
Transformers: Dawn Of A New Era

After Optimus Prime chose to primarily focus on Earth's protection, the Elite Guard's Second in Command, Shadowstorm, was appointed as his sucessor. He now leads the Autobots in a new era, as they struggle to end the tiranny of Megatron, Leader of the Decepticons. However, despite their valiant efforts, the Great War continues, without an end in sight. Now, with the battles becoming feircer, Shadowstorm must fight to rid his homeworld and the universe of Mgatron's evil. Will he suceed, or die trying?

BlackViper55 · Khoa huyễn
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16 Chs

Chapter 15: Foiling A Decepticon Invasion

Earth-USA-NEST Primary Operations Headquarters-50 Kilometers North Of Washington DC

It's been 26 years since the start of the Human/Transformer collaboration, between the US Government and the Autobots. They and an elite human military strike force called NEST hunt the remaining Decepticons scattered across the globe. Luckily Director Galloway has been terminated as Head of HER (Human And Extraterrestrial Relations). The NEST team and the US Government leave the hunting of Decepticon fugitives hiding in Space, who have escaped following the retaking of the planet Cybertron and the end of the Great War, to Shadowstorm and the Elite Guard.

The collaboration of the Autobots and NEST has foiled 23 Decepticon attacks in the past year, each on different continents of the globe.

But now, a new evil was threatening Earth. A Decepticon invasion seemed to be imminent.

In The HQ Control Room

"Decepticon activity in Austin.", A soldier reported.

"Colonel Lennox, prepare yourself and The NEST team for departure!", General Marshower ordered.

Lennox nodded and saluted.

"Yes sir!"

Half An Hour Later

Colonel Lennox went to the airfield, where the NEST team was waiting.

"We've got our orders. Our destination is Austin, Texas. The Energon Detector placed there gave off a signal. We have strong reason to believe that Decepticons are hiding there.

If we think about it: 23 assaults in one year, it can't be a coincidence. Ready for the mission?", Lennox questioned.

"Yes sir!"

The soldiers got into the Blackhawks and were soon in the air.

On the board computer inside the main helicopter was the following: NEST team airborne. ETA: 7 hours.

Austin, Texas-Seven Hours Later

They landed and went over the plan, before springing into action.

A NEST soldier was holding an Energon Detector, which started beeping loudly.

"Sir. The contact is 200 feet northeast of our position.", He reported.

Lennox nodded and they sprang into action.

Suddenly, there was a huge explosion as the Decepticon appeared.

"Take cover!", Lennox yelled as the con started firing at them.

Sideswipe activated his blade and slashed at his left leg.

An Elite Guard unit distracted him as Shadowstorm shot him.

"You … have no idea … what is coming … the Elite Guard will fall and Cybertron shall, at long last be ours. Along with Earth and the universe", The Decepticon said, breathing heavily.

"But not today. Not ever!", Shadowstorm growled and finished him off.

Back At The NEST HQ

Galloway's successor, Director Mark Ericson was at the base to get an update on the situation.

"Sir, please listen to The Leader of The Autobots. He has vital information.", Colonel Lennox requested as Ericson nodded.

Shadowstorm transformed.

"Director, our partnership has foiled 3500 Decepticon assaults in 26 years.

This year alone, 23. But during our encounter last night, we received a warning.", He explained and played the recording.

"You … have no idea … what is coming … The Elite Guard will fall and Cybertron shall, at long last be ours. Along with Earth and the universe",

"We have reason to believe they are planning a massive invasion and are most likely building a Space Bridge."

Director Ericson had a troubled look on his face.

"I shall notify the White House and the President will be flown to a security bunker at once."

Everyone nodded as he quickly got back into the helicopter and left.

Meanwhile On The Moon

The Decepticons were hiding on the Moon and constructing a Space Bridge, with which they intend to conquer the entire universe, but mostly Cybertron.

"At last! It is finally complete! Now I can unite the Decepticon forces scattered across the galaxy, then transport to Cybertron and free the ones imprisoned there. And finally conquer the planet, along with the entire universe! Hahaha!", The general laughed evilly.

Back At The NEST HQ On Earth

"The Elite Guard flagship and the two smaller craft could be used to travel to the moon and destroy the Space Bridge. As you're all aware, the Xanthium isn't necessarily built for very heavy combat.", Optius suggested as Shadowstorm nodded.

"You're right. Sideswipe, prepare The Thunderstrike for battle."

Sideswipe nodded and walked away.

"I thought the Ironwill was your flagship? Why did you replace it?", Optimus questioned intrigued.

"It was starting to get inappropriate. We're the Elite Guard, so we need an appropriate ship. One that is faster, more durable, has more firepower and is equipped with a containment area. We know mass-produce the Ironwill and use it as a support ship.", Shadowstorm explained as Optimus nodded.

They got ready and launched to the Moon.

On The Moon

The Autobot ships arrived at The Moon and started bombing both the enemy and the Space Bridge. The Bridge was soon destroyed, so they could focus on the Decepticons.

"It's time to end this!", Shadowstorm declared determined.

He pulled out his axe and attacked them.

Ironhide activated his cannon.

Sideswipe used his shoulder rockets and plasma cannon.

It was tough but the battle was soon won and the Decepticons defeated.

After The Battle

The Decepticons were arrested.

The Autobots returned to the NEST HQ and The Elite Guard took the prisoners back to Cybertron aboard the Thunderstrike.