

Is it wrong that I envy you? Don't I want to look pretty too? Who stole Cassie's body? Is there still love for me? As well as many other questions in Carren's head. A beautiful woman who loves her twin sister very much, but that was then. Prior to the tragedy, a fire in their home caused him to become a victim of that incident. Like the story in the fairy tale Princess Goose. Her twin sister named Cassie grew up beautiful like Princess Swan who was admired by many princes out there. What about Carren? Of course everyone can guess. Yes, he is the figure of the Ugly Duck. Will any luck befall him? Can he switch places with his brother? Even before the fire happened to him, the two of them had always been extraordinary figures. So why does fate seem to be playing a toy on him? People now always compared the two of them, causing the previously cheerful Carren to become a quiet person and didn't want to see people anymore. Envy, revenge, envy and disapproval of the circumstances that befell him, made Carren make a very fatal mistake in his life. Will Carren still be able to finish everything? Will be delivered in this 'TRAITOR' brotherhood story….

NadNadia28 · Thành thị
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15 Chs

Sex with Corpses

Carren finally pressed the power button. The television screen is black.

"Already eaten?" Cassie asked as she placed her bag on the table beside Carren.

Carren shook his head.

"I brought Chinese food. Do you want noodles?"

"I'm not in the mood to eat," Carren replied curtly.

Cassie sighed. She looked at his twin sister with pity. Without further communication, he entered the room. As soon as he came out of his bedroom, he was only wearing a t-shirt and trousers. Her hood had been removed and her head was now wrapped in a towel.

Cassie reached for the television button. Search for channels that broadcast news broadcasts. NTW Television on. While observing the news headlines, she dried his wet hair with a towel.

Carren snorted. But he wasn't trying to interrupt Cassie's preoccupation. Buried her body on her favorite Violet lavender sofa. She felt the sofa as if swallowing him m even more he felt the earth swallow him.

Cassie, who didn't understand a thing, tossed her long m blonde hair that was shimmering beautifully. Same with Carren's hair. Only, Carren had cut his hair shorter.

"Your hair is beautiful ...." Carren said later.

Cassie turned her head --- a little surprised ---, then she smiled.

"I don't know why we wanted to wear that headgear. And you have beautiful hair. You know how many women are jealous of having your hair?"

Cassie finished drying the ends of her hair. His towel spread across the handle of his chair. Inwardly he was complaining, Carren asked the same thing. After this they will surely argue again.

"Ooo....don't tell me you're tired of being the prettiest woman in..."

"I have no such thoughts!" Cassie realized, her voice rising. And he hastily neutralized it. "Islam taught me to take care of my genitals. This is our most valuable adornment...."

Carren laughed. "Oh... come on, it's just hair! A lot of people are showing off more!"

Cassie sighed.

"Actually I feel sorry for you! I see you are free, but actually trapped. You are not free to do anything. Like I am always confined in this place!" Carren continued.

Cassie did not comment.

"You want to make fun of me, don't you?"

"No! This has nothing to do with you or anyone else...!"

Carren shrugged. He waited for an answer to continue his twin's words.

"I did it for myself...." Cassie continued to explain.

"Ohh..., come on!" Carren slammed his body back down. Frankly, since a year ago Cassie has become very strange like this. He suddenly became very annoying and his speech became completely philosophical. He's so pious!

She talked about God, his new beliefs. Islam? She had read an article about it. And what he took away from that belief was the restraint on freedom. Imagine if all our movements had to be regulated! Different prayers each of us will do everything. Dihh!! His mother never forbade him to do things.

"I honestly don't feel constrained," Cassie said. He could read what was going through Carren's mind.

Carren's eyebrows rose. Cassie turned off the television. "On the contrary, I feel free."

Carren smiled wryly. The twins must have gone crazy!

"By wearing this veil and long shirt, I am free from the glances of naughty men. I am free from all kinds of unreasonable demands of a woman's ideal body! I want when someone judges me, it is really based on who I am and not on my outward appearance. ."

"Ohh..., and now you're a Miss Inner Beauty!" Carren joked inside.

After a while, they fell silent. Cassie turned the television on again after she felt strange the silence between the two of them. Carren tried to close his eyes, pretending to be asleep or unconscious. Up to you!

Cassie actually knew that her twin was just pretending to be asleep. But then he was ashamed of himself when he realized that watching television was also a sham. He watched the television channel. After he really couldn't get the program he liked, he turned off the television a second time.

You are wrong if you think that by closing it, your beauty will decrease! On the other hand, you are more attractive. But you are so untouchable.

Carren glanced at Cassie discreetly.

"Ren..." Cassie felt she had to change the subject.

Carren opened his eyes.

Cassie thought it was a good idea to tell Carren about what happened today.

"Necrophilia?" Carren asked a little surprised.

Cassie was excited. "Yeah, it's kind of..."

"I know! Likes to have sex with corpses, that's what you mean!" said Carren, almost expressionless.

"Why..., you know?" Cassie asked in surprise.

Carren pointed his finger at the wooden bookshelf, where a green book was on top of it.

"I read a lot! Well...., what else can a secluded person like me do?" said Carren in an ominous tone.

Cassie's face reddened. The green book was DSM-IV, which he borrowed from the clinic library where he worked.

"And what's even more exciting is that he asked me out for dinner..."

Carren this time was really surprised. But he was in a hurry to hide it. "Then?"

"I politely refuse!" Cassie remembered when she had to call Nico. "But when he asked for my number, I gave him. Stupid, am I?" said Cassie, grinning.

Carren's brows furrowed. Then what if.....


They both jumped. Carren and Cassie looked at each other.


"Do you think the same as me?" Carren asked.

"Mr Robert Edmund...?" Cassie corrected her words. "That person....? The Necrophilia."


"Oooooh....., how is this?" Cassie panicked. Place the phone closer to him. He just needed to reach out his hand. He stared at the phone for a long time, until it rang five times.

"Lift!" cried Carren.

Cassie stared at Carren in disbelief. Then he discovered that even Carren didn't seem one hundred percent sure of what he had just said.

On the seventh ring, Cassie picked up the receiver. He trembled holding it to his ear. So tense, he even forgot to say hello.
