
Transcending Reality: The Singularity's Awakening {Hiatus}

“In the realm of fiction, the mind unfurls its imaginative wings, conjuring desires and worlds beyond our grasp. It offers a sanctuary, an escape from a somber reality, or perhaps a glimpse into the lives we long for. What if this tapestry of imagination became tangible, every desire a reality, and you the central character of an extraordinary tale? Would it remain fiction, or would it meld with the essence of reality? Picture the liberation of detachment, stepping into a world that mirrors your dreams. As you ascend or descend into its depths, what unfolds is a journey beyond the ordinary—a journey through the boundless realms of your own creation.” Disclaimer I own my idea and world building and og characters https://www.patreon.com/BeyondTheWriter there will be updates about the novel there until I understand how to build a community.

_Beyond · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 7 Is Space and Dimensions the same?

Week Passed By since Alvis began scholar lifestyle many things happened Mordo Apologized and the library was fully Opened for him

'Process Status'

Name: Alvis Bright

Life: 5040/5040

Omni-Energy {OE}: 10080/10080

Race: Singularity

Level of Power: High 8-C: Large Building level

Concept: Physical/Mystical

Knowledge: Science (M+), Language (∞) Mystical Arts (M+) Magic Runes (L+)

Talent: Process (Omni√knowledge) {AB} Absorption (1)

Superpower: Energy Manipulation (Linked to Knowledge) {ENM} Mindscape

Passive Skills {PS}: Automated Meditation {AUM} - Acquiring 1440 Omni daily

Active Skills {AS}: Energy Blast, Energy Ray, Omni-Energy Body

Spells {SP}: Comprehensive Line Magic, Compressed Magic Shield, Shield of the Seraphim

Feeling Happier than ever, Alvis Found That When {AUM} Will increase his Life too As Half Much Energy is Being Absorbed now he will not die after being hit once.

Achievement, right?

In this week, Alvis found out Many Things From Omni-Energy Conversion Rate and Appraisal Information


Simple (S): New knowledge of Basic of a specific skill or concept, such as simple arithmetic, ignition spell, Qi strengthening will cost him from 1-100 {OE}.

Low (L): New knowledge of Basic understanding of a subject, like elementary science principles or fundamental programming concepts, fireball spell, body mastery will cost from 100-1000 {OE}.

Medium (M): New Intermediate knowledge in a particular field, such as a solid grasp of mathematics or proficiency in a specific programming language, rune mastery will cost from 1000-10000 {OE}.

High (H): New Advanced knowledge in a specialized area, such as expertise in astrophysics or fluency in multiple programming languages, magic spell creation will cost From 10k - 1M {OE}.

Law {LU}: Law-like (universal powers): Complete Understanding and ability to manipulate fundamental forces or laws of the universe, like gravity, electromagnetism, or time, fire manipulation, law magic Will Cost From 1M - Unknown.

Alvis' discovery of the Appraisal Price was a lucky shot when he was studying {OE} Conversion Rate Together With Energy Manipulation.

He discovered that when Combining Process And Energy Manipulation, he could see Energy Price. But without much information, when he Combined Knowledge to it, it Became More Perfect, Showing Him the Needed Energy To Retrieve Information From Knowledge and for Creating Supernatural Power.

But it Seems that Knowledge From (S-H) is small Concepts. But if something Works in Universal Range, it will Automatically Upgrade To {LU} Knowledge. Sigh.

But What makes Alvis Happiest Is that he Discovered The Control Of Energy Manipulation More Comprehensive Uses.

He can Channel {OE} For Attacks Now or Defense, even creating Energy Constructs.

He discovered Many Uses. One is By Comprehending Types of energy, he could Use Process To Manipulate Energy Manipulation And Absorption To Add Another Type of Energy For {AUM}, Opening New Lines for Energy. But he doesn't have proper Comprehension For Energies Other than Magical ones.

In the Training Ground, Alvis was seen with other apprentices trying to cast a Portal. Many people around him cast it successfully, but Alvis could never create one.

This depressed him for a week. You know, Portal is an {M} Level spell, and he is at a higher level than it.

This led him to discover that knowledge calculates the highest attribute, like the Level of Power. Sighing, Alvis turned his head to Mordo for help, but he only received a dismissive wave from him.

Sighing again, Alvis began to ask himself what he did wrong. So he started casting all the spells he knew, starting from the Magic Whip. He learned many uses for it, like Spiderman and Doflamingo from One Piece, earning praises.

Through training, Alvis created a new genre of Magic Whip by chance. Now he has a book of himself inside the library. It can be said that he paid for his tuition when he applied new spells' usage.

But what made others really like him in the sanctuary and forget about the fight that happened was his newly upgraded Magic Shield.

By channeling more energy, he combined it with compressing runes to make it more durable and capable of being stacked upon each other.

He tried it with Mordo. He could now tank his newly Omni-Energy Beam once without being sent flying away, but only if he didn't channel more energy.

Sighing, Alvis yelled at Mordo, "Mordo, let's train!" Getting weird looks from all the apprentices, they made space for them.

Standing 10 meters apart, Mordo and Alvis were seen getting ready for combat training. Alvis wanted to perfect his Omni-Energy Body combat skills, and Mordo wanted to try if he could beat Alvis without using a Portal.

Waiting for an apprentice's signal, both of them scanned each other. They had been fighting daily for the past week. With the signal, within seconds, Alvis's body bloomed with black-purple auras, turning him into some sort of demonic creation. He received boos from the apprentices, but Alvis ignored them.

From the beginning, Alvis saw that Mordo didn't move. Alvis thought something jumped from the ground, tens of meters high in the sky. Alvis's body bloomed with light, constructing energy wings, a simple use of energy constructs.

Alvis turned his head to the ground, seeing that it changed into a glass-like existence. He knew Mordo upgraded his spells. Now it seems that he could leverage part of the Mirror Dimension to the materialistic world. Behind the glass-like mirror, Mordo's body parts combined. Seeing thatAlvis yelled

"Did you break your body parts from the materialistic world into the Mirror Dimension, and then back to the materialistic world? Have you gone crazy, Mordo?"

"Not really, Alvis. But when you told me that the Mirror Dimension can work as a mirror to the materialistic world, I thought if I could combine them together to create something like body parts teleportation. Because of your help, now I can reconnect broken body parts, achieving alternative body healing,"Mordo explained.

Revealing his feelings. Now they don't need to always channel magical energies to reconnect another body part, creating another healing genre.

"Enough chitchatting," Alvis said. Now he's angry. How could Mordo use the Mirror Dimension in front of him, and he couldn't even use it, even if he understood some of its uses?

Looking down at Mordo, Alvis removed his wings and constructed a fully body armor. He was going to fight Mordo with his body.

Falling down fast with mass and speed, Alvis crashed into the ground in front of Mordo, who didn't want to give Alvis time to control his movement.

Mordo casted Crimson Bands of Cyttorak to trip and lock Alvis's legs. Seeing that, Alvis simply punched the incoming spell. Boom! Red and purplish lights bloomed. The impact sent Alvis flying.

Mordo, who saw the chance, manipulated the Mirror Dimension to lock Alvis, who controlled his movement. Seeing that, Alvis calculated that the Mirror Dimension is a mirror to the real world.

If he remembered correctly, Thanos broke it by creating a black hole. Thinking fast, Alvis did something. He raised his hand in front of the attack, channeling Omni-Energy into a ball, then punched with his other hand. In his mind, he made the command, "Process Gravity Collapse."

"Big Bang Punch!" "Mirror Prison!"

Click! No explosion happened, but something more dangerous occurred. Reality collapsed, creating a small black hole. Green light flashed around it, and the Ancient One, who just existed, opened the Eye of Agamotto, casting another time spell, returning time backwards.

Seeing that, Alvis used Process Scan for both the Reality Collapse and Time Magic, getting a notification that it needed 100k for Time Magic. He ignored it, but for the Reality Collapse, he needed 5k, and he accepted it.

"Alvis Bright and Mordo, the sanctuary can't handle a fight at such a level. Alvis, you need to study the Mirror Dimension and Portal. Then you can fight with Mordo again. If you didn't learn it, the training with Mordo will be on hold indefinitely. And Mordo, if you approved, you can write down your newly discovered magic spell,"

the Ancient One said with a speechless voice. Their fight was eye-catching. They even caused a reality collapse. Turing her head to Alvis, who seemed to comprehend something, and Mordo, who looked at the sky, she sighed. Opened a portal, then left.

Alvis bid farewell to Mordo, telling him it's a draw, and hurried to the library. If the information he obtained from the reality collapse was right, it could help him open a portal today.

Arriving at the library and saying hello to Wong, Alvis remembered the library by heart. He made his way to the Space Division and took all the books that had descriptions of space, placing them in front of himself.

Alvis used Process to scan all the information, receiving notifications that he needed 10K{OE}. He stopped in position and glanced at his energy: 2080/10080.

The fight with Mordo had decreased his energy by 3k, and the scan took 5k. Sighing, he focused on his energy, then used MindScape to copy the knowledge and study it.

Thirty minutes passed, and Alvis had copied all the knowledge about space that he found in Kamar-Taj. The photographic power of MindScape helped him in copying the knowledge, but comprehending it didn't help much. Returning to his room, Alvis sat in a meditation position.

He opened MindScape and constructed it as a library inside his mind. It had many divisions, from fiction knowledge to science and mystical. In front of the Mystical Department, Alvis was seen reviewing the information about reality collapse.

"So when I command Process to make Omni-Energy become a Gravity Collapse, it changes its existence to something similar to a black hole. And when it meets with Mirror Prison, it breaks the boundaries of reality between the Mirror Dimension and the materialistic world, generating a black hole between the two dimensions," Alvis comprehended the new knowledge. It became easier for him than before. Even if the answer was placed in front of him, it would look like gibberish words.

Reviewing the information he had memorized, Alvis began studying spatial knowledge. "Interesting, so that's how space works in Marvel. It's stacked on top and inside each other like a 4-dimensional shape. Hahhah, interesting. Wait, so why could memories link spaces together by using a portal?"

Alvis materialized a portal magical circle in front of himself and began studying its runes.

"Hmm, two Space Runes, eight Energy Runes, four Mirror Dimension Runes, and two Memories Runes. I see, now that's how portals work in Marvel. All the runes work together. Mirror Runes act as a positive charge (your location), and Memories act as a negative charge (destination).

Energy Runes are used to channel energy, and Space Runes with Mirror Runes work together to stabilize the portal between the two locations," Alvis comprehended the portal from its root.

Process: Portal Spell Acquired.

"FINALLY! HAHAHAHA, I can teleport, but it seems limited to Marvel's hierarchy. Let's study Mirror Dimension first, then try perfecting the portal. Maybe some inspiration will collide, and I can see if I can locate another Hierarchies," he felt that the Mirror Dimension had some higher concept than just dimensional space.

Exiting MindScape, Alvis began to try the portal spell. He stood, raised one palm to act as a stabilizer for all the runes, imagined in his mind the portal runes and location, and used the other hand as a brush to draw the portal.

In front of Alvis, a purple portal appeared. Behind it, the training ground could be seen. Seeing the portal stable, he moved across it and found himself in the training ground. Alvis let out a heartfelt laugh.

"Now, let's return to studying. You can't be happy with just one achievement," Alvis told himself, reminding himself not to be arrogant because of one achievement.

Returning using the portal, happiness still blooming, he left fast. Alvis began overthinking again. "I've studied magic for some time now. I need a more comprehensive approach. In Marvel, what blooms are rules and science, not magic."

First, he decided to perfect the Mirror Dimension. He would copy the inventory of Kamar-Taj so that he wouldn't need to return soon. Then he planned to go to New York and study science until the end.

After that, he would find a way to let Fury connect him with Stark. He had many inventions for Earth, but he needed money to take over earth to his control. Sighing, he thought about the many plans he had to become a leader and scholar. He needed help for that.

Lost in his thoughts, Alvis began to think of people who could help him take over Earth. Fury was one. This calculative guy knew how to control things. Scare him a little, and he would become trustful. Sighing, Alvis decided to think about that later. For now, he needed to focus on studying magic.

Next morning, Alvis woke up. He cleaned himself and glanced at the energy bar: 11520/11520. Today, he planned to scan all the introduction books and read about the subject of space. The Mirror Dimension was a must-have spell, and he even considered creating a pocket dimension. With great anticipation, he teleported to the library.

Wandering around the different sections, Alvis stopped in front of an eye-catching one: Soul Magic. He remembered that Nature Runes needed a Soul Eye and magical energy to view them. He wanted those eyes, so he picked up a book from the shelf and began reading.

After ten minutes, Alvis returned the book to its place and took another one. He left the section and moved towards the Introduction section, carrying himself with some dignity. Soul knowledge was high-end, even for him. Maybe he should check out this one.

Glancing at the book he took, it was about Astral Projection. Alvis didn't believe Doctor Strange would be better than himself in magic.

Arriving at the Introduction section, Alvis commanded Process to scan the knowledge there and tell him the amount of {OE} needed.

The process replied, "57 books of new knowledge scanned. Total of 5700 {OE} needed." Alvis told it to go ahead with the scan and arrange the books in MindScape. He would view them later.

Process affirmed the command. Alvis also asked if there was any information about the Mirror Dimension, to which Process affirmed as well.

Leaving the Introduction section, Alvis moved towards the Dimension section. He glanced from low to high and calculated that there were only thirty books on dimensions. It seemed that Kamar-Taj had broken apart the Space Department and Dimensions for some reason. Not understanding why, Alvis began to photograph everything.

An hour later, Alvis left the library and returned to his room, sitting in a meditation position. He activated MindScape.

In MindScape, Alvis was seen flying above the library. He noticed it wasn't perfect. There was only a bookshelf, and outside, there was only darkness.

He activated the Accelerated Thought process and felt himself free from all restrictions. Now he could even construct three-dimensional space with ease, but it drained {OE} super fast: 1k per minute. He couldn't use it for fights or learning. He sighed.

Alvis began to construct his MindScape. He wanted to perfect it. First, he created a sun in the sky, illuminating his mind. Then, a flat Earth, green fields, trees, and his old European mansion. Making the space inside bigger than the outside was an easy thing now. He constructed a library near the bedroom.

Next, he organized the knowledge into categories: organization, fiction, memories, science, and magic. Alvis began encrypting his mind, using Cognitive Fiction as the center and locking out any will other than his own that tried to breach in. He welcomed Eldritch Knowledge as a gift from himself, Hahaha Evil me.

After acknowledging that fiction was real, Alvis never tried to remember those beings. There, where cognitive even in the real world, some people worshipped them. Imagine here, where rules are free.

After finishing the construction, Alvis glanced at the energy bar: 3800/11520. "2k, sigh. When returning to New York, I'll study energy. I can't be a one-trick energy guy forever," he thought.

He began studying the introduction books. Time in MindScape was weird. It was slower, but faster in reality. He could comprehend knowledge faster here, and time would move faster in reality.

But if he didn't understand, time would move slower. He thought he had touched some conceptual knowledge here, but he couldn't grasp it with his hand.

Thirty minutes into studying, Alvis comprehended Kamar-Taj's history and genres. "So this is Kamar-Taj. They worship Agamotto, Hoggoth, and Oshtur as their teachers and mentors.

That's why Mordo was angry when he saw my magic color. I never begged those extradimensional beings for power and channeled all my spells with my own energy."

"Kamar-Taj magic is broken into three lines: Protection, Enchantment, and Exile. Hmm, weird. Protection is white magic, enchantment is rune magic, and exile seems to be the power of those beings. Interesting. Kamar-Taj itself didn't close the line for other magic genres, but they don't study them theoretically like the other lines."

"Hmm, so I'll study protection and enchantment from them, along with some knowledge about dimensions and space. I'll collect the spells and then return to New York to study science and find a way to leave this hernicery. Marvel doesn't have the knowledge I need. No, to be exact, it's beyond my reach right now."

Three hours later, Alvis gasped, realizing something about dimensions. "Weird, dimensions in Marvel are so wrongful in nature. How does it work like that? It's stacked like four-dimensional boxes, creating a five-dimensional shape."

"So the Mirror Dimension exists as a mirror to the real world, but it still connects to mirrors inside one another. It's infinite in nature. Sigh, so that means all dimensions are universal in space or they're universes in their own, but their existence itself is not what weird physics."

"Never mind, it's all dimensional space. It shouldn't be judged by science's recognition. Let's think about something else."

Exiting MindScape, Alvis stood up, closed his eyes, channeled energy from his body, raised his hand, and remembered the Reality Collapse from before. He tried to imagine himself as a mirror and initiated the Gravitational Pulse process.

In front of Alvis, space began warping as if it would fall apart, but it still remained unbroken. He felt that space itself was not compressed matter, but rather a compressed line. Channeling energy to his eyesight, Alvis saw the world compressed of lines, not matter. With a voice, he said, "So this is space. Space is a conceptual Rule. It exists independently from us. When the concepts of space and dimension touch each other, spatial spaces will be born. Yes and no." Answering himself, Alvis began overthinking.

"Space is dimensional, and dimension is space. Both look the same but are not. Space could be a place where matter and energy reside, but dimension can exist anywhere and everywhere. Dimension is not space itself. It could be outside of the universe. No, maybe an atom is the size of the universe. That's dimension space."

Alvis pulled the lines in front of himself, twisted them, and thought of the Mirror Dimension. With a click, space was broken, and the door to the Mirror Dimension was opened.

A clapping sound appeared near him. Turning his head, Alvis saw someone he could never have imagined would appear. Looking at the huge head in front of him, Alvis asked Himself "Why the fuck is this being here?"

Hello dear Reader's it take me whole day for one chapter writing itself is not hard but how to pickup the Word's itself is Sigh i may stumbled by Word for Hour's Maybe If anyone have solution tell me And Give me Power Stone peasants Love Beyonder