
Traits Of A Witch

Mac_Donald_Ebem · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

Chapter 1

They say that when a man sees his future in front of him, he sometimes shrugs back, preferring to stay in the past.

But for me it was rather not having a past that I would want to go back to which made me accept my future with nothing but closed arms and sobs, looking paler and paler with each passing day as I went to and from the halls of GOC.

Before I forget, GOV stands for Greystone Outreach College. A magnificent school in its own rights, but to me, it was just another building which coincidentally became my new home.

"Professor Pontif tells me you remain as reserved as always in his lectures" Draygon asked to which I simply stared deep into his eyes, safe in the bed which I lay and in my dorm room of which his figure now occupied it's door entrance.

Seeing that I had no intention to talk, he did what any good old knight would do, he walked in

"Its been a month already, I know it must be hard for you to adjust to your life here but-"

"-you don't know anything" I answered with a stern voice

"i know enough to say –"

"- you don't know anything!" this time I screamed, hoping and praying he would go away. But, for whatever reason I still saw him standing there, in the middle of my room, a few inches to my bed

" You have to accept who you are, Faith you are a wit-"

"- stop it " I warned him

" why? – that is who -.. "

"-i said, stop it " this time I had gotten up, walked a few meters to where he stood until I could feel his breath on my cheeks as I stared deep into his eyes


Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

He scoffed and clicked his tongue at the bad timing but readjusting his coat, he said

"we will continue this later, for now go to class , and at least make an effort to make a friend of any sort"

Saved by the bell, how typical. Do you find it that most atimes when gripped with an impossible scenario or in my case a conversation, something always comes, just in the nick of time to stop it from continuing

Call it coincidence, but I think the universe just doesn't want me here. Highly probable being that GOC here, Is a school for witches and I am most certainly certain that I am not one.

Nevertheless I went up to the shower, had a cool refreshing bath- not for me at least, but I'm sure my body would appreciate it, and then I proceeded to wear one of the few things Dreygon had bothered himself to buy for me – a peach white short sleeves shirt and a navy blue skirt, and for foot wear a high heeled boot which added an inch to my 5 foot 2

Then unto her dorms corridor, and just like the previous times; she talked to no one, looked at no one and more importantly blocked out everyone's voice for fear of being interested or making an input

✨ ✨ ✨

Seated once more in Professor pontif's class, I asked myself as I looked round the rows of desks lined beside, behind and adjacent to mine

Am I truly a witch

Although I have been told many times of the truth to this question by Draygon, I myself have not asked it to myself and apparently neither have I answered it

In this prestin hall with chatter and banter awind, I began to really see my self as one

A witch

Not the wicked old one you hear of in bedtime stories, not the one whom you hear eat children or boil them . No, not any of these, not nearly

In my time in GOC, I have come to understand that there are various kinds of witches, depending on their practice, but before that I would like you to note that although I always refer to the lot of them as witches, they are warlocks about in their numbers. In fact, they filled the hazy gaze in front of me which I try so very much to keep.

I call them all witches because let's be frank, most cultures do not attrube the doings of a witch – witchcraft, to men but rather to the opposite gender. Whether it is because of the pointy hats with which they were once drawn or the riding of a broom stick, these traits were ascribed to women.

But I can assure you as I have come to see here at GOC, sometimes even the men have a knack for it than women do


Most times one's reaches in his or her interests is marrrd by the understanding and obtaining of


One single meaning, sometimes it is not through ones power alone, most often Luck is the deciding factor

"Faith Maxwell!!"

The whole place went silent, and now, all of a sudden I could hear my name being called out . Maybe I was losy in thought, maybe I wasn't, but the fact remained Professor pontif would not care for it

" I pressume you had enough sleep, Ms. Maxwell " he asked

" yes Professor" I answered

" Then could it be that you have finished the text on sigils and symbol, because if you have then you can at least tell of your findings" he said, his small pupils growing ever so huge with each phrased out word

" No professor " the class butsy out laughingly

" Then who told you you can doze off in my class, hmm Maxwell"

" I'm sorr-."

"hold your tongue girl, you can only be sorry for so many things at a time, can't you?" he cocked his head and continued " yesterday it was for being late, the day before, it was for not coming the previous day, last week it was for not answering a question, by the Gods I pray you to hold your tongue!!"

Once again the class errupted. Pontif quickly held a fist in the air silencing them

Then with slow steps and a stern look, he eade his way to where Faith sat, then with his two hands gripping either side of her desk, he slowly lowered his head to meet her at eye level

He drew his face so close that I felt I could map out all the tiny freckles which dawned his fair skin as well as his dark black hair which opened into his soldiers . His eyes were an emerald green with sparkles almost seemingly embedded in them.

" I know you see this new world as an unforseen discomfort, but I emplore you to at least keep these acts to the barest minimum as to not affect the morale of those beside you, if you want to be a degenerate, I beseech you to do so at your own risk and not pulling others into your fold"

Although those words were said in hushed whispers, to me it sounded louder than any shout needed to be.

Some could say this moment was hysterical. Just imagine it, being cautioned for fear of turning witches the wrong way

Like... weren't witches already in the wrong?

Certainly something to think about, but regardless his thoughts weighed heavily in my mind.

Come to think of it why do I care? It's not like they are right about me being a witch? ...are they?

Imagine being told repeatedly that you were a witch but you never for a second considered it or try to confirm it. She suddenly realized that she had been a fool all along.

For the past month I have been in this place, trapped within yese walls, never leaving, never even wanting to leave and I have done this all without even asking if the reason I was brought here is true and how it is true

Faith, foolishness becomes you.