
Transcending Reality: When the Game Becomes Life

Behold as our protagonist is transported from their in-game avatar to a foreign realm. However, the individual has now taken on a feminine form and must navigate the treacherous waters of their deranged underlings, who seek to crown her as ruler of the world. As the pressure mounts, our protagonist must also contend with her own deteriorating mental state, threatened by the encroaching madness.

Im_Hungry123 · Võ hiệp
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40 Chs

A Fat Man

I plopped down onto the cozy seat that Lyra had expertly crafted just for me, as my heart overflowed with gratitude for her thoughtfulness. I gazed out at the endless stretch of ocean in front of me as a soft breeze blew across my skin, as gentle as a lover's touch. Suddenly, I felt a deep sense of peace wash over me, as if all the chaos of the world had melted away in the salty sea air.

However, I inhaled a lungful of air and let it out with a dramatic sigh, my mind was suddenly flooded with flashbacks of the conversation I had with Lyra. It was just yesterday, but the weight of her words had somehow grown heavier with time, causing me to feel like a shaken-up soda can ready to burst at any moment. Suffice to say, I was far from feeling settled.

It was almost unfathomable to me that Lyra could have dropped such a spine-chilling plan with such an impassive expression, as if it were just another casual conversation. I mean, seriously, who could believe it? It was as if the weight of her words were heavy enough to crush the very air around us, leaving us both breathless and reeling from the implications of what was being proposed.

Isadora occupies the seat beside me, her gaze fixed nervously upon the vast expanse of the sea. The rest of her company stands idly by, ignorant of what the future holds.

"Is the dame really that frazzled that she needs a fancy beach getaway to get her act together?"

"Hey, pipe down pal. Maybe they're holdin' out for somebody."

"Who could they be waiting? We're staring down the Dead Sea, the most damn treacherous body of water around. Ain't no living creature with half a brain gonna make it across that shit alive."

Oh, how the knights did revel in their distance from all prying ears! They thought themselves safe in their secluded spot, far from the reach of any snoop or spy. Their voices carried on the wind, a faint whisper in the ear of any who cared to listen. And I, with my sharp senses and keen perception, was able to hear their every word, as if I were standing right beside them.

The endless ocean stretched out before them, and doubt crept into the minds of Auric and Kaelen, who were the first to speak up. Their words dripped with concern and hesitation as they contemplated the impossible feat of traversing the deadly waters in a mere day.

Auric, in particular, appeared taken aback by the sheer magnitude of the challenge before them. His gaze fixated on the unforgiving sea, and he could not help but express his doubts out loud. "Uh! Please forgive me, your majesty," he stammered, quickly realizing the potential consequences of his words. "I did not mean to imply that your soldiers aren't strong enough to overcome it," he added, attempting to backtrack and save face.

Kaelen chimed in with his own reservations, nodding in agreement with Auric. "And to traverse it in a mere day, I find it impossible," he said, casting a sideways glance in my direction. His eyes held the same look of doubt and disbelief as Auric's.

As they spoke, I remained calm and composed, sitting with my legs crossed and arms folded. I could sense the fear and uncertainty emanating from them, but I knew that their worries were unfounded. With an amused glint in my eye, I looked at them and then at the horizon, where the incoming ships were approaching.

"There's no need to worry," I reassured them, pointing towards the sea. "As you can see, they are already here."

All eyes turned towards the ocean, where a fleet of twenty airship carriers and fifty battleships was making its way towards the shore. The sight was a marvel to behold, and the onlookers were awestruck by what they saw. The ships seemed to glide across the water's surface effortlessly, as if they were walking on solid ground.

"By the gods! What manner of beasts are these that traverse the waters as if they were land?" exclaimed Aragorn, his monocle falling from his eye in shock. He continued to stare at the approaching fleet, his voice trembling with disbelief.

Eldric, too, was amazed by what he saw. "What is this sorcery?" he wondered aloud. "These ships move without the power of the wind! It's as if a great wizard has pulled the very land from beneath us and placed it upon the sea!"

Even Evelynne, with her wide eyes and agape mouth, was in complete disbelief as she witnessed the grandeur of the ships that lay before her. She quickly stood up from her seated position as if she were a child, filled with wonder and amazement. As she looked upon the vessels that seemed to defy gravity and float effortlessly on the water, a barrage of questions flooded her mind. "How do these ships float on the water?" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with excitement and curiosity. "What are they made of? How do they stay afloat?"

She pondered over the ships' construction as her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a voice that was filled with skepticism and disbelief. It was a man with a hot-headed attitude, who had been eyeing both Lyra and myself with lustful intentions since we arrived here. "Surely these ships cannot be real," he exclaimed, shaking his head in disbelief. "They must be some kind of illusion or magic trick."

As he ambled forward, his footsteps reverberated through the ground like a minor earthquake, his massive bulk swaying to and fro with every ponderous step. The folds of flesh, spilling out of his clothes, were like an overflowing river, while his jowls hung down like two pendulums swinging to and fro, propelled by the momentum of his movement. His fingers were as thick as sausages, his belly a mountain of flesh that seemed to defy gravity, straining against the fabric of his shirt with every breath. Despite his massive size, there was a strange youthful energy to him, a glint of mischief in his beady eyes that spoke of a life lived on the edge.

He turned to face me as a sly grin stretched across his lips, and he licked them with a disgustingly long tongue. "There is no way a ship without sails could ever float," he boomed, his voice carrying a smug certainty that grated on my nerves. His eyes flicked over to Lyra, standing nearby with her fists clenched in anger and disgust written all over her face.

"Well, well, well," she began, savoring every syllable as if it were a delectable morsel. "Look who we have here! The bloated and buttery behemoth who can't even control where they're staring." She paused for effect, enjoying the way her words seemed to sting him like a swarm of angry bees. "Don't worry, though," she continued, her voice low and menacing. "I'll help you out by yanking those offensive orbs out of your greasy face."

The fat man's eyes flashed with anger as he heard Lyra's insulting words. "How dare you speak to me like that!" he roared, "You think you're so high and mighty, with your fiery gaze,"

Lyra remained unperturbed, standing firmly in front of the enraged man with a steadfast look on her face. Instead, she raised a single eyebrow, a faint smile playing at the corners of her mouth.

"Is that the best you can do?" she asked, her tone tinged with a hint of sarcasm. "I expected more from someone of your size and stature. It's not every day that I get to meet someone who can make me laugh so easily."

The man paused for a moment, taken aback by Lyra's boldness. However, he quickly regained his composure and retorted, "Ha! You think you're so clever, don't you? Well, let me tell you, little missy, that your insults are like tickles to me. They don't even come close to hurting me."

With an eye roll that was so exaggerated that it seemed to take up her entire face, Lyra addressed the man, "Oh, I'm sorry," she said, pausing for effect. "I didn't realize that you were impervious to insults. Perhaps I should try a different tactic, like complimenting your fashion sense. That shirt really brings out the color of your jowls," she added, her voice dripping with sarcasm.

The man's face turned a deep shade of red with rage, his nostrils flaring as he took a menacing step forward. "You're going to regret crossing me, girl," he growled, his voice low and menacing. "I'll make sure you pay for your disrespect."

The heated argument raged on as Lyra sported a wicked grin on her face while hurling a relentless verbal assault at the rotund, greasy man standing before her. The guy attempted to fight back, but he was no match for Lyra's unrivaled talent for stirring up anger and provocation. With each acidic quip, the man's blood boiled hotter and hotter, courtesy of Lyra's masterful manipulation.

It was no surprise to anyone who knew Lyra, the reigning champion of insults and emotions. Her words cut like knives, and her timing was impeccable. The man's face turned redder than a beet, while Lyra kept prodding him, like a matador taunting a bull. It was like she had an ulterior motive, and who knows, maybe she did. Maybe she was just waiting for him to snap, so she could unleash her full fury upon him.

It was then that Isadora, who had been silently observing the exchange, felt compelled to step in.

Rising from her seated position, Isadora fixed her unwavering gaze upon Thaddeus, who was clearly taken aback by her sudden interruption. In a sharp, commanding tone, she uttered the words that brought a halt to the escalating tension.

"Thaddeus, watch your tone," she said, her eyes locked onto his. Isadora's eyes were as steely as the look she gave Thaddeus, and there was a hint of warning that lurked just beneath the surface.

Thaddeus was momentarily caught off guard by Isadora's intervention, and his grin faltered for just a moment. He glanced at her with a look of surprise in his eyes, as if he had not expected her to step in. The weight of Isadora's words seemed to give him pause, and for a moment, he hesitated. He appeared to be debating whether or not to push the issue further, but in the end, he thought better of it.

With a muttered "Fine," Thaddeus reluctantly relented, his eyes flicking back to Lyra for just a moment before he turned away.

Lyra turned her head towards Isadora, and her eyes were filled with animosity as she crossed her arms in a posture of dominance. The malicious smile on her face indicated that she was about to make a disparaging comment. Taking a deep breath, she let out a derogatory statement towards the overweight man.

With a tone that was both snide and condescending, Lyra remarked, "Oh dear, how amusing it is to observe the corpulent gentleman in question waddling about with all the grace of a beached whale. One cannot help but be reminded of a particularly rotund sausage being squeezed into its casing." She paused for a moment, relishing the sight of the man struggling to move around.

Lyra's disgust for the man was evident in her words as she continued, "That greasy fat man should be put in his place."

From the moment the man began to speak, I could feel an overwhelming sense of anger bubbling up from within me. It was as if the fury was emanating from the deepest recesses of my soul, and I couldn't understand why.

Despite my inner turmoil, I managed to maintain a calm exterior as I addressed Lyra, my tone dripping with condescension. "Oh, my sweet Lyra," I began, drawing out the words in a haughty manner. "Do not deign to lower yourself to the level of that pitiful man-child."

As I spoke, I rolled my eyes in frustration, fully aware of the futility of engaging in conversation with such an individual. "Why waste your precious time and energy on someone so devoid of basic social graces and manners?" I continued, my voice laced with disdain. "It's like trying to teach a pig to sing, my dear. It's a pointless endeavor."

Even as the words spilled forth from my mouth, I couldn't help but feel a sense of detachment, as if I were watching myself from afar. It was almost as though I were a mere observer, rather than an active participant in the conversation.

And yet, despite this sense of dissociation, I knew deep down that what I was saying was exactly what needed to be said. My words may not have been what I had intended to utter, but somehow they felt right, as if they were coming from a place of higher wisdom.

I stood there as Isadora's piercing gaze caught me off guard. Her eyes widened in surprise as she looked at me, causing a slight tremble in her body. It was as if she had just seen a ghost.

In a soft and apologetic tone, Isadora spoke, "Please forgive that imbecile for his lack of manners." Her voice was laced with regret as she slightly bent over in apology, making sure to show the utmost respect.

Isadora continued to explain, "He has always been taught since a young age that he is at the center of the world." The way she spoke made it clear that she was not excusing his behavior, but rather trying to provide an explanation for his rudeness.

I rise from my seated position as my gaze drifts towards the once-obscured vessels, now in plain view. With a slight smile, I address Isadora, "There's no need to fret, my dear. Even the most disciplined of canines can falter at times. But, let's face it, we're discussing a man whose incompetence is staggering, a flabby mass of flesh with no coherent thoughts to speak of, let alone any ability to carry out even the simplest of tasks with proficiency."

Suddenly realizing my folly, I pause and quickly interject, "My apologies, dear dogs of the world. Comparing you to such a wretched excuse for a human is an affront to your noble character. You have a sense of honor, a pride in your duties, an unwavering loyalty to your masters, and an intelligence that far exceeds anything the thta man could ever hope to possess."

Once again, as if on auto-pilot, I found myself unable to reign in the torrent of biting, derisive words that tumbled from my lips with such ease that it seemed almost effortless. Despite my lack of control over the situation, I couldn't help but sport a small, knowing grin on my face - the kind that would make even Lyra, with all her legendary cunning, green with envy.

Lyra looked at me with a newfound level of admiration and respect - her eyes practically shining with stars as she marveled at my quick wit and cutting tongue. And Isadora, looked on with a face like stone, the intensity of her fear and apprehension palpable. It was a strange sensation, to be both utterly out of control and yet somehow completely in command of the situation.