
Traits Of A Witch

Mac_Donald_Ebem · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Chapter 5

All my life I have only ever visited a hospital twice; the first was as a result of my first abortion, yes, abortion... a horrible idea but still I persevered even as the doctor moved his hand in and out, I held on to the faintest string of hope lest I cried out in pain.

My second visit to a hospital is in fact right now, as my unconscious body lay on the white hospital bed belonging to GOCs sick bay. My thoughts surged as I slowly felt the sting of the sun courtesy of the clinic's bay window.

I twisted and turned before finally sitting up with a tired gaze and a more pronounced headache

Ah!! I cried softly holding my hand to my head, almost trying to keep my head together with my own hands

A nurse rushed in and quickly asked me a flurry of questions which for the life of me I could not remember or even answer correctly as she had told me two days later when I went to have my final check up.

I was again sedated, meant to last for a couple of hours but not long afterwards, to the surprise of the nurse and Draygon who were now with me, I woke up

I sat up, clawing at my eyelids for them to open

"Don't stress yourself, you haven't fully recovered"

I kept on, trying to resume my senses totally ignoring his words, the final straw for him was when I motioned to stand up before removing the drip on my hand

" Faith Maxwell!!" he shouted panicking before pulling me back to the bed

"Let go of me " I shrieked and without warning, the tears streamed

He retracted his hands, visibly surprised by my outburst.

When he had heard that she was in the clinic, he didn't know what to expect. Even after talking with the nurse, still.....nothing

He turned to the nurse with a chiselled gaze

" I would like to have a word alone with Ms. Maxwell "

"But –"

"Right now!"

The nurse - Mrs Grace promptly shut up and left the room the same way she came, -through the door

Once again he looked at Faith, now sprawled across the bed with no shame or regard for elegance, he sat on the bed, almost even feeling the despair around her

"I know –"

"Please just leave me alone" I cried, more bitterly this time

"Just tell me what happened "

I didn't turn around or reply him, quite frankly I didn't know what to say

I'm here because someone insulted me.....or, I had a near crisis of identity... utterly pathetic.....no, wait a minute why was I actually here?, although I was conflicted emotionally was that really the reason why?

It was indeed hard to believe that the college cared so much about its students emotional stability, but then again maybe they did.

Draygon just sat there staring at her messy hair and sunken demeanour. What could he say? He barely knew her. He didn't know why he was this attached, usually all his journeys into the mortal world did yield more witches but he couldn't even remember a handful of them, while the other half was just on a greeting basis. But here was the girl who he had the least amount of time kidna...er..escorting back to GOC, yet she was the one who took up omst of his time while there.

" I know your probably angrg at something for you to have destroyed your room but next time I'd like you to know that I'm here for you whenever you need to talk"

There he was again, rendering more services. Truly he felt trapped, but then again he reasoned that maybe he felt a closeness with her because his daughter – Stella was almost the same age as her and she reminded him so much of her.

"My daughter will be waiting outside to escort you to class as it seems your quite well enough to attend" he got up then paused, opening his mouth to say something, then closing it once more he proceeded to the door

"Have a good day Faith" he said at last, his hands already on the door knob as he exited the room.

✨ ✨.✨

While outside he, he told the nurse to prep her for her discharge to which she nodded. With all partly said and partly done, he walked out of the clinic.

"Dad what's the problem, you called me so fast I couldn't even wear my makeup" a girl with loose gold hair skipped towards him with a bright smile

" Darling I have an important task for you, you will be escorting my ....er ... Friend to class today" he said while scratching his head and the fakest smile he could produce

" no problem " she answered, half interested in what he was saying and half engrossed in her phone.

Visibly annoyed he grabbed the phone

" Hey!" she said in protest

" what I'm asking you to do is very important"

Stella stared down her father with her hands crossed and hips to the side

"hum!" he sighted after explaining all the ups and downs involved in her task before walking away.

✨. ✨ ✨

How pathetic faith, your no better than a baby. Or at least a baby is better than you, in that a baby knows his purpose, while you don't even know what you are about to do.

She got up from the bed, her footwork still a bit shaky causing her to seek balance from the bed for just some moments longer

With fazed steps she walked towards the washroom to take a bath and also gather what little confidence she could.

After a moderately timed shower, she got out feeling much better, the almost narcotic scent with which a clinic normally gave off were now indistinguishable to her

She braced herself for ...well .....life in general.

Citing the change of clothes Draygon had brought, she fished out a good pair and quickly wore it.

Leaving the room, the nurse gave her a few vague responses such as

" Don't loose control of your emotions, they are indeed catastrophic "

I stared at her with the least shred of understanding but a few nods here and there to not seem rude

" thanks a lot Mrs. G" I said forcing out the best fake smile possible

I checked my breathing on nearing the exit, still struggling to maintain my breath, I pushed myself to open the door and in an instant the drowsy feeling was replaced by a wave of fresh air.

"Oh my God, my clothes fit perfectly on you, hashtag flawless " a cheery teen beamed with an almost golden smile as she pranced her way towards me