
Transmigrated:- Wanxian ( untamed )

This is novel of untamed version of transmigration. Where lan wangi travel from 21st century back to the world of cultivation and helped his lover change his destiny

Silentknight1994 · Ti vi
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4 Chs

yummy dishes

Wei Wuxin's eyes widened as he took his first bite of the crispy fried chicken. The exterior was crunchy and golden, giving way to juicy, tender meat. He closed his eyes, savoring the flavors, his face alight with delight.

"Wow, this is incredible!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with excitement.

He then turned his attention to the pizza, taking a bite of the gooey, cheesy goodness. The flavors exploded on his tongue, a perfect balance of savory and sweet. He chewed slowly, his eyes still closed, a look of pure bliss on his face.

"Amazing!" he breathed, his voice barely above a whisper.

Lan Wangi watched him, a warm smile spreading across his face. He was thrilled to see Wei Wuxin enjoying the food he had prepared.

Finally, Wei Wuxin opened his eyes, his gaze meeting Lan Wangi's. "This is the best meal I've ever had," he said, his voice filled with sincerity.

Lan Wangi's smile grew wider, his heart filled with happiness. He was glad he could share his passion for cooking with Wei Wuxin, and that it brought him so much joy.

"I'm glad you like it," Lan Wangi said, his voice filled with warmth. "I was hoping you'd enjoy it."

Wei Wuxin nodded enthusiastically, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "Enjoy it? I love it!" he exclaimed.

Lan Wangi chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "I'm glad to hear that," he said, his voice filled with pleasure.

As they continued to eat, Wei Wuxin couldn't help but steal glances at Lan Wangi, his heart filled with admiration and gratitude. He was amazed by Lan Wangi's culinary skills, and touched by his thoughtfulness.

Wei Wuxin pouted, his face scrunched up in disappointment. "I want something to drink, something with a kick," he said, his voice playful but persuasive.

Lan Wangi chuckled, shaking his head. "You know alcohol is prohibited in the Gusu Clan, Wuxin. It's not good for your health."

Wei Wuxin's pout deepened, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Just a little bit, lan zhan? Please?"

Lan Wangi smile , his eyes crinkling at the corners. "No, no, no. I have something better."

He turned to the system, his hands moving swiftly as he retrieved a familiar glass bottle. Wei Wuxin's eyes widened as Lan Wangi poured the dark, fizzy liquid into two glasses.

"What's that!" Wei Wuxin exclaimed, his voice filled with delight.

Lan Wangi smiled, handing Wei Wuxin a glass. "Coca cola I knew you'd like it."

Wei Wuxin took a sip, his eyes widening in surprise. The sweet, fizzy taste exploded on his tongue, and he gasped in pleasure.

"Wow, this is amazing!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with wonder.

Lan Wangi laughed, his eyes shining with amusement. "I'm glad you like it."

Wei Wuxin took another sip, his eyes closed in rapture. "This is the best thing I've ever tasted," he said, his voice barely above a whisper.

Lan Wangi smiled, his heart filled with happiness. He was thrilled to see Wei Wuxin so happy, and he knew that he would do anything to make him smile.

As they sipped their Coca Cola, Wei Wuxin couldn't help but steal glances at Lan Wangi, his heart filled with gratitude and affection. He knew that he had found a true friend in Lan Wangi, one who would always be there for him....

Lan wangi put everything back in system so he won't be get suspicious around gusu clan. Wei ying was sprawled on bed happily....

Lan wangi check his points ...

He only spend 200 points to buy those ingredients. It was cheap price he like it ....

Wei Wuxin sprawled on the bed, his belly full and content after the delicious meal and refreshing Coca Cola. He let out a satisfied sigh, his eyes drooping lazily as he gazed up at the ceiling.

Lan Wangi chuckled, his eyes shining with amusement as he watched Wei Wuxin's relaxed pose. He turned to the system, retrieving a set of soft, cozy night pajamas for both of them.

"Time to get ready for bed, wei ying," Lan Wangi said, his voice gentle.

Wei Wuxin sat up, his eyes widening as he took in the night pajamas, toothpaste, and toothbrush that Lan Wangi had retrieved from the system.

"What are those?" Wei Wuxin asked, his curiosity piqued.

Lan Wangi smiled, holding up the toothbrush and toothpaste. "These are for brushing our teeth. It's a habit from my childhood, to keep our teeth clean and healthy."

Wei Wuxin's eyes sparkled with excitement as he took the toothbrush and toothpaste from Lan Wangi. "I've never seen anything like this before!" he exclaimed.

Lan Wangi smile his eyes crinkling at the corners. "I'm glad I can introduce you to new things, wei ying."

Together, they squeezed the toothpaste onto their toothbrushes and began to brush their teeth. Wei Wuxin made funny faces, his eyes watering as he got used to the foamy texture.

Lan Wangi chuckled, his own teeth brushing motions smooth and practiced. "You're doing great, Wei ying !"

After they finished brushing their teeth, they changed into the cozy night pajamas, Wei Wuxin marveling at the soft fabric and comfortable fit.

As they settled into their bed they layed with some distance.Wei Wuxin turned to Lan Wangi, his eyes shining with excitement. "This has been the best day ever, lan zhan . Thank you for showing me all these amazing things!"

Lan Wangi smiled, his heart filled with happiness. "I'm glad you enjoyed it, Wei ying .I have many more things to show you."

As they snuggled under the blankets, Wei Wuxin's eyes drooped, his breathing slowing as he drifted off to sleep. Lan Wangi watched him, his eyes filled with love and affection, before closing his own eyes and falling asleep beside Wei Wuxin......

Wei Wuxin snuggled deeper into Lan Wangi's embrace, his arms wrapped tightly around him as he slept. Lan Wangi smiled, his eyes fluttering open at 5 am. He gazed down at Wei Wuxin's peaceful face, his heart filled with warmth.

After a gentle extrication, Lan Wangi began his morning cultivation routine. As he finished, he decided to surprise Wei Wuxin with a special breakfast.

He took out everything he needed from system and start preparing ingredients for breakfast....

He prepared pancakes with cream and cherry, accompanied by hot chocolate. The aroma wafted through the air, enticing Wei Wuxin's senses.

Wei Wuxin stirred, his eyes opening to the delicious smell. He sat up, rubbing his eyes, and saw Lan Wangi expertly flipping pancakes.

"What's that?" Wei Wuxin asked, his curiosity piqued.

Lan Wangi chuckled. "Pancakes with cream and cherry, and hot chocolate. Try some after brushing your teeth and changing clothes !"

Wei Wuxin immediately get fresh and brush his teeth then took a bite, his eyes widening in surprise. "This is delicious! But what's the sweet, red stuff?"

Lan Wangi laughed. "That's cherry! And the white stuff is cream."

Wei Wuxin nodded, taking another bite. "I like it!"

Lan Wangi smiled, pleased with Wei Wuxin's progress. "You're a late riser, but today you woke up early!"

Wei Wuxin grinned, his eyes sparkling. "Again how do you know about me so much the food aroma woke me up! It's amazing!"

Lan Wangi chuckled, his heart filled with joy. "I'm glad you liked it, wei ying and it's my magic to know about what I want " ...

" Hahah , I guess so after seeing everything" wei ying laughed and nodded his head . Lan wangi watch his beautiful smile with so much admiration he lost century ago...

[ Ding missing completed 500 points are added to your account]

[ New missing Updated will unlocked later ] ...

Lan wangi took a mental note them walked out with blabbering wei ying beside him towards hall. Where everyone is going to pay their respect to clan leader. Everyone on the way watch with horror who wei wuxin is laughing and sometimes slapping his arm lightly and lan wangi is nodding softly . He knows about the stares but do he care no way ........

They entered inside and walked towards their seats . Wei ying walked to Jiang Cheng and yanli . Jiang Cheng glare at him but didn't Sayed anything because everyone was there ...

The incident happen where wen clan' member came and create a scene . Lan wangi looked at Clan wen's prince with hatred . How much he hate him to destroy his clan and hurt wei ying. He control himself. That arrogant bastard create a same scene like before and ended like before . They all pay respect and walked out from there ....

" Where the hell were you. I was finding you everywhere after dinner " Jiang Cheng kicked his legs who groan . " I ate with lan zhan you doesn't need to worry Cheng Cheng " wei ying teased him and hide behind yanli ....

" You ,I will kill you " Jiang Cheng run behind him who run around . Jiang Cheng pushed him down to floor but wei ying close his eyes to touch the floor but a gentle strong band held him by waits ...

Wei ying immediately recognized and hide behind him pointing towards Jiang Cheng....

" Lan zhan , he is beating me " ....

Lan wangi who had some against Jiang Cheng from past Deadly glare at Jiang Cheng who gulped with fear .....

" Running is prohibited in here . Go to ancestor hall and kneel " lan wangi said coldly to Jiang Cheng who looks at wei ying who giggles and scoff walking away from there ...

He will see him after coming back .....