
Transcending Reality: The Singularity's Awakening {Hiatus}

“In the realm of fiction, the mind unfurls its imaginative wings, conjuring desires and worlds beyond our grasp. It offers a sanctuary, an escape from a somber reality, or perhaps a glimpse into the lives we long for. What if this tapestry of imagination became tangible, every desire a reality, and you the central character of an extraordinary tale? Would it remain fiction, or would it meld with the essence of reality? Picture the liberation of detachment, stepping into a world that mirrors your dreams. As you ascend or descend into its depths, what unfolds is a journey beyond the ordinary—a journey through the boundless realms of your own creation.” Disclaimer I own my idea and world building and og characters https://www.patreon.com/BeyondTheWriter there will be updates about the novel there until I understand how to build a community.

_Beyond · Anime & Comics
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32 Chs

Chapter 4 Weakness Is Original Sin

The next morning, inside the New York Library, Alvis sat in front of a thick book about biology, evolution, and adaptation.

He hesitated, considering whether to start with something easier, but his arrogance took over, and he began reading.

"So, evolution achieves a higher survival rate at the cost of a shortened lifespan, while adaptation is the power to overcome something. No, it seems to be quite the opposite direction; it's the power to evolve in a direction that will help. So, it seems both are interconnected," Alvis mused to himself.

He returned the book to its place, realizing that the topic was too advanced for him at the moment.

Alvis then picked up another book about the four fundamental forces. His thoughts started to wander to doomsday scenarios from DC comics, With the power of evolution and adaptation become the worst nightmare for all creatures.

Returning to his seat, Alvis noticed Nick Fury sitting in the seat Infront of him. They greeted each other, and Alvis immediately asked about the certifications.

"Is the certifications ready?" Alvis asked.

"Yes, it's done. From now on, you Alvis Bright, is a citizen of the United States," Fury replied. He handed Alvis his passport and ID card and then gave him a Visa card. Fury shared the password with Alvis and informed him that there was 10 million inside.

Alvis remained calm, showing no change in his facial expression upon hearing the numbers. His family was already well-off, and now he would have millions of dollars as pocket money each month.

Fury observed Alvis closely, looking for any discernible differences between normal humans and superpower users. Not finding anything remarkable, aside from Alvis being slightly physically fit, Fury noticed the physics book in Alvis's hand and asked with doubt, "Isn't there a physics book in the future?"

"Yes, there is, but the world has gone down a strange path, and knowledge is power, Nick Fury," Alvis replied, providing a brief explanation. He then asked, "Are you alone here?"

"No, I came with Coulson. He's staying outside," Fury answered.

"Oh, okay. Nick Fury, I will give you important information about the Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division. You better shorten it to S.H.I.E.L.D.," Alvis said.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. sounds better. So, what is the information?" Fury nodded, acknowledging the improved name.

"Your S.H.I.E.L.D. has become a snake den with your old enemy, Hydra. You can say that for every ten agents in S.H.I.E.L.D., seven are from Hydra. And your good friend, Alexander Pierce, is the leader of this Hydra department," Alvis revealed, leaving Fury speechless. He couldn't comprehend how Hydra had managed to infiltrate S.H.I.E.L.D. under the watch of this calculating individual.

"Hydra... that's impossible. Steve and the USA destroyed them in World War II. But if they stayed hidden from the very beginning, it's possible. Oh, Steve, you died for nothing," Fury murmured to himself. His eyes showed a mix of understanding and disappointment. Many things could be understood when he checked the S.H.I.E.L.D. accounts.

Fury often found money disappearing, and if Alexander Pierce was behind it, achieving total control of S.H.I.E.L.D. would be possible. Numerous dangerous thoughts flooded Fury's mind, but then he thought of something, and a drop of sweat appeared on his forehead.

"As a free piece of information, Steve Rogers is still alive, frozen in the freezing waters of the North Atlantic. You can dig him up, and he will be happy to fight Hydra again," Alvis revealed. Chaos flickered across Alvis's face as he imagined the scenario of Steve waking up and discovering that his enemy was still alive and thriving while he remained frozen in water for 70 years. It seemed pathetic.

After hearing this information, Fury stood up, bid farewell, and left the library. Coulson, who was sitting inside a black GMC vehicle, saw Fury approaching and opened the door for him from the inside. He asked, "Director, is the information worth it? Even if it's worthless, having the friendship of a superpower is good."

Coulson recalled the gruesome crime scene they had encountered, with twenty-two human bodies broken into pieces. He was quite scared of that scene, and they needed the whole team to clean it up.

"Coulson, call Barton and Natasha. It seems that S.H.I.E.L.D. needs some cleaning, and we need to wake up our national hero from his slumber," Fury said, his face devoid of emotion.

Coulson was puzzled, wondering why their department's name had changed to S.H.I.E.L.D. and why it needed cleaning. But when he heard the term "national hero," his disbelief reached its peak, and he understood that Alvis's information was critically important. The car quickly left the parking lot, in a hurry to carry out their mission.

Back at his seat, Alvis contemplated the uses of his Appraisal ability. He realized that it could scan information from anything, and knowledge and information could be obtained from everything.

Curiously, he appraised the book in front of him, receiving two answers: the description of the book and the key points of information within it.

(Appraised Information)

Gravity: Gravity is the force that pulls objects towards each other. It is responsible for the attraction between all objects with mass.

Example: It keeps us grounded on Earth and governs the motion of planets, stars, and galaxies.

Electromagnetic Force: The electromagnetic force is responsible for the interaction between charged particles. It includes both electric and magnetic forces.

This force is involved in various everyday phenomena, such as the attraction or repulsion of magnets, the flow of electric current, and the behavior of light.

Strong Nuclear Force: The strong nuclear force is a powerful force that binds the protons and neutrons within an atomic nucleus together.

It is responsible for holding the nucleus together despite the repulsive electric forces between the positively charged protons. This force is essential for the stability of atoms and is crucial for nuclear reactions.

Weak Nuclear Force: The weak nuclear force is responsible for certain types of radioactive decay, where particles inside an atomic nucleus undergo transformations.

It is involved in processes like beta decay, where a neutron transforms into a proton or vice versa. The weak force is relatively weaker compared to the other three fundamental forces. (Unification: electromagnetic force and weak nuclear force)

A status notification informed Alvis that his scientific knowledge had been upgraded. So He called out the status:

AN: Changed Percent With Numericals Status will get upgrade in the future and energy to Omni-Energy

Name: Alvis Bright

Life: 100/100

Omni-Energy: 60/100

Dimensionality/Level of Power: 3-Dimensional Creature/10-A/8-C Telekinesis

Occupation: Writer, Scientist

Knowledge: Comprehensive Science (M+), Language (∞)

Talent: Process (Evolved - Cannot Be Upgraded), Status (H-Upgradable)

Sub-Talent: Appraisal (M+)

Superpower: Telekinesis - Low (Upgradable) (10 meters) {1/3} 1% per minute

Skills: Psionic Bullet, Telekinesis Hands, Floating-Flying, Psionic Armor, Psionic Shield

The Appraisal talent seemed to be a combination of the Description' ability and the Process concept. It allowed Alvis to know information about everything. He realized that energy was required to retrieve information, and when someone was stronger than him, it meant an exchange of energy for knowledge and information.

Lost in deep thoughts, Alvis wondered if he could combine the information he had just learned to achieve something. However, he realized that he didn't have a clear path to follow, and he needed to comprehend the knowledge itself, not just copy it as a memory.

The power of Process could enable him to create superpowers using knowledge and thoughts, but he lacked the proper comprehension ability for that. Alvis pondered his next steps. With a sigh, he returned the book to its place.

Lost in contemplation, Alvis didn't know what to do next. Glancing at the Taco truck, he realized he was hungry and needed an energy recharge.

However, he noticed that his energy bar stood at 60/100. He wondered why sleep could recharge his energy to its fullest without the intake of energy.

Sighing once more, Alvis left the library, wandering in thought. He was uncertain about what to do now, but he realized he needed a recharge. Glancing at the Taco truck, he decided to satisfy his hunger and replenish his energy.

Alvis decided to stop by a Taco truck and bought lunch before calling a taxi. He instructed the driver to take him to 177A Bleecker Street in Greenwich Village, the location of the New York Sanctum. Alvis believed that the Ancient One might have answers for him.

After a fifteen-minute ride, Alvis arrived at the sanctum. He found himself standing before the sanctum door when, before he could knock, a magical portal engulfed him once again.

Emerging on the other side, Alvis found himself in front of the Ancient One, who offered him tea. They both sat down, and minutes passed before the Ancient One spoke first.

"You seem lost, Alvis Bright," the Ancient One observed Alvis, with a sigh, began to speak.

"Ancient One, I don't know my way. I don't know what to do."

There was a hint of sadness in Alvis's voice. He truly didn't know what to do. Descending from reality and discovering that fiction was real, having the power to achieve everything but still unable to use it, he felt lost.

"Alvis, I can't tell you how to live or what to do. I can't help you with that. But I can help you find your own way," the Ancient One said, standing up and gesturing for Alvis to do the same. Seeing the Ancient One's hand going up in a specific position, Alvis knew that he was about to experience Doctor Strange's multidimensional soul travel.

If Alvis could speak at that moment, he would have said that soul-experiencing dimensional travel is a feeling that's hard to describe. He saw Dormammu's enormous body in the Dark Dimension, recognizing his weaknesses once again. He also witnessed the aborigines in the Crimson Dimension consuming each other. In many dimensions, he saw things that words and the mind couldn't comprehend.

In every dimension he ventured into, the dimensional demon gods noticed Alvis's soul breaching into their realms, but they didn't take any action against him. This was quite normal, as they knew he was either a Kamar-Taj student or a rogue sorcerer. If it was the former, they wouldn't interfere, but if it was the latter, a weird smile appeared on their faces.

Meanwhile, the Ancient One stood in front of Alvis's defenseless body, waiting for him to return. Minutes passed, and Alvis's soul returned to his body.

"How was it?" the Ancient One asked, her face showing a hint of curiosity. She waved her hand, severing the connections to the dimensional demon gods.

"Tsk, Kamar-Taj students," Demon's said with sadness, as all the dimensional demon gods returned to their realms. It seemed that they couldn't breach the material world today.

"Bizarre experience," Alvis uttered, showing a sense of entanglement. He called out his updated status:

Name: Alvis Bright

Life: 100/100

Omni-Energy: 100/100

Dimensionality/Level of Power: 3-Dimensional Creature/10-A/8-C Telekinesis

Occupation: Writer, Sorcerer, Scientist

Knowledge: Science (M), Language (∞)

Talent: Process (Evolved - Cannot Be Upgraded), Status (H-Upgradable)

Sub-Talent: Appraisal (M), Magic

Superpower: Telekinesis - Low (Upgradable) (10 meters), Energy Manipulation (Linked to Knowledge)

Skills: Psionic Bullet, Telekinesis Hands, Floating-Flying, Psionic Armor, Psionic Shield

Appraisal: Combination of talent produced, using statues as a center and process as a concept to know the information about everything.

"Is being weaker than others a sin?" Alvis asked the question that had been appearing in his mind since his journey began. Xeir situation had been haunting him.

Glancing at Alvis, emotions appeared on the Ancient One's face, and she answered with a sad voice, "Alvis Bright, being weak is indeed a sin that every life needs to carry. This is what I understood from my long journey. If I were weaker or the sorcerers I teach were weaker than those demons, Earth and the universe would be brought into chaos and become their playground."

The Ancient One remembered those universes that had lost to demons and cosmic beings who didn't care. Indeed, being weak was a sin.

"So, being weak is indeed a sin. Why is it a sin? Because the weak don't have a choice or an opinion to raise it in the first place. Predators don't ask their prey for opinions. So life becomes worthless to the strong. But you made this rule at the beginning. You didn't give the weak a choice from the very beginning. 'Go to the strong if you want to show your muscles,'" Alvis's voice raised so high that it seemed to reach everyone in the sanctuary and even beyond, to the void outside of all creation.

"You all see life as worthless because you're stronger than it. Then what will happen when someone stronger than you comes? You will become the prey to it. Indeed, weakness is the original sin. Then, becoming the stronger I shall be the predator of all. Then we will see if life is really worthless."

Alvis Bright vowed to become the strongest and destroy this cognitive structure. He wanted to build his own structure. "You're strong? Then fight with the strong. Why go to the weak? Because you can then we will see if you can Infront of me. Then I will Build Empire and give the weak a chance. Let this fucking omniverse go into chaos.

But what Alvis didn't know was that the nature of divinity was born inside his soul at that moment Achieving Something Many Singularities Can't Do.

The Ancient One and the sorcerers outside started clapping after hearing Alvis's words. Indeed, they didn't give the weak a choice. Why go to the weak when you can go to the strong?

In the House of Ideas, One Above All heard Alvis's words and showed a weird smile.

"Hahahaha, what an interesting singularity. When you become stronger, you will understand why everything became like this. A structure made by the Perverted People Fun cannot be easily destroyed."