
Trails of Grace

She looked at him, tears streaming down her face. ''But why ?Why would you even-'' ''Because you are the only person I want to protect'' he said as he embraced her tightly. After loosing her parents, Her kingdom ,her people at the age of seven, Luana the moon princess kept hiding herself from Nobles. She wanted to live a quiet life and to avenge her parents' death. Luana succeeded hiding for 11 years, unknowingly harming herself until she was rescued by a mysterious young man. Will he be the man he avoided the most ? will he be her love? or will he be the Sun Prince who is the most powerful person on the empire?

Sahaaae · Kỳ huyễn
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10 Chs

A mysterious surprise

''Hey have you seen Harry?'' Rion asked Richard.

Richard,Rion and laurenzo ,Everyone was hanging out but they could not find Harry.

''Where is this kid?'' Laurenzo asked .

''We should check at the Library'' Rion said .

''Yeah, Perhaps we should'' Rion replied.

They walked toward the royal library. Their foot steps were the only ones that to be heard in the library surroundings . No one could enter the Royal library without the permission from the Queen herself or from the prince. The royal library was like a private library for Harry Since people rarely use the royal library and everyone is not allowed to use it.

Harry was peacefully immersed in book and the quiet surrounding of the library made his mood just right for it. And just then,

''HARRY WHERE ARE YOUUUU ?'' Richard came yelling while bursting through the doors .

The peace and calmness which was there a while ago disappeared like a fart in the wind . Harry , who was in his own little word while reading a book peacefully got really really annoyed by Richard. Harry closed the book with a snap.

''YO HARRY WHERE ARE YOUUUU?'' Richard yelled again.

''Huh ? why do I get chills?'' Laurenzo asked from Rion.

''Same here, I feel like something bad is gonna happen to our poor Rickie'' He replied.

''YO RICKIEEEEEE HOW MANY TIMES HAVE I TOLD YOU ABOUT BEING QUIET AT THE LIBRARY '' Harry came sprinting from his seat with a hard covered book in his hand. He looked like he is going to skin Richard from his head to toes.

''What? Do you think you can hurt me with that ? A little book ?'' Richard teased Harry.

''Oh he screwed it up don't you think? '' Rion whispered to Luarenzo.

''Agreed'' Luarenzo whispered back.

''OWW'' Richard's screams flyed through the air.

''Don't judge the book by it's holder Rickie '' Laurenzo patted Richard's shoulder.

''It's Don't cover the book by it's judge you dummy '' Richard snapped.

''Guys I'm pretty sure the saying goes like Don't judge the book by it's cover '' Rion said.

''Right, Why are you guys here ?'' Harry asked while making his way to the sofa besides them.

''Why weren't you at the Gardens today ? You always take your morning walk '' Laurenzo said.

''Unless something is bothering you'' Rion completed the sentence.

''Is something bothering you Harry?'' Richard asked from Harry .

Harry sighed and plopped on to the sofa .

''No'' He replied .

''Have they found anything about Luana ?'' Laurenzo asked .

Harry let out a deep sigh and replied No .

''I find it amusing to witness that the royal team can't find where abouts of a person'' Richard said.

''Harry do you think ... is she perhaps in the Hidden city ?'' Laurenzo asked.

''I have thought about it too '' Harry replied

''But why is your Grand mother still searching for her ?'' Rion asked .

''Is it to fool him?'' Richard asked.

''It is to fool but not him right?'' Laurenzo asked.

''Yeah , Gran ma is doing that on purpose. But it is not to fool him but to fool others '' Harry replied.

''Ohh , He is not a fool to be fooled '' Laurenzo said.

''True'' Richard agreed.

''Hey Rickie pass me that book , I need to show you guys something'' Harry said.

''What book ?'' Rickie asked .

''The book which kissed you head '' Laurenzo teased him.

''Thwe bwook which kwissed wyour hwead '' Richard mimicked Luarenzo and tossed the book towards Harry.

Harry grabbed the book and started to flip through the pages. And then he stopped at one page .

He showed others what it was while others leaned in. It was an old story book. Which back about six hundred and seventy nine years.

''What is this ?'' Rion asked ruffling his gold coloured hair. They all were clearly confused.

''Isn't this a tale? why are you showing us a tale Harry ?'' Laurenzo asked.

''This book dated back about six hundred years - ''Harry began to explain about it.

''SIX HUNDRED ? '' Everyone gasped.

''Yes , six hundred and seventy nine years to be exact'' Harry completed his sentence from before.

Normally Harry would have been annoyed if somebody disturbed him while he's talking but this time he forgot to get annoyed over this. He was so into the subject and was so eager to explain it to Rion to Laurenzo and to Richard.

''Read it '' Harry said.

saying ok Rion started to read it.

''Once upon a time , there was a young boy who lived in the countryside. He loved goats

he loved cattles, he loved cows. He had no family nor any guardian to take care of him or

to look after him. So he often worked for other people who lived there to get a proper meal.

He had no friends so he spent his time in the meadows with animals like cattles , sheeps and

cows. But one day when he was away, a vicious villain came and took all of the cows , cattle's

and sheeps away. He was heartbroken to find out that all of his friends were gone. He asked

everyone about the cows , the cattles and the sheep. But they were afraid to speak of him . They

were even afraid to tell the name of the villain. But soon the boy found out about the villain.

He wanted to avenge the loss of his friends. He wanted to fight with the villain. and one day

a weird old man came to meet the young boy then he talked with the boy. He told him that

he knew about his plan to kill the villain and then the old man gifted the boy a pair of jewelry.

The boy looked at him confused. The old man laughed and told him that they would come in

handy for the journey. With that the weird old man went back. That day , at night the boy wore

one of the jewelry the weird old man gave him. Nothing happened and the boy thought that it

was just a scam or some kind of weird joke. Without removing the jewelry he went into his

bathroom to take a shower. That's when he came across the reflection of him in the mirror....''

Rion stopped reading and looked at Harry.

''Go on'' Harry said. Then Rion started reading it again.

''...It was completely changed. His eye colour , his hair colour and his every signature look has

been changed into a something different. No one in could recognize him. He removed the

jewelry. Then his normal eye colour and hair colour came back to him. He was so surprised

with the jewelry. Then he wore it back , again his eyes and hair changed. Then he wore the other

jewelry the old man gave. It did the exact same thing the earlier one did . Simply both of the

Jewelries had same effects. He wore it and used it as a disguise and defeated the villain and

avenged the loss of his friends'' Rion finished reading the story.

''I have never heard of a story like that '' Richard said.

'' Yeah me too, No one told me that story when I was younger '' Laurenzo said scratching his head and ruffling his silver coloured silky hair.

''Now , this is the fun part '' Harry said and everyone looked at him while he springed from the sofa and made his way to the front so everyone could get a better look.

Harry pulled out a necklace from his pocket and wore it on his neck. A bright aureolin coloured glow wrapped around Harry and it turned into a pure white glow almost blinding Rion, Laurenzo and Richard. Then the glow disappeared revealing Harry. Rion, Richard and Laurenzo looked at Harry with surprised big eyes and jaw dropped mouths.

''HARRY'' They all screamed.

''Shush , keep your voice down '' Harry said.

''Your eyes and your hair '' Laurenzo said.

''They are DIFFERENT!'' Richard said.

''This . is . so .COOOOOOOOL !!!!!'' Rion squealed.

Jeweled deep blue eyes of Harry were no longer there. Instead there were a pair of sterling grey eyes. And instead for his jet black hair , dark brown hair was there.

''Woah'' They all were mesmerized by the transformation.

''All of Your signature looks are replaced by something different'' Laurenzo said.

''I know right , without your jeweled eyes no one can guess that you are the sun prince'' Richard said.

''And without your black hair no one guess that you are the heir of Avalon!'' Rion exclaimed.

''From where did you find this Harry ?'' Richard asked.

''Rickie is right I also have the same question'' Laurenzo said.

''Same here, from where did you find it ?'' Rion asked.