
Transformers: Dawn Of A New Era

After Optimus Prime chose to primarily focus on Earth's protection, the Elite Guard's Second in Command, Shadowstorm, was appointed as his sucessor. He now leads the Autobots in a new era, as they struggle to end the tiranny of Megatron, Leader of the Decepticons. However, despite their valiant efforts, the Great War continues, without an end in sight. Now, with the battles becoming feircer, Shadowstorm must fight to rid his homeworld and the universe of Mgatron's evil. Will he suceed, or die trying?

BlackViper55 · Khoa huyễn
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16 Chs

Chapter 1: Neutralizing The Decepticon Uprisings

On Cybertron

All Autobots were busy with monitoring their homeworld and the surrounding sectors for enemy activity.

Recently Decepticon Uprisings have started to occur across the galaxy, drawing more and more of the Autobot forces away from the planet. Knowing that by dispatching their troops to the furthest reaches of space, Cybertertron would be left completely defenseless, so Autobot Supreme Commander Shadowstorm decided to take action against this problem, by leaving his Second in Command, Thunderblade in charge of the remaining forces on the planet, and disembarking on a mission with a large strike force aboard the Elite Guard's flagship, the Ironwill, to neutralize the Decepticon threat , once and for all.

At The High Council Building-In Iacon

Shadowstorm arrived and entered the building, going to The High Council's chamber.

"Shadowstorm, what do you wish to discuss?" , The lead council member questioned.

"Council, these are dire times. Surely you have gotten word of the Decepticon Uprisings currently occurring across the galaxy?"

"Indeed. Although I fail to see your point.", Another council member stated.

"It would seem they have managed to gather more troops and are currently operating from a small barren rocky planet called Teta Nine. According to the Intelligence Division, they have suffered a setback following an attack from some of our forces, in which their main Energon supply had been neutralized. Still, they have been and still are attempting to capture a Space Bridge to teleport their forces directly to Cybertron and take the planet now that most of our armies have been dispatched to the far reaches of the galaxy. This is why I'm leaving with a team to capture the Decepticons, before it's too late. During my absence I will leave Thunderblade in command", He stated while looking at Firedrive, the High Council's leader , who nodded.

"Very well. Safe journey, Commander."

Shadowstorm nodded, giving the mech a small smile before leaving.

At The Autobot Command Headquarters-Twenty Minutes Later

He entered and walked to the control room.

In The Control Room

"Ironhide, tell your team to get ready. The rest of you, go to the armory and get your weapons. Despite our strength in numbers, we'll need serious fire power to win. Let's move!", Shadowstorm commanded.

"Yes sir!", All the soldiers replied firmly, while giving a respectful salute.

In The Fortress's Armory

Shadowstorm pressed a button and opened up the weapons storage vault, before pressing another to open the compartment, which stored all the grenades.

They grabbed some grenades and weapons and closed the vault, before heading to the hangar.

In The Fortress Hangar-Ten Minutes Later

The elevator doors opened to reveal the Elite Guard's flagship, The Ironwill as well as an armada of support ships.

"Autobots! Prepare for takeoff!", Shadowstorm ordered.

"Yes sir!", All the units replied via comms.

The Autobot Armada took off and departed for the location.

In The Far Reaches Of The Galaxy-Five Hours Later

The Autobot Army arrived and picked up a signal originating from Theta 9.

"I'm taking a team with me down to the planet's surface to apprehend the Decepticons. Let's go!", Shadowstorm ordered as his soldiers saluted.

"Yes sir!"

On The Planet's Surface-Thirty Minutes Later

The Autobot soldiers started fighting the Decepticons before defeating and stasis cuffing them.

The Autobots locked up their enemies in the Ironwill's prison block and set a course for Cybertron.

Back On The Planet Cybertron-Three Hours Later

After arriving, the Decepticons were put away in the Fortress's cellblock, guarded by four squads of the Elite Guard.

The High Council was very pleased with the news and organized a ceremony to honor Shadowstorm as the hero he is.

The Decepticons became aware of the situation and the uprisings stopped completely. But with their main base of operations, main Energon supply and the majority of their forces neutralized , what's their next move?