
Violet Higgins

The Telvis Empire is an extremely unique country. It does not have the expected "human rights" or "fair" laws, everything favors the church and its affiliates, and there are only restrictions for the people. However, despite this, the people living in this city have no complaints. This is undoubtedly the city with the strongest combat power against "catastrophic beasts" in the entire continent, and even the "Knights Empire", which is known for its strength, does not have the exaggerated combat power of "Telvis". As long as you live in this city, you are safe.

Cross held Eve's hand and left the area of the church, walking on the street. Thinking back to the war that overthrew the tyrant and the various things that happened in the past, Cross couldn't help shaking his head. Despite this, in this place, those nightmare-like scenes were like falsehoods, but the disappearing scenes on both sides of the road were so peaceful. The shops on both sides of the road were filled with all kinds of goods, and the customers who bought things were endless.

To Cross, who had seen "hell" before, it was always difficult to accept this kind of peace.

Along the avenue, in the eyes of various awe-struck pedestrians, the two passed by one shop after another. Cross, who was accustomed to a busy life, really didn't know what to eat at this moment. In his eyes, food was equivalent to black bread, and there were no other options.

It might be said that being able to eat black bread well was a kind of happiness.

"Let's go here."

The two stopped at the entrance of a tavern-like shop, which was called the "Guild", a gathering place for adventurers. Generally, mercenaries would come here to accept missions and earn money, so various kinds of food were also available here.

Pushing open the door of the "Guild", many noisy voices came from inside. Various mercenaries were talking about strange experiences from difficult missions, telling dirty jokes, drinking large amounts of alcohol, singing out-of-tune songs, and laughing recklessly.

Walking straight to the counter, looking at the menu with the words "Mysterious Recipes", Cross hesitated for a moment. But since he was not interested in eating, he did not try those unknown foods, and only ordered a cup of coffee and a set meal called "Children's Meal".

"Hello, Your Honor the Judge, the total is seventeen copper coins."


Cross took out seventeen copper coins and handed them to the server at the counter, taking his coffee and meal.

He casually took out a coin and placed it on the counter, earning an awkward expression from the receptionist girl across from him. The amount was so large that the change might cover the entire table... Cross also noticed that the amount of money was too large, but this was the lowest denomination he had on him.

"Hmm? That's troublesome... then don't bother giving me any change."

For Cross, a coin was really just small change, and he couldn't take away that many copper coins even if they were all given to him.

"Ah?! Your Excellency, this won't do! I can't just take so much money from you..."

The girl was clearly at a loss for what to do with such a large sum of money.

"Then... let's just temporarily store the excess money here. I'll use it to pay next time I come."

"Ah... okay! Please find a seat, Your Excellency... your meal will be served soon."

Relieved by Cross's answer, the girl bowed respectfully to him. Although the restaurant didn't allow credit or advance payment, as an ordinary citizen, she couldn't disobey the "Judicator" of the Holy See in front of her, especially since he seemed to be trying to help her out in some way.

"Thank you."

As Cross turned around to find a seat, the mercenaries who were dining around him stood up and moved to other tables some distance away from him. It seemed they were conscious of their eating habits, as they didn't want to accidentally knock anything onto the table of the "Judicator."

Cross was not accustomed to this overly fearful attitude of those around him.

After sitting down for less than two minutes, his coffee and "children's meal" were already served. Normally, waiting five to ten minutes for an order to arrive was normal, but when it came to the order of a "Judicator," there could be no delay.

The so-called children's meal was a small bowl of porridge with a few small cakes and desserts, which were mostly unsatisfying except for the porridge.

Although Eve's body was roughly similar to that of a normal human, there were many differences, such as food intake. Humans don't absorb nutrients as efficiently as they eat, but artificial humans are different. Unless the food they eat is difficult to digest, it is completely broken down into separate elements and absorbed.

So when creating Eve, they didn't give her a large stomach.

Eve was full after tasting a bit of everything, and although the absorption efficiency was high, it still required time. The excess food had to be taken care of by Cross.

"..." "Ah..."

As expected, it was a mistake to let her eat alone... A small piece of cake that the girl had forked up "mischief-ly" fell off the fork and landed on her dress. The jam on the cake dyed the girl's dress a faint pink color.

"I don't care, I'm going to change it anyway..."

Cross was not a patient person, and after throwing away the cake without bothering to deal with the stain on the girl's dress, he took off his gloves. In fact, a simple magic could easily remove the stain.

The mercenaries around them looked like they wanted to laugh but couldn't, which made them feel a little uncomfortable - why did a Judicator of the Holy See have to eat here? One "bastard" eating at this commoner facility was enough.

Whether it was someone's jinx or something else, the second person they didn't want to see pushed open the door of the "Guild" at this time.

She was also a relevant member of the Holy See, with the same rank as a Judicator. From the emblem on her right wrist guard, she had a higher status than Cross - the Chief Judicator.

"Get me twenty large steaks."

She was young, about twenty years old. But her demeanor had a slightly mature feel. Her words were very casual, but her tone and voice inexplicably had a sense of majesty, as if rejecting the gentle tone a young woman should have.

"Hmm?" "..."

As expected, in this not-so-large space, Cross and the Judicator girl locked eyes. Her attire was very strange, from the exaggerated wrist and leg guards that didn't match her figure, to the tight-fitting clothing that wrapped around her body like underwear, to the half-length priest's cape on her head, all had a unique feeling.

"I remember you're... what was it called? The one who was appointed this morning?"

The Judicator girl with her strange white hair tilted her head and struggled to recall the name of this man, but she had no idea since she was not good at remembering people.

"What a coincidence, to meet you here, Lady Violet Higgins. Also, my name is Cross Asteros."

Cross made the formal gesture of the Holy See.

"Yes, Cross Asteros..."

The Judicator girl clearly only remembered the first half of the name, and the entire second half was just her own guess...

Cross didn't have the energy to correct her about his name not being real. He quickly finished the remaining half cup of coffee and pulled Eve in the opposite direction of Violet.

"Well then, we won't disturb you. Enjoy your meal."

As they passed by the girl, Cross suddenly felt a strong sense of killing intent.

"Well, I'm really hungry today, so I'll let it go. But next time we meet, I hope to see your strength..."

At this moment, Violet, the judgment girl, had an expression that should not have appeared on a human face. It was like the smile of a bloodthirsty beast when it sees its prey, and the scattered killing intent made even the mercenaries around her shudder. Cross, who was beside her, couldn't help but sweat profusely.

"Okay, for sure."

At the moment they brushed past each other, the killing intent seemed to have disappeared without a trace.

"Oh...you're the descendant of that race..."

Cross turned back to look at Violet, who was sitting in a certain seat near the door of the "guild." Those crimson eyes and snow-white hair, were characteristics of a race that could only be found in the extreme north - the Bellsegg, a natural warrior race.

Even now, Cross couldn't help but tremble...this person was truly worthy of being the chief judge.

How could he win against someone like her? Cross couldn't help but think about this question, but soon gave up. If it was just a simple duel, Cross would undoubtedly lose.

If it was a fight to the death, this person might still not be a match for Cross.

"Well then, let's go meet the nun that Harlan mentioned."