
Yu-Boy: Fusion Dimension

The new kid, Yuri, was followed suit by a few other transfer students apparently, like a pair of twins and the first boy she saw in this world to have a bowl cut. It didn't suit him at all of course, he looked like a super nerd if she was being honest, and she was a girl that played card games as a hobby.

Anyway, even with a few new transfer students, which made the class more jam packed than it already was, class continued just like normal. There was math, basics in language, Japanese of course because this was an anime world, and the occasional gaslighting and brainwashing, which didn't work on her of course.

She had to snap Serena out of it a bit though, keeping her always on her toes by repeatedly questioning her to always keep guessing and asking about things and facts. She was quite devoted to the Professor guy, who ran the school, which meant that he was basically the main bad guy right? What with him running the Academia which was the evil villainous group that invaded a dimension and all.

Break time eventually came, and the new group of transfer students then experienced the usual transfer student trope of getting surrounded by the other students, the ever sociable Fubuki spearheaded the group.

She sat out of it of course. She wasn't the kind of girl who would bother people who just so recently transferred here. They probably had a lot of baggage for moving in the Academia after all, this was a man made island, and seeing as they were transferred that meant that they probably moved from somewhere outside of the island, and they were kids too! That's definitely harsh for them!

So she left the introduction and social interaction to Fubuki, he was the one that's good with people after all, and simply sat at her seat. Though if any of the students from the other classes like Osiris Red or Ra Yellow, and most definitely Obelisk Blue tries to bully them like they tried on her and Mei, she'll beat them without remorse.

But hopefully it won't come to that. And they did get into the special class anyway, even if this was a Junior class for kids, they should probably be proficient, or in her eyes absolutely below mediocre in dueling, but hopefully enough to dispel anyone from trying to perform any attempts of bullying.

Classes didn't take long really, they were basically grade schoolers after all, and they were soon dismissed. As usual a lot of the student body decided to just play around in the clearing, some just playing games like catch, but the most dominant game that they played was of course dueling each other.

Mei and Serena butted heads again, and dueled each other like, it was an everyday occurrence really.m She wasn't in the mood to duel right now, what with a full night's session of farming for DP in her Free Duel Space so she opted out.

Everything was going as usual, other than the fact that there were a few more transfer students in their midst, nothing really changed. The bowl cut boy was talking on and on about efficiency all while he dueled with an Ancient Gears deck, which was by far the exact opposite of an efficient deck. No need for any other comment.

The twins played an Amazoness deck, they essentially played the same deck too, but their Amazoness build included cards that she could only assume were anime only because since when was the Amazoness' game plan be gaining Life Points?

Though they sadly weren't running what was arguably the best Amazoness cards that being Onslaught, nor did they seem to be running Amazoness Princess . And they actually ran a floodgate! And it wasn't Summon Limit! Finally some originality!

The activation requirement was quite different, heck the name was different with the card that she remembered being Quiet Life, and the card that the twins used was named Slow Life, but their effects were basically the same.

She hadn't seen that Yuri kid duel yet though, so she doesn't know what his deck was, and how good he was at piloting it. No, managing to answer the teacher's question about tribute summoning does not instantly make you a good duelist. It's the basics of the basics for goodness sake!

But enough ranting about this dimension's sadly low education level about card games, she should focus more on the important stuff. Like in the matter of battle royals and what she's going to do if something like that becomes more common.

Like in the previous duel that she had against those Obelisk Blues, though it was pathetic that they only managed to almost half her Life Points even after what was basically three turns, it did put her in a range that was close to lethal.

Which wasn't a lot since their burn damage was basically inconsequential, and not even their main gimmick, but it did certainly show her something. She perhaps needs to change the way she looks at meta strategies in this dimension.

They don't seem to be using a lot of removal cards, like spot removal and what not, and they're more focused on getting monsters with big numbers and some used floodgates, though only Summon Limit was the card that had circulated.

And boy was that card currently pricey in the market. She had checked the card market recently, not the locals one of course because she apparently recently found out that cards sold on Academy Island had their prices jacked up for whatever reasons, so she surfed the net to see how much does the card cost in the current market.

And boy those were a lot of zeroes. Some were even selling it at a price that was basically a scam! And people still bought it!

Strangely even though there was a rise in floodgates, and their price, the prominence of backrow removal was still low. Even with the currently most used floodgate being Summon Limit, there was a surprising low amount of backrow.

Which was, basically idiotic. Why wouldn't you want to run backrow removal when the current 'meta' was all about the single most prominent floodgate in the form of a continuous trap, anything would do! MST or Twin Twister would be good! Why doesn't anyone run it!?

She hammered down the importance of backrow removal to Mei and Serena at least. In Mei's case she runs Twin Twister since it could also set up the graveyard for the summon of ABC-Dragon Buster in some corner cases, and in the case of the indigo haired girl she does have some tribal spell trap bouncing in the form of White Rabbit.

She has her own way of removing spells and traps of course, like the second effect of Downtime and Furious who's a spot removal. And in the case of big numbers, Sheou has a respectable 3500, along with being an omni negate on legs, not a lot of generic things that she's seen the people here play can out that.

But a single omni negate can only get her so far, and in the case of Sheou, she would always return to the Extra Deck, and while it is a nice trade to get House who can pop if she has setup, she's still vulnerable to any kind of removal.

She knows that no Boss Monsters in the game is invincible. There are outs to everything, even cards like Towers Master Peace, and even Dragoon, nothing is unbeatable, most of them are vulnerable to Kaiju for example.

But she's merely entertaining the idea of not playing a control deck. A deck that can hit hard and fast like Serena's has shown quite a success, and Ryo uses a similar type of deck with his Cyber Dragons too, and while they aren't invincible, she's won against both after all, their win rate is nothing to scoff at.

She wouldn't be having these kinds of troubling thoughts had she played a completed version of Dragon Link and its incredible board building and board breaking capability, along with the OTK enabler that is Borrelsword. But exactly because she can't use those kinds of cards, she does have those kinds of thoughts.

She could perhaps move onto a more aggressive deck like perhaps her Gaia deck which can pump out an over 7K attack Gaia easily, and just Fusion Summoning the Fusion Monster is even enough to out a Chaos Ancient Gear Giant, and that's not mentioning its ability to pop a card at SS3.

And if the tribal field spell was on, then Gaia basically becomes an Ancient Gear monster too. Since it has the ability to shut down any card effects during the battle phase. And while normally she would bring up the problems of the deck dying to a single handtrap and interaction, that;s the thing in this dimension.

She couldn't believe that it took her this long to realize it fully and for it to really soak in, but the level of dueling in this world was incredibly, INCREDIBLY low. No one was running cards like Ash, Droll, Veiler, or any other generic handtrap. No one was playing interactive cards like Solemn without running a dedicated Counter Fairy deck, especially not in this 4000LP format.

They were playing decks like normal beats, and not even the good version that runs good cards. They were playing old school yugioh, where card advantage and card economy was king, but with some outliers who played turbo decks.

That was, until she showed up and introduced floodgates and interactive cards that interrupted your opponent's plays. Though the latter doesn't seem to quite catch on quite yet, even when a lot of good cards are already out for those kinds of play in this current time.

That basically ensured that no matter who she was facing against, most of her combo line would go without fail, uninterrupted and all. Which meant she could basically go full combo and over extend without needing to fear for the big space rock to fall down from the sky.

There's not much cards that would punish her for board building anyway. Evenly Matched hadn't been released if she remembered correctly, and she hadn't seen the card in the shop, though there's still board wipes like Raigeki and Torrential Tribute, but there's no Lightning Storm.

Not that equalizers would be that great in this format. Not a lot of people in this format build boards after all, Evenly wouldn't really do much when people simply summon one monster pass, and if anything Lightning Storm would be the better choice since it could be either Harpie's Feather Duster or Raigeki but for attack position monsters.

Either way, most equalizers that see actual competitive play wouldn't be as useful as they were. Though when she actually sees some people play Pendulums then Evenly might see some play.

Where was her tangent going? Right, whether or not she was going to change her Dragonmaid control for her aggro Gaia deck. Both decks have their advantages and disadvantages, like most decks, each in their own ways.

Gaia can certainly hit someone for more than lethal easily, and while it needs some set up, Dragonmaid can put up a full board of over 2K attack monsters and hit for lethal as well, and their controls tools were way better.

You know what, to just make it easier for her, if she's dueling someone one on one next time she'll use Gaia for hopefully a quick OTK. She's still tired and wants to go to sleep, but since Mei and Serena still wanted to stay outside she'll just watch over them.

Finishing her train of thought and deciding to shelve that for later, she simply sat there on a bench, looking over at the other children doing their stuff and Mei and Serena dueling each other.

And it was then when she saw that new purple haired transfer student whose name starts with a Yu, an important tidbit, and she saw that he was looking at the match between Mei and Serena with a strange look in his eyes.

Now don't get her wrong, she doesn't know what the actual hell goes on for the ARC-V story line. She never watched it after all. But she did know that in each dimension there were four people with the name that starts with Yu, each being an important character.

Because of course they are. The show was called Yu-Gi-Oh! After all. And all of the main characters of the series have always been boys with names that all start with a Yu, it is the brand name after all.

And funnily enough, the names that start with the word Yu weren't at all common in this world. It was like only the protagonist, and main characters in this case, could have that kind of name.

But wait, didn't her own name start with a Yu? Does that mean that she's also a main character?

Well she was technically an isekai protagonist, and in the place of spirit abilities to basically do Destiny Draws and skills along with the power to manifest cards out of the literal fricking air she does have her System and Shop along with her Free Duel Space, so maybe she is a main character in some sort.

This was getting too meta for her taste, let's go back and focus on that purple haired boy and the quite high possibility of him being a main character, and possibility of him also being a main antagonist.

The possibility itself was quite high, and although she hasn't watched the anime at all, she does have an inkling of what deck the boy used from the four Dimensional Dragons that she remember was the Fusion one, it was well known as the best Super Poly target after all.

She didn't approach him, she didn't even need to, as he was the one that approached her, or more specifically her group.

He stopped and glanced at Serena, his eyes were strange, glazed as if he was reminiscing back remembering a memory. But for some reason there was also a hint of confusion in his features.

Did he know Serena? From what she heard both of them were both picked up by that famous Professor, the Academia's headmaster, so did they have a connection?

Well, the connection might be plot related. She could already connect the dots that they were both important characters, with Serena having a nickname by her System for being a Bracelet Girl, and the boy having Yu in his name.

"You're Yuri right? The transfer student." She said, earning his attention and snapping him from whatever it was that seemed to have made him drown in his memories, could be plot related, she'll note that down too. "Do you perhaps have something to do with us?"

The boy looked at her, and glanced back at Serena, the smile that had been in his face the whole day changing to a frown for the first time she had seen it. "I...no, I don't. It's just that she seemed familiar to me for some reason. I don't know why." He answered.

"Serena? Her?" She asked, faking surprise while jotting it down mentally. Yep, definitely something plot related, or maybe they were like raised in the same orphanage before the Professor took them in, though that seems unlikely if she was being honest.

She looked back to look at the stoic indigo haired girl, only to find her harboring a strange uncharacteristic look on her face while she cradled the bracelet on her right hand. Wait, wait hold on, don't tell me-

"That's… strange." The indigo haired girl said lowly, just enough for all of them to hear her. "I… somehow I feel that I've known you before too, but I'm quite sure that I've never met you before in my life."

Waa, this is definitely a plot thing, it's definitely a plot thing! Heck the gem on Serena's bracelet was even shining a little bit, wait so it was a literal plot device?! So it was an actually really important bracelet for the plot?! Was that why Serena refuses to part with it even when she goes to bed?!

Oh crap this was too much for one day, at least give her a full day to fully consume all the info that she just got! Uhh, change the conversation! Anything else would do!

"That is quite strange." She said, placing a hand on her chin as she thought of a way to steer away the conversation to a different topic.

"Uhm, Yuri-kun was it? There's something that I'd like to ask if you don't mind." She said, and thankfully she knew fully what was a good thing to segway too in this world. "Since you transferred from a recommendation, and being as young as you are at that, that means that you're quite good at dueling right?"

Because of course, the best segway in this world to avoid a strange topic of conversation is the world's very own method of solving any and all problems, dueling. The three children around her whose hairs are different shades of purple looked at her strangely.

"I've heard that dueling is a good way to clear the mind and release stress, so if you don't mind would you duel me?" She asked, proposing a duel with the purple haired boy. She needed to clear her head a bit from all this plot things that seemed to be budding, and from the looks of it the boy needed to clear his mind too.

"That's… if you would have me then I would accept." The purple haired boy said, walking a few steps back and activating his duel disk. She smiled, a good way to blow off some stress and also to find out how good the boy is at dueling would be nice.


"Hmm? Is that Yuuna? Oh! She's dueling!" Exclaimed one Fubuki Tenjoin as he saw the silhouette of the crimson haired girl brandishing her duel disk in the middle of the clearing, her opponent, the one with purple hair, did the same with his own duel disk.

"Hey Ryo, isn't that the new transfer student?" He asked, nudging his blue haired friend to look up from whatever book had gotten his interest, probably something more about rulings and what not.

The blue haired boy sighed and closed his book, turning his head and looking at whatever it was that had caught his friend's attention. He raised an eyebrow when he saw that it was indeed Yuuna facing one of the transfer students.

No, not just any of the transfer students, she was facing Yuri.

"She's facing Yuri?" He asked as he got up from his seat, his question making Fubuki's head turn towards him.

"Oh, that was his name wasn't it? Do you know him?" He asked, and in response the blue haired boy shook his head.

"Not personally no, but I have heard of his reputation." Ryo answered as the two walked closer to the dueling duo, who was starting to be surrounded by a crowd of watchers.

"Oh~ well if you know him then I could only assume that he's quite the duelist then huh." Fubuki said as he placed both of his arms behind his head. "Well, then how good is he? A local's champion? A tournament winner? A repeat winner? I've never heard of him personally so I don't think that he's that famous though."

"A local's champion." Ryo answered easily enough, not irritated at all by his friend's antics. "I heard that he easily defeated all of the duelist in his area, including the adults."

"Hee~ that's quite something. But we've basically all done that too right?" The boy admitted having done the same to his own prefecture, having beaten most of the adults who dueled around there, though none of them were A-lister pro duelists.

"But well, since it's Yuuna dueling then it should probably be a good show wouldn't it?" He said with a smile as he watched the duel unfold between the two.


And so the duel began, and the two children whose names started with the word Yu dueled. Yuuna, of course, wanted to know how far the ability known as plot armor that the purple haired boy has can go against her own deck.

And another reason as to why she wanted to win this duel that she had instigated with the boy was of course because of the mission that had appeared as she challenged him.


Urgent Mission!

[Yu-Boy: Fusion Dimension]

Defeat Yuri at a duel

Rewards: 250000DP, Predator Plants Beast-Warriors Pack Unlocked, Reputation (Yuri) Up, Reputation (Academia) Up, Predaplant Dragostapelia x1

Failure: Reputation (Yuri) Down, Reputation (Academia) Down


And boy does she want that Dragostapelia. In this kind of format where people always ends with a Fusion Monster as their Boss Monster? A card like Dragostapelia which requires one Fusion Monster and one Dark monster is an excellent SuperPoly target, not to mention that it was basically a Spell Speed 2 monster negation.

It's an extremely good card, and she wants it. Even if she basically has to defeat a main character to get it.

She has familiarized herself with the Gaia deck quite well, so hopefully she wouldn't do as much misplays as she did back when she first used the deck in her duel with Serena.


Yuri: 4000LP

Yuuna: 4000LP

"I'll let you go first." She gestured th purple haired boy to go, both for courtesy to let his set up his board and because she was playing a go second deck. Then again, if he was playing Predaplants, and not having the go first boss monsters like Dragostapelia, Triphyoverutum, and not to mention Verte Anaconda, she doesn't really expect much board building from the boy.

But then again, he was an anime protagonist with the name of Yu, so who knows what kind of crap he could do.

"Then I'll happily go first." The boy said with a smile on his face as he glanced at the cards that he had on his hands, and made his play. "I'll start by normal summoning Predaplant Ophrys Scorpio."

The monster that the purple haired boy summoned was a card that was an infamous one card Verte, along with adding a Fusion card with it's target of choice. The monster itself was a dark green plant-like scorpion, based on the plant ophrys, as its stinger embodies.

Predaplant Ophrys Scorpio - Dark/Plant/Level 3/Effect: 1200/800

"Ophrys Scorpio's effect." The boy declared. "If this card is normal or special summoned, I can send one monster from my hand to the graveyard, and special summon one 'Predapkant' monster from my deck except 'Predaplant Ophrys Scorpio'."

The boy showed the monster card in his hand that he would discard as cost. "I'll discard Predaplant Lilyzard." He said as he send the card to the graveyard. "And I'll special summon Predaplant Darlingtonia Cobra from my deck in defence position!"

As expected, the monster that the boy chose to summon with the effect of Ophrys Scorpio was none other than Darlingtonia Cobra. The horrid plant-snake monster appeared, hissing as it opened it's creepy flower-like maw.

Predaplant Darlingtonia Cobra - Dark/Plant/Level 3/Effect: 1000/1500

"Predaplant Darlingtonia Cobra's effect! If this card is special summoned by the effect of a 'Predaplant' monster, I can add one 'Polymerization' spell or 'Fusion' spell card from my deck to my hand." The boy said as he explained the monster's once per duel effect.

The boy then picked a card from his deck, and showed it to her, revealing that it was a Polymerization. "I'll add Polymerization from my deck to my hand, and activate it!" The boy activated the spell, the holographic projection of the card appearing, and shone on the field.

"I'll fuse Predaplant Ophrys Scorpio and Predaplant Darlingtonia Cobra!" The boy raised both of his hands along with the two monsters rising to the vortex of blue and orange. "O flower that traps bugs with an enticing aroma! Become one and come out from the pits of hell with a new threat!"

He clasped both of his hands together in front of him, and finished the chant. "Fusion Summon! Appear! Predaplant Chimerafflesia!" The monster that appeared was quite the sight, the infamous plant that released an incredibly nauseating smell that was the rafflesia, decorated with rows and rows of teeth, and it's vines acting like tentacles, with jaws on the end of them.

And along with the fact that it was an incredibly annoying monster to out, it was a full package of annoyance.

Predaplant Chimerafflesia - Dark/Plant/Fusion/Level 7/Effect: 2500/2000

"I'll set two cards face-down, and I'll end my turn." Ending his turn with Chimerafflesia and two set cards in his back row, the purple haired boy ended his turn and passed the turn to her.

"My turn then, I'll draw." She drew her card for the turn, and shuffled the cards in her hand and thought of the plays that she could do. Well, before actually thinking of where to go with the cards in her hand-

"First I'll activate the spell, Pot of Extravagance." She activated the draw spell, making the holographic card appear on the field and it shone. From the card a two faced pot appeared on her field.

"At the start of my Main Phase 1, I can banish 3 or 6 random face-down cards from my Extra Deck, face-down, and draw one card for every 3 cards banished." She explained the draw spell's effect.

"Banishing your own Extra Deck!?" The purple haired boy exclaimed with wide eyes, seemingly baffled that she would minus herself so much to simply draw some cards. "You're playing a card like that!?"


"Wait, wait, Yuuna plays a card like that?!" Fubuki exclaimed looking quite shocked at the spell that the red haired girl had just activated.

"Mhm. haven't you already seen her play the deck before?" Mei asked the brown haired duelist who watched the duel along with them, making a quartet of herself, Serena, Fubuki, and Ryo.

She understood of course, the reason as to why Yuuna played the card in her deck, her go second deck that is. She had explained the need for the deck to get immediate card advantage so that she could get a chance at simplifying the board state.

Although from what she's seen, the deck was already quite as strong on its own. But if Yuuna said so then she's certainly right.

"That's quite the highroll card that she played." Ryo commented with narrowed eyes, did he perhaps understand why Yuuna used the card? He always was the smart one, at least compared to Fubuki that is.

"If she doesn't draw the cards that she wants, then she basically cripples her own Extra Deck, and that is quite the downside in itself." The blue haired boy commented. "But would it be worth it to banish around half of her own Extra Deck to simply draw two cards?"

"I'm pretty sure that Yuuna's Extra Deck was made to use that card." Serena commented in, adding some of her knowledge into the conversation as they watched the duel unfold. "She has a full Extra Deck filled with all three copies of her Boss Monster, Gaia the Magical Knight of Dragons."

"That's the monster that can reach over 5000 attack easily yeah? And she has three copies of them? Yeesh." The brown haired boy said with a strained smile. "Anyway, what's that boy's deck? Predaplants? Anyone know what it does?"

"It's a deck that has something to do with counters." The blue haired boy said, informing his friend of the purple haired boy's deck gameplay. "Although I don't know much, I'm quite sure that that Fusion Monster he summoned isn't his Ace Monster."

She nodded to Ryo's explanation. She remembered a time when Yuuna was mumbling about wanting a Predaplant Fusion Monster as a Super Polymerization target, and she was sure that the disgusting plant monster that the purple haired boy has in his field was not that Super Polymerization target that Yuuna wanted.

But she trusted Yuuna, she knew how strong she was first hand after all. She had no doubts that she could defeat the purple haired boy, even if he hadn't shown all his cards yet.


"Why of course." She said with a blinding smile filled with confidence. "I'll banish six cards from my Extra Deck randomly, and draw two cards." Her duel disk shuffled the cards of her Extra Deck, and she took six cards from it and banished it all face-down, and drew two cards.

Sure since she had actually placed Gaia the Magical Knight of Dragons as her Ace Monster, she would start her duel with two cards which lists 'Gaia' in their card text every start of the duel, but this deck was still quite bad, and since she was playing an Extravagance board, playing the draw spell was of course, a no brainer.

She looked at the two cards that she drew, and rechecked the remaining cards in her Extra Deck to check what she should do from this point on. She thought of the plays that she could do from this position, and a play went to her mind.

Chimerafflesia has the annoying effect of being able to win battles against monsters with attack below 4500, what with it having the effect of reducing the attacking monster's attack by 1000 and increasing its own attack by the same amount, but since a Gaia summoned with Spiral Fusion will have an attack over 5000, she's safe from that.

The problem would be that set card, which is probably a battle fader or a card that would keep that pesky Fusion Monster on field. And with it having the ability at Spell Speed 1 to banish a monster from the field, that's quite the annoyance.

But she could turn that off. The battle trap that is. She was playing a Gaia after all, and in a format where battle traps were quite the commodity, Gaia which has a card that reads 'turn battle effects off' would absolutely dominate the meta.

"I'll activate the spell card, Terraforming." She placed the spell on her duel disk, and activated its effect. "This card lets me add one field spell from my deck to my hand, I'll add the field spell, Galloping Gaia to my hand."

She revealed the field spell that she added to her opponent, using the three off of Terraforming that she has in this deck, because the banlist in this world does not exist and the field spell mechanic wasn't as exploited.

Then again, they probably haven't used Chicken Game to the degenerate amount that it had back where she came from. And since she was in the Fusion Dimension, they certainly haven't seen the shenanigans that Ancient Fairy Dragon could do.

Could she even find AFD in the Synchro Dimension? Wasn't that a legendary Signer Dragon or something? Well, the card was sold in her Shop, although at an incredibly high price like every other singularly sold card, but that doesn't really matter much.

"Now I'll activate the field spell, Galloping Gaia!" She declared, activating the field spell and a ring of fire surrounded the two of them, earring gasps from the circle of audience around them.


The indigo haired girl beside her visibly cringed as she saw the circle of flame surround the two dueling duelists. "So she found a way to get that card huh. This duel is incredibly in Yuuna's favour then."

"Hm? You know the field spell's effects Serena?" The brown haired duelist asked, to which the small girl nodded in response.

"Yeah, it lets her reveal a Gaia monster card or a Dragon to add the other." She said, summarizing the field spell's searching capabilities.

"There's more restrictions to the searching effect, like it being limited to Level 5 Dragon and Gaia the Fierce Knight, but that's the gist of it." She complemented Serena's explanation of the field spell that Yuuna played, though there was still more to the field spell.

"Heeh~ so it's a searching kind of field spell huh? Not to mention that the pool of search targets is quite wide itself, jeez that Yuuna sure does have some incredibly strong rare cards." Fubuki groaned the last part.

Ryo placed a hand on his chin and nodded, agreeing with his brown haired friend. "Indeed, for it to have that kind of effect in one card is quite something. It certainly is quite a strong card that is a Yuuna staple of being filled with searching cards one after another."

She and Serena shared a glance, both having dueled against the red haired girl against this specific deck in full force, and knew what the main effect of the field spell entailed. She gestured to her fellow purplette, and allowed her to continue with explaining the card's effect, which was frankly quite frightening in itself.

It was also a reason as to why this specific go second deck could manage to outperform Serena's own go second deck, that being the field spell's other effect of completely freezing cards and effects during the Battle Phase.

"Well, the card has one more effect." Serena said, garnering a groan from the brown haired boy and a chuckle from his blue haired friend.

"There's more!? Ugh, of course there's more, Yuuna's cards are always filled with card text aren't they." The brown haired boy groaned out.

"She does seem to have the tendency to play cards that have an incredible amount of text in them, that and she would find a way to play them incredibly well." Ryo said with a strained smile as he shook his head. "Well then, what is the other effect that the field spell has then?" He asked.

"It's an extremely strong effect. One that activates during the Battle Phase." Serena started. "While she has 'Gaia the Dragon Champion' on her side of the field, her opponent can't activate cards or effects during the Battle Phase."

"Haah?!" Fubuki exclaimed loudly, garnering the attention of some of the people in the audience, making them turn their heads away from the duel and turn it towards them. The brown haired boy chuckled a bit as he scratched his cheek in embarrassment.

The boy continued in a lower voice. "Seriously!? That field spell doesn't only have that searching effect but also an effect that prevents the opponent from activating cards and effects during the Battle Phase!? Isn't that cheating!?"

"That effect is limited to when she has Gaia the Dragon Champion, which her Ace Monster is treated as, so it certainly isn't a card that could be used in any other deck." The blue haired duelist commented, pointing out how the card isn't visibly splashable in any other deck.

And that was quite true. Since it was a card that was made to support the Gaia archetype, it only made sense that it could only be played in a deck that was a pure build of the deck considering it's incredible effects.

"Jeez, where does she find these cards?" Fubuki groaned, and turned to look towards her with an uncharacteristically serious face. "Hey Mei, do you think that with my current deck I have a chance at defeating that deck of her's?"

"With your Red-Eyes deck? I do see you outing Gaia the Magical Knight of Dragons on some occasions. Although in most cases you're probably going to be searching for a way to get Red-Eyes Fang With Chain to out her Gaia the Magical Knight of Dragons."

"I thought so too right~." He said as he let out a sigh. "I don't think I have a way to get my monster high enough to reach the absurd attack increase that that card can reach." He said while scratching his head.

"Hey Mei, do you think that you can find a field spell that can support my Red-Eyes? If anything so that I can easily get a way to help my own deck while removing Yuuna's field spell." The boy asked, hoping that her own extensive knowledge of the game's card pool can find a field spell that can support his deck.

"I don't think that there's a specific field spell that supports Red-Eyes." She mumbled as she placed a hand on her chin and closed her eyes, being deep in thought. "Maybe some generic Dragon support? I think that a Dragon Ravine could possibly combo with your deck, though I don't know how well it would be."

The brown haired boy gave her a beaming smile in response. "Ou! At least I have a suggestion so that's fine! I'll try and search for some others myself. Though if you do find that card that you suggested do give me a discount."

His friend merely watched her interact with the brown haired boy with a raised eyebrow, though she seemed to have garnered his interest. That was a good thing she hoped, she doesn't doubt that if she were to offer Edo one of the Destiny HERO support cards that Yuuna has, he would throw quite the fit.

In response to his words she merely nodded her head and looked back to the duel.

She managed to gain a recurring client in the form of one Ryo Marufuji. Surely, Yuuna would be happy to sell cards that she doesn't currently use.


"I'll activate the field spell's effect, I can reveal one Level 5 Dragon monster in my hand to add one 'Gaia the Fierce Knight' monster from my deck to my hand." She said as she activated the field spell's once per turn searching effect.

"I'll reveal Curse of Dragon, the Cursed Dragon in my hand, and add Gaia the Magical Knight, who is always treated as Gaia The Fierce Knight." She showed the Gaia card that she chose, and added it to her hand.

"Now since I control no monster, I'll normal summon Gaia the Magical Knight without tribute." The card was placed on her duel disk, and the horse riding twin lance wielding warrior appeared on her field, the red horse neighing as it galloped into the field.

Gaia the Magical Knight - Light/Warrior/Level 7/Effect: 2300/2100

She then proceeded to explain the monster's on summon effect. "Gaia the Magical Knight's effect. If this card is normal or special summoned, I can special summon one Level 5 Dragon monster from my hand or graveyard in defence position."

With that, she revealed the summoning target that she would summon with the monster's effect. "I'll summon Curse of Dragon, the Cursed Dragon in defence position." The dragon riding warrior raised one of his lances, and from a dark portal, the golden Dark dragon appeared on her side of the field, its wings covering its body as it was summoned in defence position.

Curse of Dragon, the Cursed Dragon - Dark/Dragon/Level 5/Effect: 2000/1500

"Now Curse of Dragon, the Cursed Dragon's effect! If this card is normal or special summoned, I can add one spell or trap that specifically lists the card 'Gaia the Dragon Champion' in its text." She said, explaining the card's effect.

And of course as she was only missing one more piece of the puzzle, she decided to add the spell card that she needed to summon the Ace Monster of the deck. "I'll add the spell card, Spiral Fusion from my deck to my hand."

Yuri narrowed his purple eyes as he saw the combo play that she had done. "From a single card you can easily get two monsters on the field, it's no wonder that you are the Academia's Champion."

She merely raised her eyebrows to his response. "Says you, it's a two card combo since I needed to search for Gaia the Magical Knight in the first place. You also did the same thing didn't you? Using a two card combo with Ophrys Scorpio and Darlingtonia Cobra to search a Poly and summon a Fusion Monster in your first turn, isn't that quite nice?" For this format at least.

The boy's smile never left his face, but he didn't have the chance to respond back to her jab as she continued her combo. "I'll activate the spell, Spiral Fusion! Which lets me Fusion Summon one Dragon Fusion Monster from my Extra Deck using monsters from my hand or field as materials!" She declared as the holographic projection of the spell shone.

"I'll fuse Gaia the Fierce Knight Origin in my hand, and Curse of Dragon, the Cursed Dragon on my field!" She sends the card from her hand, and the card from her field to the grave as the materials for the fusion summon, and the blue armored single lance wielding knight and the golden Dark dragon fused into a singular Fusion Monster.

"O knight who has mastered the mystic arts, break the dragon's curse with your magic and become the legendary dragoon!" She raised her right hand and brought it down to finish the summon. "Fusion Summon! Appear! Gaia the Magical Knight of Dragons!"

With a fierce battle cry accompanied by a dragon roar, the dragon riding twin lance wielding knight descended onto the battlefield, twirling the lances in each of his hands as he pointed them towards his opponent.

Gaia the Magical Knight of Dragons - Wind/Dragon/Fusion/Level 7/Effect: 2600/2100

"And now it's time to pop off." She murmured under her breath, preparing herself to activate a chain of effects. "First off I'll activate the effect of Curse of Dragon, the Cursed Dragon in my graveyard, and I'll chain the effect of Spiral Fusion."

She activated the chain, and in response the purple haired boy activated his set card. "I'll activate the trap, Predaplant Reborn!" He said flipping up the set card and revealing that it was an in archetype reborn card.

"This card allows me to target one 'Predaplant' monster in my graveyard and special summon it." He explained the trap card's effect, and picked the monster that he would summon with its effect.

"I target Predaplant Lilyzard, and special summon it!" The purple haired boy placed the card on his duel disk, and the lily based plant monster appeared on his field, it's four orange eyes glared towards her while the five flower-like tail appendage hovered above it, defending it's master in defence position.

Predaplant Lilyzard - Dark/Plant/Level 3/Effect: 1200/1200

The chain continues, and now it resolves with the effect of Spiral Fusion. "Since Gaia the Magical Knight of Dragons is treated as Gaia the Dragon Champion while it's on the field, the second effect of Spiral Fusion resolves, increasing it's attack by 2600 attack, and it can make up to 2 attacks on monsters during each battle phase."

The warrior and dragon duo let out their respective cries as their bodies shone an empowering light, doubling their attack and increasing it to become over 5000.

Gaia the Magical Knight of Dragons - Wind/Dragon/Fusion/Level 7/Effect: 5200/2100

"And now Curse of Dragon, the Cursed Dragon's secondary effect. If this card is sent to the graveyard, I can target one 'Gaia the dragon Champion' in my monster zone, and negate the effect of face-up monsters you currently control with attack less than or equal to it until the end of this turn! Curse of Spiral!"

The silhouette of the dark cursed dragon appeared, and a spiral of darkness filled the field, negating the effects of all monsters on Yuri's side of the field whose attack was lower than 5200, which was basically all of them.

The boy clicked his tongue as he saw that his monster's effects were negated. "Then since it's effects were negated, the effect of Lilyzard to draw a card when it is summoned from the graveyard doesn't activate."

"Oh, it has that kind of effect huh?" And it has no further restrictions? Seriously!? Just a basic and plain plus one when it is summoned from the grave!? Jeez, she can find an incredible amount of ways to break that card and plus into infinity, especially if she can loop summoning that card from the grave.

But she'll deal with the fact of how exploitable that card is later, she'll have to deal lethal first, and she's pretty sure she already has over lethal, especially if she played her hands correctly.

"Battle." She declared, moving on onto the Battle Phase to try and end the game. "I'll attack your Predaplant Lilyzard with Gaia the Magical Knight of Dragons! Spiral Mage Shaver!" The dragon rider dashed forward with both of his lances thrusted forward.

"And while Galloping Gaia is on the field, and I have 'Gaia the Dragon Champion' is in my Monster Zone, you cannot activate cards or effects during the Battle Phase!" At the declaration that he could not activate cards or effects, the purple boy's eyes widened as he saw his monster turned into motes of light as it was destroyed by battle.

"Gaia the Magical Knight of Dragons effect! When this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle, I can make it gain 2600 attack." The dragon riding warrior let out an incredible war cry as he shone, increasing his own attack into an incredibly high number.

Gaia the Magical Knight of Dragons - Wind/Dragon/Fusion/Level 7/Effect: 7800/2100

Seeing that the purple haired boy has one set card left, seemingly being a battle trap that was now unusable under Galloping Gaia, she went to go for lethal. "I'll attack again with Gaia the Magical Knight of Dragons! Spiral Double Mage Shaver!"

The dragon riding knight galloped towards the plant Fusion Monster, who shoots out its vines with teeth towards it in order to stop it's attacks. But thanks to Curse of Dragon, the Cursed Dragon's Curse of Spiral that negates its effects, along with the effect of Galloping Gaia that prevents him from activating what was probably his battle trap of choosing, there was no way that the purple haired boy could save himself from this attack.

The dragon rider skillfully evades the plant Fusion Monster's attack, piercing through the monster's defence with his two lances and reaching the monster's flower-like head. The knight twirled his lances, and shot out a spiral wave directly towards its opponent, rending it to motes of lights, and dealing way over lethal.

The purple eyed boy could do nothing but raise his hands in defence to the strong gust of winds that the solid hologram made. "Gaah!" He screamed as he received an instant of over 4000 damage, falling onto his butt thanks to the attack.

Yuri: 0LP

Yep, this deck was indeed quite strong in a closed format where people run battle traps and basically no interaction. She turned off her duel disk, and walked towards the purple haired boy and offered him a hand up, which he accepted.

The boy looked at her with a glint in his eyes, one that she hadn't seen he had before the duel started. "You're strong." He said. "Reall, really strong! Amazing! I don't think I've ever dueled against someone as strong as you!"

She raised an eyebrow to the boy's declaration. "Is that so?" Well, he was running a deck that at least has a pretty good boss monster, at least in this format, in the form of Chimerafflesia, which is a card that can mostly tie in a battle against monsters with even 4500 attack.

That and the card would float into a Poly or a Fusion spell, not to mention its SS1 effect to banish an opponent's monster. It is quite a strong monster, even if it can't exactly interact with the opponent.

But there's of course a way to better his deck. And though he might be the big bad of the series, he's just a lost boy wasn't he? And as an adult in all but actual physical age, then it's her duty to guide him to the right path.

That and having an another main character as an ally would be good hopefully, she just hopes that he doesn't turn into a psycho that doesn't adhere to actual human morals and turns people to cards willy nilly.

I’m in uni so that’s why I wasn’t really updating much, sorry about that. I’ll try my best to upload weekly, but it’s not like I only write this fic okay! I wrote other stuff too so I’ll probably update my other fics! Check them out if you want I guess.

Also I’m now obliged to share my social media to ask for more followers, which is the crappy twitter account @pandorajail and the crappy instagram pandora_jail do note that I like a whole lot of lewd stuff on twitter, because what else were you supposed to do on twitter?


I own what I own.

Pandora_Jailcreators' thoughts