
Transmigrated as a Ghost

Dying in a tragic accident Marcus Ferrous gets transferred to a fantasy world of monsters and magic, except when he arrives contrary to what he expected he is now level one and a ghost. Left with nothing on a strange new world, Marcus will struggle with everything he has on his journey to get stronger and uncover the secrets of his new world. Artwork By Radiopaque.

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Chapter 471 They Were Ready

Staring with the outer wall of the city, Marcus began investigating the least guarded areas or the ones with the weakest magical defenses.

'Yep, the northwestern side of the wall from mile sixty to mile sixty-five have the fewest mana cannons. Though I suppose that since that area outside of the wall is a marshland it makes the most sense. Hm, and the southern side is also just generally better defended in all regards. Maybe because of the hostile nations to the south?'

After searching the entirety of the outer wall over around four days, Marcus had made a very comprehensive list of the troop movements and magical defenses in each area.

Unfortunately, he did not find any glaring weakness in the setup, like a part of the wall that was heavily unguarded. But he did identify about eight areas that had the weakest defenses and would make good attack points.