
Tragedy ( Karma x Reader)

(Y/n) (L/n) faces a tragedy that compares to none. She actually faces more than one. It pretty much ruined her life, but she would always smile even though she was rebellious and had a feisty attitude. But one certain redhead changes her for the better. He's cute, smart, and bad. He also loves to tease you a lot. I do not own this anime or cover. (Uploaded from Wattpad)

KARMAWAIFU · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
18 Chs


Your POV


I wake up and slam my alarm clock down on the ground. Oh great, my third alarm clock this week. I'll just ask Mom to get me another one.

5:00 am

Why do I wake up this early? Don't ask. My mother would kill me if I woke up any later because she wants me to be there early. My mother is currently mad at me because I got expelled from the third school this year.

What? It's really not my fault. People just need to stop messing with me all the dang time. I got up out of my bed and walked downstairs to see my mother up too.

"Sweetie, I'm setting down some rules. 1. This better is, no this will be the last time you get expelled. My money can't keep paying for the stuff you break. (If you wanted to know, she's not talking about things, she's talking about body parts) I don't have time for this. You used to be so sweet but ever since your father left us, you've been acting differently. I know how sad you are but you can't keep causing trouble for me. 2. You will not get into any fights or there's gonna have to be a problem. 3. No boyfriends and you're not allowed to hang with friends after school. COme straight home. That's your punishment for getting expelled from the last three schools." She tells me.

I scoffed. " Tch. Whatever" I loved my mother, I really did but she doesn't know how It feels like for her father to be gone from your life. I would never do anything to hurt her but I can't change. I'm just stuck in this dark and lonely world all by myself.

I yanked my bookbag up from the ground and walked out of the house. The uniform wasn't that bad but it was too formal. I hated it. Lost in my thoughts, I bumped into someone.

"Sorry" I mumble and continue walking. I didn't care to wait for his answer, I just walked. I could feel him staring at me so I walked a little faster.

~Time Skip~

I finally reached school. It looked so formal. Tch, I can't believe I'm going to a prestigious school like this one. I could already see myself sleeping in class.

I looked at the rooms and it said Class A-D. It must've stopped at D because it was at the end of the school. The class I was going to was Class A. I started to hear murmurs.

"Karma shouldn't even be in Class E, he should just get expelled."

" I know right. He doesn't listen. Crazy redhead. "

"It doesn't really matter because Class E is as good as being expelled. No one cares for that class."

Class E? All I see is A-D. Maybe I misheard. I shrugged it off when the bell rang. Oh no, I'm going to be late for my first class. Note the sarcasm. I continued to walk at my pace in an empty hallway. Everyone must've rushed to their class.

I got to my room like 10 minutes after class had started and I walked in. No one's eyes turned to me. They were busy reading something and copying things down from the board. Geesh, didn't class just start?

I don't want to be here.

"(Y/n) (L/n) You're late for class. We do not tolerate tardiness. Go take your seat." The teacher said with a stern voice.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever" I ended up sitting next to some orange haired purple eyed freak. He looked like he was daddy's boy and the teacher's pet. I averted my eyes from him when he caught me and smirked.

I have a question for girls. Do boys think it's cute when they smirk like a maniac to girls?

It's just a serious question. I don't get why they always smirking. Keep it up and you won't have any lips to smirk with. While the teacher was talking I pretty much laid down on my desk. The way he teaches is so boring. And he keeps adding things to the board before people even get a chance to finish.

He even wrote his model on the board. "If you can't keep up with the writing, then don't come to my class"

I would gladly follow his instructions but I don't want to keep causing trouble for my mother. I almost ended up falling asleep but was interrupted by a loud bang on the table. I got up and smirked at the furious teacher.

"Ms. (Y/n) (L/n), I do not tolerate sleeping in my class." He yelled.

"And I don't tolerate you interrupting my sleep." I countered with the same stupid smirk boys like to do on my face.

"Go to the principal's office." He yelled.

Great, first day of school for me, and I already getting sent to the principal's office. I got up and walked out of the classroom grabbing my bookbag because I wasn't going back to that stuck-up room.

I decided to ditch going to the principal's office and went to go look around school grounds. Everything was so boring except for a certain mountain that caught my eye.

The mountain looked fun to climb. Well, maybe a little dangerous but fun enough. I began climbing the mountain. I wish I could say it was a metaphor but I was serious. I finally reached the top. I regret ever doing that.

I stood up and saw a building. It looked like it wasn't apart of the formal school over there but it was technically on school grounds. I wish I could move over here. It looks so peaceful.

I smiled a little. I wish I had a class here. I don't smile a lot but when I do, it always genuine. I was about to walk in when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I looked back and saw a hot redhead.

Marry me. I shook my thoughts away.

"What?" I asked trying to hold my squeal in. I mean just because I'm in my rebellious phase doesn't mean that I don't like boys.

"What is a student like you doing here? Oh, wait sorry your majesty." He bowed before me. I couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or he was serious.

"No, it's fine. You don't have to bow in front of me." I said a little shy. I'm never shy. What did this handsome boy do to me? I cried inside.

"Hm, you're new aren't you because if you were not new than you would have never came here and you also wouldn't be talking to someone as lowly as me." He said with his sharp teeth showing.

I am new but I didn't know we had vampires here.

"I'm sorry vampire. Don't kill me. I'm new and I skipped class. I'm so sorry. Please don't tell my mom and please don't punish me." I blurt out while bowing. Oh, this was so going to ruin my reputation.

I heard a laugh and I looked up to see him smirking. Gosh, he's handsome.

"Ok, first of all, I'm not a vampire. I know I have sharp teeth but I never would've thought that someone would mistake me for a vampire." He laughed a little again.

It felt good seeing him laugh. Most likely because he's so handsome.

I manage to mumble a sorry when he stopped laughing and became serious. I looked worried. I didn't offend him in any way, did I?

"All joking aside, you shouldn't be here. You're not allowed to be here so shoo little fly." He said as he walked away.

Did he have to be so rude? I rolled down the mountain to get back down. It's absolutely not weird at all either because I once rolled through mud and touched poison ivy when I was younger. It was such a fun experience.

I then looked at the time as I continued to walk around for a little while and noticed the school was almost over. I rushed as I looked for my way back. The clock is ticking. I finally reached there and saw that school just ended.

Oh, I'm in so much trouble. I then went back to my normal pace and saw people start to walk out of their classrooms looking at me with disgust.

"Ugh, that new girl thinks she can skip school because she's in Class A."

" She's so stuck up. I wish she would just go away already. "

"Oh calm down. She'll definitely end up in Class E sooner or later."

I walked up to the girls.

"Did you all say something?" I said emitting a little of my blood lust but that was enough to scare them off while they called me a monster.

I shrugged and turned around bumping into someone. The guy caught me and held me in a romantic way. I don't have time for this romantic confessing stuff.

I pulled his hand off of me and started walking away. It was that orange-haired purple-eyed teacher's pet from before. He stopped me.

"The principal wants you." He sang in a deep voice emitting a creepy aura.

Tch, I was walked away and headed to the principal's office. This day was not going good except for the fact that I met this super handsome boy.

Too bad I can't date.

~Time Skip~

"Ms. (Y/n) I like you. You have fierce grades but we do not accept bullying, skipping classes, or sleeping in class." The principal said.

I was ignoring his whole speech though. I don't have time for grown men who like teenage girls.

"Are you done yet?" I said with my hand on my hip.

"No, I will be moving you to Class C. If you do anything else, then I'm pushing you all the way down to Class E." He said.

I didn't even listen to that. I just walked out.

~The next day~

I was 20 minutes late. This time it wasn't my fault, I had to fight a raccoon for my lunch. The whole class laughed at me but I ignored them and walked to my seat.

I tried so hard to stay up and actually listen but my mind wandered off to that handsome boy from yesterday. I wonder what his name is. Better yet, I wonder which class he's in?

"Ms. (Y/n) (L/n), I want you to answer this question." The teacher called on me.

Why did she interrupt my thoughts? I'm totally not answering that question now. So I ignored her and yawned. A few students laughed while others glared daggers at me.

The teacher sighed. "I see you don't want to learn. Head to the principal's office."

C'mon these teachers are overreacting considering I'm new and on my second day I'm going back to meet that creepy principal. As I walked out, I made sure they knew how irritated I was by slamming the door shut. I think I heard it crack.

I'll just rush over now. I ran to the principal's office.

"I see you're back again. You're going to Class E." He said.

He didn't even listen to what I had to say. OH well, hopefully, Class E is better than these two last classes I've been in.

But what I didn't know is that this was going to be the best school year ever!!