
Trample the stars.

Vast universe, endless races! Magnificent battle techniques, ten decisions across the sky! Ancient unique surname, hundred strong battle list! One day in the year 2200, when mankind first ascended to Neptune, what they saw was a battle sword and a standing corpse ...

jerry_li_3690 · Khoa huyễn
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9 Chs

Chapter 7: Inside the City

Lu Yin looked at Zhou Shan, what he said was true, the so-called Seven Saints of Huaxia heaven level powerhouses were just ants compared to the vast universe, any student possessed heaven level strength.

The first step is to look at the realm, which means that he can only look at the fledgling birds, and he is in the realm of looking at the realm, and then he is exploring the realm, learning to explore the human body is powerful, the third step is to melt the realm, initially become powerful, touching the limits of the human body, and the fourth step is the realm of the extremity, breaking through the limits of the human body, and can be crossing the emptiness, and then above that is to be able to walk through the emptiness of the explorers, and the characters of that kind of level is too Once appeared on the earth, waving his hand can make the mountains and rivers roll back, the continent collapsed.

Explorers, still failed to reach the level where they can make Body Shaping Decisions, the journey of cultivation is long and vast, Zhou Shan this kind of wandering soldier who uses energy crystals to cultivate wants to reach the Explorers is almost impossible, the more powerful he becomes, the more he can feel his own insignificance.

"Hehe, why am I talking to you about this, let's go, let's go out and take a look, at this time, Zhao Yu should be facing off with the Wan Fu Chief under me" Zhou Shan smiled sagely and led Lu Yin out of the conference room. 

Lu Yin followed silently, quickly arriving above the square where he had appeared before, and through the glass, he happened to see a Wan Fu Chief being defeated by Zhao Yu, falling to the ground in a sorry state.

Zhao Yu was dressed in a strong suit, and her strikes were harsh and decisive, something Lu Yin had seen long ago, and at this moment, she was pressing Feng Hong to fight.

Zhou Shan looked down from above and shook his head, "There are also strengths and weaknesses at the Earth level, and the difference is huge, Zhao Yu can easily defeat the Wan Fu Chief under me without even using battle techniques."

Lu Yin looked at the bottom and said in a deep voice, "Her battle technique was catalysed by using a plant".

Zhou Shan laughed and said, "Of course it is, no matter if it is the Snow Maiden or Luo Sheng, they all have to borrow external objects to perform the Cold Ice Palm that can freeze the human body, the human body itself is unable to produce such an effect".

Lu Yin's eyes narrowed, unable to produce it? Wrong, powerful feats and battle techniques as well as talents could change the heavens, it was just that the Earth couldn't touch it, his Heavenly Star Technique even mimicked the movement of the stars, all of this, no one would believe it if they said it.

Below, Feng Hong was quickly defeated, followed by two consecutive Wan Fu leaders who were both defeated, no one was willing to go on.

Zhao Yu raised his head high and scanned the surroundings, "I heard that the Criminal Battalion's Wanfu Chiefs are all Iron Blooded Warriors, what, no one is willing to spar with me?" .

Feng Hong and the others had ugly faces.

Above, Zhou Shan lost his smile, "The three Snow Maidens under Luo Sheng's command were called invincible at the Earth level by her, so she really does have some skills."

At this time, Zhao Yu looked upwards, staring straight at Lu Yin, raised her hand, and hooked her finger, quite a gallant flavour.

Feng Hong and the others looked upwards in surprise.

Lu Yin raised his eyebrows, this was a provocation.

Zhou Shan laughed "It seems that you defeated her yesterday and she is not convinced."

"There was no victory yesterday" Lu Yin said.

Zhou Shan said "Then let's go and fight, we can't let our Criminal Camp lose too much face".

Lu Yin nodded and turned to leave.

Inside the square, the surrounding hundreds of evolvers were talking, many evolvers looked at Zhao Yu with reverence, a woman who could beat the Criminal Battalion Ten Thousand Heroes Chief did not dare to go out to fight, an absolute idol.

Zhao Yu saw Lu Yin come down, she took a deep breath, her gaze was awe-inspiring, she was indeed unconvinced by yesterday's battle, she originally had the upper hand but was somehow defeated, she was eager to see that kind of battle technique again.

In the distance, Feng Hong and the others looked at Lu Yin who was slowly walking, they couldn't help but open their mouths, ''Brother Lu, be careful, this woman can execute the battle technique Cold Ice Palm, it's very powerful''.

Lu Yin nodded and took a step towards Zhao Yu, "Please."

Zhao Yu's eyes were full of battle intent, she leapt up, raised her hand, and drew a dagger from nowhere, she came up and grabbed the attack just as she did by the Heavenly Pit, the dagger tore through the air, reflecting a cold aura.

Lu Yin dodged with ease, yesterday's him and today's him were completely different, yesterday, he was just an ordinary man with a strong body, but today, he was a cultivator, a cultivator who had reached the realm of hope.

Lu Yin dodged with ease, but it made Feng Hong and the others sweat, Zhao Yu's attack speed was getting faster and faster, even the daggers had a cold aura on them, causing the air to appear white and the temperature to plummet.

The ground of the plaza popped up and shattered, Zhao Yu flung his dagger, blocking Lu Yin in all directions like a whirlwind, strands of qi shot out in all directions, piercing through the walls, pressing many evolved people who had difficulty breathing.

Lu Yin stared at Zhao Yu, suddenly raised his hand, his body staggered, the wind was light, in his hand, was a dagger that emitted a cold aura.

In his hand was a dagger that emitted a cold aura.

Everyone dared not breathe, quietly looking at the field, there, Zhao Yu froze, her hand was empty, the dagger, was snatched.

Feng Hong and the others were surprised, then cheered up, "Bravo Brother Lu."

"Brother Lu is awesome."


Lu Yin turned to face Zhao Yu, the dagger in his hand flipped and casually returned it back to Zhao Yu, "Still want to continue?" . 

Zhao Yu stared at Lu Yin, "How did you do that?" .

Lu Yin shrugged, "Eyesight, hand speed, you can't have one without the other."

Nonsense, the word popped up in all the people's heads.

Zhao Yu said in a complicated way, "You won, you were able to snatch my dagger without any injuries, no one in the earth level should be your opponent, you are very strong."

Lu Yin lost his smile, these people's eyesight was too low, these hope realm fledglings who didn't even have formal battle techniques were simply at the bottom of the pile when placed in the universe's major academies, how could they have the qualifications to say this kind of thing, however, Zhao Yu was right, Lu Yin was confident that there should be no one in the hope realm that would be a rival to him.

Zhao Yu put away her dagger rather lost, at this time, she realised that Lu Yin was different from yesterday, "You, your energy dried up yesterday?" .

Lu Yin didn't explain, he turned around and walked towards the outside, he was going to go out for a turn, there was nothing there in the barren mountain that he wanted to find, perhaps it was hidden in other directions.

Zhao Yu watched Lu Yin leave, she wanted to ask about that kind of battle technique yesterday, but the battle technique was a matter of personal privacy, she was not able to ask.

Feng Hong and the others were quite surprised, they didn't expect the newly joined Wan Fu Commander to be so powerful, the rumour that the alien was killed by him should be true, they should know that the alien was a heaven level powerhouse, albeit a severely injured heaven level powerhouse.

Lu Yin became the Wan Fu Chief, although he had no real power, the Criminal Camp still assigned him a team of 100 soldiers for him to deploy.

Walking out of Zhongshan, Lu Yin beckoned, and behind him, a young Evolutionary soldier stepped forward, "Army Commander, please give the order."

Lu Yin said indifferently, "Do you know where Jinling's former thermal weapons depot is?" .

The soldier answered, "Northwest direction."

Lu Yin took out the map, "Mark it for me."

The soldier took out a pen and drew a circle on the map.

Lu Yin looked at it, "You guys go back, I will walk by myself".

The soldier was worried, "Army Commander, the weapons depot was blown up at the beginning of the doomsday, the few remaining hot weapons have been transferred, if you need them you can apply for them from the Criminal Sage".

Lu Yin nodded, "Alright, got it, you guys go back", after saying that, Lu Yin walked towards the north-west direction alone.

These soldiers were sent to him by the Criminal Camp, on the one hand for him to deploy, on the other hand, there also existed the meaning of surveillance, Lu Yin didn't intend to hide his tracks, what he was looking for was hidden very tightly, it was useless to look for it blindly, it could only scare the snakes, and now that he was searching for it brightly and openly, he wouldn't cause too much scruples with his earth level strength, so he might be able to find it.

Lu Yin guessed correctly, as soon as he left, someone reported to Zhou Shan.

Zhou Shan's eyes stared, "Weapon depot? What is he looking for that place for?" .

The spectacled woman came and pushed her glasses, "The weapons depot has been destroyed, what he is looking for shouldn't be thermal weapons, but I'm not sure exactly what he is looking for."

"Let him be, we don't have any secrets here" Zhou Shan smiled, not caring.

Jinling had Zhongshan as its centre, radiating outwards, the closer it was to Zhongshan, the better the location and the safer it was.

The city had long since lost the planning of the peace era, and the streets, flowerbeds, and even the river were inhabited by people living day after day in blind fear.

In contrast, there were people who lived a very happy life, with the moral bottom line collapsing in their hearts, doing whatever they wanted to do, and along the way, Lu Yin saw quite a few evolved people bullying the survivors, and it was too late for them to take care of it even if the soldiers of the penal camps wanted to do so.

This is the state of this world, to the Earth, everything today is bewildering, but Lu Yin knows that this is evolution, a civilisation evolving towards another civilisation, the cost will be quite high.

The sky was overcast, and soon it started to rain heavily, washing away the ground, red blood water spreading along the rain, mixed with all sorts of rubbish.

Lu Yin found a restaurant that looked fairly clean and sat down, the entrance of the restaurant was squatting with survivors, whenever the restaurant lifted out food rubbish, it would be looted like crazy.

"Get out, get out, stay away, remember, return the bucket when it's cleaned, or else next time a different set of people will clean it" the restaurant waiter yelled and cursed, obviously an evolved person.