Her blade embedded deep into the ghost she had been fighting, Mrazivý swung her arm in a single large arc.
When the spiritual energy imbued into her weapon exploded within her spectral opponent, the powerful knight that had once been Arriba's head general in life was exercised from the world.
"That was more difficult than I thought it would be." Mrazivý sighed as she sheathed her saber.
Feeling competitive, she had taken on two of the Ghost King's strongest courtiers.
This had led to a drawn-out battle that was challenging in several ways.
Not only had the two ghosts been quite powerful, but they spent the entire battle trying to get away from her. Their main goals were to protect their liege and at every opportunity they attempted to disengage from Mrazivý.
She had been forced to chase after them dozens of times and blow them away from where Marcus was fighting Arriba.