
Transmigrated as a Ghost

Dying in a tragic accident Marcus Ferrous gets transferred to a fantasy world of monsters and magic, except when he arrives contrary to what he expected he is now level one and a ghost. Left with nothing on a strange new world, Marcus will struggle with everything he has on his journey to get stronger and uncover the secrets of his new world. Artwork By Radiopaque.

MegaC · Kỳ huyễn
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1124 Chs

Chapter 486 Scheduling a Meeting and Helping out Around the City

With surprise on both of their faces, neither Marcus nor Mrazivý had been expecting to suddenly be requested to visit the mythic grade magic beast that had made its home in Tralenstein.

Of course, they had already known that this entity had existed, but so far that was all they knew about it.

Not once had the creature named Motis shown itself, even as the nation it protected tore itself apart during a very bloody civil war.

Though its very presence did act as a deterrent for the other kingdoms to the south which were on less than friendly terms with Tralenstein, and even during the civil was these nations had not invaded.

"Sure, I am fine with meeting with Tralenstein's guardian beast." Marcus said nonchalantly.

He really doubted that this Motis was planning to kill or harm them, seeing as how if it wanted to do that, it probably already would have.