
Tragic Trilemma

(A Southern African tale, inspired by Africam literature and K-series.) Anathii was only 22, with an arranged marriage to a much wealthier family awaiting him, thanks to his controlling mother and her traumatic ordeals. In the year 2028. But his affair with his beloved cousin and his string of interests with his 30 year old boss disrupts his true love affair with his beloved cousin. His female bestfriend is dating his so called bestie Yonella, but that's not where the love triangle ends. His bisexual sister has also found herself falling for Vulisanii - a young man whose family ties and connections aren't to Anathii's liking. His Vulisanii's dark past and business inheritance also find themselves clashing with his love interest and the possible foe that almost end his uncle's life. Plus Anathii's cousin's obsession with him, may just be the death of him, if not someone in between.

Donnel69Mandalay · Thành thị
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20 Chs

Episode 5: Where daydreams Meet

In the early hours of the morning, Vulisanii woke up to a headache-causing call from Aneni-Anesu. This was blatantly unexpected but nevertheless he picked it up and answered... "Babes what's up," he gave a warm yawn and stroked his chin. 

"Vee, as excited as I was to meet you, I won't be able to..." Aneni-Anesu sucked in a deep breath, "my brother and cousin sister were involved in a hijack yersterday night so I'm dedicating the day to showing them my love and support. Her sweet voice sounded more delicate, but those words stil managed to justily upset him. 

"But you know that I could always come over to serve as your source of that love and support right?" Vulisanii smiled, squeezing the blanket whilst waiting for her response, hoping to reach a beneficial agreement. 

"You get me like that, and I love it," she chuckled warmly, "but I'll let you know depending on how the day unfolds, family members might be coming so yeah." She then blew him a kiss and awaited his last sentence. 

"Meanwhile I'm just gonna go to campus and witness my day fade into boredom without you by my side," Vulisanii then bit his lip hoping for her to respond with a more hopeful response, as his other hand squeezed and choked the blanket silently.

She then giggled before bidding him a short farewell after reminding him of how happy she still were due to the ring he had bought her. After which, echoed sentiments of her voice reigned in his ears and he could feel himself craving for her, as though her love, hugs and kisses had become an addiction from which he found strength to fuel the ambitious chains of his existence. 

To make matters worse he had just had a nightmare shortly before her call. One in which he had found himself in his younger days, busy getting ready for school, before running out to the car waiting for him, only to see a man in a suit and a gun in his hand walking towards the car in the midst of sunrise, whilst telling him to go and get his backpack so he could drop him off, his son, at school. Only to rush back into the house and come back out to find his father waving at him shortly before speeding off as sirens rose in the background as 2 cop cars came charged from behind, clearly with the intent to hurt or arrest - his father... 

"Maybe I should have just gotten into his car while I still had the chance, like how could I have chosen school over my own father? He felt enraged over that little decision, he still felt void of his father's love, and even hateful towards the same words that had taken him away from him.

It was then when he tossed his blanket away with a heavy intent before getting of the comfort zone of his bed and walking towards the window where he stared at the depth of the dead-serious darkness that roamed around his uncle's double-storey. But it was then where he saw her, the dirty detective whom Uncle G was now dating, making a dubious phone call not so far from the pool, just before she cut the call and began hurrying towards the house. 

Without further adue he just adjusted his boxer shorts, put on his duck-shaped flip-flops before storming out of his room towards his uncle's, his heart bussling and writhing within his chest too in search of calm. Until he heard her singing coming from the nearby stairs, she had arrived. So to avoid showcasing his caution towards her, he just walked past and greeted her too as he made his way to the 3rd bathroom, which was situated on that upper floor. 

But even as he did so, he felt the guilt within his heart consumindgmore and more of him. The guilt from the dream which he had just had, another from the failed hijack which could have seriously hurt Aneni-Anesu's brother and cousin sister. Even worse - what if she herself had been in the car? He didn't want to answer that. Also two of his uncle's newest recruits' lives had been lost in that encounter, the client was also expecting the Mercedes on the other hand. 

Also, the new detective kind of seemed fishy in his eyes, and now that the failed hijack has occurred because of him, this detective would obviously become the new strategic mind within their family business, and the fact that she weren't family clearly failed to sit well with him. He breathed heavily and angrily, enough to leave him going ahead with a cold bath in search of a cool down session. Within which he picked up his phone as the cold water ran into the bathtub and called someone who happened to have been at the crime scene, of that hijack. 

Beeping sounds accompanied his ears in awaiting for a pick up."Hii... I'm calling regarding the accident, the hijack which happened last night, I hear you were there," Vulisanii's grumpy facial expression flooded onto his face as he sat into the freezing water, clearly waiting for the journalist to pick up.


"And where exactly did you get my number?" Kimm Jayde Maxworth shouted as soft as she could, sitting in a car with tainted windows. Her car parked in the pavement of the same street in which the same guy she had seen at the scene of the accident. The same guy whom she recognized to have seen at the AMANDA MANDALAY"S corporate buildings. A possible coincedence, for him to have been involved in a car accident just three days before Zanele Mandalay's wedding with Dumisanii Gumede - at least according to the speculations, which she and her colleagues partly imposed on the locals. 

"Does that matter, what's important is that I've got a scoop for you, about Detective Dee Monique, the one and only." The voice from the other end of the line came out smoothly, but with a convincing eagerness that she herself questioned. 

"You mean detective Divvy Jaars' partner? Cause I haven't seen much of her lately and I bet that he has been operating solo." Kimm JM sounded a bit phased, as the neighborhood cars passed her one after another in short intervals, in the early hours of that Friday morning people rushing to work excitedly fully understanding the fun that Fridays brought after work. Kimm's Pink Silky dress leaving her in need of her car's warm aircon. aside from the flask of coffee she had.

"Meanwhile I know where his counterpart is, I could tell you but then again you don't sound that much interested," He sneezed a little, and almost dropped his phone, the day was rather cold and the sunlight was shy compared to usual - judging by how it hadn't yet broken through the big window which sat at the top of the wall directly in front of the bathtub.

"I have Divvy Jaars in sight at the moment, so I'm currently satisfied, and I'm after what he is after as well," Kimm uttered a light laugh and lit up her eyes, especially looking about a 100 meters away where Divvy Jaars was coming out of the cream house which had a small white wall outside, and reached for something in his car shortly before going back inside the house. 

"We'll talk again soon, Vulisanii finally said realizing that her phone might have been tapped by the very same journalism agency she worked for. But as for Kimm JM, she kept her eyes locked on her target before grabbing her phone and zooming in so she could shoot some graphic evidence, but without pulling down her tinted windows or sticking out her hand into the cold blue weather.

She felt like a spy, a stalker rather, waiting for the detective to drive off from the family of the young man whom she wanted to know more about, if not bribe the cute young man into organizing an interval with Zanele Mandalay, the imminent heir to the AMANDA MANDALAY"S fashion house... Alongside the story of the hijacking and if he himself suspected her to have played a part in it.

 Connecting the dots kind of felt fun for her, and the journalist of the year award was also something which she was dearly after. It was as though there lurked a scent of mystery in the very oxygen that he breathed and she wanted to take it upon herself to find out, as soon as she could. She could remember the look on his face as he braced his hurt shoulder's edge and looked away from her, before dashing into the cop car before two cops rushed towards her, in search of the spotlight which her questions and camera's brought. The young man himself had avoided talking to her, both at the crime scene and even at the hospital.

Furthermore, the averagely built detective with a serious expression and waves in his head, finally walked out of the house. The lady of the house by the door as she bid him farewell with a

fake smile hanging beneath her nose, as she wore pink pyjammas to say the least. The young man whom Kimm was after was probably inside, she thought. For a second she felt like driving past Detective Divvy Jaars and getting a clearer image but something inside her clearly told her not to. The detective was too serious for his own good, he mostly laughed when Dee Monique was around - but that detective had clearly dissapeared off the lime light's radar.

"Let it go, the driver too is still in comatose and who knows when he will come out... Plus our family is still deciding as whether to lay charges or not. Anathii's mother's breath seemed a little caught up in her throat midway down the sentence. Kimm heard him say before starting her car's engine, just as she crossed over and turned her car around to park her car behind his one. "Plus two of those crooks lost their lives in that accidental crime, so I have no need to intervene, seeing that Karma has already taking its course on those criminals.


"I agree mom, they derseved what they got," Anathii yawned and walked towards the door, before fully stepping out as the detective drove off, only to see a Lexus parking in front of their yard, just behind Detective Divvy Jaars car which soon drive off a few seconds later, In his mind he was suspecting Caith or Zanele Mandalay's personal assistant to come out. But to his surprise it was a very familiar face from the night before, the pushy journalist who had just dissapeared into thin air, and now she had followed him home. In that moment he felt like calling Detective Divvy Jaars to return and arrest her, but he was already gone. 

"May we talk? I'm here to apologize about last night, she stepped out of her car and let her silky dress and pink heels compliment colored, cream skin tone, with pink nail polish on her feet as she held her phone alongside a fur jacket. Her smile encompassing the cuteness of her black hair and pink smile, just before she stepped forth and kindly waited for a response. 

"5 minutes tops is all I'm giving you, I've got sketches to finish," Anathi gave her a blunt look as he lifted the sketchbook in his hand to show her. 

She then walked through the short gate, and through the small front yard before getting inside and following Anathii to the lounge, where she soon sat and apologized about her behavior as well as the health of the woman which had been shot. 

In Anathii's mind she was fishing for more information, but at least if he were to give her the information which she wanted she would proceeed leave them alone; he thought so as he looked at her. Her sharp eyes' hazel colour hiding in the shade of her long brows, aside from the fact that the room's lightbulb was off.

"By the way I spoke to the family of that driver and they believe that the shooting could have been part of a hit organized by his former boss, a well know mini bus tycoon in the hood. Meaning that he could have stolen money from him in order to fund his Uber X business endeavors, even though the wife also questions as to if he'd actually won the money from gambling as he had made them believe." Kimm Jayde-Maxworth had said without fidgeting or blinking her eyes. 

Aneni-Anesu then walked in and greeted both Kimm JM and Anathii shortly before heading straight to the kitchen counter to make herself some cereals, before asking a silly question in the process: "so is this the wedding planner that you guys hired?" Her big eyes fixated at Kimm JM, whose legs seemed like the right kind of smooth and meaty, making her question her slender frame.

"Buttercup, can't you see that this Journalist and I are discussing something important over here?" His question, and empasis on the secod  subject, highlighted the danger of the information-consuming lady that sat next to him. 

"Either way she will still flaunt about the wedding, so you best ask her right now to write well about the decor, the catering and the wedding venue itself." Her sentence clearly invited the warm rays of distrust that which were thrown over to her by Anathi from where he was sitting.

 "Mom look, Caith and Anathii's hijacking fiasco is on the news," she then moved closer to where Anathii and Kimm Jayde were, the same Kimm Jayde who was also on tv. 

"Oh wow, is this you and Genna?" Kimm Jayde frowned, picking up the flyer that had been in Aneni-Anesu's hand all along, her fingers twitching to pick it up and get a closer look, but no one really paid attention, they all had their hands glued to the television screen, until Anathii finally bothered to switch it off.

"I don't even want to see this, nor do I want to remember that incident," he pressed hard against the remote, before seeing a quiet Kimm JM with her hands on the flyer centred around him and his wedding with Genna Gumede.

And before he knew it she was wishing him all the best, and even asking him for an invite, before she looked towards Aneni-Anesu who was now on her phone, possibly checking twitter posts regarding his Mercedes hijacking incident. He too was wondering how Caith was holding up, and if she were stressing to the posts as well as those news reports. 

"You're a friend of Yonella right?" Anathii heard Kimm Jayde ask his sister as he stood up and made his way to his mother who was now on the phone, speaking to Caith, finishing up their phone call: "No you have have to come over, I'm worried about you Caithie, you need counselling you know." 

"Ma let me speak to her." He whispered to his mother as soon as he's reached her, but in response she nodded in dissagreement, as a very saddened smile hung at the corners of her lips. He then placed his hands on the kitchen counter and felt a touch from the wind that was making its way from the open window above the sink. But the wind wasn't enough to stop him from bitterly witnessing how well his sister was sharing laughs and getting along with the same journalist he himself couldn't trust. 

"Don't know why she is acting strong about this, we have to keep checking on her," his mom said as she opened the fridge, grabbed some eggs, and switched on the stove. "Maybe to give her a distraction I should get her involved in your wedding's planning process... You have to make it up to her for not being there for her last night. 

"I really don't think that that's a good idea right now mom, it would break her heart; I mean her mind if she doesn't get the right counselling right away." His words had tried to dodge a bullet.

"Even so, this would allow her to get to know Genna, I can already see the love of your life and your favorite  getting along," his mother giggled and looked out the window where the leaves of spring were swimming in the morning winds of joys. "The delivery guy is here, just as your mother-in-law said he would," she squealed with excitement as she made her way to the door, the gift had finally come.


An hour later, Vulisanii sat in class his lecturer talking about the importance of high levels of efficiency within an organization's supply chain, and how it was importance for disruptions to be minimized at all costs. He watched him closely and listened, until the class began making a noise and showing the lecturer little respect, which annoyed him very much. 

"Guys, let's shut up and just listen to him," he said loudly, and his four boys that sat around him nodded their heads in support. They were both his brothers in arms and plageristic pawns at the same time, especially when it came to campus activities as well as assignments respectively. 

"No Vulisanii, you shut up, this is between us and this boring lecturer," Some other dude yelled and laughed, until Vulisanii stood and walked to him, his fists enclosed with rage, as though ready for a fight. But the dude too stood up and walked towards him, on that fifth row of the auditorium, other students moving aside to make way for them, "You can't touch me bruh, look around you." 

"Is that so?" Vulisanii's friend said as he reached him, the other guys' friends ready for war. Until Dumisanii's friend pulled out a glock, one that was brown in color, and heavy too, before pointing it at the other boy and pulling a very serious facial expression. 

"My cousin brother will kill you for this, Dumisanii Gumede will kill you for this I swear," the young man's eyes were sweating, and the shadow of the thick dreadlocks which hung above his brows was not dark enough to hide this. The other students were now engaging in dreadfully curious whispers by now. 

"As I said before... Is that so?" Vulisanii's friend pulled the trigger and looked carefully in Dumisanii Gumede's younger cousin's eyes, as the water came sphlashing onto his face and left it soaked before dripping onto baby blue golf tee. 

"There goes your drip." A laugh broke out as the victim of the joke's friends held him back as he tried to land a fist, before the lecture yelled in order of peace, restoring order in the auditorium as Vulisanii giggled whilst returning to his seat, feeling as though his kingship was still intact, at least for the present, his friends giggling too at what one of them had just done - alongside a wind of kisses which were being blown softly on either side - some referred to him as a just brat, bully and even law enforcer when he needed to be - and he wall all those tags convincingly.

Until his phone vibrated with a message from Kimm JM, whom he had requested to meet... Requesting her to come to Constantia Cafe at 3pm sharp.* A smile popped up, alongside the guilty thoughts of taking his education for granted. Uncle G had sent him to study Supply Chain Management so that their could be a Logistics strategist within their business. Cars had to be moved in a smarter and sneaky order, apart from the millions in bribes which Uncle G was already paying the cops. Yet here he was busy entertaining class feuds, and mind-rushing through the lesson just so he could meet the lady whose help he sought to bring Detective Dee Monique down, from his uncle's bed. 

Funny enough Constantia Cafe was the same place where he'd met Aneni-Anes, aprt from taking her there twice weekly. The same girlfriend of his whom he'd always argued about with both his uncle and friends, telling them how she was different from the other girls. Then in response, they would say something like: "As long as you're careful and sure that you are the only one whom she is using then sure, she is your unicorn baecon after all.


Meanwhile at Caith's, as she sat with her friend Neliswa whilst ignoring Anathii's missed calls, telling her of the dissapointing occurence that the failed hijack caused her and her plans with Anathii. Neliswa had just shaved all of her hair, to fully star in the theatrical release of the drama in which she was acting as a cancer survivor who now sufferred from a post-traumatic stress which caused her to develop a double-personality dissorder. Although the grey track pants and the grey top with a big butterfly in the middle made it hard to analyze her personality. 

"At least one of us is going to successfully execute their plans hey... I can already see a big poster of you outside of the Muizenberg theatre, as well as the Mowbray Community Theatre bestie." Caith's smile was genuine as she put her hand on Neliswa's thigh, as they sat adjacent to one another on Caith's bed, with their backs against the back, as Neliswa tried to adjust her top to leave the butterfly sitted beneath the big hill of her bust.

"I know right, I'm just glad you made it out of yesterday's incident, with nothing more to the bruises on your arm." Neliswa smile was followed by a sigh of relief, as her eyes made out the botheredness baldly hidden behind her best friend's smile. 

"So am I, but it would have been better if the plan had been executed perfectly, now everything is a mess!" Caith reiterated.

"But you can still fix this, I know that you can Caithie," she sounded slightly bewildered, hope playing in her eyes as she lifted her hand and playfully poked one of her friend's sleek updo. It was a habit of hers, and her friend had never seemed bothered by it, even after after their college days. 

"I'm yet to figure that out... You know very well that after the pregnancy confession he was supposed to come over here with me...," she paused and took out the gum out of her mouth, "and then we were going to leave this place, after getting him very drunk and convincing him to leave that selfish mother of his behind, just as I had planned." 

"Just for a month right? Cause he was still going to regret it after the next day's hangover, I'm sure you'd planned for that." Neliswa laughed and applied some lotion.

"That's when the pregnancy test was going to come in, as well as the dilemma: either his baby or his mother," She laughed and her friend laughed with her, enough to leave the birds outside wondering if the role she had gotten in the play was by any means coincidental. "But it seems that I'll just have to move to phase two of the plan - The Unplanned. 

Caith then closed her eye lids and and felt her ears itching to the sound of her phone's non-stop vibrations. Ignoring him was meant to serve as a decoy, to make him lose focus from his so called wedding - his wedding with Genna Gumede. The one which he hadn't even bothered to tell her about. Just as she now wasn't going to bother telling her friend Neliswa.

Friends couldn't be trusted and her plans were too precious to risk by telling her friends. Plus what would happen if Neliswa went directly to her producer and pitched the whole plan as a great idea for a play? Such things had to be thought about. Also due to another worse idea, of Nelisaw potentially selling the info directly to Ms Lindiwe Gumede, whose daugther was to marry Anathii soon. 

"Hellooo, are you still here," Neliswa left her mouth wide open as she glanced at her friend whose sadness erodded into a smile that seemed as thought it would stretch to her ears. "I asked whom you were going to name the baby after, other than your beloved best friend." A giggle followed as she squeezed the pillow which she was now hugging against her very big breasts.

"Nevermind that, I want you to be my baby's godmother, but first..., Caith leaped to her feet before slowly stretching and offering her hand to Neliswa, "you will have to help me with something - Anathii has a small wedding which I intend to crush.

"Tell me, tell me about it," Neliswa seemed amused at the emergence of the news, as she grabbed her bestie's hand and jumped on the bed with her, excitement bubbling within her chest, which bounced with every jump. Her bust was a speacial size after all.


Elsewhere, as Vulisanii's two, of the four, goons sat 3 tables away from his table as he hugged his date, two cops suddenly entered and headed towards them, claiming to have recieved a tip off. It was then when Vulisanii realized that he had made a blunder in letting one of his two goons were a pink overalls and a white polo neck - a dress code similar to the culprits of the previous day's late night hijack. Alas it was too late, so he stood from his table and went to deal with it, it was a small price to pay after all.

"Officer relax, there are 3 ways to deal with this," his friends giggled couragously as he placed a small envelope on the desk, but one of the officers was too reluctant to accept that offer, a dust of justice covering his expression. Until Vulisanii placed another envelope just about the same size.

"Tom let's go, that's uncle G's nephew, you don't wanna mess with them, let's take the money and go." One of the cops talked his colleague into doing the wrong thing, and as they walked out, Vulisanii walked behind them with a proud grin, before turning a short right turn by his table where as Kimm JM was now already sitted, his eyes unbothered by the others who were in the restaurant. They may not have know him, but his uncle held power in the underworld, and even in the legal system - over both the corrupt and the just cops and lawyers. Not forgetting to the point of even dating the best detective in the city.

"Oh my, who is this, to you?" Kimm JM quickly asked, looking at his vibrating phone, pretending as though she hadn't witnessed that whole bribery thing. She had her own mission in mind, plus where she was coming from her ears had run into her boss' little chit chat with the same Dee Monique she was now eager to snoop about. The same Dee Monique who'd taken her aside for a little chat, and even offered to take her under her wing - so long as she were willing to do her a favor - which would begin with her little meeting with Vulisanii. Hence here she was.

"Oh this, my beloved girl, something I should know?" Vulisanii leaned his right arms on the table and its red cloth, and looked at her with a baby smile. 

"The same girl whose brother was a victim of of the hijack right?" she picked up the menu, opened it and ran her eyes over the delicious names sitting within it. "I'm just asking though. She lifted her eyes and looked to the sides to wiggle her French ponytail to the sides, without dropping eye-contact, despite the heavy thoughtful realizations that she had met that same girl, Yonella's friend.

"Uhm, listen..." Vulisanii inhaled deeply and cleared any form of suspicion through his nostrils. "As much as I would love to talk about that I have a date right after this, so let's make this a meeting quick Ms Jayde-Maxworth. He tried to keep calm, as much as she could let him. Still wondering whether it had been a good idea to meet her - the same advice he'd gooten from Mastermind, the same Mastermind who was trying to convince him to warm up to Dee Monique. Mastermind had been weird lately. His uncle too - ever since the arrival of Dee Monique into their world.

"You don't have to lie to me Vulisanii, I was with her earlier this morning... And she had no plans of going out, aside from taking her cousin sister to a therapist or a counsillor." She kept her voice in an calmly urgent, semi-whispher that was loud enough to get her intrepid message across.

 "And I don't have to explain myself to you, we agreed to meet up here so I could help you write a piece that would destroy Detective Dee Monique's career," He sat back and slouched as a waiter arrived at the table to take their orders.

"I don't rebuke that, but wouldn't exposing her risk leaking exposure into your uncle's current affairs?" her whispher became more and more audible as the waiter's presence dissapeared into the blurred sounds of other figures that populated the famous restaurant's tables and bar section. 

"But what If I told you that your boss too, Mr Rosewell, is also a very close associate of my uncle, I'm sure you wouldn't risk exposing him then, since all you journalists are biased nowadays - even taking bribes to hide the truth behind certain figures and companies, if not to pen something sweet to dissuade the public from hating a certain politicians and business man." Vulisanii spoke notthing but the truth, and he could tell by the short interval of silence that she knew very well what he meant. Journalism Without Borders certainly had no borders against corruption after all.

"Look around you, do you think all these people deserve to know the truth - they love drinking, smoking, partying and fucking..., they don't really care about it so long as they are making money." Rubbing her temple with her left thumb gave her the strength to accept the ignorance that had now fallen upon reality, disguised as the very air they breathed. 

"I get that, and I get you... But you're pretty meaty, and chicks like you need loads of money to preserve their youth... So how about we form an alliance, you keep me and my family out of the tabloids, and I'll give you the biggest scoop fresh from the underground..., He drew a slow breath, brought his head closer to hers, and moved his hand closer to hers. "From gunshots, hijacks and celebrity kidnaps - alongside some money to keep our relations secure as a presidential bank account." 

Kimm JM giggled in response feeling as though she were being tempted into flames of crime, love and even deception at its finest. A sudden wave of nervousness washed away the easy smile of her face, as the waiter returned with their orders. The twisted smell of pasta making her tongue press the ceiling of her mouth in excitement. Her heart twice the normal speed, and Vulisanii's eyes twice as sharp, with intricacy.


"No no no," a giggle had come from Aneni-Anesu's room as Anathii had been returning from his shower, alongside some little complaints "You know I don't like it when you poke my butt with your long nails." 

"Relax, my manicure is gone, its just my middle finger," a familiar voice had said in response, "you know I've missed you, hence today I want you to come over for the French test I organised you." The giggles which followed made Anathii shrudder as he stood out the door, against the wall. 

He eyes were still etched with the picture of what he'd seen after peeping outside the bathroom window during his bath... He had heard Yonella's giggles jumping into the window, but he had not expected to see her kissing his sister as soon as he had looked out. He was still shocked from the image of their clasped hands, matching fishnet dresses and nose rings. He felt forced to except it, since he had always accepted with an open mind whenever she'd tell him that she'd wanted nothing to do with men due to the way their father had abandoned their mother. 

But then again she had always told their mother that, whislt growing up, and now that she was in her third year of varsity and actually bringing her words to fruition - it seemed a bit too hard to digest... Maybe due to the fact that the chick whom he regarded to as a close friend was the one whom his sister had chosen, of all her choices. He was the one who'd introduced her to her after all.

He walked along the passage and headed towards the lounge which was in close coalition with the kitchen, dawdled forth to open the door, before being engrossed by the sight of someone whom he least expected. It was a lady wearing a red latex jumpsuit which somehow matched with her brown high heels, which went well with her brown laptop bag which had small, black rectangular patterns. 

"Hi darling... Just came over to drop your Ipad and sketchbook," she walked in boastfully, the scent of her cologne unmatched by the musk of his deoderant. "Hope you read the email that my personal assistant sent you, it's very important." She brushed her hand against the orange top which ran into the long brown skirt with fusions diamonds and flowers.

"Good or Bad?" He responded in an astute manner and smiled, fully knowing he had no shirt on, the bruise on his right shoulder still fresh. 

"You came at the right time, we were just about to order supper," Anathii's mom said, her eyes studying Zanele Mandalay not so far from her son. Her brown skirt not shy in accomodating the junk she had in the trunk, and the way in which she looked into her son's eyes was as though with a hungry determination to do more than just look. 

"Thank you for the offer but that wont be necessary, Just here to talk to Anathii," her words came out slowly as she walked past Anathi slow enough to bring his attention to where she wanted it to be, before turning around and catching his eyes on her waist. 

"Okay then, let's hear it," He said with eyes that sparkled with excitement that had taken a second to consume them, hard enough for him to run his tongue on the surface of his lower lip. 

Zanele Mandalay smiled once more, lowered her tone and began to explain in a dramatic manner of how the guy whom she had been meant to marry had dumped her in the early hours of that Friday morning... "Plus my family came from local corners as well as that from overseas is already making their flights here, I can't afford to be the family's laughing stock... I'm a proud member of the Mandalay family and you know that Anathii." Her next smile held a charm. 

"Not to worry, he would more than happy to help in every way possible, you've been there for him throughout his entire internship." Anathii's mother barged into the conversation, folding her arms and releasing a quiet, controlled voice- unafraid of being labelled as an eavesdropper. Leaving Zanele secretky admiring her waist.

"Ma, this is between Zanele and I, with all due respect," He rubbed his neck and exhaled hard, his anger hanging from his handsomely furrowed brows. His frustration not shying away. 

"But the plans are too rigorous to drop dear Anathii, the show must go on, with or without him." His mother's words were too heavy to deflect from his breastplate, so they pernetrated through it instead and sunk in... And left him under a blanket of lovely pressure thrown onto him from the hawking eyes, of the two beloved ladies before him, which jabbed guilt into his soul and dared him to say yes. 

"In the meantime, I hope you don't mind me using your bathroom hey," She withdrew her eyes from his and paid her attention to his mother who pointed her down the passage that ran from the lounge. Yet it was it was in that stiff moment that his phone rang unexpectedly from Caith, just as Zanele's sharp rhythm of the heels had begun towards the loo. 

Knock, knock, Knock! Whilst hesitating to answer her call, he looked to the door and saw that guy again, whom his mother had sent back for delivering the wrong suit, the new suit in his hand with patterns which enticed him to rip the plastic apart. "Back with another," he said and smiled ridiculously."