
Dragons... And Mana Addiction


'Body Foundation Stage in 7 Days? Even I can see this is an obvious scam! If it was that easy to reach, then every dog and cat on the street would be a Cultivator!'

While being absolutely convinced that Joey got hustled with some of these books, he quietly decided to take a slight peek later on.

The others, most at least, seemed to be quite useful. His eyes got stuck on one book specifically. He read the title again to check if he didn't misread but no, he saw correctly.

"Basic Introduction of Intelligent Native Races?"he murmured in thought.

"Does Borza belong to this category, too?"

Spark had wondered about Borza ever since the moment he met him in the prison cellar. This monkey was clearly intelligent!

He could speak and understand the Human Language, obviously, felt a spectrum of emotions, and he was quite good at reading the room, too.

Judging by the title of this book, he was not a special case like Spark had initially thought.

He skimmed through the book's contents.


'Due to the amplifying and nurturing nature of the ambient Energy, termed 'Mana' or 'Qi', organisms on Fraal have evolved over an exorbitant amount of time, producing many exotic and fantastic creatures.

One of these creatures is the Human Being, representing roughly 15% of all intelligent Life Forms on Fraal. Classified as 'intelligent' is a race only then, if they're capable of thoughts and dialogue in at least one language and have some form of culture or cooperation.

While some beasts and monsters possess a rudimentary form of intelligence and are capable of interacting with the ambient Mana, they are not categorized under 'intelligent' races, as their thought processes are ultimately driven by instinct, cooperation being highly unlikely in most cases.

Similar to Human Beings, 'intelligent' races strive to make mana their own by cultivating their body and mind with their own methods. No matter the race, the creation of the physical Energy Storage called 'Core' or 'Dantian' is the starting point of Cultivation, because at this point the being is discernable by the Great Dao and bestowed at least one Element.

The Element they receive reflects their soul's proclivity to said Dao. It is not unusal for a race to have a tendency to specific Elements. This is widely known– and called an Elemental Lineage.

The most prominent intelligent Races include the Fairys, Aangs, Humans, Dragons, Mariposes, Gabbas, Elves, Wools, Squires, Yozos, Spirits, Keroks ...

Of these races, some are humanoid and possess a Dantian and one core, like the Aangs, Humans, Mariposes, Elves, Dwarfs, Gnomes, Goblins, Leprechauns, Keroks and Nymphs.

While others are classified as Beasts and possess the associated Core Fragments, but are fully able to speak and master language with their advanced Intelligence.

The following lifeforms fall under Monster Races: Dragons, Phoenix, Gabbas, Wools, Fairies, Squires, Yozos, Roggs, Klorals, Trolls, Vampires...'

Spark stared at the current page with surprised eyes and a widened mouth. He didn't expect so many species to exist, all capable of dialogue and more importantly, of Cultivation. A quiet noise escaped his lips.


"I'll be damned—"

He half-expected Humans and Beasts to be his biggest threat on the Cultivation Journey, but there were countless more races present on this planet called Fraal.

He had heard Joey talk about Kerok's Mountain, and he saw Borza, but...

Just the little information he accrued until this point made him once again realize that this planet was way more mysterious and grand than he could have ever imagined.

He felt like a rocking boat, trying to stay above the surface in midst of a tumultous, undulating ocean.

...Only 15% of the intelligent populace were humans. And it seemed to even be the predominant power at first sight! But the flaw with this train of thought was the fact that most Human Beings don't even make it to the Qi Stage.

And in contrast to that ... Dragons! ... even he knew what that meant! If they overlapped with the ones in his imagination, there is simply no way for mankind to contend.

And he did not doubt that even more terrible, horrid creatures crept in the murky depths of this planet.

Just a look at a couple pages of the Monster Encyclopedia would surely confirm this.

Out of curiosity, Spark browsed through the information the book had on the Dragon Clan and it turns out there was not even a picture attached.

Dragons were described as gargantuan reptile giants with humongous wingspans, but apparently too rare of a sight to be analysed in detail.

...Unless you had a death wish.

Spark turned a dozen pages of the book, skimming through more detailed information about some of the races. Most of the intel was basic and crude, giving a surface-level glimpse of the races.

Even though most information was superficial, it was interesting nonetheless. But no matter how many pages he turned, he couldn't find anything about a race of Golden-Furred Apes.

They were some cases that were similar, but nothing fit perfectly.

It seems that Borza was either a special mutation, or his race was isolated from humanity.

Noticing the sounds coming from the hearth, he turned his gaze and saw the water vapor pressing the lid on and off the pot.

Spark only needed to throw in the herb. The white cloth with the bundle of Spiritual Herbs was right next to him, and he pulled out a dark green plant with three leafs on its stalk.

"The Mean Three-Leaf," he mumbled in excitement while inspecting its features accurately.

The three leafs had a robust and dictile texture with mauve strands flowing from the stalk to the edges in ruffled patterns. It still looked fresh and full of vitality.

A genuine Spiritual Herb!

With a shimmer in his eyes, Spark threw the plant into the boiling water and watched the changes closely. Almost instantly the mauve properties of the Mean Three Leaf released their distinct colour, painting the clear liquid in their shade, as if conquering and taking ownership of it. Shortly afterwards the shade darkened further to a mulberry tone, when the dark-green element came into the mix.

The boiling duration was 20 minutes. Apparently that was enough for most of the Mana to transfer into the liquid, reaching its most optimal state.

And during those 20 minutes, a fresh, grassy scent filled the air, indicating the exceptional nature of the herb.

Spark kept on leafing through the book about intelligent species until the tea was prepared.

Taking off the sooted pot off the cackling firewood, he poured himself a generous cup and stared at the rich liquid, chuckling flauntingly, as if to hide his excitement.

"Hehe, not the most expensive tea I drank."

He took a big gulp of the hot beverage, burning the roof of his mouth in the proccess.

"Argh!.. It's hot- Huh?"

The burns on his palate were immediately smothered by a cooling sensation. It was almost as if an invisible spirit caressed the wounds gently, healing them in real-time.

Spark was stunned.

"Is that the Mana in the Herb?"

He felt that he was probably right. Only the mysterious properties of this curious Energy would be able to produce such wonder.

After all, Spark saw people's bloody, pulped bones being healed in seconds by the versatile, multifaceted force.

It was easy to be convinced...

Taking the next gulps more carefully, the liquid flushed down his bowels, warming his intestines, organs and flesh in the process.

It was more than simple warmth, but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. He just felt that his innards thanked him for the exquisite treat with squirming joy.

In awe of the healing effects the liquid mana produced ... he wanted to eat it now.

Without hesitation, Spark fished out the remains of the Three-Leaf and devoured it in a bite. A strong grassy taste enveloped his mouth and with each chew he felt his mouth titter a bit at the bitter compounds left in the plant.

He swallowed the grass and chased it down with the tea. The taste wasn't awfully great but he felt the same caressing heat being produced from it, deep in his stomach. Letting out a cheery sigh of relief, he went back to the invigorating soup, savoring every drop of his small cup, and refilling it every time it was empty.

Subsequently, the pot started to dwindle in fast pace, and the sole culprit was his own mug, but he couldn't stop himself from topping up.

Spark was highly impressed by the peace of mind this simple tea had on his body and spirit.

Almost getting emotional and sniffing, he heaved a deep nod.

"Mana... Sure is great!"

Cradling his fourth cup, he heard light steps creaking on the wooden floor.

"Bro..? What's this smell?"

Kiana stood in the corridor, rubbing her half-asleep eyes, wondering what her brother was doing so early in the morning. According to Spark's internal clock, maybe two hours have passed since dawn, so it was about time the family woke up, and it seemed like his 11 year old sister was the first to do so.

"Ahh, Kiana, come here, your brother has something to give you!"

Spark stood up and grabbed another cup off the shelves, filled it with the spiritual broth and handed it to his sister.

Since it posed no danger to him ... it was also safe to drink for her. Not only safe, but most likely the best possible supplement for her growth.

Well ... maybe not the absolute best, but still very good.

"Mhmm, what is this ?" Kiana exclaimed in awe, "T-This is so tasty."

Spark nodded in honest agreement and took another sip as well, as he felt the exhaustion of his earlier training being washed away, replaced by a practically tangible vigor.

"It's a Spiritual Tea." he cheerfully revealed with a smirk.

"Your brother got ahold of something amazing, right?"

"Y-Yes, this is amazing."

The little girl was fully satisfied, judging by the mountainous archs that were once her lips.

After both have finished another cup, the pot was almost empty. Spark grabbed another two cups and filled them to the brim. The rest he shared evenly with his sister.

"These two are for mother and father."

"Mother and Father? You mean Mom and Dad!"

Kiana was visibly annoyed about the distant formulation of her brother, so Spark corrected himself awkwardly with a cough before turning his focus on the pot again.

"Yes, yes .. for Mom and Dad."

The herb yielded a whole pot of Spiritual Tea, but somehow the damn thing was already empty!

'Curses ... I need more of these things.'

Already feeling like an addict in search of the next shot, Spark quietly made up his mind to try even better, higher-tiered Spiritual Herbs in the future.

He wondered how the 'Lymaniacal Ladder'

scored, in comparison to the Mean-Three-Leaf.

'It must be even better, right?'

Spark was bound to find out in the coming days anyways. He had planned to visit the tavern to check up on the kids now, but considering that it was at most 8 AM and he still had some more time and decided otherwise.

The brats were probably still sleeping after finally having a warm blanket and a full belly anyways.

After drinking the wonderful Three-Leaf soup, the youth was completely devoid of the former exhaustion of the workout and instead felt an inexplicable vigor and zest for action rise up inside of him.

Not knowing what else to do with this newly-acquired energy... It was time to arduously train again!

The second workout of the day! Or rather ... of the morning.

Having made up his mind, Spark went outside the house, to the plot of green land that stretched a dozen meters in diameter, not far away from their residence.

It was a tiny park, you could say, with three thick trees acting like guardians, sheltering the last plot of bushy greens in the midst of sandy soil, which was the common fabric of the streets here in the outskirts.

He threw himself onto the floor and continued the regimen from before, as described in the handbook he used as guidance.

Funnily enough, Spark felt like his muscles were slowly bulging up into glossy, bulky brilliance.

Even though he was painfully aware that this feeling was most likely his mind playing tricks on him, all caused by the energetic refreshment he drank 5 and a half cups of, just a moment ago.

Imagine drinking five cans of Red-Bull after another, you'd feel like a Cultivator too!

His sister followed him outside with an intrigued expression, to see what he was up to now.

"What are you doing?"

"Training!" Spark huffed in between the push-ups, "Do you not huff hear the Energy inside you huff pleading to be rapped out?"

Altough Spark's endeavour looked comical at best, she did feel strangely energetic, so she decided to imitate him and started pressing her gaunt body from the earth by hook or crook.

Sit-ups, weighted pull-ups on a thick treetwig, crunches, handstands and a long session of the Horse Stance, just to repeat that process all over again.

Sweat perspired in large amounts from every of his pores. The intensity of this workout couldn't be compared to the one before! It's like his body, his flesh and bones wanted more strain and pain. He knew his limits well, but this workout went far above what he could normally endure.

Just when he was about to drop to the ground, the refreshing feeling from before recurred, mending his tired flesh and allowing him to further continue.

He continued on training for two hours without pause, and in focus, missed his parents observing his regimen while slurping the tea in heavy surprise, or his sister dropping out the exercise from exhaustion after the first hour.

Finally, he fell on his back with a sigh, when the refreshing sensations of the herb started to slowly diminish. His muscles felt taut and rugged, energized in the way they would only be after a few days of faithful exercise.

He traced the state of his body from exhaustion to a strange vigor, and back to exhaustion repeatedly and lost himself in a cyclic and intoxicating loop.

Finally hitting his limit somewhere along the line, Spark noticed himself enjoying the feeling of the recuperation-workout pendulum.

After taking another quick shower and having some idle talk with his parents, it was time to go to the tavern.

But before he did that, he had yet another stop make.

* * *

Moist ground and fractures of former housing where scattered along the place where the bilateral stroke of fate broke the Outskirts asunder.

Currently under reconstruction and demolition, the marketplace was very busy.

The method of the reconstruction, however, too had a different approach than on Earth.

Altough feeling wistful upon remembrance of the horrid occurence, Spark's curiosity won over the guilty tint of his emotions. Passing the street, he glanced at several construction sites and unmistkably identified some of the workers ... as Cultivators.

Or rather... Body Foundation Realm Artist!

They carried humongous blocks of cement with relative ease, acting as human excavators. But what surprised him the most was the sight of a Qi Realm Artist standing in a small, mostly unharmed shop.

To draw out the moisture and prevent mould to build up, this person was sent to the outskirts by the orders of the City Lord. That's what he assumed, at least.

Contrary to another presumption of his, the Cultivator did not possess the Fire Element, like Joey did, to demoisturize the shop.

Instead he was rooted in the middle of the shop without motion. Strangely, the water which had seeped deep inside the walls and the ground resurfaced, pearling up from beneath, floating on direct course toward him!

The older man was wreathed in a tight membrane of the accumulated water, but deeper down, underneath the diaphonous water layer, a light cobalt blue mass flickered in mystic brilliance.

According to logic, he should drown in the liquid cage, but contrary to rhyme and reason, the man stood in complete serenity, like an amphibious organism.

It was easy to infer that the middle-aged man was bestowed the Water Element.

No matter how strange a sight the water cocoon was, Spark remembered Joey easily picking up the calcined silver key, even when it gave off blistering heat.

...Or when engulfed in scorching hot flames, for that matter.

Spark pondered about this fantastical sight and tried to reason which logic it followed as he passed by the shop.

It didn't follow the logic and rules of his home planet, so it felt very unfamiliar. Well... nothing on this planet was exactly familiar, anyways.

Spark postulated that if you are able to invoke a specific Element, said Element wouldn't be harmful to you. To a specific degree at least.

Nodding at the first step of his conclusion, he felt that much was easy to derive. It seemed approriate, considering the risk of self-injury elsewise.

Each Element, must have its own advantages. If you can breathe in water as a Water Cultivator, and endure heat as a Fire Cultivator then that same obvious logic must be applicable to every Element ...

According to the innate qualities to the Element?

But how would the resistance of an Earth Element or Wind Element look? If the attacks were still bound to the laws of velocity, mass and inertia, then these attacks would hardly be innocuous for the Element-Wielder.

The same must be applied to Water Projectiles then... Spark didn't think that the Water Element in front of him would be able to negate the occuring damage, but perhaps he could smother the impact a little...

To prove his hypothesis, he needed more information. He wasn't privy to much knowledge about the the Elements, except for the bits and pieces Joey provided him.

What he was quite sure of, was that it must be a much, much wider array than just the natural ones like Water, Fire, Earth and Wind.

Otherwise, it wouldn't do the Great and Grand Dao, and all the possible forms of Skills, any justice.

Also, he had already witnessed the wonders of the Healing Element, if it can be called as such.

At the next crossroad he noticed a detour-sign which gave directions to the new marketplace and he followed the road it descripted in silent thought.

It was only when he heard a hush of a random passerby that he was jolted awake.

Incredulous to his own hearing, he wanted to confirm and walked up to two mature women engaged in a whispering chatter.