
Trainer Among Fairies

One day, Nic Pularis is drawn into a sub-dimension, where he encounters Legendary Pokemon. He is entrusted with Plates by Arceus, and send to the land of Fiore, where he encounters Natsu, Lucy, Gray, and Erza. He must go through multiple perilous journeys with his Pokemon and Fairy Tail, and triumph and endure hardships to master all eighteen Plates and save the universe. OcxHarem Original by Insane Dominator on FF.Net

Alistair_B22 · Tranh châm biếm
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16 Chs

Two Dragons And A Nic...

In The Last Chapter:

Nic and Kecleon proceeded with their plan and ambushed the Dark Guild, Tartaros. Nic and Kecleon managed to take down Rune and Rosa, and just as they were about to finish off Conjore, Kecleon broke the spear, creating a tremendous explosion of negative energy. When morning had risen, Nic and Kecleon found the Dread Plate, and then fell back asleep afterwards, leading up to almost midnight. Nic proceeded back to Freesia and came across The Nightmare, a demon that was fused with the three Dark Guild members. Nic and Greninja teamed up, with Nic trying out his new Dread Plate form, and the two defeated the demon. They, as well as Kecleon, were declared heroes, as well as the return of every citizen that was used as a sacrifice. Nic and the others partied all night and then left the next day, awaiting to return to Fairy Tail...

Chapter 7: Two Dragons And A Nic...

The following morning came, and Nic was finally back in Magnolia. He was glad to be back again after that long and rather painful experience, but it was so worth it. That accidental S-Class job made him value his new friends and he couldn't wait to get back to Fairy Tail to see them again, especially a certain red haired Requip Mage. He was feeling very optimistic, but who could blame him. He got the Dread Plate, and might be able to unlock another one if he keeps this up.

As Nic was making his way towards the Guild Hall, people were staring at him. Their eyes somewhat widened and they started talking quietly towards one another.

"Isn't he from Fairy Tail?" "I feel pretty bad for him." "What's gonna become of him?" All of these people were acting as though they should be taking pity on Nic for something he wasn't aware of. He was curious as to what the people were talking about.

It wasn't until he looked up ahead and saw that the guild was misshapen somehow. It looked as though it had some rods, very large rods, sticking out all over.

"What the…?" Nic wasn't sure as to how the guild looked like that, but he took it as a bad omen.

Before he knew what he was doing, Nic saw that he was now running straight ahead towards Fairy Tail. He got there in record time and came to a disturbing halt.

The guild that was towering above him was damaged and destroyed. There were a multitude of enormous iron pillars protruding through the roof and sides of the building. It was like a Ferroseed with a surplus of barbs all over its body. Nic gawked at this rather haunting image.

"HOLY FREAKIN PROTOZOA!" Nic shouted, panicking at the shattered site. He gulped and slowly made his way inside, trying to avoid the damaged furniture laying all about.

In the basement…

Natsu was clenching his fists and looked as though he was about to break someone's face. Erza, Lucy, Gray, and Happy were doing their best to keep him from rampaging into Phantom Lord's guild and trash it up as well. Master Makarov told him that it would do no good, as conflicts were forbidden between guilds. Erza was just as steamed as Natsu, but she had to obey what the Master has decided, much to her dismay.

The guild members were hiding out in the guild's basement, with nothing to feel but melancholy and dejection plastered onto their faces. The members had to resort to using this storage space until the upstairs is repaired.

Erza and crew had just arrived back roughly three hours before Nic. They had just got back from their Galuna Island S-Class request and they were appalled by the site of their guild demolished. Mira had already explained to them that Phantom Lord came in the midst of night and trashed the place with iron pillars all about.

"Natsu, calm down already!" Erza ordered the Dragon Slayer, who still failed to compromise. "If Master ordered us not to act, then we must do as he says."

Natsu struggling was beginning to dwindle, but nevertheless was still wanting to get payback. "Let me go!" Natsu shouted, with Gray restraining him. "I'm gonna give those Phantom jerks a piece of my mind!"

"Just drop it Natsu!" Gray said. "We all want payback just as much as you do, but we'll get in trouble if those Phantom Lord jerks come back again."

"Natsu, you've got to stop. This isn't helping the situation." Lucy said.

Eventually, Natsu simmered down into mere grumbles and groans and sat on a storage box that was close to him. The other four were heading into and sat down in a lookalike of the bar, where Mira was making food.

"This is truly horrible." Mira said in a depressed way. "We didn't do anything to them, why would they do such a thing?"

"It can't be helped. If we get caught up in a back and forth war between us and Phantom, there will be war, and we cannot allow that." Erza said, looking down at the table.

Others nodded in agreement from other tables, but some just drank their problems away, not to mention Cana drinking away and sighing after every finished glass.

They all soon heard a pair of footsteps upstairs. Erza and the others were tensing up and preparing to strike upon the second they show their faces. It was a good assumption to believe that it was Phantom Lord, but they couldn't be for certain. The footsteps were drawing ever so closer, and the guild was on the verge of a panic. As a safety measure, Erza summoned forth a sword and Natsu engulfed his right fist in fire. Gray was ready to summon forth ice upon the moment those Phantom bastards show there cowardly faces. The doors of the basement opened and they heard the footsteps approach. Little to them, it was still a pretty confused and somewhat terrified Nic.

He didn't even look at his footsteps, and he tripped and started falling down the stairs. The guild from below heard sounds of thumping and yelps going "OW" and "EEE" and "D'OH!" They dropped their guard in confusing, thinking how stupid are they to fall down two flights of stairs.

"OW! EEE! OWWW! D'OH! WHY?! AHH! EEE! OW-OOWW!" Nic was hollering as he tumble and crashed into a wall, bouncing off it and falling down the flight of stairs visible to the guild. They were relieved, yet looking in confusion as to how could he fall down two flights of stairs at a time like this.

Nic finally landed with a face plant on the hard floor, laying there for a few seconds before getting back up and groaning at his misfortune. Ignoring everything and everyone around him, Nic glared back at the stairs and pointed at them.

"Curse you stupid flight of stairs!" Nic berated the inanimate path leading up to the upstairs. "You've made a powerful enemy today!"

Once he'd calm down after a few seconds, he noticed that the entire guild was down there with him. He looked around and saw that everyone was staring at him. He noticed that they had frowns.

"So, I guess that I missed quite a bit." Nic said, trying to get back on track. "What happened?"

Nobody answered, but looked down at their mugs and went back to drinking. Not a single person could meet his eyes as the depression has arisen once more. Nic spotted Erza and the others and looked at them.

"Erza, what in the name of all things decent and good in the world happened here?" He asked Erza.

Erza cast her eyes in a downward motion. "It was Phantom Lord."

Nic's somewhat understanding of this situation now has shaken off his startled self and now he looked more serious. "If I may ask, what is Phantom Lord?"

"It's another guild, just like us." Mira pointed out. "Only we're not on the best terms with them. They rival us."

Nic's eyes widened. "You mean that they're another Dark Guild?" He assumed.

Mira shook her head. "No, Phantom Lord is an official guild just like us. For a few years now, Phantom and Fairy Tail have been competing for the top guild. They just came out of nowhere and attacked the Guild Hall when no one was around. Everyone was shocked to see the guild in ruins. We had to salvage what we could manage and take it to the basement. Master didn't allow us to retaliate, for it would only make things worse. For now, we're operating down here until we can get the upstairs fixed."

Nic nodded, but couldn't help but be concerned. "Was anyone injured?"

"No. Everyone was in one piece." She replied.

Nic sighed in relief, thinking that if someone was hurt, could mean the apocalypse for Phantom Lord. If there's one thing everyone in the entire could should be aware of, it's to never EVER infuriate Nic. He's scarier than Erza, an angry Natsu, and Lucy when it came to her rent, put together and multiplied by 700 billion. They all remembered what happened to Gray the last time Nic was angry.

Makarov came out of the bathroom, looking less intoxicated from the alcohol we consumed earlier. Even so, the booze wasn't enough to hide his worries as well. He was angry at the fact Phantom Lord could pull off such a cowardly act. The only thing that's keeping Makarov from storming off was the fact no one was hurt.

He spotted Nic and waltzed up to him to greet him. "It's good to see you Nic. The job was successful I take it?"

Nic crossed his arms and looked down at the Master. "Yeah…but there were some issues." Nic noted.

"How so?" Makarov asked. Everyone was in on how Nic could've had such trouble completing a task.

Since this was a guild, this was everyone's business. He couldn't hide it from them forever, better now than never.

Nic told that when he'd arrived, Hiro said the job had an increase in the reward and was an S-Class request, to which Natsu jumped at. He told how he came across this guild known as Tartaros and how the three members were trying to resurrect Lord Zeref. Nic also told as to how he and his Pokémon stopped a demon known as The Nightmare. Nevertheless, they still won and he finished the job.

The entire guild was almost shaking at Nic's story. He took on three members of the most elusive guild in the Baram Alliance. Makarov raised a brow when Nic told the events. This got him worried. If Tartaros was making its move, then Oracion Seis and Grimoire Heart can't be too far behind. This had disaster written all over it.

"I'll have to talk with the Council again soon." Makarov said. "If what you said is true, then we have to be prepared for what's to come. I'm going to have to make the Council make a move before they do. Right now, we have our own problems to deal with. These troubles just keep piling up on one another. Of all the times to get this news, this just goes to show how rotten our luck is."

The two shared a chuckle that was rather grim.

"Better safe than sorry." Nic said. "At least we were lucky enough to be unharmed. You've made the right choice by not responding. War is never the right answer. War creates only more war."

Makarov could feel Nic's passion for his decision. Makarov could see that Nic has been through a lot. Not just from being in Fairy Tail, but from his past experience in Kalos. He could sense the frustration, the joy, the tranquility, the seriousness, everything about Nic. Nic's wisdom was well beyond what he could've imagined. He wasn't exactly sure as to what Nic had been through, but it did lead to Nic having the experience to handle such situations as did Makarov.

"I agree with you there." Makarov said. He managed a small smile and then slowly progressed into a small frown again. "One of my children may have been attacked, but I can't be helped if that happens again." Nic knew he was referring to him and his confrontation with Tartaros.

Nic nodded. "I'll do what I can to save Fairy Tail as well."

With that aside, everyone let out smirks as to how bold Nic was to declare Fairy Tail such a meaningful place to him. It wasn't long after that Natsu broke it all up by walking up by being angry.

"Hey, that's no fair! How come he got to go on an S-Class request?!" Natsu demanded.

"Why's it matter?" Nic said, turning back nonchalant.

Natsu and the others then explained what they went through while Nic was on his job request. They told of how Happy stole the S-Class request and how everyone else had gotten involved. They told of a curse and how they completed their task and Lucy had gotten a new Zodiac Key. When the tale ended, Nic raised a brow.

"Geez. Natsu and Happy, I have to say. You two are indeed S-Class…S-Class dunderheads!" Nic berated them. "It's fine that you guys accomplished the request, but it was above and beyond stupid for the two of you to do such a thing. We need a new scale to measure your guys' stupidity. Honestly!" Nic couldn't imagine him getting caught up in something like that; well, probably. If people were in trouble, he wouldn't run away from them, so I guess Natsu and the others were lucky this time.

"Oh, come on Nic!" Natsu replied. "You could've just come along and helped us, but you had to go on your own S-Class job! So you're as guilty as us!"

"Listen flame brain! Unlike you, my job turned into S-Class without any notification, so my job was S-Class by coincidence, not because I wanted to get acknowledged!" Nic counter argued.

Natsu turned and pouted, seeing how Nic wasn't in trouble but he was. He just had to take his frustration on something, and then he started stomping about and was prepared to storm off to Phantom Lord. The others had to calm him down

"I can't take this sitting around! I have to do something!" Natsu almost began breathing fire.

"Just shut it you idiot!" Gray said. "We've had enough of your crap!"

"Enough Natsu!" Makarov berated. Everyone turned towards him.

"But Gramps-." Natsu was cut off by a silencing hand with a distasteful look on Makarov's face.

"This matter shall be disposed of. End of discussion!" Makarov then walked and took his place on top of the bar.

Natsu hated all of this. Sitting around wasn't his best strong suite. He gritted his teeth and looked at the floor.

"I know that this is unbearable and you want to settle the matter, but it's best left alone." Nic said with a much more calm tone than when he was arguing with Natsu. "The Fairy Tail Guild Hall may be demolished, but that doesn't mean Fairy Tail itself is tarnished. Look around you. These people are Fairy Tail itself, we're all alive, and that means Fairy Tail is alive as well."

Erza grinned and she could see that almost everyone had been listening to Nic and they felt their spirits lighten up slightly.

Natsu nodded in understanding.

Some time has passed and Nic was sitting next to Erza, who stared at him often. She was amazed as to how Nic was just as influencing as Master, and everyone's spirits were lifted in a matter of seconds. The guild was back to its old self, with the loud and boisterous going about, though somewhat dialed down a bit. Natsu and Gray were bickering again, as to where Lucy sighed over her friend's actions. Happy was idly munching down on some fish, Mira was rushing from table to table, getting drinks to every person she could. Macao and Wakaba were telling jokes again and Romeo was running about. Cana was still drunk and she laughed all about, though no one was surprised.

"How did you do it?" Erza asked.

"Did what?" Nic asked, looking confused.

"You scare people, yet you make them feel assured. You must have a way with them." The red haired Mage said.

"Well, I wouldn't say that." Nic said, looking down at table and drifting off into another one of his "rock out moods" with earbuds in and low volume to hear Erza. "All I do know is that you have to put the past behind you and pick yourself up."

Erza nodded and the two sat in comfortable silence. Nic was now officially in his "rock out mood", with his head bobbing up and down as he was listening to his music.

That night…

The sun had set and everyone had headed home. The odds were that some Phantom Lord members were still running about and the guild needed to make safety measures by traveling in groups. Erza and the others were heading off to Lucy's place (without her consent), and Erza wondered where Nic was. She was aware that Nic always slept in the guild, but his place was trashed. Since Nic wasn't around, Erza had no choice but to leave the matter alone and have Natsu, Happy, and Gray all go to Lucy's. The other guild members left that night, heading off towards their own respective homes.

Lucy had just gotten out of the bath she was in, cloaked in a towel. She had opened the door and Erza was looking so relaxed in her towel as well. Natsu was dozing off on the table, Gray was reading something, and Happy was still munching on some fish. It wasn't long until Erza requiped into her pajamas.

Her pajamas were a light purple with red crosses all over. Lucy was stunned to see how Era changes her clothes.

Lucy then sat down in a chair next to Natsu and began the discussion.

"So, do you have any idea why Phantom attacked us out of the blue like that?" Lucy asked, turning to Erza.

"No." Erza said. "It's true we were never on good terms with those guys in the past, but we've never resorted to violence on this scale before."

Natsu looked up at them with a pout on his face. "If gramps wasn't so sacred of them, we could've wiped them all out easily." He muttered.

"Since when have you been awake?" Lucy asked, but went unanswered.

"C'mon Natsu." Gray said. "Master isn't scared, he's one of the Ten Wizard Saints." Lucy then noticed that Gray was reading her story that she was making, she snatched it away from him and he wanted to know what happened next. Erza was curious to, but Lucy denied it.

"Well, I want to know what these Ten Wizard Saints are." Lucy asked, trying to change the subject.

"It's an honor bestowed by the Magic Council. It's a title given to the ten most powerful wizards on the continent." Erza explained.

"Phantom Lord's Master Jose is one of them to." Happy noted. It was all stopped when Natsu got up and slammed his hand on the table.

"Master is scared! He's afraid Phantom's got too many members for us to handle!" Natsu argued.

"That's not even close to being true." Gray said. "You heard Mira and Master, the consequences of a war with Phantom isn't worth putting up the fight."

"We could take them easily." Natsu noted.

"No." Erza said. "The odds are that neither guild would survive. Their strength levels ours. Jose is the Master of Phantom Lord, and is very well known to be another member of the Ten Wizard Saints, meaning he's on par with Makarov. They also have their own S-Class wizards known as the Element Four. However, their biggest threat may be Black Steel Gajeel. I believe he's responsible for the Guild Hall's destruction. He's known as the Iron Dragon Slayer."

This news shocked and scared Lucy. "He's Dragon Slayer too?!" Lucy exclaimed. "I thought Natsu was the only one?!" Natsu just rolled his eyes and looked away. "So, if he's an Iron Dragon Slayer, does that mean he eats iron?"

"Yes, he does." Erza said.

They were still concerned as to what might happen, but the matter had to be left alone for the time being. They all drifted off to sleep, with Lucy in bed and the others sleeping either in chairs or on couches.


Since Nic couldn't sleep in the Guild Hall due to its destruction, he had to resort to other means. He's been so used to sleeping on tables and rooftops and floors these past few years, that beds feel foreign to him. His body has adapted to hard surfaces such as the tables he sleeps on when in the guild, or was in.

Nic was laying up against a rooftop, staring off into the view of town. He scanned the town and didn't see anything, yet felt an uneasy presence. When the sun had set awhile ago, he could feel a dense sense flowing in the air.

'What is this strange presence?' Nic thought. 'It's feels cold and dark. It must be because of those Phantom-!' He looked and saw something move about a few streets down. It was a shadowy figure that made him narrow his eyes. It had to be a Phantom Lord member. With the skills he acquired from tree jumping, and the stealth of his Kecleon, he leaped and remained quiet while closing in on his target.

Not too far away…

Team Shadow Gear, consisted of Levy, Jet, and Droy, were slowly making their way through Magnolia. It was late and the streets were deserted. Jet and Droy were concerned as to if it was such as good idea to be out at this time.

"Are you sure this is such a good idea?" Jet asked. "Shouldn't you be back in the girl dorms?"

Levy was keeping high spirits. "Oh come on, it's fine. And besides, I wouldn't wanna split up my team in times like this." Levy assured them. To which the guys had hearts in their eyes.

"Don't worry Levy, I'll make sure our team will be safe tonight!" Jet said.

"No, I will!" Droy said, arguing with Jet.

"No, I will!" Jet said. It was a constant war between them, and something was bound to break them up.

And it happened.

They felt something lung at them from an upward angle. Team Shadow Gear only had enough time to whirl around before the figure batted them to the ground. The three went down with a thud and got back up to see a long spiky black hair man with piercings all over. He had red eyes and a feral grin. He looked at them like they were a bunch of toys that he was itching to break.

"W-Who are you?" Droy demanded. He and Jet stepped in front of Levy to supply protection.

The man chuckled. "That's funny. Standing so tall, yet so frail."

"I don't know who the heck you are, but you better-!" Droy was cut off with an iron column bashed into his abdomen and sent him soaring backwards and it wasn't even two seconds that Jet suffered the same. The two tumbled and crashed into the pavement and laid there in disastrous fashion. The two had suffered a lot of damage from those two blows.

"Jet! Droy!" Levy cried. She rushed over to their aid, seeing them unconscious, with a few ribs broken. That was alright, it could've been much worse.

The man chuckled and Levy looked back at him in anger.

"Man, that felt good." He said, walking up to them. "You Fairy Tail weaklings couldn't even hold a candle to me!"

"You!" Levy shouted, turning her full body towards the assailant. "Why are you doing this?"

The assailant bared his feral smirk and chuckled. "Destroying your guild wasn't enough for me, so I figured I might bash some heads to meet my standards."

Levy was wide eyed at this implication. "Wait…you mean…that you're…"

"Yeah, that's right. I trashed your Guild Hall. Gajeel Redfox, the Iron Dragon Slayer!"

Levy froze in horror. She stepped back as she was clearly outmatched and had no chance at beating him. She might have the advantage if it came to intelligence, but this wasn't the case. If Erza, Natsu, or Gray were there, they could've helped her, but that wasn't the case. She wanted to scream for help, but was too afraid as to what Gajeel might do.

Gajeel made no haste in making another iron column and ramming into Levy. She flinched and yelped. She waited for the attack to connect, unable to move. She looked away, not wanting to see the attack coming. In a matter of seconds, she'll end up just like her teammates.

She heard a body clench the column. She heard the sound of an impact, but it wasn't her that was hit. She slowly opened her eyes and looked ahead. She gasped.

"Nic!" Levy cried.

Nic appeared just in time. He made it just as Gajeel announced he was the one responsible for the Guild Hall's destruction. Nic jumped once Gajeel was gonna hit Levy.

"Are you alright Levy?" Nic struggled to say, clenching the column. He had his arms extended outward, holding the iron club that was intended for her. Nic's grip was tightening as his eyes were looking more feral than when he'd found out Gajeel destroyed the guild. Nic was starting to push back the club, and it eventually retracted back into an arm.

"Heh, I gotta hand it to ya pal. Not many people can take my Iron Dragon's Club like you did." Gajeel praised. "Whatever. More trash for me to smash." Gajeel smirked.

Nic glared at him with the same level of dread that he showed to Siegrain awhile back. The Guild Hall trashed, and Fairy Tail was being threatened by this maniac. Nic was just as mad as he was when Erza was threatened. He bared his teeth and snarled. This scared Levy. This wasn't as bad as to when Gray stepped on his phone, but this level of anger was enough to shudder and fall to the ground onto her knees.

"So, you're the numbskull that destroyed our Guild Hall and attack my friends." Nic growled. "When I'm through with you metalhead, you'll be sorry that I've dented your entire body!"

Levy was frightened by the feral tone Nic was using. Even Gajeel could sense the animosity rising from him. His smirk turned into a serious frown at his words.

Nic talked to Levy while still glaring at Gajeel, though his tone was normal. "Levy. Take your teammates to the closest guild member's house. Help them aid, and call for back-up." Nic then brought forth a poke ball and summoned forth his Greninja. Greninja appeared right by Nic's side. "Take Levy's friends and get them to safety." He ordered his pokémon.

Greninja then picked up the two injured members with its arms and Levy tried to give support by putting an arm on one her teammate's sides to give Greninja some ease.

"What about you?" Levy asked in concerns for Nic.

"Nic's got this covered." Greninja assured her. "If there's one thing that can conquer anything, it's an angry Nic. Besides, Nic wouldn't want you or your comrades getting anymore beaten up than you already have."

Levy hesitated and looked back at Nic, who cracked his knuckles, as did Gajeel. She didn't like it, but she turned and ran around the corner with Greninja aiding in support.

When they disappeared around the corner, Nic felt much more assured now that no one was around. His attention was now on Gajeel. Despite the attitude he was giving, he smirked.

"What are you so happy about?" Gajeel demanded.

"I was just thinking would you will look with those piercings plunged into your face." Nic mocked. "You're going to wish that you've never messed with Fairy Tail."

The two now got into their serious fighting stances and it was on.

With Levy

"How much farther Levy?" Greninja asked, carrying an unconscious Droy and supporting Jet with Levy doing the same. They were moving as fast as they could.

"Not too far now!" Levy replied. As fast as she was moving, her pace wasn't equivalent to Greninja's. Greninja was almost dragging them with Levy in the back. Greninja was even holding back and still was a too fast for her. Levy wasn't exactly up to par when it came to physical challenges, and this was no exception.

Levy was helpless in defending her teammates when they were attacked back there. She'd just stood by while Jet and Droy took a beating. The image of those two shielding her with absolute zero hesitation was constantly startling her. If it weren't for Nic, she wouldn't be standing.

"Levy!" Greninja was trying to get her attention, and it worked. She snapped out of her trance and looked up at Greninja.

Greninja could easily tell that she wasn't in any condition to keep going. He'd slowed down and took the rest of Jet. Now, he was holding both Jet and Droy over his shoulders. Levy watched as Greninja carried the two with ease. Much like a ninja, he swiftly picked up the pace. Levy felt a little more at ease now, but still felt useless.

"Levy, it's going to be just fine." Greninja assured her. "Once we get to Mira and Elfman's place, try and contact Master Makarov and get back-up."

"But-." Levy was cut off by Greninja.

"We need to tell him about the situation. We need serious medical attention for these two. He can take them to his healer you guys were talking about a few times. Mira will look over them while Elfman and I rally up the troops. We'll then go and help Nic if he's stalling Gajeel long enough for back-up to arrive…although, I doubt back-up will be any help."

Levy was somewhat startled by what Greninja was saying. "What do you mean?"

"I'm saying Nic and the other pokémon got it covered, but back-up will come as an added measure."

Any chance of an argument died inside Levy. Greninja spoke with the upmost confidence in Nic and the authority passed down from him, leaving no room for doubt.

They tried to pick up their pace even more until they were almost sprinting.

With Nic

They've been brawling for a good two or three minutes now, with Nic transforming into his Zap Plate Form. The two fierce Mages were constantly trying to bash the other. Gajeel was trying to bash Nic with his Iron Dragon's Club, and Nic could easily dodge. Nic countered with a few Charge Beams and a few Thunderbolts. Since Gajeel was iron, the electric attacks were more accurate than normal. Gajeel could barely dodge until he was finally hit with a single Thunderbolt, much like a conductor.

He winced in a little pain, but other than that little jolt that seemingly only made him all warmed up, he was fine.

"Not bad punk. You're a tough nut to crack, I'll admit." Gajeel grudgingly said. "Now hold still so I can impale you!" He, once again, unleashed an Iron Dragon's Club. His right arm morphed into an iron column and he tried hitting Nic. He easily dodged by side stepping and then used Spark and grabbed hold of the column, with the electricity tracing back to Gajeel. He flinched in pain, but still felt just fine. He quickly retracted the column and it morphed back into his arm.

Gajeel jumped into the air and his right arm morphed into a spear this time. "Iron Dragon's Spear!" His spear arm stretched out and it almost made contact with Nic if it weren't for him leaning to his left. He leaped to his left as he saw the spear retract back to Gajeel.

"You're going to have to be faster than that if you wanna touch me iron for brains." Nic said. He took a glance back at the crater left by the spear and took note of what power that one attack dealt. At this point, neither side had been going all out. The two had different reasons for doing so. Nic wasn't going all out because this was in the middle of a street, where civilians lived. As to where Gajeel was simply testing Nic's potential, thinking if he would be a challenge or not. At this point, Gajeel considered Nic took be worthy enough to smash repeatedly with no mercy. The other three wouldn't be as fun to smash, as to where Nic was actually putting up a decent fight.

Nic shifted into his Dread Plate Form and engaged Gajeel in close range fighting. Nic ran up to the Iron Dragon Slayer and prepared to attack.

"Iron Dragon's Spear!" He was about hit Nic, but he disappeared al of a sudden, which shocked Gajeel. He stepped back and saw Nic reappear in front of him and deliver a punch to the face, making him stumble back into a flower cart. Now he smelled as fresh as a daisy.

"Eh, not how I wanted Feint Attack to play out, but I'll take it I guess." Nic shrugged. Gajeel got up and grumbled and growled as to how Nic humiliated him. His two arms became two clubs that Nic saw coming at him. He put his arms up and took the attack. His arms were feeling a lot of pain.

'So, this is what it's like being hit by a Steel-Type' Nic thought, using Gajeel as a simile to Steel-Type Pokémon. 'If he's a Dragon Slayer like Natsu, then that must mean he eats iron. Oh thank god I don't have the Iron Plate on me! Otherwise I'd be a buffet to him. I might as well say: "Eat me so that you can rearrange by face!".' Nic stumbled back as the clubs morphed back into arms. 'Maybe if I were to go back to using the Zap Plate again or shift to the Flame Plate, I'll manage to corner him.' He didn't get anymore room to think when Gajeel leaped forward and gave Nic a serious punch, to which he had to use Night Slash to intercept. Nic and Gajeel were even, until Nic was overpowered and stumbled back a step before getting a kick to the chin that send him soaring. He straightened out and landed unharmed. He wiped his chin and grunted.

"Not bad. You're a challenge, that's for sure, but you'll still be as easy to smash as was your precious Guild Hall!" Gajeel said. Nic growled and clenched his fists.

He was starting to get an idea of who Gajeel was. He was a hot-headed and wild ruffian who enjoys bashing other things out of their misery. Nic could see the maniac side of him from within his eyes. Gajeel wouldn't hesitate to rough up a few homes, and the thought of innocent people getting hurt only made Nic grow more feral from what he had been through.

Nic recalled the innocent victims of Freesia and how helpless they were. They were crying, sobbing, and he didn't want to go through seeing that again. The thought of Gajeel doing that made him snap.

"You." Nic growled in a very feral manner. "You won't ever harm another soul here!" This side of Nic was starting to freak Gajeel out.

'What's with this guy? One second, he's calm. The next thing you know, he's a caged demon.' Gajeel thought. It wasn't even a second that Nic landed a Sucker Punch that forced Gajeel back several feet down the street, with Nic holding onto Gajeel by keeping up with the single punch. He thrust once more and Gajeel stepped back, seeing that Nic pushed him back at least forty feet down the street. Gajeel quickly rebound with an Iron Dragon's Club, of which Nic caught with one hand and brushed it aside with little difficulty. His anger was still up there, which kept his strength up, but it wouldn't be long before he cooled down.

"Knock Off!" One of Nic's arms was surrounded in black sparks and he ran up to Gajeel and slammed his fist in a downward motion. Gajeel intercepted by turning his arm into a sword and swatting him away. Nic quickly straightened out in the air and gripped onto a piece of wood as an outward look on a house and swung and was now on top of a roof.

"Try and pierce me while moving!" Nic shouted as he was leaping from roof to roof all the way to the forest just outside of Magnolia.

"Get back here and fight you spineless weakling!" Gajeel yelled. His two legs turned into iron polls and he shot himself upwards. He landed with a loud thud on top of a rooftop and began chasing Nic. Nic looked back and smirked, showing he was intending on Gajeel to follow.

Gajeel wasn't one to chicken out, so he followed anyway. This was Nic's plan; if they can get them into the woods, then they'll be able to cut lose.

"Hah! Fairy Tail has such weak creatures!" Gajeel shouted. "You're nothing compared to Phantom Lord!"

As much as Nic wanted to turn and go back and give Gajeel a beat down, he had to take into account the population. Gajeel had no right to talk trash after what he just did. If anyone was trash, it was him.

Finally, Nic had reached the forest and dropped to the floor and continued to run ahead. Gajeel pressed onwards and followed suit. Eventually, Nic was in sight.

"Payback time! Iron Dragon's Club!"

Nic was caught off guard as he turned to see a long column that morphed from his arm heading into Nic. The head of the column rammed his left calf and he yelped in pain. Nic leaped out of the way and felt his calf surge with weight felt less supported, and he groaned as he leaned against a tree for the support he needed.

"Dear lord!" Nic shouted in surprise. "It's so painful! Why is this a thing?!" He turned his head back and saw that the wound was rather deep and he saw it was a bruise. Nic almost paled at the sight of his bruise taking up the size of his calf and he felt lightheaded.

At least it wasn't blood.

Nic had to shift his weight over to his right leg to apply pressure on his limb.

He then heard heavy footsteps that was from Gajeel up ahead. He was only a few feet in front of him and he smirked.

"Now, where were we?" Gajeel said, cracking his knuckles.

Nic pushed of the tree and turned to face his opponent. He had to avoid using his leg as much as he could.

"I guess I'm on my last legs, literally." Nic said, trying to throw a few puns into the battle. Though this was a serious situation, he couldn't help but be punny. At least that got him focused on Gajeel and not the bruise. His face was less pale and he could feel the pain decreasing already. His calf hurt with every turn and step he made, but had to bare no less.

Gajeel groaned at the dry sense of humor. "Nice try kid. How about I beat some sense into you."

Nic gave a glare at Gajeel and got out another poke ball. Since Nic was in no shape to fight on his own now, he'll have to resort to using one of his pokémon for help.

"Let's go, Charizard!" Nic shouted. Charizard showed up right beside Nic and roared. Charizard looked at his opponent to see Gajeel rather perplexed.

"Hang on, that's not Salamander." Gajeel pointed out. Nic then thought back as to how Natsu was referred to as Salamander. In a way, it would be a mistake to accuse Charizard as Salamander. It would be taken as an insult if not a title.

"Sorry, but you're gonna face Charizard anyway." Nic said. Charizard turned to look down at Nic and saw that his calf was severely bruise. It was almost looking blue! Charizard turned back towards Gajeel and showed a death glare.

"Look pal, this can go two ways." Charizard growled. "Either you turn and run before I fry you, or we melt you on the spot!" He was threatening Gajeel for wounding Nic.

"Bring it lizard!" Gajeel said, smirking as he jumped and tried impaling Charizard with an Iron Dragon's Spear. Charizard didn't move as it intercepted with light blue claws.

"Dragon Claw!" Charizard yelled. He jabbed the spear with his light blue claws that surged with power and the pointed tip of the sword shattered and retracted. Gajeel grunted as his assault was nullified. He then noticed a fast flame incoming from Nic. He shifted into the Flame Plate when he wasn't looking. He unleashed the Flame Burst attack and it made a direct hit on Gajeel.

Then Gajeel found himself being blown away as the fire ball exploded upon impact. He slammed into a tree and before he could ready an attack, Charizard got him with another Dragon Claw. He gagged as the air was knocked out of him and Nic landed a Blaze Kick on his face.

Gajeel fell to the ground and got to a knee, not fully recovered from such a devastating consecutive attack. He inhaled a huge amount of air and clenched his abdomen where Charizard's Dragon Claw was more painful than he could've imagined. This was definitely a challenge for him. He hasn't felt this much pain in such a long time. These two were serious.

"That one was for Jet and Droy!" Nic shouted. "I'm not through with you yet!"

"And I'm just getting warmed up!" Charizard said.

Gajeel got back up and gazed at the two menacing figures. It was clear that they won't fall unless Gajeel falls first, but Nic was being supported by one of Charizard's wings. This could be a close one.

With Erza and the others

Lucy was fast asleep in her warm bed, as to where Gray and Natsu were sleeping with their heads down on the table. Happy was lying comfortably on a nearby cushion, and Erza was lying back on a nearby piece of furniture.

It was quiet and peaceful for them, though they had no idea what was going on. They were all sound asleep and it would take an explosion of sorts to wake them up.

There was loud banging on the door downstairs.

Erza immediately opened her eyes and lunge out of the room to the downstairs door. Lucy was feeling groggy and hesitated to get up. The knocking pressed on and she got out of bed and Gray soon followed.

Natsu yawned and woke up feeling drowsy. Happy did the same and the two made their way down in front of the door.

For a precaution, Erza requiped into her Heart Kreuz Armor with a sword at the ready. Gray was prepared to strike as well, but Lucy backed away, a little scared. Natsu and Happy trudged down the stairs, unaware of the situation.

"We're coming, we're coming." Natsu muttered. Happy was on his head and half asleep. Natsu finally came down the stairs and Erza opened the door.

They were all relieved to see that it was Elfman.

Erza put down her sword and Gray put his guard down.

"Uh, hey Elfman." Lucy said. "What are you doing at my place at this time of night?"

Erza narrowed her eyes. "Yeah, and why were you banging so hastily?"

A frown was on Elfman's face. "There's no time! Jet and Droy have been severely injured!"

Everyone's eyes shot wide open in dread and shock, even Natsu and Happy sprung up from this uprise.

"What?!" Natsu roared. "What happened? Tell me!"

Elfman's face grew grim. "They were attacked by that Gajeel guy. Levy explained everything. She and Greninja dropped them off so Mira can take care of them for now."

Greninja was seen behind Elfman, looking rather grim and serious. "Nic's fighting him as we speak. He told us to get back-up ASAP!"

"Lead the way!" Erza ordered. With no time to waste, everyone ran out of the apartment, regardless of Lucy in her pajamas, and followed Greninja to where Nic was fighting Gajeel.

With Nic and Charizard

Nic barely managed to dodge as a huge sword cleaved through several branches and tore up a few tree trunks. The sword was more menacing with the edges moving like a chainsaw. Slash after slash, Gajeel relentlessly tried piercing Nic, but Nic was able to barely dodge every swipe.

Gajeel was cut off guard with Charizard hovering above him.

"Flamethrower!" Charizard unleashed a huge blast of fire, of which Gajeel jumped back from. He failed to dodge an oncoming Flamethrower from Nic and he fell to the ground with a sliding thud. Charizard lowered its altitude and the two unleashed a double Flamethrower.

Gajeel wasn't going to take this lying down.

"Iron Dragon's Roar!" Gajeel quickly conjured up Magic and his mouth spit out a huge turbulence of iron at the duel attack. The result was an explosion of iron and fire everywhere, with neither side taking any damage. When the attacks began to clear out, Gajeel was wide eyed to see Charizard flying in towards him with Nic on his back.

"Flame Charge!" Nic's body was surrounded in fire and he lunged off of Charizard and rammed into Gajeel's gut. Gajeel didn't have time to react as he yelped. Nic back away and Charizard zoomed in afterwards with a harsh Dragon Claw, hurling Gajeel through a couple trees. Nic exhaled and inhaled deeply and Charizard continued to be Nic's support.

For some reason, the two felt uneasy.

'Something isn't right.' Charizard thought.

Suddenly, a long column got Charizard and he gagged as he fell back several feet away.

"Charizard!" Nic shouted. He looked back and saw iron spears heading his way, he ducked and rolled out of the way. If he didn't look in time, he would've been impaled.

A diabolical laughter could be heard from where Gajeel was. It echoed about as Nic and Charizard got their feet under them. They heard twigs and logs snapping as an image of Gajeel came from out of the shadows.

"I'm very impressed with you." Gajeel smirked. "However, you're going to have to do a whole lot more if you wish to take me down!" Nic and Charizard both stepped back in shock. They noticed that Gajeel had changed.

The Iron Dragon Slayer's skin had transformed into iron scales. His entire body was a dark gray that was an armor to him. He looked rather more beastly this way, and not in a good way for the two of them. This has gotten a whole lot harder for them.

Nic gaped his mouth in disbelief. "You've gotta be kidding me." He said. Charizard bared its fangs in the challenge they were given. The odds weren't in their favor unless they could pull a trick off.

"Iron Dragon's Club!" He unleashed his attack and the two managed to dodge. There was a shockwave as the attack passed them, meaning the force was greatly enhanced. Charizard recovered fast enough to unleash a Flamethrower on him, but it proved ineffective. "What?!"

Gajeel chuckled. "Go on. Hit me with all the fire you can muster up. You can burn away these scales even if you tried. This is tougher than your average iron, so good luck trying to penetrate me."

Nic stepped back only to feel his calf hurt, but still pressed on with Flame Charge. He was getting faster because of the Speed increase, but when the attack landed, it didn't even dent him. Gajeel chuckled and simply swatted Nic away. Nic grunted in how much force that one swat had. Gajeel turned to see Charizard use another Dragon Claw. Gajeel blocked with his arms and took the hit just like he did with Nic. His scales were barely scratched and he was unaffected by the attack. He punched Charizard in the face and it send Charizard down to the ground several feet away, right in front of Nic.

"This guy's a tough nut to crack." Charizard muttered while still down. Nic and Charizard slowly got to their feet and gazed at Gajeel. They needed to shift the tide, but they didn't have many options. In their current state, their odds were slim. Charizard's Flamethrower wasn't strong enough, so the odds were that Heat Wave was no better.

It was time to kick it into high gear.

Nic smirked, thinking how fun this might be. Gajeel was off guard by this expression Nic had on his face.

"What are you so glee about?" Gajeel demanded. Charizard looked back and saw Nic smirk. It's been awhile since he had such a smirk. Charizard recognized it all too well. Now Charizard was smirking at Nic.

"Let me guess, we're going to do that?" Charizard asked, as if he'd known the answer all along.

"You know it." Nic said, smiling at his pal. The two then looked back at Gajeel. "Hey, scrapbrain! You're not the only one who can upgrade ya know!"

"What?" Gajeel was confused. He saw that Nic held up his wristband that was on his right wrist. It had a weird stone in it that showed a variety of colors. Nic touched the stone and Charizard's body was glowing a blue light from his abdomen.

"It's been awhile since we've done this!" Charizard said, getting ready for what's to come.

"You bet! Now Charizard, Mega Evolve!" Nic shouted. He held his wrist high as it protruded strings of light that connected with Charizard. Charizard was reacting to the light and his body was now glowing. The changed could be seen. His body shape was morphing. Its body and legs were getting a little more build in them, making him look more physically fit. Spikes were being shown forming on its shoulders. Its claws were heavily sharpen and larger. Its snout was a little bit shorter. It showed two small, fin-lie horns going down his neck. Its wings were being trimmed and divided into large, rounded points and every third joint had a claw-like spike. The sides of its mouth was shown to have fire going out. When it stopped glowing, it was black with a sky blue underside. The wings were blue and the tip of the spikes on its shoulders were lined with sky blue. Its eyes were red and its tail flame and the flames coming out of its mouth were now blue with more intense heat than before.

Mega Charizard roared as it unleashed a shockwave throughout the air upon Mega Evolution. This made Gajeel step back in shock of this transformation. It could feel the heat from where it was standing.

"W-what is that thing?!" Gajeel demanded, stuttering upon looking into its red menacing eyes.

Nic smirked. "Meet Mega Charizard!" Nic shouted. Mega Charizard roared as it proclaimed the shift in the tide.

"Now here's something you don't see every day." Mega Charizard said, glancing back at Nic and looking back at Gajeel. "We have two dragons and a Nic, all in one place." He was right. Now that Mega Charizard was a Dragon Type, that would make Gajeel and Charizard the two "dragons" and Nic, well, "The Nic".

Nic let a small laughter escape him before he felt the bruise taking a toll on him. They had to end this now.

"It's time we finish this!" Nic proclaimed. Gajeel regained his composure and smirk.

"Hah! Whether or not you change doesn't mean you're still gonna win! Iron Dragon's Roar!" He then unleashed a turbulence that went straight for the two of them. Mega Charizard didn't even flinch as it spread its wings out.

"Heat Wave!" Mega Charizard roared as it unleashed large blue flames as it flapped once. The attack was far more tense than an average Heat Wave due to Mega Charizard's intense heat given off. The Iron Dragon's roar and the Heat Wave mad contact, and the result was that the Heat Wave was melting the iron in the turbulence.

"What?!" Gajeel was angry that his roar was being overpowered and Heat Wave soon overpowered him and hit him. He winced in pain as he took the intense blast. He was wrong. He felt his scales becoming hot, and he couldn't do much from that. He simply awaited for the attack to finish, and when he did, he stepped back and saw that Nic had shifted into his Splash Plate form.

"Charizard, Fly!" Nic commanded. Mega Charizard roared and it shot straight up into the air. Gajeel looked to see how fast Mega Charizard was flying up. It was just going up and up, and he had forgotten Nic for a split second.

"Hydro Pump!" Nic made an aquatic mirror and it shot forth a huge volume of water at Gajeel. Gajeel took it and didn't budge. The scales were cooling down for him and he only flinched at such an attack. Those scales were tough to break, but Nic was making progress.

Gajeel jumped and tried running up to Nic with an arm morphed into a sword, but Mega Charizard came shooting down and crashed on him. There was a shockwave flowing about from that crash and Gajeel was lying in the crater for a few seconds. He got back up and grunted at the amount of strength that Mega Charizard wielded. He did an Iron Dragon's Club and Mega Charizard got its arms up and wings for shielding. It took the strong attack and was shoved back a few feet. That attack had some fight in it. Mega Charizard grunted at Gajeel's own power and saw that the column was being retracted.

"Dragon Claw!" The claws on Mega Charizard's hands became surrounded in a light blue, claw-shaped energies. It made it looked as though it had bigger claws. It then jumped and soared straight into Gajeel, slashing at him. Gajeel, once again, blocked by using his arm. Dragon Claw was far stronger than it was earlier, and it made Gajeel flinch and yelp as it felt the scales on his arm being torn up. He stepped back and took a look at his arm. There was a huge claw mark on his scales.

"Damn you lizard!" Gajeel cursed. Mega Charizard gave a warning growl as it flew back to Nic's side. Fortunately for Nic, he didn't have to move around all that much thanks to Mega Charizard. Nic shifted back into his Flame Plate Form and the two launched a combo attack again.

"Flamethrower!" Mega Charizard roared, unleashing blue flames.

"Inferno!" Nic shouted, releasing a devastating blue flame from his mouth. The two intense attacks combined into an almighty blazing blast that Gajeel's Iron Dragon Roar was clearly no match for. The blazing attack melted through the assault that Gajeel threw and he got scorched by the attack. This was still considered normal fire to Gajeel, unlike Natsu's fire. However, this flame was far more intense than he would have imagine. He felt his scales beginning to burn and he clenched his fists and screamed in place. As the attack finished, he got to a knee and was breathing heavily.

"Give up yet?" Nic shouted, transforming into his Splash Plate Form. Gajeel looked up and he was infuriated.

"You'll pay for that." He growled.

"We'll see about that! Water Pulse!" Nic's palms then created a sphere of water and threw it at Gajeel's abdomen. Gajeel only budged a little and saw that the scales on his body were starting to feel uncomfortable.

He looked to see that his abdomen was beginning to crack, and the rest of his scales were looking either contracted or expanded. This somewhat restrained some movement, slowing him down.

"Curse you! Iron Dragon's Spear!" Gajeel shouted. He got up and tried and to pierce Nic, but he leaned to his left and he shifted back to his Flame Plate Form. He then began charging towards the Phantom Lord Mage, despite the leg wound he had to endure.

"Mega Charizard!" Nic shouted. Mega Charizard then roared and flew into Gajeel with a Dragon Claw. Gajeel was still retracting his spear arm when Mega Charizard swiped at his abdomen, making him fall back. Gajeel jumped back to his feet and saw that Mega Charizard was already a safe distance away from Gajeel.

'He's fast-!' Gajeel saw that his abdomen was severely cracked and saw that the scales were starting to chip off. "No!" He then looked to see that Nic was still charging at him.

"Okay you swine! Time to put you out of your misery!" Nic shouted. The flames on Nic's coat were starting to light up in a light blue, signifying an enormous heat signature surging about. Gajeel was trying to ready himself by preparing an Iron Dragon's Roar, but his scales were restraining his movements, making him flinch as a few scales chipped here and there.

Nic was now a few feet in front of Gajeel's abdomen, and he let him have it. "We've had it with you! Legendary Arts: Blue Flare!" Nic opened his mouth and a monstrous stream of light blue flames shot forth. Gajeel howled in agony as the almost point blank attack made contact. His Iron Dragon Scales shattered into pieces and the Phantom Lord Mage was shot backwards, still being bombarded with the gushing ocean of light blue flames.

With Greninja and the others

The others were at the sight where Nic had first fought Gajeel. They were clearly here, they could tell. They saw some shattered pavement from before, a few stands smashed, and they saw a flower stand destroyed.

"Natsu, can you track them?" Erza asked.

"Yeah, I'll try." With Natsu's enhance nose, he could pick up on Nic's scent in no time. However, before they could begin, they heard a tremendous explosion from afar. They felt the ground shake up and Natsu fell forward with a thud. He got back up and everyone saw a huge inferno of blue fire and smoke in the distance.

"What the heck is that?" Lucy asked. They all were seeing the inferno slowly diminish and the smoke was clearing out. They were all getting their guards up for this one.

Greninja raised a brow, knowing what went down.

"That would be Nic's handy work." Greninja said casually. Everyone turned and looked at Greninja in shock.

"That was Nic?!" Gray exclaimed.

"He caused damage like a real man!" Elfman exclaimed.

Erza was getting worried about Nic. He was facing a Dragon Slayer, and an S-Class Mage from Phantom Lord. "Let's hurry!" She ordered. Everyone then followed her, but Greninja zoomed ahead due to such amazing speed it had. They were all closing in on the site where Nic was.

With Nic and Mega Charizard

The dust and smoke cleared, revealing a straight line of nothing. An endless trail was shaped from the attack, with trees being either incinerated or destroyed. The trail ran a good few hundred meters until it was out of sight. The odds were that Gajeel was pretty much out for the count.

Gajeel was several hundred meters away, lying on the ground after being burned and smashed through several rows of trees. He opened his eyes and he turned his body upwards, barely able to stand up. With what strength he could muster up, he made a hasty retreat back to Phantom Lord, batted and wounded to a painful degree.

He turned back and looked back into the direction that Nic and Mega Charizard were from, he took a good glance back, unable to see with the distance between them, and turned back.

"This isn't over." He muttered before coughing and gagging, and fled into the forest shadows.

Nic and Mega Charizard were back where they obliterated Gajeel from the scene. Nic's mouth was letting out some hot steam after that last attack. He kept his mouth gapped open as the steam dispersed and he went to a nearby tree to support his weight. He sure felt lightheaded from that attack he pulled off. He belched up some fire and sighed, relieved that it was over…for now.

Mega Charizard walked over towards Nic. Both were breathing heavily from exhaustion. That fight had put them through their paces. Charizard got to a knee and grunted.

Nic looked over at his pal and sighed. "You too, huh?" Nic asked rhetorically, yet drained.

Mega Charizard huffed and puffed a little and turned towards Nic, letting out a slight chuckle. "That guy roughed us up good." Mega Charizard said with a smile.

"Yeah, but we whooped his sorry behind, didn't we?" Nic said with a smile. The two share a small laugh, looking at each other's wounds. All Mega Charizard had were a few bumps and scratches compared to Nic's large bruise on his calf, but he was roughed up in a few places as well. "Regardless, you did great pal."

"Thanks." Mega Charizard said, he then was encased in an array of colors and he reverted back to himself. "You didn't do so bad yourself there pal. We managed to go that extra mile."

Nic nodded and they heard some people approaching from behind. The two turned around, ready to spit fire the first chance they get. They then saw a few familiar figures run up towards them. It was Greninja and the others. The two gave a sigh of relief that they were in the clear. Everyone ran up to Nic and Charizard and stopped in front of them.

They all gasped at the damage the two had taken. They saw all of the bumps and scratches they have accumulated from their little scuffle. Erza walked towards Nic and looked at him.

"Nic, are you alright?" Erza asked. Nic nodded and grunted from his wound. He reverted back to himself and Erza looked at his calf injury in shock. "You're hurt."

"Tell me something I don't know." He muttered in pain. Erza and Gray then went over and gave Nic support to keep him up.

Greninja went by Charizard's side and looked at his injuries as well. Greninja and Charizard both gave mutual looks at one another, obviously understanding how the other feels. Since Charizard was Nic's second pokémon, Greninja and Charizard could read each other just as easily as they could read Nic.

"Don't tell me, you did that." Greninja said.

Charizard looked ahead at the damage they cause. "Yeah. That guy had what was coming to him." Greninja saw the trail ahead and whistled in shock.

"Dang. You two had some fire power!"

Natsu and Elfman then went up towards Nic and asked him what happened. Nic responded, saying that he and Charizard scared him off. The odds were that that wasn't the last of him.

Natsu cracked his knuckles in anticipation. "Those Phantom jerks are going to get what's coming to them!"

"Enough Natsu. Charizard and I defeated Gajeel and he's long gone by now." Nic said, much to the latter's shock.

"You did what?! You got to trash Gajeel, but I didn't?! That's no fair!" Natsu complained. Nic just ignored him and returned Charizard and Greninja for some well-deserved rest. Nic then explained everything about how the battle went as he was assisted on the way back to Magnolia.

Later that night, in Phantom Lord…

Gajeel had returned, battered and beaten to a pulp, much to the guild's surprise. They all got up from their seats and looked on in shock at Gajeel limping back in.

Jose Porla looked down at the beaten and roughed up form of Gajeel. He was surprised by what had become of him. The biggest threat of Phantom Lord, crushed and beaten. He was even more shocked to hear what Gajeel had reported. A young mysterious man with sunglasses on his V-neck was able to defeat one of his most powerful mages in combat. The Iron Dragon Slayer was defeated by an unknown person that Jose wasn't aware of, and here he thought he knew all of the strongest people in Fairy Tail.

"Are you sure that it wasn't any of Makarov's S-Class Mages, like Laxus?" Jose asked.

Gajeel shook his head. "No sir. He had sunglasses and he had his own set of monsters helping him. A frog and a fire breathing dragon that can transform as can he." He informed.

Jose pondered on what he had said for awhile. Makarov's grandson didn't possess those abilities. It was also not Mystogan since he never showed his face. Also, it couldn't possibly be the almighty Gildarts since he was away as well. Who was this mystery?

The Guild Master smirked and chuckled. "Well, this is interesting indeed. Makarov may have been hiding something from us. The odds are that he won't let this incident slide. Two of his guild members are injured. They should be here sometime to get back at us probably. You might as well rest up for when that happens; in the meantime, have Sol and Miss Juvia go and fetch little Miss Heartfilia."

The Iron Dragon Slayer nodded and left the room.

Jose stood there. 'Just what is this young mage that Makarov has kept hidden? I'm anxious to see what he can do. Makarov may have his own surprises, but I have a few tricks of my own. Be ready Makarov, it's time you learned who the top guild really is!'