
Finger of a Dwarf

Completely oblivious to the deadly hunt City Lord Orald's cohort was engaging in, Spark sat in the spacious mansion of Silver Hawk, situated in the rather exalted precinct of Monsoon City, Gardenrow. A crystalline ball, about double the size of a baby's fist rolled around his palm.

"So this is a Skill Core. It surely resembles a more refined Spiritual Crystal..."

Spark inspected the crystal with curious glances, and a tad of spite. He was irritated because this little ball had actually cost him 34 Spiritual Crystals!

"Tsk... I knew it wouldn't cost me 50 Crystals like the shopkeeper had said it would, but still, this purchase leaves me almost broke."

"Hmpf, this better be worth it."

It must be said that possessing 34 Spiritual Crystals was more than enough to be eligible to consider oneself as upper class in Monsoon City.

Because these crystals might as well be used to cultivate, pushing a mundane human being to at the very least the 2nd Stage of the Qi Realm. That was a genuine Cultivator! So with ample time, 34 SC are equal to a 2nd Stage Cultivator, with the presupposition of having a Cultivation Technique.

Of course, time and talent played a big role, too, but this amount of SC was not few.

This goes on to show that Soul Bounds and Skill Cores had no limit on their prices, and the more useful, or the higher their rank, the further their value will increase, until it is impossible to find a market for the demand.

Harmonic and Mystical, not even talking about Sovereign and Immeasurable SB and Skill Cores were almost impossible to find. One had to face danger and unfathomable horrors to have a chance of obtaining them, either that, or be a blessed being with divinely talent.

Spark narrowed his eyes and used [Soul Inspection]. A faint smile formed on his lips.

"Oh?... To think it actually works on Skill Cores, too!"

This was a happy surprise, since, unless one chooses to believe the Shops, a professional Identifier with an apt Skill or Soul Bound needs to be hired to test the veracity of the shop's disclaimers.

Well... if one decides to learn the Skill from the Skill Core, its information would be visible on the Soulslate.

[Skill: Finger of a Dwarf]

[Category: Creation]

[Rank: Normal]

[The Finger of a Dwarf, formed by a Dwarf's intense devotion to his craft, attaining meticulous craftsmanship and a subtle understanding of Creation.]

Spark read through the runes and commented somberly:

"This was most likely gained by a dwarf who had reached Saturation of Understanding and was then... perhaps slain by a human, his skill stolen to create a Skill Core in cooperation with a Soul Bound Smith."


"No Dwarf would willingly give up such a vital Skill to their craft. It is no wonder Korokal was livid upon seeing this."

Naturally, this act could be considered as evil and heartless, but Spark had long learned about the ruthlessness of Fraal. The competition and rivalry within the human species was already prominent, so it came as no surprise, that other races would be slain for human's own benefit and greed, too.

As the name Finger of a Dwarf suggested, it's origin was dwarven, and therefore it was easier for a dwarf to aquire, by Saturation of Understanding or Inheritance, but it was by no means exclusive to their race.

Such a thing as exclusivity was very rare in this world, and this was all possible because all-encompassing, and interweaving phenomena, The Grand Dao.

Humans could learn dwarfen Skills, and Mariposes, Elves or other races could learn human or draconic Skills, too.

But how well they are utilised, as well as their strength, varied greatly in different hands, and this was where compatibility, anatomy, rank and race came into play.

A dragon's breath would never have the same effect, coming out of the small throat of a human. This logic was incontestable.

In the same way, Finger of a Dwarf would have its utmost potential used, if in dwarfen hands, but even to human Soul Bound Smiths, such a Skill or similar ones were very helpful with their work.

"But sure enough... [Soul Inspection] is a helpful Skill... I can gain surface information to any thing or being, as long its rank doesn't surpass mine by too much."

"Also... the Skills I gained through divinely awakening my Elements belong to the Growth Category, and Finger of a Dwarf doesn't, making their value simply incomparable."

"As to how to grow them... let's find out slowly after finding out what my other two Elements are..."

A smile of contentment hung on Spark's lips. He gave the Crystal one last glance, before standing up and leaving his office for the outside.

Ambling down the semi-circular steps to the foyer and entering the living room, Spark noticed his father, Joey, Bilo and the kids, immersing themselves fully into Circulation training after drinking a potion brewed from lesser spiritual herbs.

A short glance after, he went to his mother, Milo, Jessie and a few others, who instead of circulating, learned and discussed about Cultivation books.

Feeling some interest in the matter, Spark habitually joined and after conversing for half an hour, left the mansion to walk into the city.

The streets were bustling with people, and the nearer the plaza, the more swarms of Cultivators and mundane people gathered.

Soon, the captivating statue of Monsoon, the softly feathered heavenly snake, lifting its body to reach into the skies came into view.

Spark, as always, took a few moments to take in its alien beauty, before entering a beige house.

"Hey Brat!"

Spark twitched and his trademark easy-going smile froze, before curling up again.

"Hello Brute."


Alessandro squeezed his eyes, and gave the well-dressed Spark a second, unfriendlier gaze.

Spark caught his gaze and sighed.

"I told you, the moment I'm not a brat anymore, you won't be a brute."

Alessandro shook his head and chuckled.

"I don't mind being a brute, you rude brat. Are you back for your sadistic bullshit?"

Spark's eyelid quivered unnoticably, but he nodded in the end.

"Yep, but I'm not a sadist, I'm experimenting!"

Alessandro emerged from behind the counter and patted Spark's black suit.

"No worries, we all have our different preferences. Your secret is safe with me. You can go down and do whatever."

Spark could only smile and click his tongue inwardly. Whatever Alessandro thought about them, these experiments were essential to Spark!

After receiving a set of keys, Spark left for the cellar and before long, he stood in front of a massive steel door.

After opening the door, familiar rows of tables came into view, each holding a distinct and unique item.

Right, these tables were all littered with Soul Bounds!

Alessandro couldn't bind himself with each and every SB, since each bond puts a certain strain on a Cultivators soul, making it unwise to sacrifice mental clarity for a redundant abundance of Soul Bounds, which cannot be utilized expediently at all times.

Spark didn't look too surprised at the sight, and walked through the rows, browsing their contents with a thoughtful look. In the end, he settled for a pyramidic piece of stone the size of his palm, varnished in a deep brown color and crowned with a red gash on top.

Spark narrowed his eyes and used [Soul Inspection], before nodding his head in satisfaction.

[Volcanic Spine]

[Category: Fire]


[An artifact, left behind by the Desert Hippo's volcanic spine, which had caught onto fire, after its habitual indulgence between the desert dunes.]

"Just what I wanted..."

Spark hesitated for a moment, before instinctively wiping his sweat and checking his pocket.

"It's all there, well then... I'll be fine, no?"

Spark left the cellar and ascended one floor and to turn towards another small room. This room was visibly used for the customers to try out any Soul Bounds they are interested in, judging by the obvious cracks, slashes and charred blemishes on the ground and walls.

At this time, there was nobody using it, making Spark quite glad since what he was about to do next, was a grim sight that could easily be misunderstood.