the crazy king said a heartfelt goodbye before we left. Just as we were walking out the door Bumi grabbed my shoulder.

"No one knows what the future holds," he stated firmly, a serious expression in his crazy eyes.

"And no one, even if they know, can predict it." I stared at Bumi for the longest time. Just how much about my situation did this crazy guy know? And how crazy was he really?

While we rode Appa away I tried to figure out what he meant. Oi did he just trick me? Yes he saw me as otherworldly, and since I had all the energies with two hearts that means not the spirit world. Then when he said what if I could go back, it wasn't that he had the means or that he was going to tell the others. It was him trying to test me if I'm loyal enough to aang. As for future seeing, I basically spoon fed him that. He just had to make a leap testing the waters.All I knew was that I had to make my choices and hope for the best. I couldn't stop trying to make a difference I couldn't sit idly by and just watch things happen. I needed to feel useful, like I was doing something good. At the same time make sure I dont stunt his growth.

I decided to change my mind instead of trying my best for at least 1 a day. I'm going to change that to two, and for other world that will be 3 and if I want to do extra it will be 4. You know what that means enjoy this chapter.

Wrathoscreators' thoughts