
Return of the Disciplinary Bounty Hunters II

Perhaps in that state, she may not have been able to pull the fast one she did. And perhaps, her dignity right now, would still be intact.

Elisa was livid and General Folarin was going to hear of it.

She endured the barking of the HeadMaster, unwilling to be rude to the ever talking man. But deep down inside, she was livid. 



That brat of a girl. 

Choosing friendship over mission. She'd known it was a bad idea to send an inexperienced girl to the field but General Folarin had insisted on sending her in the mission, even before Ibiyemi requested.

Most likely, it was to boost her power level in combat. And yes, they had achieved that. 

She got an eye. The eye of Space.

But what they didn't expect was for her to turn out rogue like this. Surely, if others could, certainly not the General's daughter?