
The decision

"Lei Lei, did you think properly before making this decision? The state you are in is because of entertainment industry. Don't you think that a peaceful life is what you need the most?" Xu Dong wanted Xu Lei to consider her decision again.

"Brother, I think you are wrong in this matter. We both suffered because we trusted the wrong people. It is not like we have been targeted because we are in entertainment industry. What if you do a regular nine to five job? Do you think that there would be no schemes in corporate world?" Xu Lei added, "Suppose you are due for a promotion and your colleague is due too. But only one of you can get it. You can then be targeted by that colleague too."

Xu Lei continued, "It is not the matter of one career. This type of people can cross our path anytime anywhere. We need to be careful while choosing our trusted ones. This is what I learnt from this incident of ours."

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