
Toxic Obsession

"what exactly did you think?" "what would you like to hear,the truth or something to ease your mind" he asked "the truth" she whispered breathless "i spent my entire day thinking about how i could have handled the situation but they all ended the same way" he paused "to have my cum leaking down your legs"

zamirah01 · Thành thị
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7 Chs

Chapter four

Her head was pounding and her jaw hurts way worse.She grabbed her head with one hand and tried to sit up with the other.it seems the world was spinning and she was seeing stars.

Lucas grabbed her by the arm and dragged her back to her seat at the dining "i am telling you the truth my Love,your mother and I never had a love relationship or atleast sexual thing.it was all about you from the start....but I can see you're not ready so I'll let it be...for now"

"if you still wanna go stay at Ashley's" he said and stood up "i won't stop you" he went into the kitchen and searched s cabinet

he came back and sat in the chair next to her.he placed the first aid kit on the table.he held her by the jaw and turned her face around so he could tend her bruised cheek.

Erica groaned in pain and swatted his hands away.she glared at him in total disgust.she got up from her chair holding her bruised cheek.

She stormed off to her room without a word. she stormed back down with her backpack in hand.Lucas was seating in the living with his head in his hands as she marched down the stairs.

He looked up as Erica marched towards the door without as much glancing at him "if you need...."

"BANG" she slammed the door shut.

The tears Erica had been desperately fighting began to spill as she neared Ashley's home..How could he....that crazy bastard she thought.how could he raise his hand and abuse her.what does it matter if she had punched him first.

Erica wiped her tears as she climbed up the porch.she was about to ring the doorbell when she heard noises from inside the house.it was Joanna and Sam, Ashley's parents.they were at it again and currently at each other's throats and it seems as though Ashley was the cause of their argument this time.

She heard her friend scream as something like a whip landed on her.a belt possibly and here she was thinking her family was fucked up.

Erica sighed and left their door and began walking.with no direction at all and it was after a while she discovered she was at a bus stop.

An idea suddenly hit her,she could leave.she still has money to last her for a week atleast if she didn't over spend,she could also find a job wherever...

she began checking the routes of the bus,where was the farthest place.THERE she pointed.she would go here, she'd sleep in a motel for now and live quietly.away from her pervert stepfather.

She checked when the bus would arrive and checked her phone for the time.okay,it was less than ten minutes before the bus will arrive.

she felt so restless that she couldn't even seat on the bench.After a few minutes a couple of other people joined her at the bus stop.when the bus finally arrived,she got on it quickly and took the last seat.

On her way to wherever she was going,she began to doubt her decision.now that she's leaving,she will sooner or later have to reach her mother and that means she won't be able to graduate high school this year.

....but she won't go back to him even if he begged..

She closed her eyes and she began thinking about her bastard stepfather.another set of tears threatened to fall but she quickly blink them away.

she fell asleep and did not notice when a bunch of thugs climbed on the bus at another bus stop.By the time she woke up,it was a few minutes away from her destination and that was when she began noticing some set of eyes on her.

she looked around the bus and discovered aside from the four dirty looking thugs,she was the only one left on the bus.

she began to panick but she acted calm so the thugs does not notice her discomfort.Thank God she breathe as the bus stopped at her destination and she got off.

She chuckled in relief as the bus left the station with the thugs still on it.she had been worried for nothing.

It was already noon by the time she fully booked herself into a cheap motel.the room was not much to look at but the air smelled clean as it was close to a small beach so she didn't complain.

She ate at a local diner about two blocks from the motel later that evening before tucking herself to sleep.

laying on the bed now,the tears began to fall uncontrollably.she felt like a fool.Actually she was one.she should have just left with her Mother but who knew her once upon a time cool stepdad would turn into a crazy pervert as soon as her mother left.

The idiot didn't even apologize for hitting her.he only kept insisting that he and her mom blah blah blah.she didn't even want to think about it.

she must have slept for long because she suddenly woke up with a start.the knocking or more appropriately the person banging on her door continued.she checked her time and it was past two am in the morning.

who the fuck could it be at this.... her body suddenly turned cold as fear gripped her.she got of bed as quietly as she could manage and looked around the dimly lit room for anything she could use to defend herself but then she heard him cuss quietly and banged the door again

WTF was he doing...how did he even find her.she turned on the bedside lamp before going to open the door.she opened it in a crack.enough to see his face and speak to him.she did not even unhook the door chain "some of us are humans,we sleep at night.what do you want?" she asked a tired looking Lucas who looked very exhausted

"open the door" he said simply as he rubbed between his eyes "open up Erica" he repeated when she didn't budge.

"you know it's the nerve for me...."

"i will break down this door" he cuts in, matter of factly.he continued to stare at her as she stubbornly held her ground.

"STOP" she almost yelled when he moved back and prepared to launch an attack on the already miserable door.she unhooked the door chain and opened the door wider.

he didn't wait to be invited before he walked in as if he owns the damn place.Erica eyed his back before closing the door.she remained by the door Incase she needed to bolt out of there

"won't you lock the door" he asked after looking around the entire place

"what?" she asked surprised "what do you plan on doing?"

"sleep here" he said and before she could turn the door handle,he was right in front of her.he pushed her on the bed and locked the door with a click.

How she ended up under him on the carpeted floor was beyond her.she was breathing heavily from all the struggling she did with him.her hand was tied above her head with his belt.

"if you won't listen to my explanation then I'll take you every step of the way and I don't care how long it takes for you to accept me" his mouth landed on hers in a gentle kiss

Then it began to get rough and more demanding as his tongue forced his way into her mouth "mmnn" she moaned into his mouth as his hands explored her body.

he broke the kiss and looked down at her passionately but he did not lift his weight and neither did his fingers inside her panties stopped their assault.

He moved a little so he could make use of his other hand that was previously pinning her down.the hand traveled into her night tee shirt and grabbed on her left breast harshly.

she cried out in pain. he toyed with her nipple for a while before moving on to the second breast.

God she hated this man,she hated what he was doing to her,she hated how he was touching the right places inside her,she hated how her body responds to him as her legs began to shake involuntary as she began near her release.

she hated her mouth that began moan loudly making her feel like a whore but he did not stop.she jerked as she found her release.

she hated the sound of his voice as cooed at her softly calming her down.

He did not break off eye contact with her as he slowly dragged his fingers out of her and lazily sucking on them with nasty smirk plastered on his face.

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