

Episode 2

I tiptoed back to the backyard, what I heard shocked me to the marrow. My legs couldn't carry me anymore so I slumped on the small kitchen stool beside me.

How could my in-laws plan to do such a thing to me, why didn't Andrew inform me of their tradition before we got married, my head was already spinning, and the thought of being buried with my late husband made me feel like throwing up.

I knew it was pointless to cry, if I needed to be alive then I had to be strong for myself. I Stood up energetically and tiptoed to where they were still having the meeting and placed my ears on the door to listen more.

"What if one of the women here decides to tell her about our tradition and she decides to run away?" My husband's elder brother asked

"That is my thought exactly, what if the secret is leaked to her and she runs away" one of his uncle's said

"Then it is very simple, we have to inform all the able bodied men in this village to surround the village, they will be instructed not to let her leave this village no matter what" the oldest man said

"That is a great idea, afterall the burial will be in three days time, so we could bury both of them and get over and done with this"

"Felix go and check if she is done with the cooking"

"Okay uncle"

Immediately I heard "okay uncle" I rushed out of my hiding place to where I was cooking, I sat down hastily, and few seconds later he approached me

"Our wife, howfa with the food, you are taking too long, we are already famished because of the aroma" Felix teased

"Ehya, I just finished cooking, don't worry just go inside, I will serve the food in less than five minutes " I replied him

"Alright" he left

I twisted my nose in disgust and proceeded in serving them the food.

That night I couldn't sleep, I kept turning on my bed and thinking of what to do, how was I going to escape without being caught, I kept thinking but no idea came to me.

I called my elder brother and explained everything to him, he