
Transcending Reality: When the Game Becomes Life

Behold as our protagonist is transported from their in-game avatar to a foreign realm. However, the individual has now taken on a feminine form and must navigate the treacherous waters of their deranged underlings, who seek to crown her as ruler of the world. As the pressure mounts, our protagonist must also contend with her own deteriorating mental state, threatened by the encroaching madness.

Im_Hungry123 · Võ hiệp
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40 Chs

Embracing a New Identity

As soon as her eyes met the unexpected sight before her, her countenance was instantly overcome with an undeniable feeling of amazement and astonishment. The sheer shock and disbelief of the scene that lay before her was palpable, and her facial features were a clear reflection of her tumultuous internal state. However, in a matter of mere seconds, she was able to collect herself and regain her composure, allowing her to effortlessly morph into the refined and well-trained persona of the proficient and poised servant, fully equipped and ready to cater to her masters' every whim and fancy, no matter how extravagant or obscure.

"What?! Evangeline! This can't possibly be real! I must be dreaming, there's no other explanation for this!"

A jolt of surprise coursed through me, leaving me utterly bewildered, as if my entire reality had been flipped upside down. My thoughts were in disarray as I came to the sudden realization that the silhouette looming before me was none other than Evangeline, Evangeline Dustmire- a virtual character that I had conjured up in the game world. It was a surreal experience to witness her presence in the physical realm, as if she had transcended the confines of the digital world and made her way into the tangible world.

Evangeline was a creation of my imagination, a character I had breathed life into with such care and precision that she became the very embodiment of my ideal maid. Her beauty and poise were unparalleled, a testament to my unwavering dedication to bringing her to life. While she may not have been as proficient in combat as some of my other characters, she possessed an indomitable strength that demanded respect.

I stood there in shock, trying to make sense of what I was seeing, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe and amazement. It was as if a part of my imagination had somehow become real, taking on a life of its own and manifesting in front of me. The sheer astonishment that I felt at that moment was beyond words, and I couldn't help but stare in wonder at the stunning figure before me.

"Oh great ruler, I implore your mercy for my misstep. If it had not been your desire for me to attend to your needs whilst you were in what appeared to be an everlasting slumber, I humbly ask for your pardon for my actions. May your graciousness extend to this humble servant."

Evangeline, her body trembling with anticipation and her mind racing with adrenaline-fueled thoughts, slowly lowers herself down to her knees. She gazes downward, her eyes fixated on the ground beneath her as if searching for some hidden answer to the question that had been plaguing her mind. Her appearance suggests that she had just committed an act that went beyond the realm of reason - something so daring and audacious that it left her with a mix of exhilaration and fear. At that moment, I look at her with a mixture of curiosity and confusion, unsure of what had just transpired. Evangeline misinterpreted my reaction, she assumed that I was mad at her for whatever it was she had just done. However, nothing could be farther from the truth.

"No, stand up, do not disgrace yourself as so."

"But, your Highness, my actions went against your wishes, which I acknowledge as akin to a sin."

"Sigh, Evangeline it was not your foult as I appeared to have been in a state resembling a dream, thereby preventing me from recognizing your presence. And so their is no need for you to apologize. Now i permit you to continue with what you were about to do."

".....Understood, your highness" she says after a brief pause.

With a determined gait, the woman strides resolutely towards the bed, her eyes fixed unwaveringly on her goal, revealing a steadfast dedication to the task before her. Approaching the bed with a swift and skilled manner that surpasses comparison, she moves with a fluid and efficient grace as she undertakes the chore of straightening the bed linens, imbued with an almost tangible sense of determination.

Meanwhile, I make my way towards the imposing mirror that dominates the wall of the bathroom, its massive size almost overwhelming in its sheer scale and grandeur. As I approach the mirror, I feel a sense of anticipation rising within me, knowing full well what I will see before me when I look into its reflective surface.

As I gaze into the mirror, I am met with the sight of my in-game character staring back at me with a gaze that is both intense and alluring, their deep scarlet eyes seeming to hold a secret that is just out of reach. I am struck by the stunning likeness between myself and my character, each detail captured flawlessly in the mirror's reflection

Starting from the top, my deep black flowing hair gracefully cascades down my sides, creating a stunning contrast against my creamy skin. Each strand of my hair seems to have a life of its own, moving with every subtle movement I make. As my gaze travels down to my face, I notice that not a single blemish can be found. My skin is smooth and unblemished, with a natural glow that only adds to my radiance. My eyes, large and almond-shaped, are a captivating shade of red that seem to sparkle in the light. Thick and luscious eyelashes frame them perfectly, making them even more alluring.

As I smile, my perfectly white straight teeth are revealed, enhancing my already attractive features. My lips, full and pink, are a sight to behold, and they form into a breathtaking smile that lights up my face. From head to toe, I am the epitome of beauty and perfection. Every curve, every line, every inch of me is flawlessly designed. My figure is an hourglass shape that exudes femininity and sensuality. I stand tall and confident, with a graceful and elegant posture that adds to my allure.

The visage staring back at me is one that exudes a sense of novelty, an entity that has just come into existence. Though my previous, more masculine self has been eradicated, I find myself feeling no disgust or aversion as I examine my new form. In fact, the opposite is true - I am filled with a sense of wonder, as if I have always existed in this new body, and know every inch of it intimately.

My perception has been amplified, and I am now intensely attuned to the array of sensations that my physical vessel bestows upon me. The inhalation and exhalation of air through my lungs, the pulsating flow of blood in my veins, and the nuanced shifts of my muscles and bones as I transfer my weight from foot to foot all register with heightened clarity. It is as though I have crossed over into an alternate dimension, one that defies the boundaries of ordinary reality.

Amidst the remarkable newness of my transformed state, I find an inexplicable solace that resonates deep within me. It's as if I have discovered my authentic self, the one I was fated to become. Everything about this metamorphosis feels fated, as though it was an inevitable process that was bound to happen, and all that remained was for me to leave behind my former self and embrace this rebirth.

I emerge from the washroom, my eyes than lock onto Evangeline gracefully pouring a steaming brew into an exquisitely adorned cup. With a sudden jolt of recognition, I stride towards her and sink into the cozy chair waiting for me at the table. My ever-attentive maid, Evangeline, stands by my side, poised to tend to my every need.

"Evangeline contact Lyra"

"Already done your highness, she should be on her way as we speak"

"I see." With my heightened senses, I could not only see but feel the elegance and sophistication that came with the simple act of holding a teacup. The way it effortlessly fit into the palm of my hand, the way the handle felt smooth against my skin, and the way the warmth of the porcelain radiated throughout my body. As I brought the teacup closer to my face, I could see the steam rising from the liquid, dancing around the edges of the cup, as if performing a ballet. The aroma that emanated from the cup was enchanting, as it danced around me and enraptured my senses.

With the same level of precision as a surgeon with a scalpel, I lifted the cup to my lips, making sure not to spill a single drop of the precious liquid. As the warm tea trickled down my throat, I could feel its velvety texture coating my mouth and tongue, imparting its delicious flavor. The tea was not just a beverage, but a work of art, carefully crafted to tantalize and delight my senses.

I could feel my body relaxing with every sip, as the tea worked its magic, soothing and calming me. It was as if the tea had a life of its own, and with every sip, it revealed a new layer of complexity and depth. I couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder and amazement at the beauty of this simple act of drinking tea. I marveled at how natural it felt to hold the teacup and take a sip, as if I had been doing it for centuries. The ease and fluidity of my movements were that of a true monarch who had reigned for countless years, with grace and poise that even surprised me.

"Evangeline, you have truly exceeded expectations with this beverage. It is absolutely fitting for a monarch."

"Your highness, you honor me with your kind words. Unfortunately, after you entered what appeared to be an endless slumber, there was very little I could do. So one of the few things I did do to pass the time was to make tea."

"Oh yes, very delicious indeed. Now regarding that topic, how long have I been in what you refer to as a sleep state?" As I find myself in this odd situation, I make a conscious effort to acquire even the slightest bit of knowledge about my current circumstances. While I do not necessarily doubt the validity of the situation at hand, I must confess that believing it wholeheartedly has proven to be quite challenging. However, I am certainly not suggesting that I would prefer to return to a life of monotonous tedium and everlasting ennui. No, I would much rather remain in this peculiar and unconventional environment, even if it means having to reconcile with certain uncertainties and doubts along the way.

Her voice brimming with unwavering conviction, she declares, "One hundred and seventy-two years, five months, and twenty-two days have slipped away while you slumbered."

My eyes involuntarily widened to their fullest extent, revealing the whites of my eyes as my pupils dilated to take in every detail of the scene before me. My right hand, which was previously in motion, paused abruptly, freezing my porcelain cup of tea in mid-air, mere inches away from my awaiting lips. The once steady motion of my arm had been abruptly interrupted by the overwhelming shock of the moment, causing my fingers to grip the handle of the teacup with newfound intensity as I struggled to process the unexpected turn of events. "Huh!" I yell in confusion.

Before I was about to say something else, a distinct sound, resembling that of someone knocking on the door, interrupted me. In response to the sound, Evangeline, with her swift and graceful gait, wasted no time in approaching the door. She displayed her exceptional poise and gentleness as she pressed a button and than slowly the door opened, revealing the person on the other side. The manner in which she conducted herself was so measured and deliberate that it suggested a calm and composed mind that was ready to handle any situation that came her way.

Lyra Stoneheart whas on the the other side, she stood out with her ethereal appearance that could easily capture anyone's attention. Her long white hair cascaded down her back in gentle waves, while her deep blue eyes sparkled with a sense of purpose and determination. What was truly remarkable about Lyra were the six wings that protruded from her back, a clear indication of her celestial nature.

As she took each step, Lyra's white yet eye-catching dress flowed around her in a graceful dance. The intricate designs on her dress seemed to shimmer and radiate with a blinding light, adding to her already magnificent presence. Every movement she made was like a symphony in motion, each gesture perfectly choreographed and executed with finesse. Despite the awe-inspiring spectacle that she presented, Lyra's focus was unwavering. She strode forward with a sense of purpose

"Greetings, Your Majesty. This humble servant of yours offers his obeisance to you."

"Verily, this is a summons to merriment! the world must know that their rightful sovereign has been roused from slumber."

Not only did Lyra gracefully glide into the room, but also the imposing figure of Draven Nightshade appeared, his presence demanding attention. The sound of his heavy footsteps echoed through the chamber as his deep black armor, adorned with parts of striking red, clattered and clanked on the ground, every movement a display of his strength and power.

Draven's fierce, red eyes bore into the room, scanning his surroundings with a keen gaze as his black horns, jutting out from his head, pointed towards the ceiling. His aura exuded a sense of danger, and it was clear to all present that he was not to be underestimated.

It had taken me hours to painstakingly craft these two characters, imbuing them with the strength and prowess that they now possessed. Lyra and Draven were two of my strongest creations, and the effort put into bringing them to life had been worth it, as they stood before me in all their glory.