
Transformer in marvel

A young man reincarnated into the marvel universe with no original memories apart from his knowledge of anime and comics

Rick_C_137 · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs

Chapter 3: First day

Well a recap to last time, I have claimed the name of this body while also keeping my own and I now have no fucking clue what I'm to do, you know for all the planning of whether I should become a transformer or get the ultimatrix ( which was previously never mentioned as it's my godamned decision) I really didn't think about what happens after that.

Now I'm sitting at the bottom of what I have confirmed to be the Hudson and have connected to all satellites all across the planet, and I have to say I can see where ultron was coming from in a literal sense, but I think he was a bit too radicle in his ideas.

I also have access to all of shields data banks and all of what hydra keeps online as well as found out certain organisations such as Aim are still just startups and captain America has yet to be discovered.

however I have found that Charles Xavier's school for gifted youngsters is indeed a thing and has been for a while, but they have no online presence and shield has yet to truly discover who they are so it hasn't been properly documented.

As I sit here contemplating my existence I think about what I could do and figure my best course of action, and come to the conclusion of sorting out my shit before I do anything else, to do said shit sorting I'm going to make use of the only good part about a severely overused trope and create a system interface that shows my stats and skills as well as my energy level, so I don't randomly die due to powering down.

To do this I'm going to make each stat point worth a certain amount of strength and speed to due this I quantified 1 point of strength per 10 tons and 1 point of speed per 100 miles an hour, intelligence and the like will not be included as I'm a robot and I can just download the data I need as well as contort my body any way I please, my panel looks something like this.


Energy level - 84%

Name: Drake ( Genesis Prime)

Strength: 6 points 

Speed: 2 points


Absorbtion - the ability to absorb any and all things to strengthen one's self to a certain extent depending on the source and also using said energy to charge the body's power source (spark).

Energon Blades - superheated energon blades that extend from the side of the forearms similar to dino's blades from tf3 

but thicker and unable to rotate.

Anti-magnetisation - the ability to be completely non magnetic to anything or anyone the host touches including his own body.

Energon Cannons - Dual Cannons that transform from the hands that can pierce through all and any man made technology and structures to a certain degree.


CQC Mastery - A master of combat who has had millennia to perfect their craft.

Weapons Mastery - A master of all weaponry including all types of blades and guns.

Alt Forms:


Alt Mode 1 - super stealth bomber.( adds 30 points to speed)

Alt Mode 2 - Hover car

Alt Mode 3 - Rail gun tank 

Alt Mode 4 - None

Alt Mode 5 - None


As I view the information presented to me I feel a giddy sense of satisfaction that I'm strong enough to defend myself against most danger levels in this world for the foreseeable future.

I finish moping at the bottom of the sea and decide that my first order of business is to do two things 1. find an alt mode that matches with the times and 2. Use my ability of full bodily control to disguise myself as a mutant, and go to Xavier's school by copying the waves given off by mutants, that will later be used to detect them and project myself as an alpha level mutant.

First things first, I slowly make my way out of the river and find an alt mode, as I'm scanning different vehicles two cars catch my attention racing by, one is a green Rx7 and the other is a silver and blue r34 gtr.

as they race by I scan the r34 and replace the hover car slot, and find a secluded area to transform as I do I'm able to see an almost 3rd person view of myself and I look exactly like the gtr except the blue is replaced with black.( Paul walkers gtr from 2f2f except replace the blue with black and stock spoiler)

with that sorted I focus on the next part of my plan I try and find a human to scan and when I do a strange notification appears.

Unable to fully replecate form, more of the skin like material must be absorbed to fully transform.

As I read the message a pit of dread fills me as I realise that I'll most likely have to kill humans to fully transform.

but after a few moments of thought I wondered if it would be possible to absorb small amounts of skin from multiple different people.

As I'm thinking an elderly man passes by and I jump to test my theory, I sneak up behind the man and create a hollow form inside the car and "accidentally" bump into him for a few seconds and absorb some of his skin. As I do I check the human slot in my alt form and see,


Alt forms:

Alt Mode 4 - Human (2%)


I've discovered that absorbing human skin for roughly 4 seconds allowed 2% of the material needed to be absorbed, which means if I absorb material from 50 people for 4 seconds each I can completely transform into a human and will never have to do this again for any mammal like species. As I'm thinking this I don't notice the 2 police officers and by the time I do they're banging on my window, as soon as I notice I immediately reverse and get the fuck outta there as I don't want no trouble.

However the one downside to the vehicle I have chosen to be my alt form for the next few years has one glaring issue for police chases as I would come to learn,

It's very fucking loud.


 3 and a half hours later


I Have Done It!!! hahahaha,

is what I want to scream out but what is actually going on, is that I have been racing around New York for the last 3 hours trying to get away from these absolute psychopaths known as the NYPD.

Fret not though I haven't done this for no apparent reason, I'm using this as an excuse to bump into people and absorb their skin, because I figured that it would be much easier bumping into people as an insane racer running from the police than slowly trying to get enough material to transform into a human. 

and so far I'm absolutely correct with my assessment as I have reached an astonishing 98% completion in my task.

All I have to do now is "bump" into one mor person and the do a very convincing "Fuck this shit I'm out" by driving as fast as possible out of the city and transforming int my bomber alt mode.

as I monologue the previous few hours I see my next victim... ahem I mean target, it's a young man recording me on a fairly large old camera, I pivot and drift straight into him and stay their for 4 seconds.

while waiting the fuzz has apparently caught up and has left me with no choice but to speed off with this dude on my hood, causing him to roll all the way off of me and get hit by a cop..... he'll be fine dude didn't even get hit that fast must of been like 15 miles an hour he'll live, definitely not covered in blood, totally not my fault.

anywho I'm speeding on to a straight out of New York and once my scanner doesn't detect any cameras I transform and disappear into the night.


10 minutes later


after a quick ten minute journey I land near a suburb and transform into my fully completed human form I prepare to look at myself in all my glory only to realise I missed a very crucial step.

I'm buck ass naked, although I will have to thank 

^********^" later for my "big" brother.

new 3rd step to my plan that will come before my second step... acquire clothing.


As I brainstorm ideas, I get an alert.

Energy reserves have fallen below 50% please remember to recharge as soon as possible,

I figured no time like the present as I go next to an old house and grab the electrical box and start absorbing energy.

Instead of trying to absorb to my body however I send all the energy directly to my spark, I notice multiple alerts letting me know my reserve are being replenished, I stay there for a few minutes until I receive the 100% notification. 

As I do I notice clothes hanging on a clothes line,

Nothing fancy, just a hoodie and some sweatpants baggy enough to cover myself as I do 

a light is switched on and I see someone poke their head out the window and start yelling.

I however choose to make a big brained move and not stay around for what they're saying and get the fuck out of their.

and as soon as I do I realise it's time to complete the second step of my master plans and I start running in the direction I think Xavier's school of gifted youngsters is.


How is it so far please let me know any constructive criticism is welcome.

yours truly,
